Yes, it's a nice spot - foodtruck on weekends and music. This weekend's post:
Happy weekend GoodLot Folk!
Here's this weekend's line up. Music is between 4 - 7p ish except Sunday 3 - 5:30p ish. *Note - all very weather dependent. However, we do have a Mist Machine on site to cool us all down.
New Experimental Beer on Tap:
BLACK WHEAT (4.5% abv / 15 ibu / golding hops) A black wheat beer. Easy drinking, surprisingly smooth. Black as midnight, but without any of the characteristic black malt bitterness. Surprisingly close in flavour to our Golden Ale. Unexpected light for a dark beer.
The Sheep Lambs have arrived! Come on by to say hello to our newest family members. They will be out in the yard working our hops, wedding and pruning for us.