07-08-2015, 09:21 AM
I developed a soft spot and kink in this fuel system vacuum hose? It's location is centre of tank runing toward front on car above diff. It's approx length is 17" with several bends.
http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o626/Bonsaipots/5D6E28F4-CBDA-43FD-9223-7136BB84A5B2_zpsfacgvjaa.jpg (http://s1151.photobucket.com/user/Bonsaipots/media/5D6E28F4-CBDA-43FD-9223-7136BB84A5B2_zpsfacgvjaa.jpg.html)
My google skills have not turned up a part number so I can order a new line. Any help identifying the line and part number would be greatly appreciated.
http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o626/Bonsaipots/5D6E28F4-CBDA-43FD-9223-7136BB84A5B2_zpsfacgvjaa.jpg (http://s1151.photobucket.com/user/Bonsaipots/media/5D6E28F4-CBDA-43FD-9223-7136BB84A5B2_zpsfacgvjaa.jpg.html)
My google skills have not turned up a part number so I can order a new line. Any help identifying the line and part number would be greatly appreciated.