View Full Version : Signs You’re Taking The Car Hobby Too Seriously

Old Fart
07-01-2024, 04:17 PM
https://www.hagerty.com/media/hagerty-community/our-two-cents-signs-youre-taking-the-car-hobby-too-seriously/?utm_source=SFMC&utm_medium=email&utm_content=MED_UN_NA_EML_UN_UN_DailyDriver_Monday&hashed_email=3864c0a4f19698c37180873f4bbf3bf08c900 3fb2eea06ea9c9d41754cd4bbce&dtm_em=3864c0a4f19698c37180873f4bbf3bf08c9003fb2ee a06ea9c9d41754cd4bbce


fast Ed
07-01-2024, 05:54 PM
I’m guilty of the hoarding for sure. Still have some parts from 5 or 6 cars ago, maybe further back. Worse is when I buy something for a car that I may or may not have again one day because “it’s a good deal”.

07-01-2024, 07:10 PM
I’m guilty of the hoarding for sure. Still have some parts from 5 or 6 cars ago, maybe further back. Worse is when I buy something for a car that I may or may not have again one day because “it’s a good deal”.

I regret selling that Lincoln I bought from you. Definitely one I should have kept.