View Full Version : Catalytic Converters.

05-02-2024, 09:15 AM
Thought we were past the 1 or 2 calls a week asking to either remove existing cats or install a catless system but here we are in the spring of '24 and it's ramping up again. Just because E testing to renew plates or transfer ownership is gone cats are still 100% required by law. No you won't pick up big h/p with out them, yes you will loose at least some torque and your car will stink out the back. We tested and tested with an offroad pipe on my '05. The H/P gains were slight (yes even on a big blower car) and it did loose some torque and even with correct A/F it stunk stunk stunk out the tail pipes. If you call us, I don't care if you promise "it's an off road car only" cause we all know full well if it drives in on plates thats not the truth. On a modern day muscle car there is simply no excuse for removing emission equipment. It does not improve performance....................PERIOD!!!
I'm sure everyone around town that works on them are experiencing the same calls.

05-02-2024, 10:21 AM
Are Gesi's still your go to for high performance cats?

05-02-2024, 12:15 PM
In the very near future the motor vehicle inspections will be changing. Switching from the MTO to DriveOn the people in charge of the past drive clean program. These changes are to take place in the trucking industry this July and sometime next year (probably July 2025) for the auto. Transport trucks still go thru a drive clean program and are tested. There has been no mention of drive clean test for auto's but with the bully dogs rolling coal, removal of DEF systems, cars with no cats, modded cars, and the fact that they want electric cars may drive the case to bring back etest or possible annuals yearly combined. Etest Equipment now for this is much more compact. Once both these programs are rolling they may implement more standards just for the sake of getting take over retards off the roads, street racing and just unnecessary driving. In the trucking industry old trucks are the target so I imagine with the clean energy way of thinking old cars will be the next target. Best to leave the cats on. These new changes by the ministry are going to heavily put the responsibility into the hands of mechanics making them totally accountable for what's on the road. They are getting tough and the penalties for mechanics are going to be severe.

Uncle Buck
05-02-2024, 12:35 PM
Ca pue


05-02-2024, 12:38 PM
you need a Holley Sniper lol ^^^^

05-02-2024, 05:54 PM
Poor marketing. Had they called them “afterburners” instead of “catalytic converters”, we might not have this problem.

05-02-2024, 07:13 PM
Are Gesi's still your go to for high performance cats?

Yes especially on high horsepower SC rides.

05-02-2024, 11:22 PM
Whenever a old classic car passes by me they stink like fuk and that's just one car.
Can you imagine if all vehicles didn't have cats like in the good old days.
No thanks.

05-03-2024, 06:23 AM
Just like the stench coming out the back of cars with AK47 / Popcorn tunes, no cats. Not sure why the MOE haven't made a move to crack down on them, easy pickins cause they love to annoy / scare other motorists under every underpass they travel.

05-03-2024, 11:11 AM
Whenever a old classic car passes by me they stink like fuk and that's just one car.
Can you imagine if all vehicles didn't have cats like in the good old days.
No thanks.

Couldn't agree more

05-03-2024, 11:17 AM
Yes especially on high horsepower SC rides.

It's on my list for this winter.

05-04-2024, 12:44 PM
Just like the stench coming out the back of cars with AK47 / Popcorn tunes, no cats. Not sure why the MOE haven't made a move to crack down on them, easy pickins cause they love to annoy / scare other motorists under every underpass they travel.

Cops ticket them around here all the time, even cars with cats/resonators/mufflers still can get a ticket for “excessive noise/improper muffler”.
I pulled my OE cats off my daily G35 a couple years ago because one was loose inside, I got a pair of direct-fit high flow cats from a company called Kinetic racing out of Cali, mostly because they carried a “lifetime warranty”. Worked well for the first year (although they’re much louder than my old ones, and hurt my fuel mileage), but then started getting efficiency codes, and after a lot of back/forth with the company they sent me one replacement, which immediately triggered my light and caused the bad smell out the rear. They’re thinking after that was that it was 100% something wrong with my car, and even though I’m a tech at a Nissan/Infiniti dealer and can monitor all my running parameters/fuel trim, etc…they still blame the car. Problem is, old cats are worth so much for scrap that I can’t buy a used set, so I’m looking for a low-mile car to steal the cats from, lol.
Do you have a trusted local source for Gesi cats Rick?

05-04-2024, 03:12 PM
I knew a guy who knew a guy kinda deal but his connection is long since gone.

05-04-2024, 08:04 PM
I got a set from Magnaflow Canadian distributor a number of years ago. I believe called Hottexhaust about $100 each. Shipped from a canadian manufactor.
I could digg up the name of canadian cat company if you want it.

05-05-2024, 10:24 PM
I got a set from Magnaflow Canadian distributor a number of years ago. I believe called Hottexhaust about $100 each. Shipped from a canadian manufactor.
I could digg up the name of canadian cat company if you want it.

I appreciate the offer but it’s no big deal, I’ll run theses until they smell or plug and worry about it then. Most likely I’ll find some OE ones on a trade-in one day.

05-06-2024, 06:36 AM
When I had the Cobra, actually saw decent life out of Maggy cats.

05-06-2024, 09:28 PM
@ZR EXACTLY the same thing we found out when we stroked a 350 to a 383 - 390HP. Lose the cats you lose - period. BTW if you step across the border for some beers or a trip and get caught in the USA without cats kiss your car goodbye.

05-07-2024, 06:26 AM
^ Always chuckle at those who swear with no cats they picked up huge.

05-08-2024, 04:42 PM
I decided to look up the name and company of the cat from 2014. Just in case someone might be interested.
Can Cat Exhaust Systems 270 Pennsylvania Ave Suite 6 Concord.
Doesn't look like they are around anymore.

05-09-2024, 10:40 AM
@ZR EXACTLY the same thing we found out when we stroked a 350 to a 383 - 390HP. Lose the cats you lose - period. BTW if you step across the border for some beers or a trip and get caught in the USA without cats kiss your car goodbye.


Might not be a good idea to go anywhere with a loud car after a few beers...

05-13-2024, 06:56 PM
Be interesting to see price of HP gains with cost of cat removal.
Same with other add on's

05-13-2024, 08:42 PM

Might not be a good idea to go anywhere with a loud car after a few beers...

This can’t be legal.

05-13-2024, 09:04 PM
^ Sadly, looked it up, apparently it now is. You can thank the prick in Ottawa yet again.

Old Fart
05-13-2024, 09:16 PM
Why is this a bad thing?

05-13-2024, 09:28 PM
If it involved the tried and true lean in for a short conversation and take a whiff to see if I've been drinking, I'd have no issue. Forced to blow in a machine regardless, pisses me off.

05-14-2024, 07:38 AM
^ Sadly, looked it up, apparently it now is. You can thank the prick in Ottawa yet again.

ZR is NOT referring to me fyi. Lol

05-14-2024, 11:22 AM
This can’t be legal.

I think I read that apparently it was already in the law but not used but there had been an increase of 30% in impaired charges over last year so it will now be enforced. That’s the story I got. That meme is right from the OPP twitter feed. It is actually a video from the you tuber himself.

05-14-2024, 11:41 AM
Big part of the increase, no on road enforcement (spot checks).
Same goes for why so many drive like complete and utter assholes out there.

05-14-2024, 12:00 PM
Big part of the increase, no on road enforcement (spot checks).
Same goes for why so many drive like complete and utter assholes out there.

Got to agree with that —I never see cops anymore and wonder what they do when places like the TTC have to hire off duty cops to walk the beat. Where does all this budget money go? The amount of people texting and holding up traffic flow texting at a light really pisses me off. Just want to get an old car and start bumping people lol

05-14-2024, 02:00 PM
^ Ditto.