View Full Version : well, i sure didn't expect that

04-22-2024, 04:20 PM
In February, we spent 3 weeks in Florida. I had some circulation problems, with bubbles of liquid forming on my legs, and both legs swelling. I had seen the doctor both before and after the trip and the advice was to cut back on salt and lose weight. Of course, while in Florida, we had only eaten restaurant food, which are usually prepared with lots of salt, so that didn't help.
Upon our return, i started eating better, joined a gym two weeks ago and dropped 20 pounds. The swelling went down and i was feeling better
.this past Wednesday, i was doing my daily routine. at 8:45 i walked my grandson down the driveway.
After the school bus picked him up, i turned to the mailbox to pick up the mail, and bent down to scoop up my newspaper.
Something like a half hour later, i "woke up" in the emergency dept of the local hospital, "Southlake"
in Newmarket. I was sitting in a chair, with a different jacket on, shivering and cold, and wondering what was happening.
Apparently a neighbour saw me lying in a puddle at the foot of my gravel driveway. He apparently checked to see if i was breathing then went towards the house, at which moment my 15 year old grand daughter came out to where i was I supposed to drive her to high school
Thereupon, my wife Rhonda called 911. The ambulance was there in mere moments. The paramedic's found me lucid, able to say my name address and birth date, but they took me to the hospital anyway.
The weird thing is that i have absolutely no memory at all of the time between the mailbox and the emergency room. none at all.
I had no warning, no indications, no shortness of breath. no memory loss, absolutely nothing to indicate anything like this could happen.

By Thursday night, it was determined that i needed a pacemaker "installed". It was scheduled for noon on friday and i was told no food or drinks, even water for 12 hours prior. Well, that went by the wayside, as the procedure didn't happen till 6:30 pm. I was ravenous, to say the least.
At any rate, the pacemaker was inserted, and the nurse brought me a turkey sandwich,
After meeting with the cardiologist, i was sent home in time for lunch, No heavy lifting or exercises for a month and no raising my arm over my head. no driving for a week. I have to go to a clinic next week, but that's it.

Guys, especially you older ones; please note: this came completely out of the blue. pure dumb luck that i was in my driveway when it happened, and not driving. I had no indications, no thoughts of heart problems. no idea at all.
So watch yourselves, and maybe get a checkup!

04-22-2024, 04:44 PM
wow —so lucky you where able to get help right away. Take it easy and get well soon!

04-22-2024, 05:21 PM
Sounds like a possible close call - glad you're on the mend.

04-22-2024, 05:22 PM
Speedy Recovery Steve ! if you need something just HOLLER.

04-22-2024, 05:50 PM
All the best for a complete and speedy recovery.

04-22-2024, 06:49 PM
You still get a printed newspaper delivered!?!?

Get well soon Steve.

04-22-2024, 08:15 PM
Damn. That was scary. Glad that they found out what happened to you and you are on the mend.

04-22-2024, 10:30 PM
You still get a printed newspaper delivered!?!?

Get well soon Steve.

one of life's little pleasures

Old Fart
04-22-2024, 10:46 PM
I can understand your feelings. Kinda the same when I had my strokes.

04-23-2024, 04:58 AM
Scary Shit.

04-23-2024, 06:33 AM
All the best Steve and speedy recovery to bring you back you 100% or as close as possible.

04-23-2024, 07:12 AM
Speedy recovery Steve.

04-23-2024, 08:50 AM
Speedy recovery to you.

04-23-2024, 09:55 AM
thanks all. the dressing comes off today.i'll be allowed to take a shower tonight. the headaches[mild concussion] are pretty much gone. the sore hip ditto.
no driving for a week.
the hardest part is no lifting more than 1o pounds with my left arm. no raising it over my head. no putting it behind my back. all for a month. this is a real problem as i am left handed.but we will cope.

04-23-2024, 11:47 AM
Tell the wife you need 2 young 22yr old girls to help you until you are back up on your feet and in your usual routine.
I did a few years ago with my heart and shoulders ops and she said "sure no problem".
Still waiting - it's the labour shortage.........

04-23-2024, 05:15 PM
thanks all. the dressing comes off today.i'll be allowed to take a shower tonight. the headaches[mild concussion] are pretty much gone. the sore hip ditto.
no driving for a week.
the hardest part is no lifting more than 1o pounds with my left arm. no raising it over my head. no putting it behind my back. all for a month. this is a real problem as i am left handed.but we will cope.

Well there goes your hot yoga routine......

04-23-2024, 05:59 PM
Being upright is great, especially if there's family that still needs you. Keep up the fight

Do I have to ask about that thing that everyone says "cause unknown, but definitely not that one thing" kinda coincidence thing?

Mellow Yellow
04-26-2024, 12:35 PM
Get well soon!

Getting old sucks!