View Full Version : Unicorn sighting

08-09-2022, 05:42 PM
About a month ago, I gassed up my Cobra, went inside to pay and discovered that I forgot my wallet at home. I told the lady behind the counter that I'll call my wife to bring it to me since we only a few minutes away. She responds back with, "you seem honest, just go home, get it and come back". I offered to leave anything I could to prove I'd be back but she insisted I just go. Of course I came back within minutes, go inside to pay and while I'm inside, out of the corner of my eye I see a Competition Orange Cobra convertible pulling in to gas up!!
I talked to the guy for a bit, it's a Canadian car, original owner, 100% stock and only had 2x,xxx kms on it.
I snapped this pic, you can see my car in the background. He thought it was cool to see another Cobra there when he pulled in.


08-10-2022, 09:32 AM
Shoulda kept my yellow beast