View Full Version : Licence holder thingies.. lol

06-27-2022, 11:29 PM

I have a quick question regarding the licence plate on my new 2022 gt. I apologize if this is a really basic question, but I really dont know much about cars (but I'm learning! - teaching women about cars wasn't a priority in my family)

I do not want to drill into the front of my new baby and i have heard that you can purchase plate holders that come from underneath. The only ones i have found are the sto'n'sho ones. Does anyone know the best kind? and where to purchase?

Thanks so much in advance!

06-28-2022, 12:21 AM
I used 3m molding tape and stuck it to the front bumper. No holes, no drilling and no mounts needed.

https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/3m-automotive-super-strength-molding-tape-22-mm-x-4-5-m-0477605p.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwquWVBhBrEiwAt1KmwoEUJj NKF-FwM73OGHz2nMhrrBWuZ4wBhCnKLbWo_36bqdzAju58fBoCgj0Q AvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#store=69

06-28-2022, 05:43 AM
Congratulations on your new car! I google’d and found this. https://www.slybrackets.com/store/SLY-BRACKET-FOR-FORD-WITH-MESH-STYLE-LOWER-GRILLE-p296160070

Looks pretty decent and not expensive.

06-28-2022, 07:29 AM
I think a few people on here use Craig's Custom License Plate holder


06-28-2022, 08:08 AM
Agonized over it on mine but after buying a Craigs bracket (nicely made product I've used in the past) found I preferred the stock holder / stock location the most.