View Full Version : Quick Jack BL-7000SLX at Costco $1500 CAD

Uncle Buck
08-18-2020, 05:24 PM

Boy this sure looks like a good price. Thought they were well north of 2k for the 7000 model

Must self restrain......

08-18-2020, 06:22 PM
Screw it, you need em.

08-19-2020, 02:55 AM
I need em too. Detailing my car will be so much easier.

08-19-2020, 07:28 AM
might be a good price but not worth supporting a company like Costco. imo. those prices come at the expense of customer service and decent wages.

08-19-2020, 08:54 AM
might be a good price but not worth supporting a company like Costco. imo. those prices come at the expense of customer service and decent wages.

Damn you Costco for making stuff more affordable.

08-19-2020, 10:37 AM
Damn you Costco for making stuff more affordable.
Companies like Costco drive down prices by paying less to employees, outsourcing products to other Markets outside of Canada. And by selling lower quality items.

Cheaper isn’t always better when you sacrifice jobs, income and quality.

Trust me I get bitched to almost daily about the lower quality of products by people always demanding the cheapest price.

You get what you pay for.

08-19-2020, 10:52 AM
pretty sure Costco pays extremely well for retail and warehousing...last I heard

08-19-2020, 11:11 AM
pretty sure Costco pays extremely well for retail and warehousing...last I heard

Yup- even before increase to minimum wage- friend’s husband works there

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-19-2020, 11:15 AM

Depends on your job.

Also also hourly wages don’t give the whole story when a lot of those are part time.

08-19-2020, 11:31 AM
I hate mine

fast Ed
08-19-2020, 12:18 PM
I hate mine

Your hoist, or your job? :-)

08-20-2020, 09:18 AM
It is a good price for a Quick Jack BL-7000SLX . But the BL-5000SLX in my mind is better suited for Mustang sized cars and is significantly lighter for a old guy to move around. Wish they had them.

08-24-2020, 09:54 PM
Ha! Both

But i hate my quick jacks. They are heavy, space consuming, don’t lift high enough etc. Money better spent else where IMHO

08-24-2020, 11:10 PM
I wouldn’t feel safe being under that thing.

08-25-2020, 09:32 PM
I’d love a set.

How much do you expect people working at Costco to make? Last I heard they make a decent living.