View Full Version : Why dont they listen? Rant

07-03-2020, 07:54 PM
Some times it’s like I spend all day talk to thin air. Customer complaint about a machine not working properly. You explain it to them that they are doing something incorrectly. They say oh okay I get it. Then you back two weeks later explaining the exact same thing to the exact same person.

Kids just in one ear and out the other

But the wife! Oh boy!

I have spent YEARS saying almost every damn time we get in or out of a car DONT SLAM THE DOOR!

And almost every time she gets in or out of a vehicle she slams the fucking door, to the point now that it’s the same with the kids. BANG! Don’t Slam The Door

To be honest the chances of breaking something is pretty slim. Unless of course it’s an old car with some worn out weather striping then it’s BANG followed by a CRACK

Now I get to try and find a passenger door window for a fucking 1935 Plymouth.

Probably tons of them Around, right?.

07-03-2020, 08:15 PM
I’m married to her sister.

07-03-2020, 08:30 PM
Some people seem to have the innate ability to completely disregard repeated details or more commonly in my experience justify their actions. I remember years ago, on a date telling the GF not to fling the door to my Firebird open because it was low and can smack the curb. What does she do? "If I don't open it all the way I can't get out" and bam right in to the curb.

Same thing with my truck, I say every time don't just slide out of the seat you'll ruin the bolster. Every damn time she doesn't listen.

07-03-2020, 08:44 PM
But the wife! Oh boy!

07-03-2020, 08:51 PM
New car or old, lots of stuff to break when the doors slammed.
Loose me shiat when someone slams one of my doors, about same reaction when someone slides off the seat n dis forming the seat bolster vs using the running boards.

07-03-2020, 09:44 PM
lol I'm happier knowing I'm not the only one to deal with this.

07-04-2020, 07:54 AM
My wife's entire family was born without any mechanical sensitivity whatsoever. They have no idea how much force is required to do even the most simple task.

Every door is slammed, every vehicle sorely abused. I used to throw a set of pads and rotors on the sister in law's car every other oil change. Both the accelerator and the brake pedal are used only as on/off switches.

Drives me even more nuts.

07-04-2020, 09:32 AM
I'm a bit of an asshole. When someone slams my door, I teach them how to close it without force. Then I condescendingly ask them if they noticed that they got the same result without fucking it up.

I used to drive this nice kid to and from the gym. She would slam the door so fucking hard that my ears would pop. So, I would roll up to her house and roll down the window and remind her that she can leave her aggression on the fucking curb before she got in.

07-04-2020, 09:33 AM
My wife's entire family was born without any mechanical sensitivity whatsoever. They have no idea how much force is required to do even the most simple task.

Every door is slammed, every vehicle sorely abused. I used to throw a set of pads and rotors on the sister in law's car every other oil change. Both the accelerator and the brake pedal are used only as on/off switches.

Drives me even more nuts.

I would have taught her how to do her own brake swap. :)

07-04-2020, 10:10 AM
I would have taught her how to do her own brake swap. :)

I considered it, but I like the way my wife shows her appreciation for helping her little sis.

07-04-2020, 11:40 AM
I have been married to the same woman for 46 3/4 years. From Day 1 I have tried to teach her to drive smoothly and to look ahead. There have been hundreds of such "discussions". To this day she will, for example, be on the highway, see a truck or car far ahead in her lane going slower than she is, but instead of moving a lane over and not having to slow down, she'll come right up to that person's tail, then hammer the brakes and then abruptly yank on the wheel to change lanes. Every stop the passenger is thrown against the seatbelt. every turn is sudden. In fact, after all those 46 years, I will only let her drive me in the direst of emergencies. When we drove to Florida in February, I drove 2o of the 26 hours we were on the road.
It's not that I don't know how to teach. I was a licensed driving instructor for 10 years; i taught skid control and emergency maneuvers, and I taught all 3 of my boys to drive. But after all this time she still has not got the vaguest clue about smoothness or anticipation.
She doesn't slam the door, though.

07-04-2020, 09:25 PM
I have been married to the same woman for 46 3/4 years. From Day 1 I have tried to teach her to drive smoothly and to look ahead. There have been hundreds of such "discussions". To this day she will, for example, be on the highway, see a truck or car far ahead in her lane going slower than she is, but instead of moving a lane over and not having to slow down, she'll come right up to that person's tail, then hammer the brakes and then abruptly yank on the wheel to change lanes. Every stop the passenger is thrown against the seatbelt. every turn is sudden. In fact, after all those 46 years, I will only let her drive me in the direst of emergencies. When we drove to Florida in February, I drove 2o of the 26 hours we were on the road.
It's not that I don't know how to teach. I was a licensed driving instructor for 10 years; i taught skid control and emergency maneuvers, and I taught all 3 of my boys to drive. But after all this time she still has not got the vaguest clue about smoothness or anticipation.
She doesn't slam the door, though.

Sounds like she trained you?

07-05-2020, 12:13 AM
They are all the same brother.... door and trunk lids.... I have to yell don’t slam it!!! If I don’t.... BAM.

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07-05-2020, 11:16 AM
feet on the dash?

Disgusting! Makes me cringe every time I see it. Never in my vehicle. It's a dashboard not a fucking ottoman.

07-05-2020, 01:35 PM
She tried on the first date we had. Said nope feet stay on the floor.
Never tried again

07-05-2020, 03:09 PM
My wife would never put foot on dash... she knows it would mean death!!

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fast Ed
07-05-2020, 03:55 PM
In air bag equipped vehicles it's also a great way to suffer much more serious injuries than would typically occur if seated properly, happened to many people.