View Full Version : Newer test for colon cancer

12-19-2019, 07:19 PM
Quick n easy, ask doctor to order the test, envelope comes in the mail, follow instructions then either mail back or drop off at local LifeLabs office.

There’s a new kit in town when it comes to colorectal cancer screening.
The fecal immunochemical test (FIT) replaces the fecal occult blood test (FOBT) this week in Ontario.
Both tests check for hidden blood in the stool, which can be a sign of colorectal cancer or pre-cancerous polyps.
FIT is a more sensitive screening test than FOBT, meaning it’s better at detecting colorectal cancers and some pre-cancerous polyps. It’s easier for users because it only needs one small poop sample and there is no dietary prep involved.
FIT is a safe and painless test that you can do at home. Getting checked with FIT can help find colon cancer early, when there are no uncomfortable symptoms (such as persistent diarrhea and stomach pain). Regular cancer screening (getting checked) is important because it can find colon cancer early when it may be smaller and easier to treat.
Men and women ages 50 to 74 with no first degree relative (parent, brother, sister or child) that has been diagnosed with colon cancer should talk to their doctor or nurse practitioner about getting checked with FIT every two years. If you have a family history of colon cancer, talk to your doctor or nurse practitioner about when and how you should be screened.
Anyone without a family doctor or nurse practitioner can call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-828-9213. People living in a First Nation community may visit a health centre or nursing station to discuss their eligibility for a FIT kit.
LifeLabs will mail eligible people a FIT kit following a request from their family doctor or nurse practitioner. Once a person completes the FIT kit, they can mail it back to LifeLabs (a self-addressed envelope is included) or drop it off at a LifeLabs location (http://locations.lifelabs.com/). FIT is not a diagnostic test. That means if the test comes back positive (that blood was detected in the sample) you’d be called back for a colonoscopy to investigate further.
While the thought of collecting your poop may be slightly unappealing, it is important to do as it is a simple and easy way to catch colon cancer early.
Learn more about getting checked for colon cancer: cancercareontario.ca/colon (http://cancercareontario.ca/colon)

12-19-2019, 08:18 PM
Been there done that.

12-19-2019, 08:27 PM
Good to see but then I guess you can just look up your results on Google after their data breach and ransomware incident this week.

12-20-2019, 06:49 AM
Done that a few times.

12-20-2019, 10:03 AM
Buddy of mine relayed a story about the FOBT (older) test. Co-Worker had taken it......before being diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. The test came back negative. Results arrived AFTER he passed away. So yah, not exactly a great way of screening for cancer.

Hopefully the newer test is better. The colonoscopy continues to be the gold standard for screening, though involving some more risk (slight chance of perforating the bowel during exam) and a prep requirement that is...well, lousy, compared to the actual procedure. But as the saying goes, better to be safe than sorry....especially for those with a family history.

12-20-2019, 11:49 AM
did something like this many years ago maybe 10 and had to mail the sample somewhere - never heard back, so I must be ok in that respect lol - if I recall - if not done correctly results may come out negative...but it was less evasive - it's really odd because it was like they where pushing for me to do this instead of the colonoscopy and I wanted the later. I was under the impression the gov. just trying to save ohip cash - will demand the home movie approach next time. This and prostate exams always puzzle me because there are procedures in place, most of us know them, there tons of media harping to get it done, but at the end of the day it's up to the beliefs of the doctor in which direction to go and many times contradicts what we've been lead to believe...imagine the post office mixing up and you get a pooh sample in the mail....hahahaha