View Full Version : anyone with legal experince?

12-12-2019, 11:17 PM
in terms of auto accidents and personal injury claims. just a couple quick questions.

pm please

12-13-2019, 10:10 AM
Related to being sued for an accident the police deemed the fault of the other driver (the one who’s family is doing the suing)

Yes they are calling a lawyer today was hoping for a easy resolve.

12-13-2019, 11:26 AM
it happened to a friend of mine - sadly I don't think they won, but best to see a lawyer - in the end I think the insurance companies will hash it out - sorry to here this always a fear of mine since it happened to a friend!

12-13-2019, 12:14 PM
That’s the weird part the letter he was served with listed the other drivers insurance company and my friend as defendants. But not my friends insurance company. The police report said the other driver was at fault.

12-13-2019, 12:19 PM
That’s the weird part the letter he was served with listed the other drivers insurance company and my friend as defendants. But not my friends insurance company. The police report said the other driver was at fault.

I know the same thing happened to my friend - was t-boned at an intersection but got sued - if I'm not mistaken it was settled out of court - not sure how it affected my buddie's insurance tho - I'm bad for asking questions the High Commander always gives me shit for that....lol and hates it when I call her Mrs. Kravitz - That's not Lenny's mom. Best to see a lawyer hope it all works out

12-13-2019, 12:20 PM
That’s the weird part the letter he was served with listed the other drivers insurance company and my friend as defendants. But not my friends insurance company. The police report said the other driver was at fault.

Please what ever you do DO NOT CALL DIAMOND and DIAMOND. My mother was hit by a car years ago and they raped her pockets and left her to dry.

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12-13-2019, 12:21 PM
That’s the weird part the letter he was served with listed the other drivers insurance company and my friend as defendants. But not my friends insurance company. The police report said the other driver was at fault.

That’s just a bully tactic. When your friend gets a lawyer they laugh and counter.

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12-13-2019, 12:24 PM
Please what ever you do DO NOT CALL DIAMOND and DIAMOND. My mother was hit by a car years ago and they raped her pockets and left her to dry.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

that Diamond guy looks a little too shiney for my liking...I think in the end it will be up to the insurance companies but it doesn't hurt to get a consultation maybe counter suit

Clutt gt
12-13-2019, 12:44 PM
Fortunate we don’t live i the U.S.A
I wouldn’t worry too much. Depending on circumstances.
My story
A few years back I was at an intersection and the minivan ahead of me started to make a right on a red. I was stopped.
I looked to my left to confirm I could proceed with her. And took my foot off the brakes at the same time.
She stopped and didn’t go. I bumped her and cracked her bumper cover.
We pulled over and she asked to use my phone to call her son. She was fine and said it just spooked her. I gave her my phone. I called the police and they said go to reporting center.
I told them I can’t “ the truck I’m driving is on it way to get an alternator and my battery won’t get me that far”
So the son arrives and the police then an ambulance. As soon as her son saw a Comercial vehicle she had neck and back pain.
I was charged with leaving a stop in an unsafe manner. Which I was guilty of.
My insurance company called me 6 months later for a statement.
She was still off work and was suing me.

I never heard anything again from anyone

I was at fault and the adjuster said she won’t get anything. In Canada it has to be pretty severe for them to pay out.
Apparently this lady had a history of being rear ended and looking for pay outs.

12-13-2019, 12:56 PM
^^^I had an almost identical situation. Except the plaintiff put 2 injury claims into the suit. I told my insurance company there was only one occupant in the vehicle, that being the driver. Last I ever heard of anything. Damn scammers.

12-13-2019, 04:56 PM
Friend talk to his insurance and they said they would handle everything. Said it happens all the time and to not worry about it.

Crappy situation all around.

Accident was in the paper so I don’t think there is an issue sharing details.

Basically he was driving home one night. It was dark. Paved road doing the speed limit. There was a tractor headed towards him in the other lane. He was blinded by the lights of the on coming tractor, could see nothing Behind it. As he when’s past the tractor he saw a quick flash and then “the world exploded in front of him.” Next thing he remembers is the on star lady asking if everyone was ok.

Turns out the wife of the guy in the tractor was following the tractor when she somehow lost control ran into the back of the tractor and rolled her truck into the oncoming lane.

Truck rolled into the drivers side and my friend smashed square into the roof at 80km/h. Didn’t even have time to touch the brakes.

Lady in the truck was in a coma for a bit and sounds like she will never fully recover. My friend had a broken hand and other bumps bruises and back issues.

It’s a wonder neither was killed.

Police report put her as at fault but said they don’t know why she ran into the wagon first. Sounded like either distracted driving or she possibly had a medical issue behind the wheel. They said they really may never know.

Law suit is going for 10 mil. And said that my friend was at fault and listed. Speeding distracted driving and a bunch of other stuff that isn’t close to true. As well as not substantiated by the police report.

12-14-2019, 02:12 PM
Friend talk to his insurance and they said they would handle everything. Said it happens all the time and to not worry about it.

Crappy situation all around.

Accident was in the paper so I don’t think there is an issue sharing details.

Basically he was driving home one night. It was dark. Paved road doing the speed limit. There was a tractor headed towards him in the other lane. He was blinded by the lights of the on coming tractor, could see nothing Behind it. As he when’s past the tractor he saw a quick flash and then “the world exploded in front of him.” Next thing he remembers is the on star lady asking if everyone was ok.

Turns out the wife of the guy in the tractor was following the tractor when she somehow lost control ran into the back of the tractor and rolled her truck into the oncoming lane.

Truck rolled into the drivers side and my friend smashed square into the roof at 80km/h. Didn’t even have time to touch the brakes.

Lady in the truck was in a coma for a bit and sounds like she will never fully recover. My friend had a broken hand and other bumps bruises and back issues.

It’s a wonder neither was killed.

Police report put her as at fault but said they don’t know why she ran into the wagon first. Sounded like either distracted driving or she possibly had a medical issue behind the wheel. They said they really may never know.

Law suit is going for 10 mil. And said that my friend was at fault and listed. Speeding distracted driving and a bunch of other stuff that isn’t close to true. As well as not substantiated by the police report.

Sounds like the police report will back your friend up - maybe it's some weird tactic to end up in some settlement with their own insurance company (who I'm sure is trying to minimize/limit payouts in a case of long term health related benefits if the other driver will require lifelong care/treatment/rehab) in a roundabout way.