View Full Version : Jesse James on electric cars

11-28-2019, 09:34 AM
I would like to start of by saying electric cars and motorcycles can F*ck Off!. Ok now that we have that out of the way I can explain exactly why.

First and foremost let’s talk about the Ohh so “planet friendly” Formula E racing series. Now at first glance you might think that this “clean” form of racing must be the way of the future, right?? Not so much. Let take a peek at what’s really going on.
The very first indication this might be Bullshit is the 20 CAT Diesel generators in the pits running full throttle charging the batteries for these cars. Each car uses two 550 pound Lithium batteries per race. These batteries put out 250KW of power, and have a maximum output of 54KWH (kilowatt hours). On the high side the average U.S. home uses about 20KWH of power per day. One Formula E car, in one race uses four times that in 50 minutes. The recent Hong Kong race had 25 cars on the grid, using fifty 550lb Lithium batteries in 50 minutes. That’s a total of 2700 Kilowatt Hours. Or more than enough to power 10 homes for a month. That’s a lot of juice! Also the five power-plants in Hong Kong are powered by Diesel, Coal, and Gasoline. Whoopsie!

Now let’s take a look at these newfangled Lithium batteries. The big companies hawking electric cars and motorcycles would love you to believe that Fossil fuel is so harmful, and electric power is so clean. It’s actually the opposite. We are swapping a carbon monoxide problem that is fixable and controllable. For a toxic Lithium mining that kills wild life, ruins the water table and destroys agriculture. The mining process uses a ton of water. A million gallons of water per 2 metric tons of lithium(Each Tesla has 12 kilos of Lithium). In some South American countries like Chile. Lithium mining uses almost 70% of the countries water supply. Also if you are naïve enough to think that there isn’t a bunch of diesel powered machinery used in the process? Think again. These Lithium batteries also leave a toxic footprint on the way out. Contamination of landfills and seeping into the water table......…


11-28-2019, 09:44 AM
I would like to start of by saying electric cars and motorcycles can F*ck Off!.
Jesse James as in the bike builder?

How about an electric drag car?