View Full Version : Mississauga to build full scale Avro Arrow replica

11-15-2019, 12:00 AM
Hot off the press today.


11-15-2019, 01:04 AM
The city says the total cost of undertaking the AVRO Arrow project in the 30-month timeline is $3,622,982.
Wonder if the conservatives will cancel this project also?

11-15-2019, 08:02 AM
Cool project.

11-15-2019, 09:47 AM
That's fabulous. The Arrow was ridiculously ahead of it's time, designed and built by a tremendously talented team of engineers, designers and fabricators. It was a huge blow to the Canadain Aerospace industry, and was probably one of the worst decisions by any government in the 20th century.
When I was a boy I built several models of the Arrow, and I followed the stories avidly even though I was only 9 at the time.

For many years there was an historical aviation club based in Downsview at the old Airport that was building an Arrow replica, using some of the original salvaged parts, and engaging some of the original engineers. I seem to recall they ran into problems with their lease and had to move.
I wonder what happened to them.

11-15-2019, 10:41 PM
That's fabulous. The Arrow was ridiculously ahead of it's time, designed and built by a tremendously talented team of engineers, designers and fabricators. It was a huge blow to the Canadain Aerospace industry, and was probably one of the worst decisions by any government in the 20th century.
When I was a boy I built several models of the Arrow, and I followed the stories avidly even though I was only 9 at the time.

For many years there was an historical aviation club based in Downsview at the old Airport that was building an Arrow replica, using some of the original salvaged parts, and engaging some of the original engineers. I seem to recall they ran into problems with their lease and had to move.
I wonder what happened to them.

The link below tells where that replica is today.
Prior to that it was sitting outside a hangar at Pearson airport in disrepair.

A fucking disgrace to the people (some who were former Avro employees) who spent 10 years building it.


11-16-2019, 10:08 PM
I had a chance to take a tour of the build of a pilot flying 60% scale of the original CF-104 Arrow aircraft. Located outside Calgary. Check the website www.avromuseum.com under photos of Arrow II. At the time had just picked up 2 Pratt and Whitney JT-15D turbo fan engines. Impressive.

11-18-2019, 11:08 PM
Here's another news story.


fast Ed
11-25-2019, 11:23 PM
A good clip with some interesting background info on the company that became Avro Canada:


fast Ed
01-07-2020, 04:41 PM
Somewhat related news:


01-07-2020, 04:50 PM
I printed one of those onto canvas and hung it in our newly refinished basement.


I have the file if anybody wants a copy.

01-07-2020, 08:56 PM
That's pretty cool. Now you can build your own scale replica in the basement!

01-07-2020, 09:51 PM
Somewhat related news:


WTF,on display at the University of Saskatchewan's Diefenbaker Canada Centre.

01-08-2020, 10:11 AM
^^^Ya.... thats total B.S.!!!!^^^

fast Ed
01-08-2020, 10:26 AM
In high school in Bramalea, our drafting mechanical teacher had worked at Avro during that time. He had some prints for a small portion of the plane that he showed us, don't recall what section it was. He mentioned at that time that he was not supposed to have them of course.

01-08-2020, 10:37 AM
That's pretty cool. Now you can build your own scale replica in the basement!
Way ahead of you there, I have a plastic model kit. As you can see, I have not made much progress.


Ghost Rider
01-08-2020, 10:44 AM
Way ahead of you there, I have a plastic model kit. As you can see, I have not made much progress.


well, it's out of the box, that's a good start

The Newmare
01-08-2020, 12:26 PM
my father worked on the cockpits for the Avro and I was born just as he was getting laid off back in June 1959.

01-12-2023, 11:52 PM
Bad news.
Looks like they are not going to build the Arrow replica to full scale as originally planned but about 20% smaller.

Build it to full scale or don't bother as anything less than full scale is not an accurate representation of the original aircraft.
3.6 million for a replica,wtf,that's insane.

Politicians ruin everything.
I was looking forward to seeing the replica,but now that it wont be full scale I'm not going to waste my time.


01-13-2023, 10:21 AM
Wonder if the conservatives will cancel this project also?

At a time when emergency rooms in Peel region are shutting down and have 12+ hrs of wait times the last thing the town needs to be spending on this nonsense.
All available funding should be going towards additional staff, equipment and facilities.

01-13-2023, 12:09 PM
At a time when emergency rooms in Peel region are shutting down and have 12+ hrs of wait times the last thing the town needs to be spending on this nonsense.
All available funding should be going towards additional staff, equipment and facilities.

Build a replica, cool.

Public money, uncool.

Raise private money from those who view this as important, cool

Recover funds, make profits from entry fees, cool.

Use this as model for all discretionary spending of taxpayer money, cool.

01-13-2023, 02:35 PM
Build a replica, cool.

Public money, uncool.

Raise private money from those who view this as important, cool

Recover funds, make profits from entry fees, cool.

Use this as model for all discretionary spending of taxpayer money, cool.


01-13-2023, 11:23 PM
Story says 2.2 million from the city and the rest from community donations and other sources.
Typical way overpriced government contract/project.

Cancel it if not full scale.

01-14-2023, 11:01 AM
government (taxpayers) fund original project

Government (taxpayers) fund scrapping of project and prototypes

Government (taxpayers) fund remake of scrapped project.

01-14-2023, 02:12 PM
Personally I think history is important and I’m not opposed to the government investing into preserving our country’s history.

But there should be a plan for a budget and for a follow three to recoup some of the money.

The wishy washy back and forth just waist money.

01-14-2023, 03:18 PM
Or you could go here:


01-14-2023, 03:59 PM
Or you could go here:


good first step, buuut

from the attached article

The city says the total cost of undertaking the AVRO Arrow project in the 30-month timeline is $3,622,982.
To move forward, the project will need funding from the City of Mississauga, federal grants, donations and in-kind contributions.

I'm an aviation enthusiast BTW, I'm also a keep MY money in MY pocket enthusiast. If you're concerned about inflation as I am, you might want to curb government spending (money printing).

01-15-2023, 07:36 PM
Or you could go here:


That Arrow replica is full scale and took ten years to build by volunteers many who were former Avro employees.
Arrow chief design engineer James Floyd drove in the last rivet.

Have to see that someday.
$18 admission fee,yikes,kind of high.

01-15-2023, 07:39 PM
Or you could go here:


Or here:


01-15-2023, 08:45 PM
Do these replicas fly or are they just giant models?

I just don’t get the numbers.
Built by volunteers but cost 3.5 million dollars?

01-15-2023, 09:01 PM
Do these replicas fly or are they just giant models?

I just don’t get the numbers.
Built by volunteers but cost 3.5 million dollars?

Giant models.
The full scale replica at the Edenvale Aerodrome was built by volunteers.

The now non full scale replica for Mississauga is costing 3.6 million but I don't know who is building it.
I think some museum in Calgary is building a non supersonic flying version of the Arrow but it's 2/3 scale.

01-16-2023, 10:43 AM
How about an apology tour and call it done.

WRT public money, the cost of this project is "asking for more than their able to give right now".