View Full Version : Peeps just don't get it / just don't care.

09-23-2019, 07:35 AM
Toronto police issued more than 1,700 tickets during a four-day blitz that coincided with the return of students to classes earlier this month.
The blitz took place between Sept. 3 and Sept. 6 and enforcement mostly focused on roads in the immediate vicinity of schools.
In a news release issued on Monday, police said that they issued a total of 1,754 tickets, including 873 citations for sign offences and 625 citations for speeding.

Sgt. Brett Moore said in the release that speeding, driving while distracted and parking illegally can all contribute to collisions and that risk is amplified in school zones.
He said that during the blitz officers stopped “too many” drivers whose behavior was putting children at risk.

09-23-2019, 07:56 AM
It is unbelievable.

When I was 19 I almost hit a child in a subdivision. I wasn’t speeding thankfully, I was driving to pick up my girlfriend at the time and I saw a ball bounce across the road. I slowed down and and no one came after it, so I continued driving. When I was just about 15 feet from the ball a little boy ran out from between two cars to get the ball. I locked up my brakes and missed him by literally inches. His parents were standing for the front lawn drunk with some friends and started laughing hysterically. I have never been so shaken and angry at the same time.

Anyways that was 12 years ago but it is a constant reminder to me to drive with extreme caution.

09-23-2019, 08:02 AM
People are just complete idiots now....look at me getting hit pulling into my driveway....guy went to pass me at 70-80 km an hour on res. street. Fawking tools!!!

09-23-2019, 08:52 AM
If you really want to see some ridiculous behavior on wheels, go to downtown Toronto in a car or as a pedestrian and try avoiding the crazies on their bicycles. The vast majority of riders seem to think they literally own the roads. They sail through red lights, don't even slow down to make right turns on red, weave in and out of foot traffic on sidewalks at crazy speeds, ride 2 or 3 abreast on major streets, ride up between traffic lanes in heavy traffic, and one of them even made a left turn in front of me from the lane to my right. That was a heart stopper, let me tell you.

Seems to me it's a travesty that bicyclists in Toronto aren't licensed or registered and are not regulated by police and traffic laws.

09-23-2019, 09:51 AM
^You're not really suggesting MORE laws, are you?
I agree the laws do need to be better enforced though

09-23-2019, 10:43 AM
Guys on bikes downtown have to be treated the same as people driving cars. Give them tickets for breaking the law. As soon as something happens with them, its automatically the cars fault...BULLSHIT..

09-23-2019, 10:45 AM
^You're not really suggesting MORE laws, are you?
I agree the laws do need to be better enforced though
The less laws the better. on the other hand: Cyclists seem to be the darlings of the left wing nuts on Toronto City Council. They can do no wrong. I just think that traffic laws, which after all are there for public safety, should be enforced on these people as vigorously as they are on automobiles.
Whenever there is an accident involving a biker, the tree huggers wring their hands and tell us they have to lower the speed limits, put in red light cameras, put on more policemen, and generally make life more miserable for car owners and drivers, when, after seeing these crazed riders yesterday on King St W and on Spadina, it wouldn't surprise me that most of these car/biker accidents are caused by the biker rather than the car.

09-23-2019, 11:13 AM
As soon as something happens with them, its automatically the cars fault...BULLSHIT..
You mean like this guy?


Ottawa police said the cyclist was observed running a red light and they later charged him in connection to the incident.

09-23-2019, 11:33 AM
I agree they need to be charged, and not only when caught on camera. Seems they want to run with cars but avoid having to pay for licensing, parking, tags, fuel, etc...they can’t have it both ways, they break the law-ticket them. Sadly it’s hard to enforce since they don’t have tags or licenses, so the cops need to actually apprehend them, which isn’t likely to happen.

09-23-2019, 12:51 PM
You mean like this guy?



09-24-2019, 07:30 AM
A kid made eye contact with me and proceeded to jump in the road to cross (not in a crossing lane or intersection). Had to hit the brakes hard, I was going under 40 since I think most kids are retards these days and he proved my point once again that day. I yelled at him but he gave me the finger lol

09-24-2019, 07:45 AM
No mechanism in place to keep bike riders and pedestrians accountable out there.

09-24-2019, 08:24 AM
A kid made eye contact with me and proceeded to jump in the road to cross (not in a crossing lane or intersection). Had to hit the brakes hard, I was going under 40 since I think most kids are retards these days and he proved my point once again that day. I yelled at him but he gave me the finger lol

100% the parents fault. Can’t count how many times I see a parent literally dragging their kid across the street during traffic.

I could not believe the level of crazy I saw this weekend in Ottawa. And this from a guy who drives every day for work and complains every day about the idiots on the road.

Bang on they need to start enforcing ALL the laws on ALL the road users.
It’s too easy for the police to just sit with a radar gun. It’s all they ever seem to do and yet I can’t drive threw any town with out seeing at least one person either running a light, stop sign. Not signalling or cutting someone off

09-24-2019, 08:44 AM
My child knows damn well that a car will always win, even if she has the right to cross the street. I'm more worried about her friends trying to cajole her into their stupidity.

I have to say that in my neighborhood, kids are pretty respectable. I think the city causes brain shrinkage or something...

09-24-2019, 08:46 AM
Apparently it’s gonna get worse. Or something. Just read an article that said the opp brass have decided that they will no longer announce the gender of a suspect of victim. In an effort to be more progressive......

09-24-2019, 08:55 AM
Report says a human was struck

"hey that's animalphobic"

Report says a being was struck

"the word struck is offensive to us bad drivers"

Report says a being was differently-successful at crossing the street

"crossing sounds negative"

Report says a being was differently-successful at progressively changing road sides

"Wait, what happened?"

11-24-2019, 05:59 PM
IMO, cyclist in the wrong for not following rules of the road, but look at the driver’s reaction: hit the throttle instead of the brakes and almost wipes out 3 other vehicles. Both should be charged!

*used to take this corner every morning on my way to work.

11-24-2019, 06:47 PM
voters get what they vote for

In some cases yes, in many cases no. :facepalm:

11-24-2019, 06:52 PM
Really odd how that all transpired, yes almost like Benz driver was startled / panicked n hit throttle instead of brakes.