View Full Version : The World before handheld devices

09-20-2019, 11:22 AM
The good old days never to return. Back to a time where you had the power to leave the workplace and conduct business anywhere you went.Today, the one with power is the one that can throw the phone down without looking at it and get the fuck away from everything that has to do with his business for a few hours. The article below has pictures with the devices removed from them.

Are you reading this on a handheld device? There’s a good chance you are. Now imagine how’d you look if that device suddenly disappeared. Lonely? Slightly crazy? Perhaps next to a person being ignored? As we are sucked in ever more by the screens we carry around, even in the company of friends and family, the hunched pose of the phone-absorbed seems increasingly normal.


09-22-2019, 10:01 AM
My two sons will hopefully take over my business in another couple of years. Whenever they complain about how hard it is, I love to regale with stories about the early days of the company. There was no such thing as hand held calculators; fax machines, voice mail, email, internet( you had to look up EVERYTHING is encyclopedias), computers, scanners, desktop printers, bluetooth, or anything of the sort. If I wanted to present a proposal to a client, I had to go back for a second appointment, instead of just scanning it and emailing it out. If I needed to talk to a crew I had to stop at a phone booth(there were lots of them around back then), and pay actual coin to make a call. If I was out and they needed me, it would have to wait until I got back to the office. Life was very different then.
My youngest thinks I am making this up. Ha!

09-23-2019, 10:59 AM
My two sons will hopefully take over my business in another couple of years. Whenever they complain about how hard it is, I love to regale with stories about the early days of the company. There was no such thing as hand held calculators; fax machines, voice mail, email, internet( you had to look up EVERYTHING is encyclopedias), computers, scanners, desktop printers, bluetooth, or anything of the sort. If I wanted to present a proposal to a client, I had to go back for a second appointment, instead of just scanning it and emailing it out. If I needed to talk to a crew I had to stop at a phone booth(there were lots of them around back then), and pay actual coin to make a call. If I was out and they needed me, it would have to wait until I got back to the office. Life was very different then.
My youngest thinks I am making this up. Ha!

They will never know the hardships:) One day technology will fail and chaos will ensue or maybe not but then either Skynet or Wall E will prevail.

Jack Raccoon!
09-24-2019, 06:08 PM
My two sons will hopefully take over my business in another couple of years. Whenever they complain about how hard it is, I love to regale with stories about the early days of the company. There was no such thing as hand held calculators; fax machines, voice mail, email, internet( you had to look up EVERYTHING is encyclopedias), computers, scanners, desktop printers, bluetooth, or anything of the sort. If I wanted to present a proposal to a client, I had to go back for a second appointment, instead of just scanning it and emailing it out. If I needed to talk to a crew I had to stop at a phone booth(there were lots of them around back then), and pay actual coin to make a call. If I was out and they needed me, it would have to wait until I got back to the office. Life was very different then.
My youngest thinks I am making this up. Ha!I hear you Quicksilver, and lament your struggles with your children to convey your message of times of hardship, of which they will not understand...

09-25-2019, 09:02 AM
I hear you Quicksilver, and lament your struggles with your children to convey your message of times of hardship, of which they will not understand...

Imagine that. No overtly insulting sarcastic comment from Jack. I can hardly believe it.

09-25-2019, 09:32 AM
Personally I think communication is something most people have been sucked into and the cost in my opinion doesn't justify the need in most cases - the money I see some of my clients spend on communication has not really improved their overall "on top of things" euphoria, and simple task not being completed effectively and convey miss information. I will get two different responses from the two managers on the same subject who sit a stones throw away from each other but responded with clouded results and conclusions with emails that aren't cc'd never uttering a word to each other, because they have forgotten that simplest, least expensive and most effective form of communication - face to face discussion - tracking devices are needed to track equipment that has been lost thru human error on inputting when a simple walk around the yard is all that's needed and offers side benefits...the comments I get when I don't answer my phone cause its not attached to my hip - when all that's really needed is a simple and inexpensive walk to the door, open it, and wave me down...I can understand communication if the other member is in an office miles away. When two people are sitting in basically the same room, I just a shake my head. It's funny how bosses want to capitalize on communication that are ideal for people to maybe work from home, but then feel the need to own an elaborate office so they can all waste this money communicating in a few thousand square feet...I can only imagine the money and time lost through interoffice emails when a good old fashioned Friday morning meeting was probably less expensive and more productive....just my guess tho

edit - I have to add - these are companies that began business when all that was available was fax machines, land lines, and snail mail...communications today are good but I believe most of it is not necessary and wasted expense.

09-25-2019, 10:06 AM
Imagine that. No overtly insulting sarcastic comment from Jack. I can hardly believe it.


Also you can pry my phone from my cold dead hands. Yes some people abuse/are addicted to them but by and large I think they are more positive than negative.

09-25-2019, 10:33 AM
you're not considering office politics, power struggles and passive aggressive manipulations.

maybe we will evolve to be voiceless lol especially if the government gets their way hahaha!