View Full Version : What's up with all the vaping news lately? Seeing reports of popcorn lung, death, etc

09-10-2019, 02:54 PM
‘It is time to stop vaping’: Kansas reports sixth U.S. death linked to mysterious respiratory illness

A Kansas resident was the sixth person to die in the United States of a mysterious respiratory illness related to vaping, state officials said on Tuesday, as public health officials scrambled to understand a nationwide health problem.

“It is time to stop vaping,” Kansas State Health Officer Dr. Lee Norman said in a statement. “If you or a loved one is vaping, please stop.”

U.S. public health officials are investigating 450 cases of vaping-related lung illness across 33 states and one U.S. territory. The nationwide investigation led by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not linked the illnesses to any specific e-cigarette product.

Many of the reported illnesses involved vaping products, including cannabis products, containing vitamin E acetate, an oil derived from vitamin E that can be dangerous if inhaled. The vaping industry has blamed the surge in the contagion on black market products, but health officials have yet to rule out any vaping devices as a potential cause.

“We agree with the FDA – if you don’t want to die or end up in a hospital, stop vaping illegal THC oils immediately,” said a spokesman from the American Vaping Association. “If you’re an adult smoker or ex-smoker who vapes store-bought nicotine products, don’t listen to the activists who would rather you inhale deadly smoke than vape.”

Symptoms among the reported cases included shortness of breath, fever, cough and vomiting. Additional indicators have included headache, dizziness and chest pain.

To date, Kansas has six cases associated with the outbreak. Health officials disclosed that the individual who died was over the age of 50 and had a history of underlying health issues, according to the statement. No other information was provided to protect patient confidentiality.

“Our sympathies go out to the family of the person who died,” Governor Laura Kelly said in the statement. “I urge Kansans to be careful. Don’t put yourself in harm’s way, and please follow the recommendations of public health officials.”

The American Medical Association on Monday urged Americans to stop using electronic cigarettes of any sort until scientists have a better handle on the illnesses.

09-10-2019, 03:04 PM
Big tobacco!

09-10-2019, 04:06 PM
Now you're getting into conspiracies! :cower:

09-10-2019, 04:15 PM
Shhhhhhh. Quiet. They’re listening.

09-10-2019, 04:17 PM
I called this years ago. anything you pull into your lungs has potential to be bad.
smoke is one thing, moisty sticky goo is another.

as long as people are aware of the risks and can make educated decisions. that's what is important

09-10-2019, 04:45 PM
Went down a rabbit hole looking into what e-juice is made of. Main component is Propylene Glycol.
further down the rabbit hole .....same stuff used to make choo-choo's smoke


09-10-2019, 05:24 PM
^^ no wonder the vape smoke looks like that lol- and a lot of it!!

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09-10-2019, 06:56 PM
I called this years ago. anything you pull into your lungs has potential to be bad.
smoke is one thing, moisty sticky goo is another.

as long as people are aware of the risks and can make educated decisions. that's what is important

Anything you stick into you lungs is not going to benefit your lungs,it not going make them stronger or last longer,
only shorten there functionality.

09-10-2019, 07:05 PM
I've read that it has more to do with the Vitamin E they are cutting the THC oil with cauusing the problems.

Old Fart
09-10-2019, 09:27 PM

09-10-2019, 10:30 PM
I've read that it has more to do with the Vitamin E they are cutting the THC oil with cauusing the problems.

The issue appears to be present with the flavoured e-juice used in e-cigs as well.

09-11-2019, 07:58 AM
I gotta say though, I quit smoking after 35+ years because of the vape. But stopped when I was good to do so.

09-12-2019, 07:06 AM
It also has detrimental effects like messing*** with blood clot formation

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09-13-2019, 05:11 PM
Always a free lunch... for those who can afford it most