View Full Version : MTO Looking to bump fees again!

06-25-2019, 04:40 PM
Just rec'd an email from The Canadian Taxpayers Federation delivering the news below. Immediately sent an email to Doug Ford and Caroline Mulroney as well as signed the petition.

If you're like me and fed up with the constant hikes for no better service......use the link below to add your name to the petition and consider emailing Ford and Mulroney; doug@ontariopc.com and minister.mto@ontario.ca

Dear Supporter,

The Ontario government is trying to increase driver and vehicle fees in this province again and we need your help to stop it.

The cost to renew a licence plate sticker in Ontario was $74 in 2012. Now it’s $120. And it’s not like service is any better.

As if that wasn’t enough, the government is now proposing to increase the cost to $132.

It’s not just licence plate stickers that are about to get more expensive; all ministry of transportation services – across the board – are set to increase on July 1, 2019, from driver’s licence renewals to vehicle permits.

Our services from the ministry of transportation have not increased 62% since 2012 and our fees should not have either. And these fees definitely should not be going up now.

Help us send a strong message. Premier Doug Ford said he’d make life more affordable. We need to remind him Ontarians are sick of skyrocketing driver and vehicle fees.

Please click here to sign our PETITION to stop the proposed increase to driver and vehicle fees in Ontario (or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://www.taxpayer.com/resource-centre/petitions/petition?tpContentId=207

Thank you for your support! Together, we can hold the government to its promise to restore respect for taxpayers in this province.

Jasmine, Todd, Shannon and the entire CTF team

PS: We’re launching an ad campaign to put even more pressure on the government to stop the fee hikes. If you’d like to support us to strengthen that campaign, you can donate here: https://www.taxpayer.com/donate

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06-25-2019, 08:27 PM
I thought this BS was done. Apparently Duhgy Ford needs more money to make booze easier to get.

I regret ever voting PC, and it's a mistake I won't make again.

06-25-2019, 10:34 PM
Surprised, nope, disappointed I was right about fee's going back up after the honeymoon, absolutely.

06-25-2019, 10:42 PM
I could see costs being greatly reduced through efficiency and accountability.

06-25-2019, 11:07 PM
^Lmao. Good one Rick!

06-25-2019, 11:08 PM
Idea makes so much sense, not a chance it'll happen.

True Blue
06-26-2019, 06:57 AM
This will be a 2% hike every year for the next 5 years, which is a drop in the bucket. This province is buried in a shit load of debt.

06-26-2019, 07:03 AM
Once I find a job that doesn't require so much commute, I will boil down to a single car (plus the fox).

Ontario may be almost bankrupted (dunno, didn't look at the finances to come to my own conclusion) but you have to admit Ford isn't the right person for the job. I think it's the rich old religious conservative freaks that made him Premier instead of the more qualified candidates. It's too bad wynne was so corrupted (and also not qualified as she used sex to get elected) and didn't get the boot before the election and it's also too bad trudeau was in power as we can't afford double dipping from two liberal governments.

06-26-2019, 07:27 AM
BTW, service ontario is privatized. Beer store cashiers are probably making more money than the chick behind the counter at SO... (?).

The issue with government is that it's a top-heavy organization much like old family ran businesses. If you voted for me, I'd hire Deloitte or something to review current-state for most processes and design a to-be state which would most likely involve removing "red-tape" to avoid the need for government branches, find ways to automate (provide self-serve opportunities) and where we can't - make sure there are more service employees than management.

06-26-2019, 07:36 AM
Idea makes so much sense, not a chance it'll happen.

I think that is what they are attempting. but the problem is there is no media coverage as to why certain things are being cut. they just list the cuts and cry foul.

an example of this is the forestry Ontario stuff. media says they cut funding because the don't care about climate change, but forestry Ontario was failing to do its job of planting trees, and instead was using taxpayer money to lobby infavor of other liberal governments around Canada. so cutting it is trimming the fat and forcing accountability. the problem is no one knows.

Ide be very interested in a proper interview where ford and his team break down what was cut and why. imo it would help them because I have a feeling the forestry Ontario thing is a good example of why the liberals were doing in office and is a lot more widespread than anyone in the public realizes.

I mean look hat the stink the unions are putting gup over "educations cuts" but the stats show that education funding was actually increased last year. we are not getting the full story on things. and I almost think that the Ford government knew that no matter what they did this 4 years they were going to be a one term government if they made just one single cut. if it were me id go full bore the first year or two, cut as much as I absolutely could to rid the waste. and then spend the next 2 years truing to rebuild with the hopes that people see the change and realize it was needed.

06-26-2019, 07:40 AM
No one complained when the fees stayed the same for 15 years

06-26-2019, 09:13 AM
A lot of crying over an increase of $2.40 per year over 5 years.

06-26-2019, 09:16 AM
That's over 10 buckabeers

06-26-2019, 09:23 AM
Sounds good in concept. How do you motivate lazy, inept, overpaid, government workers with plump benefit packages to give a shit. Privatization of selected services come to mind.

You start firing (or retiring) them and bring in fresh blood at reasonable wages for the work being done. It's called reform, and that's exactly what we need....in quite a few areas, if the Province (and even our Country) want to turn the debt issue around. And.....Reward management and workers for being financially prudent. And I don't mean with bigger salaries.....

The easy solution (for government) is to simply raise fees/taxes. The problem is...it doesn't address the underlying issues as you note.

I think Ford is trying to reduce waste/needless spending, but not sure how deeply they are considering all the government departments spending....yet.

But MTO/Service Ontario needs to go under the microscope in my opinion, cuts made/wasteful spending identified and eliminated....before they go hiking fees yet again.

06-26-2019, 09:31 AM
I thought this BS was done. Apparently Duhgy Ford needs more money to make booze easier to get.

I regret ever voting PC, and it's a mistake I won't make again.

:facepalm: Because the Liberals had been masterful in the handling of our affairs here in Ontario. A vote for the NDP would be an absolute shit show and even worse with their "Free shit for all" mantra.

It is so easy for the mob to be happy when spending money we don't have with no plans of paying it back but when people try to reel in the spending are vilified. This will pass but there will be some pain involved before things get better.

06-26-2019, 09:46 AM
No one complained when the fees stayed the same for 15 years
what 15 years?
we've seen steady increases over the last 15 years! double almost!

Sept. 1, 2011 - $74
Sept. 1, 2012 - $82
Sept. 1, 2013 - $90
Sept. 1, 2014 - $98
Sept. 1, 2015 - $108
Sept. 1, 2016 - $120

The money from sticker renewal fees goes into general revenues, which support all government investment, including transportation infrastructure.
nothing but an additional tax. NOTHING to do with better roads.

06-26-2019, 09:49 AM
A lot of crying over an increase of $2.40 per year over 5 years.

It's death by a thousand cuts.....and the argument I'd make is the 62% hike since 2012.

My thought is....make cuts before you start hiking fees yet again. No question Ford has his work cut out for him and will face a lot of opposition both inside and outside government, but I hope he sticks with the plan and gets the province financially sound before the next election....and have something to show for it.

Can't imagine what Ontario could do if it could cut back the current over $1M day in interest its paying on the debt......

06-26-2019, 11:11 AM
It's death by a thousand cuts.....and the argument I'd make is the 62% hike since 2012.

My thought is....make cuts before you start hiking fees yet again. No question Ford has his work cut out for him and will face a lot of opposition both inside and outside government, but I hope he sticks with the plan and gets the province financially sound before the next election....and have something to show for it.

Can't imagine what Ontario could do if it could cut back the current over $1M day in interest its paying on the debt......

I am only speaking to the current proposed rate hike for renewals. Where was all the kicking and stomping when we took it in the hoop from the Liberals on renewals for all those years?

Oh and the interest is approximately $1 Billion per month and not $1 Million per day. The Provincial debt is the 3rd largest line item in the budget.

06-26-2019, 11:24 AM
Where was all the kicking and stomping when we took it in the hoop from the Liberals on renewals for all those years?
maybe you were under a rock? :shrug:

06-26-2019, 12:09 PM
LOL We changed the name to TMC-Wynne-Sucks-Club.ca for a while.

06-26-2019, 12:13 PM
maybe you were under a rock? :shrug:

And I will direct you to my join date.:shrug:I am also speaking of the general population of the Province as it seems whenever someone feels they have been slighted they immediately stomp their collective feet, protest or launch a court challenge. I can assure you if we had a continuance of Liberal rule the increase would not be a lowly $2.40/year over 5 years. We should all be thankful that this is not Commiefornia where I know one guy recently paid $550.00 for vehicle registration for the year.

06-26-2019, 12:45 PM
I am only speaking to the current proposed rate hike for renewals. Where was all the kicking and stomping when we took it in the hoop from the Liberals on renewals for all those years?

Oh and the interest is approximately $1 Billion per month and not $1 Million per day. The Provincial debt is the 3rd largest line item in the budget.

I wasn't happy when the Libs kept jacking it and wrote my MPP, Wynn and MTO minister at the time as well. As for the amount of interest on debt....that's what Ford quoted during his recent cabinet shuffle....unless I mis-heard it. Regardless, it's brutally bad and an anchor around our collective necks.

06-26-2019, 08:13 PM
My doubts on Doug are creeping in.

I can say this however, if he does something good it'll go under reported.

How much do you figure cutting the carbon tax saved you versus the MTO bump?

Well, the Carbon tax lotto grab continues at the Fed level, so can't say Doogie's break is really going to offset much?

And you are 100% right re: Ford does something good = No Press.

As I've said in other threads around the debt topic, people aren't going to really start getting concerned until it starts to hurt them personally.....until then it's party till it's 1999 and protest anytime the government tries to reel in spending/introduce cuts.

06-26-2019, 09:43 PM
I wasn't happy when the Libs kept jacking it and wrote my MPP, Wynn and MTO minister at the time as well. As for the amount of interest on debt....that's what Ford quoted during his recent cabinet shuffle....unless I mis-heard it. Regardless, it's brutally bad and an anchor around our collective necks.

It's $13.3 billion in interest in the current fiscal year.

06-26-2019, 09:45 PM
I don't like increased fees, not defending

got any ideas on where to cut costs or raise revenues that Doug is missing? Liberals dug a pretty deep hole.

I don't have any ideas.

I also don't think beer at corner store is a cost to taxpayers, but I could be wrong.

I say any cannabis revenue should be directed to debt paydown exclusively as a start - it's new revenue so they should not get used to it and start spending on existing fat.

06-26-2019, 10:06 PM
I gotta wonder if it's even solvent, let alone generating income.

PCs cancelled the government distribution option - they're just collecting taxes on sales now (like with tobacco sales).

06-27-2019, 08:46 AM
And you are 100% right re: Ford does something good = No Press.

Or nobody was paying attention? :shrug:
Plenty of his "accomplishments" had press. He even published a list of all his accomplishments.

Cut Toronto's city council

Rolled back 2015 sex-ed curriculum

Fired CEO of Hydro One and board

Cancelled cap-and-trade & Green Energy Act

Buck A Beer

Opened door to private weed sales

06-27-2019, 08:53 AM
I don't get buck-a-beer... What was the strategy behind that?

I get removing oligopolies to encourage free-market (ie. beer store) from a conservative perspective. Cheap beer is just... stupid, especially since the high-cost is attributed to government policy - not the beer store or breweries.

You know, if I was trudeau. I'd just open the border to allow cross-provincial shopping of beer. That would be a major FU to Ford lol But trudeau is about as smart as my sock. I'd fucking rent a 26' Uhual truck and go straight to Costco in Quebec...

06-27-2019, 09:04 AM
I don't get buck-a-beer... What was the strategy behind that?
The strategy was political, of course.

The new Lakeport Brewery (in the mid 90's) attempted to gain market share by dumping cheap shitty beer onto the market. Twenty four for twenty four, Buck-a-beer. Extremely catchy slogan.
The bad Liberals put an end to that because MADD told them to.
PC's repeal anything/everything the bad Liberals did. So bringing back buck-a-beer makes PC good! ....and it's a catchy slogan.

Nothing to do with producing and selling beer at a dollar a unit is impossible.

06-27-2019, 09:38 AM
Or nobody was paying attention? :shrug:
Plenty of his "accomplishments" had press. He even published a list of all his accomplishments.

Cut Toronto's city council

Rolled back 2015 sex-ed curriculum

Fired CEO of Hydro One and board

Cancelled cap-and-trade & Green Energy Act

Buck A Beer

Opened door to private weed sales

Yes but those were all fake news (ie. not on youtube) so were overlooked.

06-27-2019, 09:39 AM
The strategy was political, of course.

The new Lakeport Brewery (in the mid 90's) attempted to gain market share by dumping cheap shitty beer onto the market. Twenty four for twenty four, Buck-a-beer. Extremely catchy slogan.
The bad Liberals put an end to that because MADD told them to.
PC's repeal anything/everything the bad Liberals did. So bringing back buck-a-beer makes PC good! ....and it's a catchy slogan.

Nothing to do with producing and selling beer at a dollar a unit is impossible.

And you can always find folks who are willing to buy crappy product.

06-27-2019, 09:40 AM
folks, my friends, people of ontario?

lol sorry

06-27-2019, 09:58 AM
folks, my friends, people of ontario?

lol sorry

Yup, anyone who would buy that dollar store beer.

06-27-2019, 09:59 AM
folks, my friends, people of ontario?


06-27-2019, 10:14 AM
We could replace politicians with a cheesy 2000's soundboard made out of Flash and HTML :/


06-27-2019, 10:21 AM
Ugh, I wish he wouldn't do stuff like this - $16.6K is a massive % salary increase. Makes it harder to say he's different than his predecessors (unless he's cutting somewhere else plus re-deploying and not back-filling to do it on an expense neutral or even savings basis.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford has named 31 MPPs as parliamentary assistants, with each receiving an additional $16,600 on top of their already six-figure salaries.

Ford's office announced the names in a news release Wednesday, the same day opposition parties called for an external review into government appointments after it was revealed that at least three had personal ties to his former chief of staff.

Parliamentary assistants "support ministers with legislative and committee matters, including special projects and assignments that require dedicated leadership," the news release said. "They also play a key role in building relationships and communicating government initiatives across the province."

Wednesday's announcement means there are now 13 more parliamentary assistants than there were before the cabinet shuffle.

My sister-in-law's brother is in this government so makes for interesting conversation at family events and dinners....lol.

They gotta get this shit under control or risk being a 1-term government.....

Ontario Progressive Conservative MPP Kinga Surma’s father got a job working for a minister in Premier Doug Ford’s government just weeks after the 2018 provincial election, sources say.

Miroslaw Surma is a policy adviser for the Minister of Economic Development, according to a government directory.

Mr. Surma began working for then economic development minister Jim Wilson last July, a month after the Tories came to power, said government sources who were granted anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

06-27-2019, 10:50 AM
it's "have you driven a ford, lately"

06-27-2019, 11:41 AM
I meant for a period of 15 years, prior to the increases starting.

what 15 years?
we've seen steady increases over the last 15 years! double almost!

Sept. 1, 2011 - $74
Sept. 1, 2012 - $82
Sept. 1, 2013 - $90
Sept. 1, 2014 - $98
Sept. 1, 2015 - $108
Sept. 1, 2016 - $120

nothing but an additional tax. NOTHING to do with better roads.

07-07-2019, 10:25 AM
Received an update from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation indicating Mulroney had reached out to them and is now putting the hold back on several of the increases they were planning after receiving the signed petitions, complaints, etc. brought before her. We'll see how long it lasts...this time.

I think the message is....we can make a difference as taxpayers if we are vocal enough, i.e. signing petitions, emailing/calling your MP/MPP.