View Full Version : Driveway Sealing

06-23-2019, 07:50 PM
Anyone have a guy?

06-24-2019, 07:28 AM
Bunch of neighbors had em done by a dude cruizin the street a couple years back, none have any amount left on their driveways. Leads a person to think there must be a huge difference product to product.

The Newmare
06-24-2019, 09:36 AM
Wally's sealing and patching in durham

06-24-2019, 11:03 AM

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06-24-2019, 12:16 PM
Bunch of neighbors had em done by a dude cruizin the street a couple years back, none have any amount left on their driveways. Leads a person to think there must be a huge difference product to product.

Yep had a guy in our area doing the door to door thing. Was home when he came back to the a neighbours. Literally had the stuff in a can from homedepot and large paint roller

Could have saved a bunch and done it themselves with the same product

06-24-2019, 06:45 PM

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I'm far too daft to understand what this means.

Bunch of neighbors had em done by a dude cruizin the street a couple years back, none have any amount left on their driveways. Leads a person to think there must be a huge difference product to product.

I've done it myself a bunch of times too. Products usually only last a few years.

Yep had a guy in our area doing the door to door thing. Was home when he came back to the a neighbours. Literally had the stuff in a can from homedepot and large paint roller

Could have saved a bunch and done it themselves with the same product

Agreed, it's about the time not the money. If I had the time I would do it again myself. I just want a guy that gives a shit about the quality of work they do.

06-24-2019, 07:05 PM
I'm pretty sure you get a better product though if you go with a professional

06-24-2019, 07:21 PM
I'm pretty sure you get a better product though if you go with a professional

Ah I dunno.. there’s only so much you can do with asphalt before it needs to be redone

06-24-2019, 07:47 PM
I'm far too daft to understand what this means.

I've done it myself a bunch of times too. Products usually only last a few years.

Agreed, it's about the time not the money. If I had the time I would do it again myself. I just want a guy that gives a shit about the quality of work they do.

It’s wall-e... movie. Lol.. RedSN got it.

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06-24-2019, 08:58 PM
I don’t like the pro ones cause it’s all shiny when done.

When I’ve done my own in the past, I mix it well with a mix attachment the drill and make sure the drive way is clean. I don’t water it down when applying. I just put the product directly on with a roller and or squeegee. Let dry. It would last a few years but winter and shoveling take their toll.

06-24-2019, 09:55 PM
Ah I dunno.. there’s only so much you can do with asphalt before it needs to be redone

oh for sure that why I never bother with mine cuz its too far gone (though dirty old bastard has done a job at leaking a lot of shit in one spot that's probably fairly well sealed lol) I usually see 2 types of guys doing the work. one dumps a bucket and rolls it out done in 15 min. the other seals cleans and seals cracks before sealing. if your spending the money I'd find the second one.

06-24-2019, 10:23 PM
I don’t like the pro ones cause it’s all shiny when done.


Ya not a fan of that shiny stuff . Idk if it’s bs but I’ve been told not to seal asphalt

06-24-2019, 10:58 PM
A contractor who did some concrete work and repaved my fathers driveway said driveway sealing is a waste of money and didn't recommend doing it.

06-24-2019, 11:25 PM
I wouldn’t do it on a newer one. But for one that’s at its life’s end, I don’t think it matters. It’s just a way to spruce it up a bit.

Clutt gt
06-25-2019, 07:12 AM
There is no benefit as far as extending the life of the driveway. It just makes your tired old driveway look new again.
It can only do so much. But the best way to do it is the airport grade thick stuff from Depot with a roller.
And don’t be cheap. Lay her on thick and fill the cracks, your putting lipstick on a pig so go thick.
The “pros” have to dilute it to run it through their sprayer there for its more or less just black paint that will wear off in a year or less. Some are better than others but very few will roll it out thick.
It cost me double to do it myself but it was a thick rubberized coating that held up better than any of the spray on pro jobs around here.

06-25-2019, 07:14 AM
A contractor who did some concrete work and repaved my fathers driveway said driveway sealing is a waste of money and didn't recommend doing it.

Thanks for that. Your post had me google search. This was my first hit.
