06-16-2019, 11:22 AM
Preview of article:
Is there such a thing as a battery whose capacity to store energy increases with age? One respected team of researchers say they have developed just such a technology. Controversy surrounds their claims, however, in part because thermodynamics might seem to demand that a battery only deteriorates over many charge-discharge cycles. VmN0tNWEZkQWYzREZUYkJyakR2cTJpcTJoWTFxcUY3UXB4N29y bEpCaXE0Q1ZuZVRsY1U4TkJmeUExbUEybjdUZ3ZMNGVQRjdnbn FQbkhCMXp5bUc5T1hFNDF6XC9ldnhEODhoejVmcVNSTUY5eUJq ZHVYVjhqaWwxWGRHREsifQ%3D%3D
Is there such a thing as a battery whose capacity to store energy increases with age? One respected team of researchers say they have developed just such a technology. Controversy surrounds their claims, however, in part because thermodynamics might seem to demand that a battery only deteriorates over many charge-discharge cycles. VmN0tNWEZkQWYzREZUYkJyakR2cTJpcTJoWTFxcUY3UXB4N29y bEpCaXE0Q1ZuZVRsY1U4TkJmeUExbUEybjdUZ3ZMNGVQRjdnbn FQbkhCMXp5bUc5T1hFNDF6XC9ldnhEODhoejVmcVNSTUY5eUJq ZHVYVjhqaWwxWGRHREsifQ%3D%3D