View Full Version : 6 volt to 12 volt conversion?

06-04-2019, 02:50 AM
I know ill need a 12 volt coil, but am I correct in assuming that the cap and rotor, plugs and wires would all remain the same?

I can get a kit that has everything else, including reducers to run the factory gauges,

06-04-2019, 07:01 AM
Yes Sir.

06-04-2019, 07:26 AM
could not get eh old girl started yesterday. get some pops and bangs but not trying to fire on all cylinders. tired salvaging the wires the previous guy had on there, gonna chuck them and start fresh. also not 100% sure on the carb it doesn't spray a fine mist in like newer carbs I've seen just more dumps in like a waterfall. im not sure if that's normal for the vintage or something is amiss.

seems to be that since i still have it jacked up from when i took the pan off. teh fuel is all running to the rear cylender, gonna level it out tonight and see if that helps.

definatly turns over slower now that there is compresion. might try and crank it on the 12 volts again and see if that gets it to crank

06-04-2019, 07:27 AM
Flat is your best friend as is 12v to just the starter motor.
Did you lap the valves?

06-04-2019, 08:30 AM
I didn’t. wanted to just get it running so I could safety it. Then decide if it was staying original or getting something else.

I cleaned them up and all seemed to seat fine.
#1 and #6 exhaust were the worst and I would not be surprised if they weren’t leaking a little bit. I didn't think it would be enough to cause many issues

06-05-2019, 09:00 PM
Cheap n easy to do next time, tools plus compound plus elbow grease and your good.


06-06-2019, 09:43 AM
Not an expert on all things old but dumping fuel in doesn't seem right maybe also check compression if you haven't already - maybe see if it will idle a bit for a short period on just quick start and don't pump the gas if that's possible