View Full Version : So is the world ending in 10 years, taking bets

02-18-2019, 09:55 AM
I don't have a ton of time anymore to get into extra curricular activities and climate change offers millions of pages of "research", opinions, alarmists claims, denials, etc... So much material that it seems almost inconclusive. To me this seems either too complex due to possible lack of consistent data or it's blanketed with so much noise that makes it insurmountable for anyone who is interested in scientific methods to come to a conclusion.


History tends to repeat and we all know how evil big corporations are so there's no doubt heavy polluting industries are involved with spreading of false information (Look at 3M and DuPont with their Teflon chemicals that are probably in your blood stream right now C8 I think is one of them). There's a technical "business term" for making tax payers pay for costs. It's called "cost externalizing". I'm 100% certain there are discussions in board rooms along the lines of "how do we continue to pollute and make society pay the price while we profit"... They want coal and oil to be the main sources of energy - even if every HOUR the planet is bombarded with enough energy to power the WORLD for a YEAR! 430 quintillion (18 zeros) joules of energy from the sun hits us! They're also the same type of people who profit from things like a lack of cure for the common cold.


I also believe there's a global force (Tin foil hat moment) that wants to destroy capitalism and the modern western world we live in. The UN has been akin to the homeless guy screaming "the end is near" on street corners. I believe since the 70's the UN has claimed that global climate is going to end human life as we know it... According to them, we should have been extinct about 4 times by now. The latest being 2030 now. With people like Guy Mcpherson claiming the world is going to end in exactly 10 years. He compared the situation to be as dire as if the planet stepped out of it's known orbit. You know taking us out of the "goldilock" zone, kind of like Mars or Mercury... 10 years is a short amount of time, you'd think if there was cold hard proof about this we'd be living with world-wide riots, looting and marshal law.

I find it odd that governments, claiming to be progressive and pro-environment, create things like carbon taxes but exempt the biggest polluters in the country, they only target the most dangerous class to their plans right now (middle class). Meanwhile there are so many small things that can be done to dramatically reduce pollution and no one is doing it... When we know a single cruise ship is polluting as much as a million cars and a lawn-mower pollutes as much as 40 cars. There's over 300 cruise ships worldwide, do the math. They pollute as much as 30% of the total sum of cars on the planet!

What I'm eluding to is we can stop much more pollution by doing small low-impact things versus increasing energy costs by extreme taxation. Don't get me wrong, I'm for the concept of a carbon tax but not in the manner it's being presented currently.

The Truth:

I'm positive the actual truth is somewhere in the middle of both extremes. The planet is not about to die or kill us all but we will suffer from all the chemicals corporations are producing due to our consumption of goods/energy and the climate is changing (as it has since well before humans even existed) but it won't be a global extinction level event and it is being used to further the propaganda. It's easy to prove that no organization is really looking out for the climate and humanity, all sides have something to gain from polluting or destroying nations economies from within.

Anyway my money is on "nothing will really change in 10 years".

- Did you know a modern car with working emissions barely produces more fine particulate pollution than 30 cigarettes do!!! Diesel engines are the worst polluting combustion engines though. This is real pollution for local health. Not to be confused with CO2 (or CO2-e) which is not a pollutant but is a greenhouse gas.

- Thousands of new species being discovered each year, pretty much an equivalent to the news of "species dying off each year due to man-made climate change".

02-18-2019, 10:08 AM
I haven't seen anything worse then the Love Canal - the Mercury Scare in the Great Lakes, and dead acid rain lakes in the north - I will still never knowing eat a fish from lake Ontario - if anything this country is much cleaner than days gone by, rarely see the yellow commuter haze in the morning commute over the highways during warmer months - the world ended for the dinosaur but its still here - I chalk it up as evolution....

02-18-2019, 10:27 AM
its difficult to sift threw the BS, from the reading I have done, there is far more BS on the side of we are all gonna die. than there is on the side of the "deniers".
I put deniers in quotes because I for one have not heard a reasonable person who completely denies that the climate is changing. the difference is some believe that there are many factors involved and bankrupting civilization is not the fix, others believe that we are all gonna die if we don't take drastic changes, regardless of the cost,

this second idea is the one being pushed and people are getting rich off is while no change is happening.

the coal debate is a prime example. years ago I was reading about a new burn and filter system that made coal as clean (if not cleaner) to burn than natural gas, existing plants could be updated, and while expensive it was far cheaper than the cost of shuttering existing plants and building new natural gas plants. However this did not fit the agenda and the Obama team shuttered coal plants in massive numbers in the name of climate change, this ceased all work on the US on cleaner coal technology.
Whats the point? Most new BIG tech like this starts in the US. the have the resources and means they figure it out implement it locally then after a few some time when the cost is reduced the tech spreads around the world. by shuttereing this tech in the US the government stopped the tech from reaching the likes of China who are content to just burn burn burn. The impact on the climate is actually worse. but no one cares and no one talks about it because, COAL BAD.

if the government really cared about climate change and not increased revenue they could do a couple simple things to curb greenhouse gases, PLANT TREES, and leave the free market alone to move towards cleaner products. Government intervention has NEVER produced growth, prosperity, invention or advance.

my belief is we arent going to die in 10 years, we are making advances towards cleaner and more renuable sources, tech it working towards new energy (look into diamond batteries) carbon is not teh killer, we have science that shows points in history where carbon levels were far higher than they are now.

yes the Ice caps in the north have shrunk but they have grown on the south pole. see levels have been rising for a long long time. (look to venice) and even the most extreem science is predicing a global average temp incease of less than 5 degrees.

the world has seen this before, there are deserts that used to be lakes and lush fields.

02-18-2019, 10:42 AM
Yeah is it the Sahara? Every x years it’s converted to lush green environment. It’s truly amazing and there’s so much we don’t understand.

02-18-2019, 11:26 AM
iirc, archeologists have discovered fossils of plant life dating back to the Byzantine empire. one of the largest empress in history records showed it being a size that before scholars were unsure as to how it sustained its size and wealth in such arid conditions. this fossil evidence points to the area being lush and green at the time.

point is just that the world is constantly changing, as it has for minions of years. are we helping? probably not as much as wee could. the calls of the moderate left in what we need to do to stop what they say will happen would bankrupt the modern world and their own scientists calling for this admit it would only reduce their predicted rise in temp by like one degree or something like that. not even enough to make a difference for what they are claiming.

if the whole world isnt on boared nothing will change. that is why it cant be forced,

ive read suties that show our Bio mass here in canada, which is our tree and and plant life, filter out more carbon than we produce. we are actually as a county CO negative in production. so what do taxes help?

02-18-2019, 01:01 PM
Happy Family Day.

Cloud nine
02-18-2019, 01:12 PM
Happy Family Day.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. Yes Yes and Yes.

02-18-2019, 01:16 PM
I just shoveled the driveway by hand to get some fresh air and some time for kid to play on the ice hill I made lol

02-26-2019, 09:33 PM
^^ Alex Jones bro...

02-26-2019, 11:36 PM
I am going to get another roll of tinfoil for my hat before I respond

02-27-2019, 09:18 AM

03-07-2019, 12:02 PM
They've been saying the same bullshit for over 30 years. It's all about fear and control. Scare the people enough so they are willing to give up their rights and freedoms and become good little proletariats.

This article from 1989 (https://apnews.com/bd45c372caf118ec99964ea547880cd0)claims that if Global Warming (before being rebranded as Climate Change) wasn't stopped by the year 2000, the world would end as we knew it. Well after 19 years, I don't think any of what's claimed in the article has come to fruition. As with anything, look at who is pushing the agenda.

And if you're that concerned. Give up your car, don't procreate and hell just go live in the woods without any of the modern comforts afforded to us by fossil fuels. In the end, I don't care what you do. Just don't tell me how to live my life.

03-07-2019, 12:15 PM
A 1989 article from the Associated Press with the U.N predicting Global disaster by 2000.


03-07-2019, 08:47 PM
made me think of this


Mellow Yellow
03-08-2019, 01:34 AM
This is a news of a study that the University of Alberta participated in.
Basically, they studied farms on Greenland! 500 years ago the Vikings settled the southern area of Greenland and farmed there.

Do you think it was warm back then?

Just sayin' !
