View Full Version : Anyone heard if Mustangs @ Mosport is a go for this year?

02-10-2019, 08:42 PM
No info. on the GHMA or the facebook page that I could see....

02-11-2019, 09:09 AM
Turn out last yr was anything but stellar. Sure it was on the long weekend and yes it was brutally hot n humid then rained late in the day ............... but man what a great time. Far exceeded number of laps I'd normally log there in a day.

02-11-2019, 09:14 AM
I am hoping it is a go and on a day I can make it out

02-11-2019, 11:18 AM
Go or no go details will be coming soon.

fast Ed
02-11-2019, 12:31 PM
I had emailed Ryan from GHMA a few weeks back asking if there was anything we could do to help with making the event go this year again, did not get a response. I should try to give him a call this week I think, unless Rick has been speaking with him already.

02-11-2019, 01:59 PM
hope it's a go, by far my favorite event of the year

02-11-2019, 02:02 PM
Be appreciated if everyone would stay tuned for now.
Favorite event, live for it as well, had time of my life last summer, ya it was that good.

02-11-2019, 02:04 PM
I've never been but would love to go this year!

02-11-2019, 02:41 PM
It’s an awesome event.

Alas... I can no longer attend. Silly convertible.

02-11-2019, 03:24 PM
Was at the GHMA meeting yesterday and GHMA has dropped the event. It is being picked up by another group and still called Mustangs at Mosport. However, the cost was stated as being $649. Apparently Ryan shared costs when it was a GHMA event and the women representing the new group could not believe it could be done so cheaply and still make a modest profit. This years date is July 1st.

Please seek official confirmation of the above from Ryan as I may have gotten something wrong.

02-11-2019, 08:23 PM
^^^^ Thanks. Wow....$649, that's quite a hike over previous years. Oh well....guess you have to pay to play. No question it is a blast though. There are some other clubs @ Mosport that offer lapping days, so might be worth some googling.

- - - Updated - - -

It’s an awesome event.

Alas... I can no longer attend. Silly convertible.

Just takes a 4 pt. roll bar install and you're good to go. ;-)

02-11-2019, 09:23 PM
^^^^ Thanks. Wow....$649, that's quite a hike over previous years. Oh well....guess you have to pay to play. No question it is a blast though. There are some other clubs @ Mosport that offer lapping days, so might be worth some googling.

- - - Updated - - -

Just takes a 4 pt. roll bar install and you're good to go. ;-)

Nope. Not gonna do it for one event. Thought about it tho.

02-11-2019, 10:10 PM
I did some lapping events outside the Mustang at Mosport. The higher fee brought less people out, those events are usually catered as well. The amount of free space laps and the on track time is amazing at the higher cost events.

The higher price is a draw back and makes it hard to swallow, but if you can swing it and are a track junkie, it has its pluses for sure.

I will miss the GHMA event, thank the volunteers for their efforts and how great is has been. I always enjoyed it and kept me looking forward to the next event
On the bright side looks like my Most times towed off the track in one day record will stand supreme . LOL Damn car

fast Ed
02-11-2019, 10:27 PM
$649 will get you most of the way to the entry for a proper 2 day school with the BMW Trillium club on the big track, and on a weekend to boot. For those who are even semi-serious about improving their driving skills, that would be a much better value ... some classroom theory and proper in-car coaching.


02-11-2019, 11:12 PM
$649 will get you most of the way to the entry for a proper 2 day school with the BMW Trillium club on the big track, and on a weekend to boot. For those who are even semi-serious about improving their driving skills, that would be a much better value ... some classroom theory and proper in-car coaching.


This is what I’m after.
There are other groups that do the big track for much cheaper than $650. It’s disappointing the mustang group isn’t doing it anymore. It was a fun event

02-11-2019, 11:21 PM
$649 will get you most of the way to the entry for a proper 2 day school with the BMW Trillium club on the big track, and on a weekend to boot. For those who are even semi-serious about improving their driving skills, that would be a much better value ... some classroom theory and proper in-car coaching.


This is what I’m after.
There are other groups that do the big track for much cheaper than $650. It’s disappointing the mustang group isn’t doing it anymore. It was a fun event

It would be fun if we could get a group of TMCers to agree on a date and attend a school together.

02-11-2019, 11:42 PM
I would be in for that!!!!

02-12-2019, 12:13 AM
$650. That’s 5 track days at TMP. I know that’s apples and oranges, but....

Has there been any thought to renting the DDT?

fast Ed
02-12-2019, 01:05 AM
DDT isn't cheap to rent either since they gave it the full refresh a few years back ... you need about 45 people at around $250 - $300 each to cover the cost of a day there.

Peter Hanson has the dates for his schools for 2019 there set already, you can check them out on his site:


02-12-2019, 09:52 AM
This is my big beef with racing - it's seems there's still people that want to keep it to the elite and keep the average guy out - it shouldn't be that way - especially when we are encouraged to keep it off the street - I see a big opportunity for race tracks and the need for them, especially the way commuter vehicles are going - if it is more affordable, more people would come, the more people come the need for more tracks will increase - if I had the cash to invest or new how to attract investors I would pursue a race track business. I can see it being a viable venture - but you get people with money in the way that are bent on making things difficult for the average....

fast Ed
02-12-2019, 10:18 AM
The owners at Mosport have poured a huge amount of money and time in there the last ten years to attract and keep some of the bigger pro race series events. So the upside is that the track and the facility is much much nicer than it ever used to be, but the flip side of course is that track rental costs for schools and lapping events has climbed considerably.

02-12-2019, 10:56 AM

- it's is less than 50$'s Canadian per lap roughly 13miles - in Canada everything is difficult - over the years I've tried to afford getting on a track and have many friends that will agree with me - aside from cost there are a lot of other ridiculous road blocks and hoops to go thru - just go to the CSCA and look at what it takes to get a membership in my opinion it's mostly BS - this is just the start of what I read online and then with a fork tongue say things like, "we want to be able to get everyone involved in racing to keep this great past time going". (membership is a word that relates to stuck up in my mind, also difficulties, hoops, leverage, and over regulation to keep it to a minimum). Even just getting to the track is a hassle if you own your own trailer and the leaches called the MTO are lurking to write fines. That's the BS Canadian way - we see it in other sports like golf and it's why are cell phones cost so much....If I had a race track a lot of BS would disappear!!!!

02-12-2019, 01:04 PM
It would be fun if we could get a group of TMCers to agree on a date and attend a school together.

That’s a great idea!!

02-12-2019, 01:17 PM
This is my big beef with racing - it's seems there's still people that want to keep it to the elite and keep the average guy out - it shouldn't be that way - especially when we are encouraged to keep it off the street - I see a big opportunity for race tracks and the need for them, especially the way commuter vehicles are going - if it is more affordable, more people would come, the more people come the need for more tracks will increase - if I had the cash to invest or new how to attract investors I would pursue a race track business. I can see it being a viable venture - but you get people with money in the way that are bent on making things difficult for the average....
Racing has always been a rich persons sport. The saying is if you want to make a million dollars in racing, start with 2M. CTMP has been brought back to a world class track. Just think about how much property costs now a days!! Big bills to pay owning a track and you only get a chance to recoupe that money max 6-7 months a year. $650 a day is pricey though for just lapping when other groups charge less (talking about the mustang club).

02-12-2019, 03:29 PM
This is what I’m after.
There are other groups that do the big track for much cheaper than $650. It’s disappointing the mustang group isn’t doing it anymore. It was a fun event

Who and where?

I am after pounding some empty track laps, I recall being passed by gt3 cars and not needing to lift to let them by. The last instructed event I was at was good but too much traffic, speed was lost for me.

fast Ed
02-12-2019, 03:57 PM
6th Gear group does lots of events on the big track that are about $500 per day I believe, for experienced lappers.


A group that I also do some coaching with is DriveTeq, they do school events with three groups, so the fast group is no coaches and definitely a speedy bunch with not much traffic


With either of these, in the fast groups you will need to have your wits about you and very good awareness of the other cars on track

02-12-2019, 04:58 PM
6th Gear group does lots of events on the big track that are about $500 per day I believe, for experienced lappers.


A group that I also do some coaching with is DriveTeq, they do school events with three groups, so the fast group is no coaches and definitely a speedy bunch with not much traffic


With either of these, in the fast groups you will need to have your wits about you and very good awareness of the other cars on track

Thanks Ed. Looks like it's $575 for the day and another $500 if you want in car instruction. Also looks like you need some experience to go lapping with them....per the Event info.:

"This is an Advanced level track day and is of restricted access - all drivers must be able to demonstrate sufficient experience of a comparable nature to be allowed to attend. Participation will be confirmed by 6th Gear staff after registration (and before the event). All non-approved registrations will be fully refunded."

02-12-2019, 05:03 PM
^^^LOL, basically, I think they are saying: don't drive like a jackass. 6th Gear staff will determine if you are a jackass.

fast Ed
02-12-2019, 05:12 PM
They will likely ask you what other groups / events you have run with, at what level, to get an idea of your competency. I know with DriveTeq, if they have someone new to them who claims to have lots of prior experience and wants to go in the advanced group, in the first session they will get sent out with a coach for a check ride to confirm.

Not sure how 6th Gear vets you before the event, they will explain if asked I'm guessing. I haven't done any events with them, but know people who have and they enjoyed the days.

02-12-2019, 05:23 PM
In my case, I'd like to think my car would be in the way not the driver.......

Those track days look like they attract some silly fast cars

02-12-2019, 06:00 PM
I was out with race rockets, maclarens, vipers, porsches, Ms and vettes. My old stock cobra and I was out classed but I had a BLAST. Great bunch of guys. The SLOW group was still blazing fast but not many cars in it
I need to make more money LOL

02-12-2019, 08:17 PM
Racing has always been a rich persons sport. The saying is if you want to make a million dollars in racing, start with 2M. CTMP has been brought back to a world class track. Just think about how much property costs now a days!! Big bills to pay owning a track and you only get a chance to recoupe that money max 6-7 months a year. $650 a day is pricey though for just lapping when other groups charge less (talking about the mustang club).

yes I realize all that - but you are also channeled into spending money that has nothing to do with the track - like a BS license for starters - I'm not narrowing it down to the CTMP it's just everything compiled together - at nurburg public track session raises as much a 300,000 $'s with a low entry fee that's how many crazies want to try - for now I will stick to track days where I can and lapping and autocross - but it would be really nice to get out a stretch your legs once in a while... racing seems to be easily accessible all over the world except here - in a year or so I would be very interested in putting something together with a group of people as suggested above. Calabogie s probably where I will be going just not quite ready yet - I like your analogy "spend two million to make a million"...lol

02-12-2019, 08:25 PM
$650. That’s 5 track days at TMP. I know that’s apples and oranges, but....

Has there been any thought to renting the DDT?

I had some friends try to set this up a few years back - they killed it with insurance from what I've heard - But that was a private open wheel racing - not lapping of testing

02-12-2019, 10:44 PM
They will likely ask you what other groups / events you have run with, at what level, to get an idea of your competency. I know with DriveTeq, if they have someone new to them who claims to have lots of prior experience and wants to go in the advanced group, in the first session they will get sent out with a coach for a check ride to confirm.

Not sure how 6th Gear vets you before the event, they will explain if asked I'm guessing. I haven't done any events with them, but know people who have and they enjoyed the days.

Just did a little more digging on their site, and you either have to prove to them from your past experience and/OR do the "Check Ride", where an instructor goes out with you for a 20 min. session and determines whether you're skilled/safe enough to participate with them. And if you decide to roll the dice and do the Check Ride the day of the event and fail....you either pay to have an instructor or go home (you lose your registration fee...ouch!).

Here's the FAQ: https://6thgear.ca/faq/

02-12-2019, 11:35 PM
that's what I'm talking about ^^^ the more you dig the more discouraging it gets - there's tons of potential for growth but it's hindered with closed minds and membership - fraternity like mentality...you could pay upwards of 500 $'s for a short lesson and still be refused and is the instructor any better of a driver or just a guy who's done some lapping and paid for a weekend instructor course and is now a bonified instructor cause he's a member of the frat way of thinking - it needs to change - it's needs to be organized so people learn and advance at a controlled affordable pace - the setup now in my opinion is just BS and random pockets of money grabbers that I think just limits success - when I and many of the members here where young to rent a movie at the video store in the early days you needed to be a member first and foremost before you could even get a movie...that business model spurred Blockbuster and later Netflix and it will continue to evolve and be a success...it's time to evolve racing!

02-13-2019, 09:05 AM
Personally. I like the stricter rules and system. It limits risk for all those involved.. Drivers wrecking and getting a session red flagged for the clean up. Upsetting many and possible serious injuring themselves is a high and present danger. Just because we can afford to drive a fast car does not mean we can control it at speed. Our driving skills and ability should be scrutinized.

Track days are not for the light hearted or thinned wallet. Not everyone can just build and maintain a track like Mosport.

Experience does make a driver better, Doing training days are great. but “Lapping days” are about the fun of up at speed in a safe controlled environment.
The good thing about the other events is you can run what you brung, not just Ford powered

fast Ed
02-13-2019, 10:17 AM
that's what I'm talking about ^^^ the more you dig the more discouraging it gets - there's tons of potential for growth but it's hindered with closed minds and membership - fraternity like mentality...you could pay upwards of 500 $'s for a short lesson and still be refused and is the instructor any better of a driver or just a guy who's done some lapping and paid for a weekend instructor course and is now a bonified instructor cause he's a member of the frat way of thinking - it needs to change - it's needs to be organized so people learn and advance at a controlled affordable pace - the setup now in my opinion is just BS and random pockets of money grabbers that I think just limits success - when I and many of the members here where young to rent a movie at the video store in the early days you needed to be a member first and foremost before you could even get a movie...that business model spurred Blockbuster and later Netflix and it will continue to evolve and be a success...it's time to evolve racing!

That's why events like the DaSilva days at TMP are a great place for people to get their feet wet giving this a go for a pretty reasonable price. No membership of any kind required, you pay the entry fee, and show up with a vehicle in ready condition and the proper attitude. Any private group that puts on a lapping day is free to create and enforce their own rules, which I certainly agree with especially at a dangerous circuit like Mosport. You are speculating about the ego and attitude of people that you've never met ... I'm not saying that I haven't come across ones like that, it certainly happens. Once you have done a sufficient number of track days to consider attending a lapping event at the Mosport GP (which should be at least half a dozen if not more), you and people that have ridden with you will have a pretty good gauge of your competency. Then it won't be a roll of the dice as to whether or not you're going to be allowed to run at an event after getting checked out. The event organizers are always looking for repeat customers, they are not going to let their instructors send people home for trivial reasons.

Having been involved with circuit racing and instructing for almost 30 years now, I am reasonably experienced and competent, but certainly don't consider myself an expert,. I'll give you an example of why people need to be checked out before being allowed to run in an advanced lapping group. Two summers ago I was assisting at an event run as its own deal by some people who were affiliated with the BMW Trillium club. Two students that I got paired with, one advanced and one intermediate, were sharing the intermediate student's late model BMW M5. Neither of them had ever driven the GP circuit before, but had some previous lapping experience. The organizers' criteria for putting him in the advanced guy in that group was that he had been to the Nurburgring.

It was raining pretty steady all day, and in the first session with the "advanced" driver he decided that even though he'd never driven this circuit, he was going to push his friend's very fast and capable car to the point where the electronic aids were intervening multiple times per lap. He did slow down a bit after being repeatedly admonished, but this behaviour continued throughout the day. I told the chief instructor that he should be in intermediate, and the car owner who was already in that group should be in with the novices, because he was struggling, but they encouraged me to keep working with them in their current groups. Compounding the problem was their scheduling for the sessions, after lunch they were combining the novice and intermediate groups so if we had moved these guys as I was asking for, they would no longer be able to share the car that day and get all of their sessions.

Finally by mid-afternoon and the advanced guy still not heeding my direction to slow down (he did have some decent skills, but he didn't realize how much the car was intervening and saving his ass), I told the chief instructor to pair someone else with him because I did not feel like being in a crash that day. As I've got past 50 yrs old my self-preservation instincts kick in at a lower threshold, especially at Mosport. If I had been the chief person that day, I would have been telling this person that he either slowed down, or be sent home. He is an example of someone who claimed to have adequate experience, but should not have been in the group that he was ... partially the organizers' fault there as well to suit their scheduling with him sharing the car. Sure he'd been at the Nurburgring, but unless he mastered it while he was there, it's not really much help on a rainy day at Mosport.

Driving quickly on a race track with others around you is NEVER to be taken lightly. In almost all cases the people organizing these types of lapping events and schools have a pretty solid background and track experience. These are first world problems when you boil it down ... if you feel that you can do a better job cheaper running an event, then by all means get a group of participants together and rent a day at the track!!


02-13-2019, 10:27 AM
that was the most polite, well written rant EVER.

02-13-2019, 10:48 AM
No amount of money ever would get me in the passenger seat of a car with a driver I don't know and drive around CTMP in their crazy fast car in the rain. Instructors earn their money for sure.
To me its all driver attitude. Don't take it personally that your put in the "slow" group. We all started there and at CTMP I'm more than happy in the slow group. Just because your car is fast, doesn't mean you are.

02-13-2019, 10:52 AM
...Just because your car is fast, doesn't mean you are.

This, and check your ego at the gate.

02-13-2019, 10:52 AM
That's why events like the DaSilva days at TMP are a great place for people to get their feet wet giving this a go for a pretty reasonable price. No membership of any kind required, you pay the entry fee, and show up with a vehicle in ready condition and the proper attitude. Any private group that puts on a lapping day is free to create and enforce their own rules, which I certainly agree with especially at a dangerous circuit like Mosport. You are speculating about the ego and attitude of people that you've never met ... I'm not saying that I haven't come across ones like that, it certainly happens. Once you have done a sufficient number of track days to consider attending a lapping event at the Mosport GP (which should be at least half a dozen if not more), you and people that have ridden with you will have a pretty good gauge of your competency. Then it won't be a roll of the dice as to whether or not you're going to be allowed to run at an event after getting checked out. The event organizers are always looking for repeat customers, they are not going to let their instructors send people home for trivial reasons.

Having been involved with circuit racing and instructing for almost 30 years now, I am reasonably experienced and competent, but certainly don't consider myself an expert,. I'll give you an example of why people need to be checked out before being allowed to run in an advanced lapping group. Two summers ago I was assisting at an event run as its own deal by some people who were affiliated with the BMW Trillium club. Two students that I got paired with, one advanced and one intermediate, were sharing the intermediate student's late model BMW M5. Neither of them had ever driven the GP circuit before, but had some previous lapping experience. The organizers' criteria for putting him in the advanced guy in that group was that he had been to the Nurburgring.

It was raining pretty steady all day, and in the first session with the "advanced" driver he decided that even though he'd never driven this circuit, he was going to push his friend's very fast and capable car to the point where the electronic aids were intervening multiple times per lap. He did slow down a bit after being repeatedly admonished, but this behaviour continued throughout the day. I told the chief instructor that he should be in intermediate, and the car owner who was already in that group should be in with the novices, because he was struggling, but they encouraged me to keep working with them in their current groups. Compounding the problem was their scheduling for the sessions, after lunch they were combining the novice and intermediate groups so if we had moved these guys as I was asking for, they would no longer be able to share the car that day and get all of their sessions.

Finally by mid-afternoon and the advanced guy still not heeding my direction to slow down (he did have some decent skills, but he didn't realize how much the car was intervening and saving his ass), I told the chief instructor to pair someone else with him because I did not feel like being in a crash that day. As I've got past 50 yrs old my self-preservation instincts kick in at a lower threshold, especially at Mosport. If I had been the chief person that day, I would have been telling this person that he either slowed down, or be sent home. He is an example of someone who claimed to have adequate experience, but should not have been in the group that he was ... partially the organizers' fault there as well to suit their scheduling with him sharing the car. Sure he'd been at the Nurburgring, but unless he mastered it while he was there, it's not really much help on a rainy day at Mosport.

Driving quickly on a race track with others around you is NEVER to be taken lightly. In almost all cases the people organizing these types of lapping events and schools have a pretty solid background and track experience. These are first world problems when you boil it down ... if you feel that you can do a better job cheaper running an event, then by all means get a group of participants together and rent a day at the track!!


I understand perfectly what your saying it's not a game - I work beside a body shop and see brand new high end cars written off on a regular basis that appear as they have not seen the first oil change - what I fail to see and you are somewhat proving my point is the lack of organization in proper training and advancement - I have no track experience - consider myself a good driver and don't see any real definite clear path to getting the experience I need to achieve what I want at a foreseen cost and an organized properly regulated fashion - I've been to events to spectate such as time attack and just witnessed a very random selection and choosing process among inexperienced drivers on weather or not someone gets to drive or not pending the amount of participants needed, especially with a low entry of competitors...

I'm not bashing the system I just see a real need for improvement for the sport to advance - maybe I'm wrong but if acing is to taken off the streets things need to change and what I see in other places outside of Canada make perfect sense considering where the commuter car environment is heading....

and yes I will explore your suggestion...

02-13-2019, 11:15 AM
Personally. I like the stricter rules and system. It limits risk for all those involved.. Drivers wrecking and getting a session red flagged for the clean up. Upsetting many and possible serious injuring themselves is a high and present danger. Just because we can afford to drive a fast car does not mean we can control it at speed. Our driving skills and ability should be scrutinized.

Track days are not for the light hearted or thinned wallet. Not everyone can just build and maintain a track like Mosport.

Experience does make a driver better, Doing training days are great. but “Lapping days” are about the fun of up at speed in a safe controlled environment.
The good thing about the other events is you can run what you brung, not just Ford powered

Agreed...Mosport GP is not a track to be run without caution for the un-initiated and even those with lots of experience. TMP....you can go off track at most points without serious consequences (to car and person), but @ Mosport, it could cost you big time. The Mustangs @ Mosport format was good; 3 groups of various experience levels and an instructor ride a long for those new to the track/lapping. For me personally, my wanting to preserve my car helped me greatly ;)

02-13-2019, 11:23 AM
Agreed...Mosport GP is not a track to be run without caution for the un-initiated and even those with lots of experience. TMP....you can go off track at most points without serious consequences (to car and person), but @ Mosport, it could cost you big time. The Mustangs @ Mosport format was good; 3 groups of various experience levels and an instructor ride a long for those new to the track/lapping. For me personally, my wanting to preserve my car helped me greatly ;)

I loved and hated this event LOL
The pure joy /excitement it brought to me and some of my tag alongs.... no words can describe it. I would have NEVER have ventured onto the Mosport without the GHMA and its organizers. Thank You GHMA.
I only wish there was more and I started going sooner.
I hated it because it was a drug. Iam now addicted and thin/empty walletted because of it LOL

02-13-2019, 11:28 AM
I understand perfectly what your saying it's not a game - I work beside a body shop and see brand new high end cars written off on a regular basis that appear as they have not seen the first oil change - what I fail to see and you are somewhat proving my point is the lack of organization in proper training and advancement - I have no track experience - consider myself a good driver and don't see any real definite clear path to getting the experience I need to achieve what I want at a foreseen cost and an organized properly regulated fashion - I've been to events to spectate such as time attack and just witnessed a very random selection and choosing process among inexperienced drivers on weather or not someone gets to drive or not pending the amount of participants needed, especially with a low entry of competitors...

I'm not bashing the system I just see a real need for improvement for the sport to advance - maybe I'm wrong but if acing is to taken off the streets things need to change and what I see in other places outside of Canada make perfect sense considering where the commuter car environment is heading....

and yes I will explore your suggestion...

I think your best choice is to attend a driving school, like the ones put on by the Trillium BMW club. Class instruction, track walk, skid pad time and in-car instructor time is included I believe. A good way to kick off your journey in tracking your car. Here's some info: http://vps58250.vps.ovh.ca/civicrm/event/ical?reset=1&page=1&html=1

02-13-2019, 11:43 AM
I think your best choice is to attend a driving school, like the ones put on by the Trillium BMW club. Class instruction, track walk, skid pad time and in-car instructor time is included I believe. A good way to kick off your journey in tracking your car. Here's some info: http://vps58250.vps.ovh.ca/civicrm/event/ical?reset=1&page=1&html=1

Thanks - I think that's a good suggestion and I will be looking into that - when I was discouraged by it all it was 10 or so years ago - I've been exploring again recently things have changed a little, I think, but yah I will go to lapping and ask more questions...lol and keep building cars - have a young son and would really like to help in get involved more so than me, now at my age - together we've discussed driving school for him and he has another year in college - I wont be buying a bimmer tho...lol

fast Ed
02-13-2019, 12:03 PM
The Trillium Club events are open to all makes vehicles, they are always looking for and welcoming new students.

if you've never been on track yet, come on out to the DaSilva day at TMP this spring with your 2018. It's a very informal day ... you'll meet a bunch of great people, have an absolute blast in a safe environment, and even better maybe learn a bit more about driving that day too. Rick, Ross, and Stephen do a great job running these events for Joe. Experienced attendees are happy to jump in with you to give a few tips, or offer a ride-around in their cars too.


02-13-2019, 12:33 PM
The Trillium Club events are open to all makes vehicles, they are always looking for and welcoming new students.

if you've never been on track yet, come on out to the DaSilva day at TMP this spring with your 2018. It's a very informal day ... you'll meet a bunch of great people, have an absolute blast in a safe environment, and even better maybe learn a bit more about driving that day too. Rick, Ross, and Stephen do a great job running these events for Joe. Experienced attendees are happy to jump in with you to give a few tips, or offer a ride-around in their cars too.


Thanks Ed - just being a joker about the BMW comment lol - My beef kinda went of course (probably my choice of wording and emotions) - I just think there's a huge potential if one owned a track with plenty of land around it to open up new opportunities - my vision far outreaches my wallet and current trends - now that I'm older, and they say life slows down when your older...lol (probably was a young guy that said that!) I'm going to make more effort to try and understand and get more involved in the race community as well as be involved on the track.

02-13-2019, 12:41 PM
I loved and hated this event LOL
The pure joy /excitement it brought to me and some of my tag alongs.... no words can describe it. I would have NEVER have ventured onto the Mosport without the GHMA and its organizers. Thank You GHMA.
I only wish there was more and I started going sooner.
I hated it because it was a drug. Iam now addicted and thin/empty walletted because of it LOL

Same experience for me. Was a total adrenaline rush and a real learning experience. I was somewhat spoiled driving my 12 Boss 302 as it was really built to help get the most out of a track experience. I too wish I'd been able to get involved much earlier, but will fondly remember the 3 yrs. I got to go.

And no question it can get expensive....real fast. Haha!

fast Ed
02-13-2019, 01:36 PM
Thanks Ed - just being a joker about the BMW comment lol - My beef kinda went of course (probably my choice of wording and emotions) - I just think there's a huge potential if one owned a track with plenty of land around it to open up new opportunities - my vision far outreaches my wallet and current trends - now that I'm older, and they say life slows down when your older...lol (probably was a young guy that said that!) I'm going to make more effort to try and understand and get more involved in the race community as well as be involved on the track.

I know that you're thinking out loud and just expressing some frustration more than anything, I was busting your balls a bit while trying to make a point. Until you've actually come out to the track and experienced it, try to not make assumptions based on things that you have heard or read which may or may not be valid. :)

Mellow Yellow
02-13-2019, 03:39 PM
Reading the thread I agree with everything said by the experienced drivers. I think everyone should remember no matter how much experience and skill you have shit happens.
These pictures are of a Nissan GTR, with a VERY experienced driver and instructor. He is well respected in Z car circles. At Road Atlanta, in October, he made a rookie mistake and took out his car...in the 5th corner. Cold tires are not very forgiving.

January 14, 2019 update....He messaged me and they wrote the car off. He was covered by track insurance.


02-13-2019, 04:57 PM
Worst crash I've ever seen at Mustangs at Mosport was an experienced driver. Car rolled after going off #8.

02-13-2019, 05:55 PM
I'm really looking forward to taking my 85 GT on the track this year. This is one of those things where I've been a spectator many times and drooled over the cars doing the laps. Finally got a car that has some upgrades geared for road course. Hoping Fast Ed will be there to give me some guidance...

02-13-2019, 07:56 PM
Mosport GP is such an amazing track but every pro driver who has driven there knows it’s one of the most challenging and need to be respected. I did a light 4 wheel drift in turn 2 with my fox on r-comps. I nearly crapped my pants and slowed down. Luckily I stayed well on the track when it happened. Thankfully now there is much more paved run off. TMP is one of the best tracks (that I’ve been to) to learn on. Just talking about this has got me even more excited for the nice weather to come!!!!! I really want to travel to a few other tracks this summer if I can and enroll in a good school.

02-13-2019, 08:49 PM
I have a butt clenching moment from turn 2 also, got it on my GoPro. My dad and I don't say a word to each other about it until half way up the back straight lol.
I would enjoy a weekend of instruction and trying out a new track or two also.

98 Snake
02-14-2019, 12:12 AM
I did a mosport weekend with the trillium bmw club and its was a awesome experience. i Learned allot that weekend and definitely made me a better driver all around. Track days sell out quick so you gotta jump on it if you want a decent date in the summer. One of the instructors came to the tmp fall track days and was impressed with how well organized it was ��

02-14-2019, 09:15 AM
I did a mosport weekend with the trillium bmw club and its was a awesome experience. i Learned allot that weekend and definitely made me a better driver all around. Track days sell out quick so you gotta jump on it if you want a decent date in the summer. One of the instructors came to the tmp fall track days and was impressed with how well organized it was ��

excellent - I was looking on their website last night - it does look good - is their overnight accommodations nearby...?

98 Snake
02-14-2019, 10:47 AM
There are lots of hotels in bowmanville would be around 15-20 min from the track

02-14-2019, 11:05 AM
bring a tent?



02-14-2019, 11:15 AM
bring a tent?



I was hoping someone would say that...lol right up my pocket book

02-14-2019, 11:17 AM
I was hoping someone would say that...lol right up my pocket book

Too much bugs for me, lol
I’m a wuss - I’ll stay at the hotel lol

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02-14-2019, 11:19 AM
Too much bugs for me, lol
I’m a wuss - I’ll stay at the hotel lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

hahaha maybe that's why the High Commander never comes...

02-14-2019, 11:37 AM
Worst crash I've ever seen at Mustangs at Mosport was an experienced driver. Car rolled after going off #8.

In the 3 yrs. I attended, that day was the worst one. Believe there were 3 significantly damaged cars that day due to off track mis-haps, with the one you mention being the worst, including driver injury. I remember hearing from several experienced drivers that you had to be on your toes at all times @ Mosport...as it can bite you quickly. And if it's at all cool in the weather dept.....doubly so. Gotta make sure the rubber is good and warm before you really get on it.

02-14-2019, 11:40 AM
Too much bugs for me, lol
I’m a wuss - I’ll stay at the hotel lol

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Don't worry, the exhaust fumes kill most of the bugs. :friendly_wink:

02-14-2019, 11:49 AM
... you had to be on your toes at all times @ Mosport...as it can bite you quickly.

Here's a near miss I had at turn 4. As I was approaching the turn in, the conga line ahead of me at turn 5 caught my attention and I turned in way too late. The suspension was unloaded at this point as I was going over the crest. Had wait for the car to come back down before turning in. My passenger turned a bit white.


fast Ed
02-14-2019, 12:55 PM
In the 3 yrs. I attended, that day was the worst one. Believe there were 3 significantly damaged cars that day due to off track mis-haps, with the one you mention being the worst, including driver injury. I remember hearing from several experienced drivers that you had to be on your toes at all times @ Mosport...as it can bite you quickly. And if it's at all cool in the weather dept.....doubly so. Gotta make sure the rubber is good and warm before you really get on it.

As former pro racer Tommy Kendall said while doing the colour commentary for the IMSA race at Mosport last year ... "if you don't get proper scared at least 4 times a lap around here, you're not trying hard enough" or words to that effect.

02-14-2019, 04:39 PM
Here's a near miss I had at turn 4. As I was approaching the turn in, the conga line ahead of me at turn 5 caught my attention and I turned in way too late. The suspension was unloaded at this point as I was going over the crest. Had wait for the car to come back down before turning in. My passenger turned a bit white.


Didn't look to bad in the video....good recovery :-). The only close call I had was in my 2nd yr. where I came off turn 10 and the back end of the Boss started to come around....heading me towards the pit lane concrete barrier! Got off the gas quick...and corrected, thankfully. Sphincter tightening moment for sure. My stock Pirelli P-zero's were a bit worn and a little cool (morning run) and it showed. Replaced them next season with Michelin Pilot Super Sports....they were impressive.

02-14-2019, 06:46 PM
Nothing but smooooooth sailing for me at Mosport.

02-14-2019, 06:47 PM
..........................until a half shaft / hub let go. ;)

02-14-2019, 07:14 PM
..........................until a half shaft / hub let go. ;)


02-14-2019, 07:32 PM
My worst moment at Mosport came following a car down 2 . The driver decided it would be a good idea to get hard on the brakes mid-turn. I think I started breathing again at 5.

02-14-2019, 09:23 PM
..........................until a half shaft / hub let go. ;)

I remember that....me and the older fella with the 90's T-bird came up to the hair pin with the marshall waving the flags like a wild man. We parked up top on the shoulder till they helped clear up the mess. I think that's one of my worst fears on that track, as there are points where you might quickly come up on debris and/or another car with no where to go. Glad the only thing hurt there was the car....remember seeing you out helping sweep up the debris!

02-14-2019, 09:27 PM
My worst moment at Mosport came following a car down 2 . The driver decided it would be a good idea to get hard on the brakes mid-turn. I think I started breathing again at 5.


fast Ed
02-14-2019, 09:59 PM
That's why it's so important to be aware of the location of the flagging stations, and the marshals within them, at this track especially! With so many blind entries to corners, you need them to tell you what's happening ahead or you can quickly find yourself on top of a situation that would go from bad to worse.

02-24-2019, 03:35 PM
Received this from Ryan this morning:

Infinite Motorsports will be hosting the event for us this year. I have driven with the fine folks at Infinite Motorsports and I can attest to the extremely high event quality. This event will be held on July 1, 2019 along with in classroom instruction by Ross Bentley (of Speed Secrets fame!). Lunch will also be provided. The event will be open to all makes.


02-24-2019, 05:27 PM
Received this from Ryan this morning:

Infinite Motorsports will be hosting the event for us this year. I have driven with the fine folks at Infinite Motorsports and I can attest to the extremely high event quality. This event will be held on July 1, 2019 along with in classroom instruction by Ross Bentley (of Speed Secrets fame!). Lunch will also be provided. The event will be open to all makes.


went to the website - "intermediate an advanced drivers only" sounds like it may count out many of us here :(

02-24-2019, 06:29 PM
Double the price may count out even more.
Unfortunate, but more budget for lapping days at TMP.

02-24-2019, 07:12 PM
Double the price may count out even more.
Unfortunate, but more budget for lapping days at TMP.

I would pay this price just for the knowledge and experience I'm considering the BMW school this summer just waiting to for dates for track days here and the PITL auto cross schedule - Don, are lapping days open to all, and is there some sort of guidance for guys to get started...?

02-24-2019, 07:43 PM
The lapping days at TMP? Yes, open to all. There’s a rookie group that starts off with a parade lap, and there are tons of guys there that will gladly co-pilot and give you tips. Same guys are usually open to having someone ride shotgun on their sessions. It’s usually a very relaxed atmosphere with no pressure to push the car more than you are comfortable with.

02-24-2019, 08:40 PM
The lapping days at TMP? Yes, open to all. There’s a rookie group that starts off with a parade lap, and there are tons of guys there that will gladly co-pilot and give you tips. Same guys are usually open to having someone ride shotgun on their sessions. It’s usually a very relaxed atmosphere with no pressure to push the car more than you are comfortable with.

What Don said. And to elaborate a little, we have also eliminated passing in the Rookie group. The reasoning was that it eliminated an often stressful manoeuvre for some the rookies, and allowed them to concentrate more on their driving. The feedback has been nothing but positive since that rule was implemented. We encouraged new drivers to do a drive through, if they were feeling pressured on the track or the pace was to quick. The drive through was just leaving the track at pit road to allow the back to go by, then joining in behind them.

02-24-2019, 08:57 PM
The lapping days at TMP? Yes, open to all. There’s a rookie group that starts off with a parade lap, and there are tons of guys there that will gladly co-pilot and give you tips. Same guys are usually open to having someone ride shotgun on their sessions. It’s usually a very relaxed atmosphere with no pressure to push the car more than you are comfortable with.

thanks Don that's cool - you go often?

02-24-2019, 09:02 PM
thanks Don that's cool - you go often?

He’s there all the time lol
Like peanut butter and jelly

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02-24-2019, 09:04 PM
What Don said. And to elaborate a little, we have also eliminated passing in the Rookie group. The reasoning was that it eliminated an often stressful manoeuvre for some the rookies, and allowed them to concentrate more on their driving. The feedback has been nothing but positive since that rule was implemented. We encouraged new drivers to do a drive through, if they were feeling pressured on the track or the pace was to quick. The drive through was just leaving the track at pit road to allow the back to go by, then joining in behind them.

Thanks Steven - sounds good - I don't think I will have a problem with passing but want to be able to take the time to learn the track fairly comfortably, correct passing methods in lapping as well as full competition and basically ease into it...flags too just basically get familiarized and comfortable

02-24-2019, 09:30 PM
Thanks Steven - sounds good - I don't think I will have a problem with passing but want to be able to take the time to learn the track fairly comfortably, correct passing methods in lapping as well as full competition and basically ease into it...flags too just basically get familiarized and comfortable

We have a driver’s meeting before we get on the track and go over the track rules, the flags, and have a Q & A (always keeping in mind that there are no dumb questions). We usually send the intermediate or advanced group out first so it gives the rookies a bit more time to get familiar with the track and to do some ride alongs to get on the track without having to worry about driving. We always do a few parade laps for the rookie group so they can get an idea of the line around the track. There are many YouTube videos from past track days that are fun to watch and that give you an idea of what your time on the track may be like.

02-24-2019, 11:09 PM
I've been a couple times now, great event, will be attending again.

02-25-2019, 07:07 AM
I've been a couple times now, great event, will be attending again.

sounds good....!

03-03-2019, 05:46 PM
Not sure if you all know about Speed Therapy on the big MOSPORT track.


I have been doing this for the last few years, Super FUN!

03-03-2019, 07:25 PM
nice - thanks for sharing..!

03-04-2019, 05:05 PM
Looking forward to TMP track day...on my bucket list.

03-04-2019, 08:36 PM
Looking forward to TMP track day...on my bucket list.

You'll have a blast Boomer.