View Full Version : Calbogie GT Challenge

01-29-2019, 09:28 PM
Has anyone here raced at the "Calabogie GT Challenge" race series? or anything local that is similar? - It's a road race series developed for street and race cars. I personally have never done it but am very motivated to be involved with something like this over the next year or so... If anyone here has ever competed in something like this, any information to help better prepare myself would be much appreciated...Thanks Gerry!

fast Ed
01-29-2019, 10:00 PM
That is a "gentleman's" race series where passing has to be signalled I believe. As far as I know you need to have the usual safety equipment in the car and on yourself to participate, and they are looking for people with a significant amount of lapping experience who want to try going up a level.

All the info should be here:



01-30-2019, 04:33 PM
I don’t know anything about this series but I would really like to try out this track!

01-30-2019, 04:37 PM
^^^ Ditto! Seems a bit longer than Mosport....

fast Ed
01-30-2019, 06:03 PM
The full circuit is about 3 miles, so yes longer than Mosport. Doesn't have the same amount of elevation changes, but enough to be interesting. A lot of corners to remember! The blind ones generally open out, so they are relatively easy. We did a pair of 8 hr Chumpcar races there last fall, lots of fun and in a 2 hr stint you get time to figure things out. LOL

01-30-2019, 08:22 PM
I have tracked Calabogie on a motorcycle. If I recall there are 18 turns, and it’s a very difficult track to study, will take you better part of the day to remember lines and corners.

It can be very treacherous with a few decreasing radius’s and as always the session after lunch always have their mishaps.

I don’t beleive it is as fast as Mosport long track, but the elevations are what can slow you down if you don’t know the track.