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07-07-2023, 11:32 AM
does it have a white racing stripe?


it has a white tipped tail. just the tip

07-08-2023, 12:16 AM
Went to Ripley's Aquarium today for the first time. A pretty cool experience if you have never been.

07-08-2023, 07:19 AM
Went to Ripley's Aquarium today for the first time. A pretty cool experience if you have never been.

I’ve always wanted to go because we deliver there but I always forget.

07-08-2023, 11:45 AM
Will be MC'ing a South Asian wedding tonight at the Country Heritage Park in Milton!


07-08-2023, 02:03 PM
I wouldn't invest too much in marriage emcee'ing considering we're in a post marriage society.

Will be MC'ing a South Asian wedding tonight at the Country Heritage Park in Milton!


07-08-2023, 02:32 PM
Or…. Good luck Zee, knock’m dead! Don’t listen to the party poopers.

07-08-2023, 02:36 PM
Or…. Good luck Zee, knock’m dead! Don’t listen to the party poopers.Exactly Don!!!! Kill it Zee!!

07-08-2023, 02:37 PM
Went to Ripley's Aquarium today for the first time. A pretty cool experience if you have never been.Glad you enjoyed it, we've been a few times and we always have a good time.

07-08-2023, 02:37 PM
I wouldn't invest too much in marriage emcee'ing considering we're in a post marriage society.

Hahaha this is my third wedding this summer and i've got another 4 to go! - the South Asian community seems to be going strong on the wedding train! Thats my core target market.

07-08-2023, 02:39 PM

07-08-2023, 02:39 PM
Or…. Good luck Zee, knock’m dead! Don’t listen to the party poopers.

Thanks Don!

07-08-2023, 02:43 PM
Good luck Zee!

07-08-2023, 10:54 PM
Hahaha this is my third wedding this summer and i've got another 4 to go! - the South Asian community seems to be going strong on the wedding train! Thats my core target market.

The numbers are on your side - it's a large and growing community so demand should be strong for at least another 2 generations at least (given immigration stats). Have fun with the gigs. Great way to juice the "go fast goodies" fund....or retirement.....whichever floats your boat!

07-09-2023, 09:13 AM
The numbers are on your side - it's a large and growing community so demand should be strong for at least another 2 generations at least (given immigration stats). Have fun with the gigs. Great way to juice the "go fast goodies" fund....or retirement.....whichever floats your boat!



There are still plenty of thirsty men hoping to secure access to the pootie, but it's a declining market. Being a talented wagon wheel maker in the time of the Model T is a declining market.

07-09-2023, 10:35 AM
my tire inflator is getting irritating. The needle fell off the gauge. A bit of noodling on Amazon turned up a digital version from AstroAI. Goes to 250, which would be helpful for my van.

Does anyone have experience with digital inflator/gauge combos or more specifically with AstroAI.

Failing that some suggestions on a decent, robust inflator that won't break the bank.

07-09-2023, 03:43 PM


There are still plenty of thirsty men hoping to secure access to the pootie, but it's a declining market. Being a talented wagon wheel maker in the time of the Model T is a declining market.

I’m aware of that Chapter 11/CCAA filing but many of the current filings are not just due to market demand shifts but also the effect of too much leverage during a low rate period but now having to service that debt at cost of borrowing that are multiples of the original cost. Also, Zee’s target market probably doesn’t shop at David’s Bridal that much because they wear multiple outfits for their weddings and the outfits look different.

My tailor does a lot of wedding work for grooms and their parties/family so the regular places like Harry’s or Moores, etc don’t get that business either.

07-09-2023, 07:34 PM

07-09-2023, 07:40 PM
Edit: fuck, why do I get pulled into these pointless internet debates with trolls. Back on “ignore” you go.

07-09-2023, 07:46 PM
Edit: fuck, why do I get pulled into these pointless internet debates with trolls. Back on “ignore” you go.

I'm just reporting my observations. Feel free to encourage diving into a dying market. 50 years of "I don't need no man" and men are starting to listen.


07-10-2023, 09:22 AM
The numbers are on your side - it's a large and growing community so demand should be strong for at least another 2 generations at least (given immigration stats). Have fun with the gigs. Great way to juice the "go fast goodies" fund....or retirement.....whichever floats your boat!

Gig went amazing! 300 people, dry wedding - very responsive crowd.
Bride and Groom were happy even though it rained.
Hopefully I secured some referrals!
The South Asian community definitely has the more "traditional" values on a large scale... from Sikh to Hindu to Muslims - they all go hard on the marriage concept. If you you get into a relationship and it gets serious - you HAVE to marry or else it will bring shame to both sides of the families...that paired with the religious pressure. And this kind of pressure will keep the tradition going.
This is the moment I opened up the dance floor for the Groom!


07-10-2023, 09:27 AM
Hypergamy is on steroids in India. Make hay when the sun is out, and prepare for winter.

07-10-2023, 09:28 AM
does it have a white racing stripe?


07-10-2023, 02:10 PM
does anyone have a current RockAuto discount code?

07-10-2023, 09:29 PM
shout out to redo75 for supplying a discount code.

07-10-2023, 09:35 PM
no problem, glad to help.

07-11-2023, 09:51 AM
So, my brother decides to show up from England with his gf of 4 months... shes knocked up, still legally married to another guy - oh boy
This is going to be fun...

07-11-2023, 10:26 AM
So, my brother decides to show up from England with his gf of 4 months... shes knocked up, still legally married to another guy - oh boy
This is going to be fun...

male thirst is the economic engine of the world

07-11-2023, 10:38 AM
male thirst is the economic engine of the world

Apparently at 42 he still lacks common sense and respect for his parents

07-11-2023, 01:08 PM
Underworked and over paid - thats the Government worker way.

Also known as buying votes

07-11-2023, 01:16 PM
So, my brother decides to show up from England with his gf of 4 months... shes knocked up, still legally married to another guy - oh boy
This is going to be fun...

For first time in your life you’ll need Jerry Springer and the guy dies not to long ago…. SOL

07-11-2023, 01:51 PM
For first time in your life you’ll need Jerry Springer and the guy dies not to long ago…. SOL

Yup, the only good thing is - shes rich ... and i mean like oldschool British rich ... so atleast the nannies will be taking care of the baby even though these two numb nuts cant.

07-11-2023, 03:35 PM
Yup, the only good thing is - shes rich ... and i mean like oldschool British rich ... so atleast the nannies will be taking care of the baby even though these two numb nuts cant.

Maybe there's some method to his madness.

07-11-2023, 03:37 PM
Would Maury Povich do?

07-11-2023, 04:06 PM
Maybe there's some method to his madness.

Thats one way to secure funding for your company lol

07-11-2023, 04:06 PM
Would Maury Povich do?

Hopefully a DNA test LOL

07-11-2023, 07:27 PM
Thats one way to secure funding for your company lol

There is now an heir....

07-11-2023, 08:36 PM
So, my brother decides to show up from England with his gf of 4 months... shes knocked up, still legally married to another guy - oh boy
This is going to be fun...

Sounds like the premise to a comedic drama starring Paul Rudd as Zee, Owen Wilson as the brother, Emily Blunt as the pregnant gf and Martin Freeman as the British husband.

Directed by Wes Anderson.

07-12-2023, 08:59 AM
Sounds like the premise to a comedic drama starring Paul Rudd as Zee, Owen Wilson as the brother, Emily Blunt as the pregnant gf and Martin Freeman as the British husband.

Directed by Wes Anderson.

LOL I would pay to see this...except...i dont have too :rolleyes:

07-12-2023, 09:42 AM
LOL I would pay to see this...except...i dont have too :rolleyes:

you already know the ending

07-12-2023, 10:07 AM
So we have over 25,000 vehicles stuck at sea awaiting processing at port.
With the Port Union strike they're literally just chilling in the ocean... we tried rerouting them to through the States... now the American Port Union have partnered with the Canadian Union and have refused to process any Canadian ships.
When the coalition government came in, the NDP signed a deal with the port unions that they will not put forth a back to work legislation ... :choke::slap:

07-12-2023, 09:26 PM
Neighbor comes over. The one who only chats when he needs something. Boat motor isn’t running. . I explain diagnosis before willy nilly parts changes. I ask “spark or fuel” and get quizzical look. I again stress importance of proper diagnosis. He says yeah yeah I get it, then asks what he should change. This is followed by, are you busy?

07-13-2023, 04:35 AM
So I am at Walmart scanning and bagging my almost $300 worth of groceries while the employee "monitors" and then this happened.

Her - why are you double bagging all of your groceries?

Me - excuse me?

Her - you are wasting our bags!

Me - if you don't like the way I'm bagging the groceries, feel free to come on over here and bag them yourself.

Her - that's not my job!

Me - okay, then I will bag my groceries how I please if that's all right with you.

Her - why are you using two bags?!

Me - because the bags are weak and I don't want the handles to break or the bottoms to rip out.

Her - well that's because you are putting too much stuff in the bag. If you took half of that stuff out and put it in a different bag then you wouldn't need to double bag.

*10 seconds of me just staring at her.

Me - so you want me to split these items in half and put half of them in a different bag so that I don't have to double bag.

Her - exactly.

Me - so I would still be using two bags to hold the same number of items.

Her - no because you wouldn't be double bagging.

*me pressing two fingers to my left eye in an attempt to make it stop twitching.

Me - okay so here I have a jug of milk and a bottle of juice double bagged. If I take the milk out and remove the double bagging and just put the milk in the single bag and the juice in that single bag I'm still using two bags for these two items.

Her- no because you are not double bagging them so it's not the same number of bags.

*me looking around at about 10 other customers who at this point are enjoying the show.

Me- is this like that Common Core math stuff I keep hearing about?

Her- never mind you just don't get it.

And with that, she went back to her little Podium so she could continue texting or playing games on her phone or whatever it was she was doing before she decided to come over and critique my bagging skills.https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/td0/1/16/1f602.pnghttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/td0/1/16/1f602.png

07-13-2023, 06:02 AM
Him - Her's are bad at math

They - Her's and Him's are the same

Him - expecting him to be good a her things or her to be good at him things is the definition of madness

They - but I know a her who's good at math therefore....

*presses two fingers to my left eye in an attempt to make it stop twitching.

07-13-2023, 06:10 AM
The monitoring AI is stepping up it's game. Yesterday I went to Rode to read the manual on setting gain on a wireless mic. I didn't google, went right to Rode. Today in my inbox Amazon is pitching me a Shure signal controller with gain controls.

07-13-2023, 06:31 AM
that 5% bump won't burst the bubble.......

07-13-2023, 09:37 AM
^^^LOL, math.

But seriously, you're not using reusable bags? :stickpoke:
Much stronger, you can fit $300 worth of groceries in 4 bags.

07-13-2023, 02:44 PM
^^^LOL, math.

But seriously, you're not using reusable bags? :stickpoke:
Much stronger, you can fit $300 worth of groceries in 4 bags.

That’s not saying much with todays prices. Lol

07-13-2023, 05:02 PM
Rest in Peace Fred.

https://people.com/thmb/X0Hs4pVMVN6wFLmHk9M7uFzIrE0=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc() :focal(504x192:506x194):format(webp)/fred-hurt-obit-071223-tout-a8f3aa99a19945068964935ef50c711e.jpg

07-13-2023, 06:44 PM
Got a Ring camera or device? Check out the congressional hearings about how they've been hacked and abused.

Now map that onto other devices capable of listening, filming, tracking.

07-14-2023, 07:56 AM
I had this crazy dream last night that I was on a service call and ChickenLips was driving the service truck —a right hand drive sprinter. Who would import a right hand drive sprinter. It's a true story and I have no idea why! I think I need a vacation.

07-14-2023, 02:26 PM
Who would import a right hand drive sprinter.
Was it an extreme right hand drive?

07-14-2023, 04:57 PM
Out on the town last night meeting someone I have been Iracing together for years with. (Me, my buddy Mo, & Carter from Indianapolis)
He's in town as his race team that he is on is racing at Indy Toronto (usf2000)


07-14-2023, 09:17 PM
Was it an extreme right hand drive?

lol never thought of it that way — I have have been extremely preoccupied with politics lately

07-15-2023, 11:50 AM
Any plumbers here in the group?

I have a potentially stupid question.

Since my basement is still gutted from the water leak and slowly getting back together as I fix all the problems and address anything that I might as well do now while it’s apart

One thing I have always thought would be handy is a sewage dump for my trailer. The closest public dump is 20 min from me so. Not the end of the world to drag the trailer there when needed but we are talking about clearing a spot or two in the bush and setting up camp sites with out trailer to rent out / Abnb when we are not using it ourselves. If that pans out will probably buy another trailer to do the same with and make this property start turning some income for us. Having an on site dump spot would be really handy

From what little I have read it’s need like a possibility but depended on local laws.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience/ input on this. Is it as simple as a 3” pipe with a cap. Would it need a 3” “p” trap? Is there a minimum/ maximum distance from the house that it has to be

Im on a septic system if that makes a difference.

Thanks gents.

07-15-2023, 11:56 AM
Any plumbers here in the group?

I have a potentially stupid question.

Since my basement is still gutted from the water leak and slowly getting back together as I fix all the problems and address anything that I might as well do now while it’s apart

One thing I have always thought would be handy is a sewage dump for my trailer. The closest public dump is 20 min from me so. Not the end of the world to drag the trailer there when needed but we are talking about clearing a spot or two in the bush and setting up camp sites with out trailer to rent out / Abnb when we are not using it ourselves. If that pans out will probably buy another trailer to do the same with and make this property start turning some income for us. Having an on site dump spot would be really handy

From what little I have read it’s need like a possibility but depended on local laws.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience/ input on this. Is it as simple as a 3” pipe with a cap. Would it need a 3” “p” trap? Is there a minimum/ maximum distance from the house that it has to be

Im on a septic system if that makes a difference.

Thanks gents.

before going too deep look at the capacity and condition of your septic system. It'd suck to overwhelm your septic with a trailer dump, and not be able to take a morning dump in the house.

How close to the tank can you get for the dump? Pulling the lid and letting fly would be easiest.


07-15-2023, 12:08 PM
before going too deep look at the capacity and condition of your septic system. It'd suck to overwhelm your septic with a trailer dump, and not be able to take a morning dump in the house.

How close to the tank can you get for the dump? Pulling the lid and letting fly would be easiest.


We are on an old style tank with a newer weeping bed. Tank is under the attached garage so would rather not be opening it often.
The wet side of the tank then pumps uphill to a weeping bed with 4x 100 ft runs.

We had the tank pumped on move in and then again after 2 years. Septic guy said we could stretch the pump out to 3-4 years easily based on the 2 year use.

07-15-2023, 12:19 PM
Any plumbers here in the group?

I have a potentially stupid question.

Since my basement is still gutted from the water leak and slowly getting back together as I fix all the problems and address anything that I might as well do now while it’s apart

One thing I have always thought would be handy is a sewage dump for my trailer. The closest public dump is 20 min from me so. Not the end of the world to drag the trailer there when needed but we are talking about clearing a spot or two in the bush and setting up camp sites with out trailer to rent out / Abnb when we are not using it ourselves. If that pans out will probably buy another trailer to do the same with and make this property start turning some income for us. Having an on site dump spot would be really handy

From what little I have read it’s need like a possibility but depended on local laws.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience/ input on this. Is it as simple as a 3” pipe with a cap. Would it need a 3” “p” trap? Is there a minimum/ maximum distance from the house that it has to be

Im on a septic system if that makes a difference.

Thanks gents.

because of the housing crisis some municipalities are changing codes to allow homeowners to place what may be dubbed as "granny suites" on their properties and allowing them to tie into the existing septic system. Some allow up to three.

07-15-2023, 01:11 PM
because of the housing crisis some municipalities are changing codes to allow homeowners to place what may be dubbed as "granny suites" on their properties and allowing them to tie into the existing septic system. Some allow up to three.

Un fortunately due to lay out and the property I can’t tie other units in. If the trailer plan works and proves profitable the plan is to build bunkies.

And then either bring in portojohns or build in tanks that I can have pumped out.

Just looking for a cheap relatively easy temp solution for try it out before I invest too much.

07-15-2023, 02:50 PM
Hosting a Punjabi wedding tonight - going to be fun getting the drunk crowd get even crazier for the bride and groom intros lol

07-15-2023, 03:25 PM
Un fortunately due to lay out and the property I can’t tie other units in. If the trailer plan works and proves profitable the plan is to build bunkies.

And then either bring in portojohns or build in tanks that I can have pumped out.

Just looking for a cheap relatively easy temp solution for try it out before I invest too much.

I get it —in the future you could consider a stand alone shared washroom facility close to the septic system. In the meantime you may be able to transfer waste to a holding tank and have someone come to pump it when needed

07-15-2023, 06:01 PM
I have headaches with sump pumps. Needing a pump for septic would make me nervous. I worked in reliability for some time, and no system is failure proof. I'm a big fan of gravity.

Is it possible to put in another tank off the header line?

07-15-2023, 07:00 PM
I have headaches with sump pumps. Needing a pump for septic would make me nervous. I worked in reliability for some time, and no system is failure proof. I'm a big fan of gravity.

Is it possible to put in another tank off the header line?

Problem again is the lay of the land.

The house is just on the edge of a tree lot. Like trees start 6 feet from the deck on the down hill side. The up hill side is where the weeping bed is. The weeping bed and house already fill the flattest spot. There is about a foot slope from the property line threw the weeping bed and to the house.

House is a walk out basement on the hill and the hill continues down threw the tree lot with about a 10-20 foot drop across the property.

There is no way to do a gravity fed weeping bed without loosing a large amount of trees. That’s just not in the cards.

If we ever do an addition (bigger garage) I’ll likely relocate the tank but that’s gonna be a very big can if worms.

I’m just happy the house to the tank is gravity. It’s just the liquid outflow that is pumped up.
But I’d like to look into some sort of alarm for the tank in case as you say the pump ever gives issues.

07-15-2023, 09:57 PM
Problem again is the lay of the land.

The house is just on the edge of a tree lot. Like trees start 6 feet from the deck on the down hill side. The up hill side is where the weeping bed is. The weeping bed and house already fill the flattest spot. There is about a foot slope from the property line threw the weeping bed and to the house.

House is a walk out basement on the hill and the hill continues down threw the tree lot with about a 10-20 foot drop across the property.

There is no way to do a gravity fed weeping bed without loosing a large amount of trees. That’s just not in the cards.

If we ever do an addition (bigger garage) I’ll likely relocate the tank but that’s gonna be a very big can if worms.

I’m just happy the house to the tank is gravity. It’s just the liquid outflow that is pumped up.
But I’d like to look into some sort of alarm for the tank in case as you say the pump ever gives issues.

I've had alarms, battery back up DC pumps, double check valves and several other measures. All failed eventually and became more of a PITA to decommission or bypass than they were worth, although I will confess to some degree of neglect. Something is better than nothing if you confirm function.

I do some small side jobs and as a matter of routine I check spare tire inflation. I've got about a 75% failure rate. These are hidden failures, that don't matter until the back up is called upon. Possibly a bigger issue is the false sense of security these hidden failures provide. The above is a household example however this is very common in many industries with much bigger and severe consequences.

All to say be diligent and check main, backup, alarm and any other system component that can cause you a failure. Shit flows downhill.

Moving back to the original question. I'd be hesitant to introduce more complexity to the system with a dump. I'd lean towards a second holding tank with adequate capacity so your main system and the holding tank make sense to be pumped at the same interval (if you need a dump on your property).

So yes I was in reliability, so I was paid to be paranoid and hired back to fix failures when the initial warning was ignored. All of life is risk management, everything.

07-23-2023, 03:38 PM
So I bought a $25 Apple gift card for myself as I don’t like using my credit card to buy a song or album. Redeemed the card and it also had a bonus of 2 months of Apple TV for free. Add in a 7 day free trial and the free subscription ends on September 30th. Now I can finish watching For All Mankind and check out The Foundation.

Also, when buying Apple gift cards for yourself or someone else, the Apple logo on the card is a sticker. So don’t just throw it away.

07-23-2023, 06:39 PM
So I bought a $25 Apple gift card for myself as I don’t like using my credit card to buy a song or album. Redeemed the card and it also had a bonus of 2 months of Apple TV for free. Add in a 7 day free trial and the free subscription ends on September 30th. Now I can finish watching For All Mankind and check out The Foundation.

Also, when buying Apple gift cards for yourself or someone else, the Apple logo on the card is a sticker. So don’t just throw it away.

I make a point of ceasing viewing when i hit maximum tolerable woke on a series or movie. For All Mankind got extra charity because I'm a space nerd but I don't think I made it beyond episode 2 or 3. Star Trek shit the bed too, along with Picard. One thing I like about streaming is the point I stop is feedback, just like leaving your shopping cart unpaid for and transaction incomplete when shipping or some other excessive BS causes a change of heart.

I'm gonna watch Kelly's Hero's tonight. Zero woke.

07-23-2023, 07:12 PM
I make a point of ceasing viewing when i hit maximum tolerable woke on a series or movie. For All Mankind got extra charity because I'm a space nerd but I don't think I made it beyond episode 2 or 3. Star Trek shit the bed too, along with Picard. One thing I like about streaming is the point I stop is feedback, just like leaving your shopping cart unpaid for and transaction incomplete when shipping or some other excessive BS causes a change of heart.

I'm gonna watch Kelly's Hero's tonight. Zero woke.

Already on S2 on For All Mankind. Characters are getting interesting but the drama with the Soviets and Americans in space and on the moon is getting even more interesting.

I have to agree about Star Trek though. Discovery and Picard annoy me because each season is one giant story arc rather than telling a different story in each episode. Probably why I’m liking Strange New Worlds more.

07-24-2023, 08:52 AM
Already on S2 on For All Mankind. Characters are getting interesting but the drama with the Soviets and Americans in space and on the moon is getting even more interesting.

I have to agree about Star Trek though. Discovery and Picard annoy me because each season is one giant story arc rather than telling a different story in each episode. Probably why I’m liking Strange New Worlds more.

I tap out when the "narrative" dives into some group being "oppressed", some socialist utopia, or thinly veiled allegories to whatever the current tide of virtue signalling is leaning towards. They have to really build some compelling story telling for me to tolerate the overt indoctrination. I like Yellowstone, but it's riddled with messaging. The Last of Us spent 2 episodes beating a particular drum. At least those 2 have some measure of masculine/feminine and less androgyny. Beth Dutton is a good representation of how much shit a guy will tolerate for a nice set of cans. I know I wanna have a hard day and come home to more stress and conflict from a strong independent spouse. I'm kinda done with 100 pound women beating up 3 200 pound men at once. Plenty of videos of how this is leading to more attempts at this in "real life" with much different results. Teaching someone to step in front of a train isn't good messaging, even if the train is a capitalist, misogynist oppressor. Look at the shit show of all female Ghostbusters or what's been done with Star Wars. I started watching some other sci fi series, and it was basically a soap opera all about feelings, oppression etc with a few views into space.

07-24-2023, 09:47 AM
I did like The Expanse where they actually let the Amos character play out typical male motivations and actions, but they had to insert “strong independent” characters and an entire oppressed segment to act as an analogy for the current media stoked divisions IRL. Of course “alternative” lifestyles get more than their moment just because. I find unnecessary sex, violence or outlandish, drawn out CGI flexing to just be boring. They’re just filler where real storyline and good writing is absent, or when some director like Cameron wants 3 hours of pointless (but well done) CGI masturbation. I don’t care what consenting adults do but when storylines are compromised or completely built to shove it in your face like a pride parade, well I tap out. I think I tapped out of Star Trek when they got overtly political citing some “right wing” politician as the end of society some decades past. The only thing missing was protestors screaming “Noooo” at the sky. I like my virtue signaling on social media, not my purchased entertainment. One series I really liked was “Counterpart” with J.K Simmons. Two universes, same person but a pussy in one, and an alpha in another due to influences and choices. Very well written and the psychology motivations and actions of the other characters were pretty on point. There were a few very realistically written female character too. A strong female character not just written as a women acting like man is refreshing. Well written, compelling plot, little fat and no directorial masturbation. Of course it got cancelled after 2 seasons for being “too masculine”.

07-24-2023, 10:13 AM
I tap out when the "narrative" dives into some group being "oppressed", some socialist utopia, or thinly veiled allegories to whatever the current tide of virtue signalling is leaning towards. They have to really build some compelling story telling for me to tolerate the overt indoctrination. I like Yellowstone, but it's riddled with messaging. The Last of Us spent 2 episodes beating a particular drum. At least those 2 have some measure of masculine/feminine and less androgyny. Beth Dutton is a good representation of how much shit a guy will tolerate for a nice set of cans. I know I wanna have a hard day and come home to more stress and conflict from a strong independent spouse. I'm kinda done with 100 pound women beating up 3 200 pound men at once. Plenty of videos of how this is leading to more attempts at this in "real life" with much different results. Teaching someone to step in front of a train isn't good messaging, even if the train is a capitalist, misogynist oppressor. Look at the shit show of all female Ghostbusters or what's been done with Star Wars. I started watching some other sci fi series, and it was basically a soap opera all about feelings, oppression etc with a few views into space.

Problem is if you’re looking for it. You will see it everywhere. Don’t get me wrong it’s gotten worse. But I try just to space out and enjoy the entertainment part

07-24-2023, 10:17 AM
Problem is if you’re looking for it. You will see it everywhere. Don’t get me wrong it’s gotten worse. But I try just to space out and enjoy the entertainment part

I don't look for it, I see it. If you don't see it you're being conditioned. You see the parsley sprig on the plate and ignore it. When the plate becomes more parsley than main course I tap out.

07-24-2023, 10:22 AM
For someone who supposedly hates the narrative of being oppressed you certainly seem to be fixated on continuing the feeling it.

07-24-2023, 10:53 AM
For someone who supposedly hates the narrative of being oppressed you certainly seem to be fixated on continuing the feeling it.

I guess you didn't pick up on the difference between seeing it and perpetuating it.

07-24-2023, 11:43 AM
I tap out when the "narrative" dives into some group being "oppressed", some socialist utopia, or thinly veiled allegories to whatever the current tide of virtue signalling is leaning towards. They have to really build some compelling story telling for me to tolerate the overt indoctrination. I like Yellowstone, but it's riddled with messaging. The Last of Us spent 2 episodes beating a particular drum. At least those 2 have some measure of masculine/feminine and less androgyny. Beth Dutton is a good representation of how much shit a guy will tolerate for a nice set of cans. I know I wanna have a hard day and come home to more stress and conflict from a strong independent spouse. I'm kinda done with 100 pound women beating up 3 200 pound men at once. Plenty of videos of how this is leading to more attempts at this in "real life" with much different results. Teaching someone to step in front of a train isn't good messaging, even if the train is a capitalist, misogynist oppressor. Look at the shit show of all female Ghostbusters or what's been done with Star Wars. I started watching some other sci fi series, and it was basically a soap opera all about feelings, oppression etc with a few views into space.

The problem with the all female Ghostbusters was they treated the film as a comedy. The originals were sci fi fantasy dramas with comedic elements. Completely changes the tone of the movie.

New Star Wars is a rushed pacing and jumbled up storyline, like how Palpatine returns out of nowhere. Episodes 1-6 were slower paced and takes place over a period of time rather than just a few days.

07-24-2023, 12:34 PM

07-24-2023, 09:29 PM
The originals were sci fi fantasy dramas with comedic elements. Completely changes the tone of the movie.
Staring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramos, and Rick Moranis. Comedy giants.
Written by Dan, Harold, and Rick …who are known for sci-fi fantasy drama, LOL

07-24-2023, 10:24 PM
Staring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramos, and Rick Moranis. Comedy giants.
Written by Dan, Harold, and Rick …who are known for sci-fi fantasy drama, LOL

Yeah but it took itself seriously rather than cracking a joke every 30 seconds. Murray was really the only one cracking jokes while everyone else was acting seriously.

07-24-2023, 10:24 PM
Problem is if you’re looking for it. You will see it everywhere. Don’t get me wrong it’s gotten worse. But I try just to space out and enjoy the entertainment part

Yup - it's basically training yourself to see it everywhere including where it isn't since our brains will see things we want/train it to see. Ask the Q people......

07-24-2023, 10:27 PM
Yeah but it took itself seriously rather than cracking a joke every 30 seconds. Murray was really the only one cracking jokes while everyone else was acting seriously.

I don't think there was a lot of serious acting in the original movie - it was typical of comedies during that period.....especially with that cast of comedians.

07-24-2023, 11:11 PM
original good

gender swap remake, sucks ass


07-24-2023, 11:36 PM
Sometimes "sequels" and flankers are better left unmade....many movies have fallen victim to this. What is F&F at now?

07-25-2023, 07:24 AM
What is F&F at now?

"Universal's biggest franchise and the seventh highest-grossing film series, with a combined gross of over $7 billion"

07-25-2023, 08:44 AM
I give you Aliens and T2

07-25-2023, 11:03 AM
"Universal's biggest franchise and the seventh highest-grossing film series, with a combined gross of over $7 billion"

They are horrible movies after the initial....but same goes for many of the rinse and repeat movie series.

07-25-2023, 02:11 PM
You guys see the new Snow White pics?
A German folklore which specified Snow White's skin as being white .... is now being played by a Spanish woman ... who is changing the character by making her not want love or her prince.
They also replaced the dwarves with normal height people - obviously they had to squeeze in some colored people in there because how dare you have an all white dwarf cast ... the irony of this? It was a decision made by Peter Dinklage - a dwarf.


07-25-2023, 02:24 PM
Politics or notions of "wokeness" aside, at what point should they just stop calling a flim a "remake" when they have changed dramatic elements of the plot and not just the actors? A bit like saying we are "remaking Titanic" but the boat never hits an Iceberg and it's actually a comedy starring Kevin Hart as Jack.

07-25-2023, 03:00 PM
Politics or notions of "wokeness" aside, at what point should they just stop calling a flim a "remake" when they have changed dramatic elements of the plot and not just the actors? A bit like saying we are "remaking Titanic" but the boat never hits an Iceberg and it's actually a comedy starring Kevin Hart as Jack.

I think I’d watch that. Lol. Via some outside force Jack (Kevin Hart) learns of the doomed titanic. He sneaks on board to convince everyone of that danger in hopes to save his love who is being dragged to the USA by her rich father. Comedy ensues as he tried everything however ultimately the iceburg is small and does no damage.

07-25-2023, 03:06 PM
Politics or notions of "wokeness" aside, at what point should they just stop calling a flim a "remake" when they have changed dramatic elements of the plot and not just the actors? A bit like saying we are "remaking Titanic" but the boat never hits an Iceberg and it's actually a comedy starring Kevin Hart as Jack.

LOL me and the wife are laughing out loud right now at your Titanic idea

07-25-2023, 03:48 PM
I think I’d watch that. Lol. Via some outside force Jack (Kevin Hart) learns of the doomed titanic. He sneaks on board to convince everyone of that danger in hopes to save his love who is being dragged to the USA by her rich father. Comedy ensues as he tried everything however ultimately the iceburg is small and does no damage.

And the iceberg turns out to be an ice cube, which to Kevin Hart’s size, is like an iceberg. The ice cube will also be voiced by Ice Cube.

07-25-2023, 04:02 PM
Got a nice set of Kumho tires, 255/40r17 ... tires on the stang were over 12 years old.
MY GOD! It finally doesnt feel like i'm riding a freaking wagon LOL
Aesthetically the 275's were much nicer but the ride and even the performance of these ones is miles ahead of old tires lol

07-25-2023, 04:10 PM
And the iceberg turns out to be an ice cube, which to Kevin Hart’s size, is like an iceberg. The ice cube will also be voiced by Ice Cube.

Perhaps Will Farrell as the eccentric owner of White star line or the salt sea dog captain.

I feel he needs some sort of retribution at the end. Perhaps in his escapades he uncovers some secret smuggling operation. Headed by either Dwayne Johnson or Mark Walburg.

07-25-2023, 05:28 PM
The Titanic remake is killing me! :spitcoffee:

Maybe some kind of Quantum Leap remake where everybody lives! And with no wreckage, there’s also no Titan sub implosion, and Dawood goes on to make a breakthrough with SETI creating a cross-over movie remake of Contact.

for you millennials: Quantum Leap was an amazing show, and Contact was an amazing movie

07-25-2023, 07:28 PM
The Titanic remake is killing me! :spitcoffee:

Maybe some kind of Quantum Leap remake where everybody lives! And with no wreckage, there’s also no Titan sub implosion, and Dawood goes on to make a breakthrough with SETI creating a cross-over movie remake of Contact.

for you millennials: Quantum Leap was an amazing show, and Contact was an amazing movie

I was following along until the second half of you your post Don

07-26-2023, 02:21 PM
Neighbor comes over. The one who only chats when he needs something. Boat motor isn’t running. . I explain diagnosis before willy nilly parts changes. I ask “spark or fuel” and get quizzical look. I again stress importance of proper diagnosis. He says yeah yeah I get it, then asks what he should change. This is followed by, are you busy?

neighbor texts, "do you have an oil filter removal tool, I'm doing an oil change and can't get filter off". I walk over see his 67 coupe on the the 4 post lift (jealous) reach up and spin loose the filter. Kid is 23, 6' tall, 130 lbs, never lifted more than a soy burger. Father is sitting in lawn chair back seat driving the kids every move.

Next day another text "I did an oil change and now car isn't running right".

I walk over. They say they went for a drive and lost all oil, pressure dropped to zero. The continued driving home, another 5 minutes. According to the kid, the old filter gasket didn't come off with old filter "will this cause a leak?" Inside voice says "well the evidence is in". They ask what they should do.

Add oil, run, pull filter, cut open and examine for chips. "Do I have to?"

No, but if you want to know if you have engine damage this is the way. They re-ask the Q several different ways hoping for a "do nothing , you're fine" answer.

I then say if you've got some oil in the pan you may not have starved it, you can pull the plug, catch the oil and measure.

Pulls out bucket with old oil in it, moves to pull the plug. I ask him how he's gonna measure without emptying the old oil. Quizzical look.

I walk away, 30 minutes later he walks up my drive with some oil in a 1 liter jug (dirty) and says he got this out of the pan, I'm all good. I ask if the .8 liter is all he got, he said the replaced the plug mid stream.

I'm going to start billing for my time.

07-26-2023, 05:32 PM

07-27-2023, 10:13 PM
Pulled the carpet out of my kia after work and pressure washed it. Night and day difference. Now to wait for it to dry and reinstall. Bonus if the salt that came out kills the weeds growing in my interlock driveway.

07-28-2023, 08:01 AM
^ Amazing results done that way.

07-28-2023, 05:42 PM
Pulled the carpet out of my kia after work and pressure washed it. Night and day difference. Now to wait for it to dry and reinstall. Bonus if the salt that came out kills the weeds growing in my interlock driveway.

I've done the same,a little spray 9 in the stubborn spots prior to thorough pressure wash/rinse and like new results. Shop vac does a pretty good job sucking water out too.

07-28-2023, 06:42 PM
We used to use HOT water and carpet shampoo in the detail shop to remove the salt. It also melts bugs off paint and headlights with no scrubbing required.

07-29-2023, 02:51 PM
Military coup in Niger

the Niger minister of finance to explain the country’s finances and stolen money

He’s be given 48hrs by the military, after a coup overthrow, to explain the country’s missing finances or face execution by firing squad.

08-01-2023, 10:44 AM
Local Tim Hortons has ads up all over the store for the new "Tim Hortons Credit Card" and honestly it felt like I was living in a This Hour has 22 Minutes sketch and was waiting for Mike from Canmore to explain the Timmys Credit Card to me...

08-01-2023, 11:22 AM
neighbor texts, "do you have an oil filter removal tool, I'm doing an oil change and can't get filter off". I walk over see his 67 coupe on the the 4 post lift (jealous) reach up and spin loose the filter. Kid is 23, 6' tall, 130 lbs, never lifted more than a soy burger. Father is sitting in lawn chair back seat driving the kids every move.

Next day another text "I did an oil change and now car isn't running right".

I walk over. They say they went for a drive and lost all oil, pressure dropped to zero. The continued driving home, another 5 minutes. According to the kid, the old filter gasket didn't come off with old filter "will this cause a leak?" Inside voice says "well the evidence is in". They ask what they should do.

Add oil, run, pull filter, cut open and examine for chips. "Do I have to?"

No, but if you want to know if you have engine damage this is the way. They re-ask the Q several different ways hoping for a "do nothing , you're fine" answer.

I then say if you've got some oil in the pan you may not have starved it, you can pull the plug, catch the oil and measure.

Pulls out bucket with old oil in it, moves to pull the plug. I ask him how he's gonna measure without emptying the old oil. Quizzical look.

I walk away, 30 minutes later he walks up my drive with some oil in a 1 liter jug (dirty) and says he got this out of the pan, I'm all good. I ask if the .8 liter is all he got, he said the replaced the plug mid stream.

I'm going to start billing for my time.

kid comes over to borrow some tools to swap a seatbelt. Was getting a seatbelt nanny light and female wouldn't hold the male. Goes to local yard, pulls a female, swaps in. Comes over to return, now has airbag light. "Could the seatbelt cause the airbag light?" I don't even know which car it is (A/C Cobra replica, C6 Vette, Jeep, Mini etc). I reply "maybe, swap in the old one and see if airbag goes out". Kid: "That's a lot of work, can't I just..". Me: "You can do whatever you want. Remember what I've been saying about diagnosis?"

I walked away.

08-02-2023, 09:47 AM
The wife is 5 weeks away from giving birth.
Nursery is done, only thing left to do is to set up the car seat base in my car and her's... do you guys know if the fire department still does it for you if you take it in?

08-02-2023, 10:21 AM
The wife is 5 weeks away from giving birth.
Nursery is done, only thing left to do is to set up the car seat base in my car and her's... do you guys know if the fire department still does it for you if you take it in?

pick up the phone

08-02-2023, 10:36 AM
pick up the phone


Old Fart
08-02-2023, 11:04 AM
The wife is 5 weeks away from giving birth.
Nursery is done, only thing left to do is to set up the car seat base in my car and her's... do you guys know if the fire department still does it for you if you take it in?

Our Health Unit had clinics on seat fitment. Maybe check with yours, they may help you out.

08-02-2023, 12:57 PM
The wife is 5 weeks away from giving birth.
Nursery is done, only thing left to do is to set up the car seat base in my car and her's... do you guys know if the fire department still does it for you if you take it in?

It’s super simple with new cars. I know fire departments used to do it because when using the seatbelt no one ever got them tight enough.

Don’t use the seat belt. I’m pretty sure all newer cars come with car seat hooks between the base and the back rest of the seat. And an anchor behind the seat.

Use a car seat strap feed it threw the base of the car seat. Jam yourself in the car. Put your knee in the car seat or on the base use you body weight to push it into the seat as hard as you can and then pull the strap as tight as you can get it.

Do the same with the back anchor.

I’d say come over and I’ll show you but that’s a long drive.

08-02-2023, 01:43 PM

08-02-2023, 02:06 PM
The wife is 5 weeks away from giving birth.
Nursery is done, only thing left to do is to set up the car seat base in my car and her's... do you guys know if the fire department still does it for you if you take it in?

The hospital checked ours before we were discharged. Make sure to bring some small towels/blankets to add padding around the head as if baby is small you may need more padding than the infant seat provides.

As stated by others if your cars and seat use the LATCH system its very easy to connect. Depending on your seats and base you might have to sit on the base as you tighten it to get it tight enough where theres no side to side. Wifes Rogue was fine my Ram I had to lean on it to get it to less than 2" side to side movement which is what our model Graco said was acceptable.

Good luck! Mine came 2.5 weeks early to get your bags packed asap. Snacks, water and phone charging cords came in clutch. Same with a few outfits for baby, if you haven't noticed yet Carters, Joe Fresh, etc all have varying ideas of what each size actually means.

08-02-2023, 04:37 PM
Our Health Unit had clinics on seat fitment. Maybe check with yours, they may help you out.

None of the police or fire halls do it anymore post covid.
Surprised they stop, its nice community outreach.

08-02-2023, 04:42 PM
It’s super simple with new cars. I know fire departments used to do it because when using the seatbelt no one ever got them tight enough.

Don’t use the seat belt. I’m pretty sure all newer cars come with car seat hooks between the base and the back rest of the seat. And an anchor behind the seat.

Use a car seat strap feed it threw the base of the car seat. Jam yourself in the car. Put your knee in the car seat or on the base use you body weight to push it into the seat as hard as you can and then pull the strap as tight as you can get it.

Do the same with the back anchor.

I’d say come over and I’ll show you but that’s a long drive.

Definitely is!
i'm going to check out the video posted below your comment and wing it.
I'll make sure there's no slack and less than 2" wiggle side to side. Lets see what happens.

08-03-2023, 08:18 AM
this is the one time I wanna see divorce law take a 50% plus expenses bite, complete with perpetual allegations to keep him on constant defense.

08-03-2023, 09:03 AM
this is the one time I wanna see divorce law take a 50% plus expenses bite, complete with perpetual allegations to keep him on constant defense.

I wish, but his family has a ton of influence. If he can survive painting his face black and stuffing his pants with a banana then doing brown face... then having an affair with a student and being fired... he will have no troubles pulling the right strings.

08-03-2023, 09:31 AM
What a shame to happen to such a a nice clean cut boy from Quebec... OH wait a minute??
Could he have met up with his match.... may she will be going for a book deal, TV shows(OK I am a old guy) tell alls before the election......or is she a under the table Conservative??
Maybe all those trips abroad, at tax payer's coin, weren't going to world summit meetings??
Like father like son.....

08-03-2023, 09:56 AM
He comes from a family with money long before he was PM. I guarantee there is a prenup and her getting anything is compleatly reliant on her keeping her mouth closed.

08-03-2023, 09:59 AM
Ask "why now". What is the dog not barking that makes this a good time for salacious news in the bought and paid for media. Whatever it is, it's not being reported.

08-03-2023, 10:23 AM
Timing. Inflation rate has slowed. Summer break. Media has successfully controlled narrative.

Get it over with before next election cycle really gears up.

08-03-2023, 10:37 AM
female voter turnout exceeds male turnout. female voting leans left. there's an eligible boyfriend to vote for.

08-03-2023, 02:18 PM
This happened a long time ago. Just announced now.

08-03-2023, 02:41 PM
Yes, they separated/split before (2-3 years ago?) and I was surprised to see them travel together for state functions in the past year....but kids are involved so reconciliation attempts do occur until it doesn't work anymore. Probably no conspiracies here unless we want to see one.

08-03-2023, 03:59 PM
Yes, they separated/split before (2-3 years ago?) and I was surprised to see them travel together for state functions in the past year....but kids are involved so reconciliation attempts do occur until it doesn't work anymore. Probably no conspiracies here unless we want to see one.

why announce now, not 2-3 years ago?

08-03-2023, 09:14 PM
According to the media today. The current announcement came from their own social media accounts. Sounded current not 2-3 years ago.

08-03-2023, 09:37 PM
Must have been a trial run (maybe more than once leading up to formal announcement). With the news cycle this week it's going to be hard to find 3-year old stories but I recall it coming up when all the politicians were doing daily press briefings during the early months of COVID (Trudeau did his under some kind of tent outside the PMs house IIRC. Sophie started out with him then disappeared for a few months and he refused to answer any questions about it. Probably trying to protect the kids at the time. All I could find now:

Sophie Gregoire has separated from Justin Trudeau


08-03-2023, 10:24 PM
He deserves it. Must be hard being married to a communist. This seperation had problably started a few years ago. Now that she seperated from him, now it's Canada's turn.

08-04-2023, 07:03 AM
distraction fully engaged.

08-12-2023, 08:40 AM
apparently separation is a handy means of removing need for financial disclosure (spouse of one under scrutiny doesn't need to disclose). Pretty handy way to hide the weenie if the wolves are closing in.

08-12-2023, 02:14 PM
Thank you ZR and Zippy for taking care of the Fusion this morning. As usual, the service was excellent.

08-12-2023, 08:44 PM
Good seeing you and thanks again for the coffee.

08-14-2023, 07:10 AM
CLOSED TODAY................Ross n I are at the track.

Peace out.

08-14-2023, 02:53 PM
beautiful day for the track!
hope all went well.

What car(s) did you bring?

08-14-2023, 09:04 PM
Perfect day at the track, thanks again to Uli n staff at TMP.
Took both cars, nothing but win today.

08-15-2023, 09:28 AM
Our company takes a day off for team building and we go golfing or bowling. Wonder if I can get them to do a track day instead?

08-15-2023, 10:21 AM
I've got apple trees that produce a surplus. I'm also taking care of my neighbors yard who also has apple trees. I have to pick a lot of apples off the lawns. The green bins get too heavy for the garbage/compost collection guys and they won't pick up. I fill blue bins which are still weighty, but manageable. I recognize the pick up dudes have a long day so I put the blue bins on folding sawhorses. Been doing this for a while. Yesterday I went out after pick up and 4 sawhorses gone. The compost pickup is not the same truck as garbage or recycling pick up. I used to know all 20 of my widely spaced neighbors. Thanks to development I now have about 3000. There goes the neighborhood.

08-15-2023, 11:22 AM
Hosted my first 500 person wedding - man, what a rush!!

08-15-2023, 11:56 AM
Our company takes a day off for team building and we go golfing or bowling. Wonder if I can get them to do a track day instead?

Or even carting at CTMP???

08-15-2023, 01:14 PM
Or even carting at CTMP???
back at my old employer, we did do an event at Goodwood once. That was a lot of fun.

08-17-2023, 06:37 PM
Cows don't give milk...

A father used to say to his children when they were young: When you all reach the age of 12, I will tell you the secret of life.

One day when the eldest turned 12, he anxiously asked his father what the secret of life was. The father replied that he was going to tell him, but that he was not allowed to reveal it to his brothers.

The secret of life is this: The cow doesn't give milk.

"What do you say?" "asked the boy incredible.
As you hear, son: The cow does not give milk, you must milk it.
You have to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning, go to the field, walk full of manure through the corral, tie the tail, bounce the cow's legs, sit on the stool, place a bucket and do the work yourself...
That's the secret of life, the cow doesn't give milk. You either milk her or you get no milk.
There is a generation that thinks cows GIVE milk. That things are automatic and free: their mentality is like "I wish, I ask.. I get. "

"They are used to getting everything they want the easy way... But no, life isn't about wishing, asking and getting. The things one gets are the effort of what one does.
Happiness is the result of effort.
Lack of effort leads to frustration. "

So, share with your kids the secret of life from a young age, so they don't grow up with the mentality that the government, their parents or their cute little faces are going to give them everything they need in life.

"Cows don't give milk; you have to work for it. "

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-18-2023, 09:34 AM
Wife's starting to have cramps on the daily and starting to wake up with the baby having a party in her stomach.
Bags ready, car seats ready, nursery's ready - I can expect her to come any time within the next 2 weeks.
Mann...when they say women have the miracle of life - they're not lying.

08-18-2023, 10:03 AM
Enjoy it dude ^^

08-18-2023, 10:05 AM
Enjoy it dude ^^

Thanks my dude, trying to savor every moment since we're only having one child.

08-18-2023, 09:36 PM
Very best time of your life.

08-19-2023, 07:36 AM
Swapped out my fans for new blue LEDs. Not because I like blue, I prefer red, but more so because my fans were 7 years old and would eventually die sooner or later so more like preventative measures. Reason I went with blue was because compared to red LEDs from another brand, these run 129 CFM versus 76 CFM for the red ones on Amazon at the same price point. Function over aesthetics. My originals were Cooler Master and they stop making single LED colour. Everything is ARGB now which requires a controller which is just unnecessary added cost. The 200mm fans are Thermaltake and they’re definitely stronger than my Cooler Masters. Also changed the direction of the side fan from exhaust to intake and seen a 2 degree drop in CPU and GPU temps under load. The setup is now 3 intake (2x200 + 1x140) fans and 2 exhaust (1x200 + 1x120) fans. Also vacuumed the dust filters and blew compressed air everywhere else. It’s clean again. The blue LEDs are crazy brighter than my previous red LEDs. Also had to drill additional mounting holes for the front fan as Cooler Master use 8 different mounting points on their 200mm fans while everyone else uses 4, so the front wasn’t an exact X pattern. The top mounting points were narrower. So drilled a couple holes to mount the Thermaltake fans.


The rig is from 2009 and works just fine for what I need it to do which is Daz3D image rendering using 3D Delight but is limited to 3D rendering for that era. I can’t load anything newer which has more polygons and more advanced textures of todays models. I can’t touch Nvidia Iray or Blender, this rig just isn’t fast enough and lacks the power.

Next year, maybe build a new rig if prices drop. Prices are just stupid now. Motherboards can cost more than the processor which should be the other way around. A RTX 4090 GPU can cost more than the entire rig (case, mobo, cpu, psu, ram, cpu cooler).

Picked out another Cooler Master case which can run………17 fans, but I’ll only run 16 fans, lol.

08-19-2023, 07:51 AM
works just fine for what I need it to do which is Daz3D image rendering using 3D Delight but is limited to 3D rendering for that era.
3D rendering for work? Or as an interest? What do you do for work?
The blue LEDs look pretty cool IMO. But the reds would look more like a dark room.

Prices are just stupid now.
Not what I wanted to hear. I’m in the market for a new PC

08-19-2023, 08:19 AM
coupla years ago I found a $20 in a pair of pants I hadn't worn in a while, bonus.

Yesterday a 20 in a jacket, dammit this is worth half of what it was when I hung up the jacket.

08-19-2023, 08:41 AM
3D rendering for work? Or as an interest? What do you do for work?
The blue LEDs look pretty cool IMO. But the reds would look more like a dark room.

Not what I wanted to hear. I’m in the market for a new PC

Hobby. I work for a trucking company so has no relation to 3D rendering. I only do still images, no animation. Although I have a model of a truck and trailer. I’ve always to make a rendering with our colours and logo but wouldn’t look photorealistic.

I also have a model of a 2012 GT500, lol. I think I have a model of a 1964 Mustang and a TVR Sagaris.

Check out https://gamertech.ca/ for prebuilt or custom built and they also have warranty. I’m sure there are other companies that do the same too. They have an Instagram page you can check out for info. Their site is a good reference. I’m building mine from scratch on my own though like I did with my current rig.

08-19-2023, 12:35 PM
It was BuRT’s turn in the shop today. Thanks again ZR and Zippy for your usual excellent service.

08-19-2023, 08:17 PM
^ Good seein ya Mr.

08-20-2023, 07:07 AM
Did maintenance on the Accord yesterday. Brake service, brake fluid change, oil change, CVT fluid change. Have to replace a pin boot as it has a hole, otherwise the brakes and rotors are in great shape.

Last week on the Accord I did a valve adjustment and spark plug change.

Car runs great at 170k. My back, not so much.

08-20-2023, 10:24 AM
Go to a place like Calabogie race track where they will also rent you a track mustang. You can ride with experts too.
Of course you can run your own car as well.
Watching at the race track is free, you just need to sign in, sign a waiver and enjoy. They usually have a open place for food, nice clean washroom, etc...
I'm enjoying my new neighbourhood, lots of wicked spirited driving roads around too.
Cheers, shakin

This is in reply to Don and workplace team building.

08-20-2023, 11:49 AM
Private road course track rental at GB Wednesday. Get to run some laps in the 911 and the Mustang.

08-20-2023, 06:16 PM
Luckily Partsource in Mississauga had pin boots in stock. Did a quick swap and done.

08-22-2023, 11:13 AM

Canadian National anthem at last Sunday’s cup race

08-24-2023, 12:15 PM
A man calls Pizza hut to order a pizza...

CALLER: Is this Pizza Hut?

GOOGLE: No sir, it's Google Pizza.

CALLER: I must have dialed a wrong number, sorry.

GOOGLE: No sir, Google bought Pizza Hut last month.

CALLER: OK. I would like to order a pizza.

GOOGLE: Do you want your usual, sir?

CALLER: My usual? Do you know me?

GOOGLE: According to our caller ID data sheet, the last 12 times you called you ordered an extra-large pizza with three cheeses, sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms and meatballs on a thick crust.

CALLER: Super! That’s what I’ll have.

GOOGLE: May I suggest that this time you order a pizza with ricotta, arugula, sun-dried tomatoes and olives on a whole wheat gluten-free thin crust?

CALLER: What? I don’t want a vegetarian pizza!

GOOGLE: Your cholesterol is not good, sir.

CALLER: How the hell do you know that?

GOOGLE: Well, we cross-referenced your home phone number with your medical records. We have the result of your blood tests for the last 7 years.

CALLER: Okay, but I do not want your rotten vegetarian pizza! I already take medication for my cholesterol.

GOOGLE: Excuse me sir, but you have not taken your medication regularly. According to our database, you purchased only a box of 30 cholesterol tablets once at Lloyds Pharmacy, 4 months ago.

CALLER: I bought more from another Pharmacy.

GOOGLE: That doesn’t show on your credit card statement.

CALLER: I paid in cash.

GOOGLE: But you did not withdraw enough cash according to your bank statement.

CALLER: I have other sources of cash.

GOOGLE: That doesn’t show on your latest tax returns unless you bought them using an undeclared income source, which is against the law!


GOOGLE: I'm sorry sir, we use such information only with the sole intention of helping you.

CALLER: Enough already! I'm sick to death of Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and all the others. I'm going to an island without the internet, TV, where there is no phone service and no one to watch me or spy on me.

GOOGLE: I understand sir, but you need to renew your passport first. It expired 6 weeks ago…

08-28-2023, 05:34 PM
Oooooops, I did it again!!!

F me!!!

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08-28-2023, 05:48 PM
Sorry to see Mav !

08-29-2023, 06:13 AM
Ouch! What did you do?
Oooooops, I did it again!!!

F me!!!

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08-29-2023, 07:43 AM
Oooooops, I did it again!!!

F me!!!

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Mav, are you a drifter and not telling us...?

True Blue
08-29-2023, 07:59 AM
Mav, maybe it's time for some curb feelers.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ffarm9.static.flickr.com%2F8780%2F1 7080875270_7a2ecfa927.jpg

08-29-2023, 08:29 AM
How big was the asteroid that hit your wheel?

08-29-2023, 08:36 AM
looks like "extinction event"

08-29-2023, 03:57 PM
Lol… feelers have been suggested by glen already… lol. Just getting to close to curbs. Seem to have issue with front right… same one all the time!!

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08-30-2023, 12:23 PM
Why do I wanna swap to a Tork Tech blower so badly…

09-01-2023, 07:49 AM
https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/373330154_2636807869828947_8201210600213574060_n.j pg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=4c1e7d&_nc_ohc=fzSx-VwP4iMAX9c6Cq5&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AfB0M_f84BzieF4GmnfhCTs86BXEvHOUJh6Tjhh_kxNP kg&oe=64F662A9

Insane it's come to this but in light of whats happened in years gone by, who's really surprised?

09-01-2023, 09:17 AM
https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/373330154_2636807869828947_8201210600213574060_n.j pg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=4c1e7d&_nc_ohc=fzSx-VwP4iMAX9c6Cq5&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AfB0M_f84BzieF4GmnfhCTs86BXEvHOUJh6Tjhh_kxNP kg&oe=64F662A9

Insane it's come to this but in light of whats happened in years gone by, who's really surprised?

I wonder if this can applied to a car cruise?

09-01-2023, 09:42 AM
I wonder if this can applied to a car cruise?

Not sure how any of those fines can be legal with a municipality dictating the fines. MTO is a Provincial authority. Can't get fined for having a car sitting in a parking lot (modified or not) and on the road is not municipal jurisdiction

09-01-2023, 11:27 AM
I don't think the $25k fines are MTO violations. It appears they used a bylaw to allow them to close certain (all?) roads. Ignoring that bylaw will result in a fine. Guessing the cops will pick and choose who that bylaw applies to.

Recently, the Town also passed a new bylaw to unlock additional powers under Section 128 of the Municipal Act, which permits the municipality to do things – such as close roads during declared nuisance events – that typically, municipalities cannot do.
The maximum penalty for violating the Town of Wasaga Beach Car Rally Bylaw is $25,000

09-01-2023, 11:42 AM
Shout out to Leprecon Wheel refinishing and repair. Great job!!



Thanks again gents!!

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09-01-2023, 12:07 PM
Looks great Mav!
Your lug nut key is still on the nut....

09-02-2023, 09:25 AM
will there be an apology tour for 83 burnt buildings caused by the residential rock collections?

09-02-2023, 04:59 PM
Just got back from a nice little drive. Sudbury is very nice this time of year. ;)

09-02-2023, 05:21 PM
OK, so if I arrive in Wasaga Beach with a 57 Chevy will my car be impounded if I don't have a in-line 6 or 283 cc engine with a 2- speed auto tranny??
Who is to judge a car for illegal mods? Some elected town hall farming expert (remember city hall elected officials anywhere are not the cream of the crop) that has been farming around on a MF or John Deere there whole life?
1st and 2nd time offences are for what?? Who's judging??
My solution.
I will not be visiting Wasaga with my wallet in the near future in day-time, week ends etc. period.
Stopped my visits to Goderich and other small towns along Lake Huron with big-buck parking fees for parking at waterfront and visiting their small shops and food outlets.
Had Blue-Water visits my whole life for free when I lived in Sarnia and now visit for med reasons. Under bridge with chips, salt and vinegar , oh may-be my cause of med problems? Well............
Let them keep it for a year or two and see their business tax basis feel the pinch and then take use a less of a big stick approach.

09-02-2023, 05:22 PM
My wife is from Coniston?

09-02-2023, 05:26 PM
My solution.
I will not be visiting Wasaga with my [57 Chevy] in the near future in day-time, week ends etc. period.
That’s exactly what they want. So everybody is happy then. Problem solved.

09-02-2023, 07:03 PM
The Mayor Brian Smith has deputized the employees of a security firm for 30 days to monitor check points at major roads and charge individuals, but he is also annoyed by a lack of support by OPP at check points. When you have a security firm who needs the OPP?
I didn't say I owned a 57 Chevy just someone driving into Wasaga. Blue Oval here.

09-02-2023, 10:45 PM
So anyone who lives in Wasaga Beach with a modified car is screwed I guess.

09-02-2023, 11:17 PM
Well, if I were Intmdtr, I would keep the ‘96 in the garage this weekend. But I’m fairly certain Brian doesn’t roll with H2Oi

09-03-2023, 12:26 AM
Got to race the Shane van Gisberg in Iracing tonight. Pretty cool...


09-03-2023, 08:47 AM
…and placed third! Nicely done Ross! That’s cool!

09-03-2023, 03:05 PM
Nicely done.

09-03-2023, 05:01 PM
Nice job Ross!

09-03-2023, 06:51 PM
Blue Collar Comedy Tour, I just uttered some words I never thought I would have to say: “Hey Jeff? Your deck is on fire!”

His name really is Jeff. He’s cooking pizza in some fancy little pellet stove, and some of the (lit) pellets spilled out onto the composite plank deck. He doesn’t seem very concerned about it. There is also a strong smell of lighter fluid. Needless to say I’m standing by with the fire extinguisher. :concern:

I think I’m playing the role of Ron in this scene.

09-04-2023, 08:06 AM
Burning Man northern style

09-04-2023, 10:27 AM
I think the Burning Man ebola, marburg, chemtrail weather experiment will end with DEW induced incineration. Just a hunch.

09-10-2023, 08:59 AM
Sean Strickland press conferences are awesome

09-10-2023, 06:47 PM
After finishing 3rd in each of last 3 go kart races, today went sideways.
Amazing that you can take the same go kart with the same set up at the same track and be junk a week after you were battling for the lead.

09-10-2023, 07:58 PM
Damn, sorry to hear that Brad. Some days the mojo just doesn’t work

09-10-2023, 08:19 PM
What Don said.

09-10-2023, 09:38 PM
Yup, sux but it happens.............you'll git em next time.

09-10-2023, 09:53 PM
Are you racing the same people?

09-11-2023, 09:43 AM
Are you racing the same people?

Yep. Just had an off day I guess. Just super frustrating.
At least the guy I’m close in points to had a bad day too.

09-11-2023, 09:43 AM

This man's name is Rick Rescorla.

22 years ago today, Rick disobeyed orders, and saved 2700 lives.

Rick was the head of security for Morgan Stanley in the South Tower of the World Trade Center. He warned that the Towers' basements were vulnerable to attack.

His warnings fell on deaf ears.

Then the 1993 attack happened, and people started listening to him.

After that attack, Rick implemented regular evacuation drills, using his megaphone to direct the thousands of employees out of their offices, down the stairwells, and out of the building to safety.

Born in Cornwall, Rick would sing Welsh and Cornish songs from his megaphone, as he directed the employees out of the building.

He would routinely tell all of the employees: in an emergency, no matter what chaos is happening around you, no matter what anyone tells you, leave your offices, go down the stairwells, and leave the building.

Rick told his wife Susan that he suspected another attack on the World Trade Center would happen, this time by air.

And 22 years ago today, on September 11, 2001, that attack happened.

When the first plane hit the North Tower, the Port Authority announced over the South Tower's speaker system "Please do not leave the building. This area is secure."

Rick ignored them.

"The dumb sons of b------s told me not to evacuate," he said to his best friend Dan. "They said it's just Building One. I told them I'm getting my people the f--k out of here."

And so Rick picked up his megaphone as he had done so many times before, told his employees not to listen to the orders, and directed them out of the building.

His Cornish songs helped keep their nerves calm as they evacuated, even after the second plane hit their Tower.

Once he had successfully evacuated his employees, Rick went back to look for survivors.

But first, he called his wife Susan.

"Stop crying. I have to get these people out safely. If something should happen to me, I want you to know I've never been happier. You made my life."

Rick rushed back to the South Tower.

That was the last time anyone saw him alive.

All but 6 of the more than 2700 Morgan Stanley employees survived.

Had they obeyed the Port Authority, they would all be dead.

Thankfully, they listened to Rick instead.

Rest in Peace, Rick. Thank you for your service.

09-13-2023, 07:29 PM
Car is in track mode and ready to go (unless forgetting something).
Beer time.

09-15-2023, 05:31 PM
This is after a week.

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09-15-2023, 05:33 PM
Day after it happened

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09-15-2023, 08:20 PM
The hell did you do?

09-15-2023, 08:21 PM
Edging grass with trimmer … took small rock in da eye. Owwwwwie

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09-15-2023, 09:18 PM
Be well Mav !

09-16-2023, 06:24 AM
Maybe wear safety glasses next time.

09-16-2023, 07:46 AM
Yikes, freak accident Mav.

Black Sheep
09-16-2023, 08:19 AM
Day after it happened

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You’re a few weeks early to be putting on your zombie outfit.
Looks nasty

09-16-2023, 08:23 AM
Trimmed again yesterday… yup… wore safety glasses.

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09-16-2023, 08:48 AM
Learn a long time ago... safety glasses are not enough. I also wear a shield when trimming.

09-16-2023, 08:54 AM
It’s looking better today… another week or so I figure.

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09-16-2023, 10:19 AM
I wear safety glasses any time I'm using powered yard equipment. I also learned the hard way years ago, but only a leg wound. My old boss lost an eye to a trimmer. I've given neighbors safety glasses when watching them mow, trim etc. they never use.

09-16-2023, 10:20 AM
what does it say when I judge the success of my days by good sleep, big dump, and no nagging.

09-17-2023, 08:03 AM
The cost of stupid

We might be on the precipice of stupid being too expensive.

The neighbors house is for sale. Owner had a coincidence, now paralyzed one side. I’ve been cutting the lawn and helping the family prep it for sale. I regularly confer with the sales agent, an acquaintance and friend of their family to coordinate “polishing up” prior to showings.

I’m getting semi regular visits from local Jehova’s. I’m not converting or joining the flock. I’ve had several lengthy, fruitful talks about theology and philosophy with them. I don’t begrudge spending time with people who aren’t trying to sell me anything other than a desire to save me from damnation. I admire their tenacity, especially considering the reception they get from most. I also know they leave feeling uplifted from one less door slam.

Yesterday I spoke with the agent, a father/son coming for a viewing , and a 30 minute chat with the Jehovas.

In all 3 convos Skippy’s leadership, inflation and housing crisis came up in some form. I didn’t lead the convo in this direction but participated with a few of my own opinions.

If this diverse a crowd is all on the same topic we are getting close to enough stupid.

09-29-2023, 05:53 PM
So, I don’t get the SIN phone scam? I’ve gotten several of these calls. If I press “1” (I know I shouldn’t) and get a person, as soon as I ask what the situation with my SIN is, they hang up? :shrug: That’s no fun.

10-01-2023, 08:51 AM
Last night we went and visited some friends and while sitting around the fire they all started talking about the world events, and they were getting pretty agitated. It was at that point I realised how much of a positive impact quitting the news and politics has had on my life, because I just don't care anymore. I literally know nothing that's going on in the world anymore other than what I over hear from people when I go to town. All I care about is what happens in my four walls. I just wish more people could realise that if they stopped letting a screen dictate how they feel, they can begin to live their best life.

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10-01-2023, 09:38 AM
Last night we went and visited some friends and while sitting around the fire they all started talking about the world events, and they were getting pretty agitated. It was at that point I realised how much of a positive impact quitting the news and politics has had on my life, because I just don't care anymore. I literally know nothing that's going on in the world anymore other than what I over hear from people when I go to town. All I care about is what happens in my four walls. I just wish more people could realise that if they stopped letting a screen dictate how they feel, they can begin to live their best life.

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this is described as "let em burn".

I'm a proponent of "worry about what you can control, ignore the rest".

I'm also a proponent of keeping my finger on the pulse to a degree to anticipate trouble coming, and sidestep if possible.

Yes these positions are contrary. I often listen to CBC while working in my shop just to know what the commies are up to. When not cursing broken bolts, stabbed hands I'll be cursing the radio. Some days I get so disgusted and nihilistic I turn on podcasts and self educate.

The "Matrix" is pretty prescient. Consider when they discuss not unplugging people beyond a certain age. Ego investment in views becomes too powerful to abandon. Watch when a reasonable friend gets confronted with a contrary viewpoint that challenges ego investment. They transform into an agent and mindlessly parrot talking points. It's fascinating. There's too many agents promoting the narrative.

Knowing what you're voting for or against has merit IMO. Becoming a nail that needs hammering down not so much. Finding the balance without nihilism is a challenge. Blissful ignorance is watching the tsunami approach and doing nothing.

For a person to make a true change it requires a significant emotional event. Could be a divorce (or 3), a death in the family, maybe your dog dies. Whatever resonates with the individual, could be that event. I remember a small turning point when I was 5 and dropped my ice cream cone.

In current times it might be losing your house, or going hungry....

10-01-2023, 10:53 AM
So, I don’t get the SIN phone scam? I’ve gotten several of these calls. If I press “1” (I know I shouldn’t) and get a person, as soon as I ask what the situation with my SIN is, they hang up? :shrug: That’s no fun.

Seems to be the mo of a lot of them “This is (fill in current business or government identity) we are calling about ————- please press one to speak to a representative”

Representative answers and says how can I help you. I respond with. You called me. What do you want. And they hang up

10-01-2023, 10:54 AM
Last night we went and visited some friends and while sitting around the fire they all started talking about the world events, and they were getting pretty agitated. It was at that point I realised how much of a positive impact quitting the news and politics has had on my life, because I just don't care anymore. I literally know nothing that's going on in the world anymore other than what I over hear from people when I go to town. All I care about is what happens in my four walls. I just wish more people could realise that if they stopped letting a screen dictate how they feel, they can begin to live their best life.

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The only issue I have is when people ignore what goes on then they make poorly informed decisions when it comes time to vote. And we get what we have now. IMO.

10-01-2023, 11:37 AM
The only issue I have is when people ignore what goes on then they make poorly informed decisions when it comes time to vote. And we get what we have now. IMO.


Voters should reap maximum result from their ballots. Take New York, who's welfare/shelter/entitlements programs are beyond the breaking point. They're getting exactly what they voted for.

10-01-2023, 12:16 PM
I give up!!! Bug bite and hand swollen…. Can’t make fist!!FML

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10-01-2023, 12:39 PM
I give up!!! Bug bite and hand swollen…. Can’t make fist!!FML

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Damn. You need to start living in a bubble.

10-01-2023, 09:36 PM
The only issue I have is when people ignore what goes on then they make poorly informed decisions when it comes time to vote. And we get what we have now. IMO.I quit voting federally and provincially. Covid taught me that all politicians are cut from the same cloth. I don't complain either because I just don't care anymore. The only vote that actually counts and can make real change in your community is municipal politics. That's the only time I'll cast a ballot ever again. Full disclosure, I was a massive political junky before covid hit.

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10-01-2023, 09:58 PM
I quit voting federally and provincially. Covid taught me that all politicians are cut from the same cloth. I don't complain either because I just don't care anymore. The only vote that actually counts and can make real change in your community is municipal politics. That's the only time I'll cast a ballot ever again. Full disclosure, I was a massive political junky before covid hit.

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in the social media age where clicks, views and linger time are all measured and translated into "public opinion" you non voting habits can make a difference. Leadership is more accurately "followship" as policy is decided by public opinion (popularity). No politician wishing to be elected will adopt something unpopular. There's always differing viewpoints but as long as a given policy is more popular than unpopular it'll go. You wallet also speaks pretty loudly.

10-10-2023, 02:58 PM
I have officially removed myself from Facebook. Just got tired of being harassed by family about posts. My mom has been a source of my headache. Enough is enough. I am officially done. Ever since dad passed she has done nothing but give my wife and I a hard time. So fed up it makes me feel like I will have a heart attack.

10-10-2023, 04:26 PM
I have officially removed myself from Facebook. Just got tired of being harassed by family about posts. My mom has been a source of my headache. Enough is enough. I am officially done. Ever since dad passed she has done nothing but give my wife and I a hard time. So fed up it makes me feel like I will have a heart attack.

Social media and family don't mix.

Black Sheep
10-10-2023, 06:24 PM
I have officially removed myself from Facebook. Just got tired of being harassed by family about posts. My mom has been a source of my headache. Enough is enough. I am officially done. Ever since dad passed she has done nothing but give my wife and I a hard time. So fed up it makes me feel like I will have a heart attack.

My wife always complains about family reacting to posts on Facebook. She has deactivated for a little while to have a break from the chaos.
I’m glad that I never had Facebook…

10-10-2023, 07:03 PM
Smartest guy right here. lol
My wife always complains about family reacting to posts on Facebook. She has deactivated for a little while to have a break from the chaos.
I’m glad that I never had Facebook…

10-10-2023, 08:28 PM
I have officially removed myself from Facebook. Just got tired of being harassed by family about posts. My mom has been a source of my headache. Enough is enough. I am officially done. Ever since dad passed she has done nothing but give my wife and I a hard time. So fed up it makes me feel like I will have a heart attack.

I haven’t been on FB for over a year don’t miss it one bit. Considering leaving all social and certainly not joining any of the new ones.

10-11-2023, 08:59 AM
I use FB marketplace.

Social media serves to show true human nature and has changed society as much as hormonal birth control and the atomic bomb.

Much like government program names are antonyms for what they really do, so too is “social” media.

10-15-2023, 02:16 PM
One set of snow tires installed (on Celeste’s Fusion, as it may snow in Sudbury anytime) and two more to go. I’m getting too old to change all three in one day. :fatigue:

10-15-2023, 03:45 PM
One set of snow tires installed (on Celeste’s Fusion, as it may snow in Sudbury anytime) and two more to go. I’m getting too old to change all three in one day. :fatigue:

Debated doing the same But opted to procrastinate till next weekend.

10-15-2023, 08:16 PM
Mom's home is winterized and ready to go. Next weekend her car gets snows put on and I will wash the M2 and put it away.

One set of snow tires installed (on Celeste’s Fusion, as it may snow in Sudbury anytime) and two more to go. I’m getting too old to change all three in one day. :fatigue:

10-16-2023, 09:15 AM
Just a tip when changing to snows is to check your brakes with a flashlight for wear and general health.

10-16-2023, 09:18 AM
I need to close my pool next weekend, snows will have to wait

10-16-2023, 10:14 AM
Just a tip when changing to snows is to check your brakes with a flashlight for wear and general health.

Great reminder.
Also check the tire pressure of your spare (if you have one).

10-20-2023, 07:34 AM
Been a crazy week culminating in having an offer accepted on a house in the town where I grew up. Not loving the attached garage but everything else is a great move for my daughter.

10-20-2023, 06:03 PM

10-23-2023, 09:45 PM
I fucking hate double ended driver bits

11-01-2023, 01:30 PM
Current house just hit the MLS, my stress level is a 15 out of 10 currently.

11-01-2023, 06:23 PM
I feel ya. My stress level has lowered but is ramping up again because our moving date is quickly approaching.

11-01-2023, 08:27 PM
Current house just hit the MLS, my stress level is a 15 out of 10 currently.

I feel ya. My stress level has lowered but is ramping up again because our moving date is quickly approaching.

Best of luck to both of you.

11-01-2023, 10:32 PM
I feel ya. My stress level has lowered but is ramping up again because our moving date is quickly approaching.

Got room for ol' zip?

11-02-2023, 10:55 AM
Got room for ol' zip?

Ill sell ya a house in Windsor, good price

11-02-2023, 12:46 PM
I’m expecting a visit actually since im just off the main A1 snowmobile trail on Trout Lake now.

11-03-2023, 09:53 AM
I could use a shop upgrade but I don't have adequate budget. Look up "8 million dollar barn"

11-03-2023, 12:20 PM
...in a post on X, formerly Twitter

Dear Media,
Can we stop with the "formerly know as..."

11-03-2023, 02:36 PM
I formerly had a full head of hair, and could regularly get a good nights sleep. Speaking of regularity...

11-04-2023, 09:32 AM
Tire change day
+ oil change if I get real ambitious.

11-05-2023, 03:00 PM
Current house just hit the MLS, my stress level is a 15 out of 10 currently.

Accepted a nice clean offer all cash above asking. Once that deposit clears Im gonna actually breath again.

11-05-2023, 07:47 PM
Accepted a nice clean offer all cash above asking. Once that deposit clears Im gonna actually breath again.

Those exist right now?

11-05-2023, 08:00 PM
Big weekend, got lots of work done!
Amazing home much work you can get done when you don’t have to go to work.

11-06-2023, 09:25 AM
Those exist right now?

Windsor market is a bit different than Toronto I assume. Lack of a 1 and then a comma in front of most prices...

11-06-2023, 10:53 AM
Accepted a nice clean offer all cash above asking. Once that deposit clears Im gonna actually breath again.


11-06-2023, 12:25 PM
My father died some time ago, really miss him.

I sleep really well after a hard day in the gym.

I had vivid dreams last night and was hanging out with my father. I look forward to these "visits" and don't have them enough.

11-09-2023, 02:47 PM
How long until we have robot dogs for home security

11-09-2023, 03:33 PM
How is a robot dog more security than a regular home alarm system?

11-09-2023, 07:18 PM
How is a robot dog more security than a regular home alarm system?

it can confront and pursue. I imagine similar deterrent to a real dog, but less shit to pick up. Also easier to install.

11-11-2023, 08:29 AM