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01-16-2023, 12:24 AM
^ Solid.

You fucking green bubblers lmao.

01-16-2023, 10:01 PM
My work provided phone is apple, my personal is android. I prefer android for the most part. Each has certain features I like more. On the iPhone I really hate their mail app. Right to the Gmail and then outlook apps for work emails.

First music lesson in 20+ years this week. Played a fair amount as a teen then life came up. Need a jump start to remind me how to play. Should be fun.

01-17-2023, 07:56 AM
I have both a PC and Mac. I have a ton more experience on the PC so I prefer it simply out of familiarity. The Gf is the opposite.

It's like auto pilot when driving. Yesterday I yet again drove towards work and missed my exit. I haven't had a contract in 3 years.

01-17-2023, 08:19 AM
I’m the opposite. Personal phone is iPhone and work phone is Samsung Android. Both have benefits and both have downsides. The most trouble I have is typing on Android as the keyboard is different and has the numbers at the top whereas iPhone does not. I make more spelling errors on Android as it’s a smaller keyboard because the numbers are there.

01-17-2023, 09:54 AM
si hte atuo corect ayn les irritatgin ?

01-17-2023, 03:21 PM
If you guys get a chance, go to Nonnas Oven in Richmond Hill.

01-17-2023, 05:05 PM
You fucking green bubblers lmao.

01-18-2023, 06:58 PM
somehow suspended from facebook & Instagram??????????????
For doing nothing?????????????????????

01-18-2023, 08:18 PM

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01-18-2023, 09:05 PM
somehow suspended from facebook & Instagram??????????????
For doing nothing?????????????????????

did you talk politics or mention BF?

01-18-2023, 09:19 PM
And you wanted to ban me for my iPhone? LOL!
somehow suspended from facebook & Instagram??????????????
For doing nothing?????????????????????

01-18-2023, 09:29 PM
And you wanted to ban me for my iPhone? LOL!

Damnit! You banned me on facebook!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


01-18-2023, 10:25 PM
Speed therapy posted their 2023 schedule. Time to reserve a spot for a ctmp track day

01-18-2023, 10:39 PM
Damnit! You banned me on facebook!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


01-18-2023, 10:42 PM
somehow suspended from facebook & Instagram
Not sure if you’re saying that is a bad thing? Or a good thing? :shrug:

01-19-2023, 08:30 PM
Anyone here know value of old coins?

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01-19-2023, 10:50 PM
Anyone here know value of old coins?

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Only as far as it depends on the coin. One could be worth a ton. Another that looks exactly the same nothing more than face value.

01-20-2023, 09:11 AM
I have a 1901 U.S. $5 gold coin. Wondering value.

01-20-2023, 09:13 AM

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True Blue
01-20-2023, 09:29 AM
^^^ Depending on condition, E-bay's pricing averages about $1000.

https://www.ebay.ca/itm/165590418998?hash=item268df54636:g:jNkAAOSwVAdi2g3 h&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA4OAvgEI0Jt9eVjUXNhRy6XAK2Z5TI NLXAsAkb9ivM%2BE7k6kdr5V18nKmFd7X%2BC60LCk8ZpWJZ0D Jesg7n%2BjQNl9ZT02C52%2FuwL0ez7rnQkgKPEWZ9XVrLKQ3D W5ZJknti1CWpzP9A%2B9BHIVysHmS3MW3kW8ts66Ee4Hsfpfih fiLWQL6ubr1KZg7KVbb2YVN8uYYq2ELchQ5xdEdN3vdEliJYKW 3oW4iU7db1yASiZcHjGjUxjnx6hMQSu508fphblLSH08iJrLnV 7n2kT6dMhJVk0iZqA3ZBJhiTNp80p1K%7Ctkp%3ABFBMxqXP9b lh

01-20-2023, 09:49 AM
Get it graded. Grading runs from 1 (completely worn and thrashed) to a 70 which is basically it was minted with fresh tooling, beyond reproach and it's never been handled without care and gloves.

A really low grade is basically worth melt value ($400-$500) where as something in high 60s to 70 can worth up to 5 figures.

01-20-2023, 11:22 AM
I believe it got polished once. My mistake!!

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01-20-2023, 12:52 PM
A buddy of mine sold off a lot of his "junk" a few years ago, that turned out to be worth a few pennies. His free advise was.....
Always deal in USD. Never deal in Canadian money!

01-20-2023, 01:17 PM
it's a good inflation hedge, and inflation hasn't peaked yet.

01-20-2023, 01:25 PM
tales in trouble shooting.

I did a load of laundry in my 20+ year old Kenmore top loader last night. Pausing my chill NetFlix to move to the load to the dryer I noticed a largish puddle on the rough basement floor. I assumed some internal hose, pump, housing failure, turned it off and went to bed dreaming of yet another bite out of the contingency fund. Furnace got fixed last week free (to me) via my maintenance contract. That episode was a couple chapters of ineptitude between Reliance tech, ordering and dispatch, but that's old news.

So a few YT videos and I've got the washing machine apart and no obvious leaks inside, no sign of water, lots of dust and cobwebs.

I ponder over a coffee and go take another look (fresher eyes).

The damn washtub drain is leaking. See what assumptions get you.

01-20-2023, 04:20 PM
My FB memory today was from when my oldest son gave my youngest son some timeless advice.

They were playing minecraft. And the older one says to the younger one.

No, STOP! NEVER waste your diamonds on a hoe!

01-20-2023, 08:35 PM
Yay….Cuba in March!!!

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01-20-2023, 10:01 PM
I will give you $10 and a Shelby sticker. :stickpoke:


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01-21-2023, 11:17 AM
^^^do you HAVE a Shelby sticker?

01-26-2023, 07:21 PM
Jesus Christ. We just got the notice for renewal on one of our mortgages.

It’s a smaller one used to build the shop. We only took a short term pre covid to get it rolling and the the plan was to just extend until the other mortgage was up for renewal as well and roll them in together.

My monthly payment is now double.

There is seriously a lot of people gonna be hurting in the near future. When this shit hits

Saving grace is half the shop space it storage for work and the rent still covered it. But so much for the extra we were rolling into investments.

01-28-2023, 04:49 PM

Happy 10th birthday Phil.

01-28-2023, 09:13 PM
Happy Birthday to Phil!

01-29-2023, 03:43 PM
Jesus Christ. We just got the notice for renewal on one of our mortgages.

It’s a smaller one used to build the shop. We only took a short term pre covid to get it rolling and the the plan was to just extend until the other mortgage was up for renewal as well and roll them in together.

My monthly payment is now double.

There is seriously a lot of people gonna be hurting in the near future. When this shit hits

Saving grace is half the shop space it storage for work and the rent still covered it. But so much for the extra we were rolling into investments.

Update. that lender wanted 10% told them to pound salt. our Mortgage lady got us switched to a different lender. 5.39%, still a far cry from what it used to be but far far better than 10.

pay attention guys. just make sure your checking what people are wanting to sign you up for.

01-30-2023, 01:57 AM
Update. that lender wanted 10% told them to pound salt. our Mortgage lady got us switched to a different lender. 5.39%, still a far cry from what it used to be but far far better than 10.

pay attention guys. just make sure your checking what people are wanting to sign you up for.

I’m so glad we re-upped a year early in 2021. Still have just over 3 years left, hopefully the rates have started to go back down by then.

01-30-2023, 10:31 AM
I’m so glad we re-upped a year early in 2021. Still have just over 3 years left, hopefully the rates have started to go back down by then.

4 year mandate, last re-up Sept 20/21. It'll take months for new budgetary policy. I'd guess more of the same or worse until spring 2026

01-30-2023, 11:27 AM
Just built a franken-motor out of our spare Honda GX390 and Powerfist parts. It runs but it feels like I've created a sin against nature.

01-30-2023, 06:14 PM
Just built a franken-motor out of our spare Honda GX390 and Powerfist parts. It runs but it feels like I've created a sin against nature.

We've done that at work too. They seem to last ok, or at least as long as the power fist do. We've done the math a few times and keep going back to power fist motors, they last half as long but cost a third so it works out. Our mechanic picks up a spare whenever they are on sale.

We did our mortgage last March. Locked in 5 year fixed at 2.89%. Having solid jobs and excellent credit (850+) helped.

01-31-2023, 10:06 AM
We've done that at work too. They seem to last ok, or at least as long as the power fist do. We've done the math a few times and keep going back to power fist motors, they last half as long but cost a third so it works out. Our mechanic picks up a spare whenever they are on sale.

We did our mortgage last March. Locked in 5 year fixed at 2.89%. Having solid jobs and excellent credit (850+) helped.

During COVID we starting buying the Chinese motors because finding Honda replacement parts was near impossible. Our findings mimic yours, the guys treat the equipment like utter shit so the labour and parts to repair Hondas is greater than the cost to just slap a Powerfist/Predator/whatever in there and let it eat until they starve it of oil or send it off the roof. On average we kill a 390 equivalent every 3 months, a 140 every 2 months. I have a lock up with about 3 spares of each on standby and do the sale game like you guys.

The franken motor I made is for a hot tar kettle, has a difference reduction crank than any of my spares hence the experiment.

01-31-2023, 10:44 AM
During COVID we starting buying the Chinese motors because finding Honda replacement parts was near impossible. Our findings mimic yours, the guys treat the equipment like utter shit so the labour and parts to repair Hondas is greater than the cost to just slap a Powerfist/Predator/whatever in there and let it eat until they starve it of oil or send it off the roof. On average we kill a 390 equivalent every 3 months, a 140 every 2 months. I have a lock up with about 3 spares of each on standby and do the sale game like you guys.

The franken motor I made is for a hot tar kettle, has a difference reduction crank than any of my spares hence the experiment.

Is it possible to carrot and stick the crew? Incentive (bonus) for extending life beyond 3 months. Everyone would need to co-operate for the bonus and self police.

The point being create to a situation that incentivises treating equipment with care, and creates a self policing situation.

01-31-2023, 02:48 PM
Is it possible to carrot and stick the crew? Incentive (bonus) for extending life beyond 3 months. Everyone would need to co-operate for the bonus and self police.

The point being create to a situation that incentivises treating equipment with care, and creates a self policing situation.

Extremely hard to instill that level of personal responsibility with 50+ guys running the machines, moving the machines, across a variety of job sites. Plus as much as I give them shit for beating the machines up, they are doing a really really rough job in adverse weather conditions, on dangerous work sites so things can get over looked.

Often times that blown up $900 motor comes from pushing so hard they save a full days crew labour which is a massive savings.

My only unforgiveable sin is being rough on your work truck. There's no excuse for beating up a truck only you and maybe one other guy are responsible for. For example catching someone spraying ether/quickstart in one of the newer dumps because they forgot to plug in the block heater is an automatic one day unpaid vacation, second offense is a week, third is a no expenses paid permanent trip to anywhere but here.

01-31-2023, 04:15 PM
Extremely hard to instill that level of personal responsibility with 50+ guys running the machines, moving the machines, across a variety of job sites..

Hell I have problems getting two guys to not lose screw drivers.

Even resorted with a couple guys to make them replace them.

I’ll buy one set once a year. Even that seems like too much. But it got to be a monthly thing having to replace hand tools that they constantly misplaced.

Long ago gave up trying to have stuff get simple Maintinence and cleaning. If I don’t do it myself it never gets done.

01-31-2023, 04:24 PM
We bought everyone of our guys a Klein tool backpack. Shocking reduction in lost hand tools with that one move.

01-31-2023, 05:56 PM
We bought everyone of our guys a Klein tool backpack. Shocking reduction in lost hand tools with that one move.

I’ll look into that. They currently use tool bags but maybe having a bag that needs to be packed and closed will help keep things itemized.

01-31-2023, 06:48 PM
My only unforgiveable sin is being rough on your work truck. There's no excuse for beating up a truck only you and maybe one other guy are responsible for.
When I was at the mine in Timmins, they assigned a work truck to groups of three. At the end of replacement cycle (I forget how many years), one of the three was given the truck. There was a huge reduction in body damage, LOL.

02-01-2023, 06:45 PM
During COVID we starting buying the Chinese motors because finding Honda replacement parts was near impossible. Our findings mimic yours, the guys treat the equipment like utter shit so the labour and parts to repair Hondas is greater than the cost to just slap a Powerfist/Predator/whatever in there and let it eat until they starve it of oil or send it off the roof. On average we kill a 390 equivalent every 3 months, a 140 every 2 months. I have a lock up with about 3 spares of each on standby and do the sale game like you guys.

The franken motor I made is for a hot tar kettle, has a difference reduction crank than any of my spares hence the experiment.

That's why we did it too. 95% are one thread, however a pump had that 5% that was unavailable. Talked to a few dealers and they weren't going to see any for months. Got the pump running for a while. Eventually something else went as we got a new pump.

02-05-2023, 01:01 PM
Disney on ice with grandkids.

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02-05-2023, 02:26 PM

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02-05-2023, 02:59 PM
Cool. Where was that being staged Mav?

02-05-2023, 05:23 PM
Scotia center

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02-06-2023, 11:17 AM
Love having a shop/maintenance guy who I can say "here's the problem I need solved" and he just takes it and runs with it. Instead of spending $3k on a new dump truck tarp system he fabbed up a system with parts from the shop and princess auto in a couple days time that's gonna end up being under $1000 including his labour.

02-06-2023, 02:06 PM
Love having a shop/maintenance guy who I can say "here's the problem I need solved" and he just takes it and runs with it. Instead of spending $3k on a new dump truck tarp system he fabbed up a system with parts from the shop and princess auto in a couple days time that's gonna end up being under $1000 including his labour.

A dying breed.

02-06-2023, 05:56 PM

how can something so cute cause so many issues. lol

02-06-2023, 07:25 PM
Don’t know what the “issues” are, but just watched the latest episode of ‘Good Doctor’ last night. Those were some issues.

Our cats had a few issues after getting them from the rescue. Mostly stuff related to being in a house full of cats, LOL. Nothing some drops, meds, and lotions couldn’t fix.

But damn, that’s a cute pup.

02-06-2023, 08:51 PM
Don’t know what the “issues” are, but just watched the latest episode of ‘Good Doctor’ last night. Those were some issues.

Our cats had a few issues after getting them from the rescue. Mostly stuff related to being in a house full of cats, LOL. Nothing some drops, meds, and lotions couldn’t fix.

But damn, that’s a cute pup.

Lol. No. Just normal puppy stuff how can such a little thing produce so much pee and crap.

His foster people lived in an apartment and started his training on those pee pad things.

It’s just basically teaching a dog it’s okay to go to the bathroom in the house.

It’s okay. I don’t need sleep.

02-06-2023, 10:18 PM
I've been noodling with AI stuff lately, see some of the random AI art in rando pic's. Excellent work. AI voice overs are perfect, so much so lack of mistakes is the giveaway for audio books etc. AI is really good.

Posted a few items in kijiji, got obvious scam responses. One email, one text. Normally I fuck with them and waste as much of their time as possible in my spare moments. I realize the most recent scammers are AI.

Same story on dating apps, the catfishers are actually AI. Hard to detect.

My point is this is early in AI and already pretty convincing. AI has all the biases the programmers want to write into it. This is going to infest all forms of interaction. AI is a force multiplier for the narrative, any narrative or agenda. Learn to spot it.

02-06-2023, 10:26 PM
Love having a shop/maintenance guy who I can say "here's the problem I need solved" and he just takes it and runs with it. Instead of spending $3k on a new dump truck tarp system he fabbed up a system with parts from the shop and princess auto in a couple days time that's gonna end up being under $1000 including his labour.

goes without saying, retention of this guy is important. Work culture is more infectious than covid. Putting a lazy, useless fuck in with 3 high producers will result in 4 turkeys and a slack workforce culture. Hire slowly, fire quickly and reward excellence is a mantra I agree with.

02-07-2023, 07:14 AM
Here is what is on my mind. So on Jan 23rd I dropped off my 2022 Lexus IS350 for it’s first service which was free and I mentioned about how when the engine is cold it would rev up to 1200 rpm (like a choke on the old cars back in the day) but instead of it taking a minute or two to kick down it wouldn’t kick down for at least 10 minutes. I also complained about the lack of distance the remote is for my car and the said that they would look at it. I picked up the car on Tuesday after work and they performed the inspection etc and they swapped out the battery on the remote blaming the battery was faulty and everything was fine. They couldn’t find the issue with this revving either. Fast forward to January 26th after work and I start up my car and it is lit up like a Christmas tree with check engine light and displaying issues on the infotainment screen. WTF! I call the dealer and dropped off the car and got back in a loaner again. Apparently the O2 sensor has quit on the car and it is extremely rare for them to fail especially when my car now only has 5000km on it. Here is the kicker, there are no O2 sensors in Canada right now and the eta is now at February 10th. How is this even possible? This engine has been in their lineup forever and there are zero O2 sensors available? There goes Toyota reliability down the toilet in my books.

Sorry for the long rant but it has been on my mind.

02-07-2023, 07:40 AM
Here is what is on my mind. So on Jan 23rd I dropped off my 2022 Lexus IS350 for it’s first service which was free and I mentioned about how when the engine is cold it would rev up to 1200 rpm (like a choke on the old cars back in the day) but instead of it taking a minute or two to kick down it wouldn’t kick down for at least 10 minutes. I also complained about the lack of distance the remote is for my car and the said that they would look at it. I picked up the car on Tuesday after work and they performed the inspection etc and they swapped out the battery on the remote blaming the battery was faulty and everything was fine. They couldn’t find the issue with this revving either. Fast forward to January 26th after work and I start up my car and it is lit up like a Christmas tree with check engine light and displaying issues on the infotainment screen. WTF! I call the dealer and dropped off the car and got back in a loaner again. Apparently the O2 sensor has quit on the car and it is extremely rare for them to fail especially when my car now only has 5000km on it. Here is the kicker, there are no O2 sensors in Canada right now and the eta is now at February 10th. How is this even possible? This engine has been in their lineup forever and there are zero O2 sensors available? There goes Toyota reliability down the toilet in my books.

Sorry for the long rant but it has been on my mind.

Parts and product availability is still seriously messed up and will be for a long time. We were doing well and seeing stuff working a couple weeks. Now most everything is saying March eta.

Everything comes from China. Built in the US, Mexico, Taiwan, Germany ect ect?
All the sub components come from China.

Try calling around to different suppliers. Another major issue we are running into. When stuff does come into stock. The Big guys with deep pockets are buying up everything. They know the wait times are the perfect opportunity to crush the little guys who can’t afford massive amounts of stock.

02-07-2023, 11:09 AM
Here is what is on my mind. So on Jan 23rd I dropped off my 2022 Lexus IS350 for it’s first service which was free and I mentioned about how when the engine is cold it would rev up to 1200 rpm (like a choke on the old cars back in the day) but instead of it taking a minute or two to kick down it wouldn’t kick down for at least 10 minutes. I also complained about the lack of distance the remote is for my car and the said that they would look at it. I picked up the car on Tuesday after work and they performed the inspection etc and they swapped out the battery on the remote blaming the battery was faulty and everything was fine. They couldn’t find the issue with this revving either. Fast forward to January 26th after work and I start up my car and it is lit up like a Christmas tree with check engine light and displaying issues on the infotainment screen. WTF! I call the dealer and dropped off the car and got back in a loaner again. Apparently the O2 sensor has quit on the car and it is extremely rare for them to fail especially when my car now only has 5000km on it. Here is the kicker, there are no O2 sensors in Canada right now and the eta is now at February 10th. How is this even possible? This engine has been in their lineup forever and there are zero O2 sensors available? There goes Toyota reliability down the toilet in my books.

Sorry for the long rant but it has been on my mind.

60% of failures are infant mortality.

02-07-2023, 11:12 AM
how does a ventless clothes dryer vent?

Old Fart
02-07-2023, 12:08 PM
Here is what is on my mind. So on Jan 23rd I dropped off my 2022 Lexus IS350 for it’s first service which was free and I mentioned about how when the engine is cold it would rev up to 1200 rpm (like a choke on the old cars back in the day) but instead of it taking a minute or two to kick down it wouldn’t kick down for at least 10 minutes. I also complained about the lack of distance the remote is for my car and the said that they would look at it. I picked up the car on Tuesday after work and they performed the inspection etc and they swapped out the battery on the remote blaming the battery was faulty and everything was fine. They couldn’t find the issue with this revving either. Fast forward to January 26th after work and I start up my car and it is lit up like a Christmas tree with check engine light and displaying issues on the infotainment screen. WTF! I call the dealer and dropped off the car and got back in a loaner again. Apparently the O2 sensor has quit on the car and it is extremely rare for them to fail especially when my car now only has 5000km on it. Here is the kicker, there are no O2 sensors in Canada right now and the eta is now at February 10th. How is this even possible? This engine has been in their lineup forever and there are zero O2 sensors available? There goes Toyota reliability down the toilet in my books.

Sorry for the long rant but it has been on my mind.

Same thing with Husqvarna...been waiting for a warrantied part for my snowblower for over a year. Second part supposed to show up today...not holding my breath.

02-07-2023, 12:09 PM
Here is what is on my mind. So on Jan 23rd I dropped off my 2022 Lexus IS350 for it’s first service which was free and I mentioned about how when the engine is cold it would rev up to 1200 rpm (like a choke on the old cars back in the day) but instead of it taking a minute or two to kick down it wouldn’t kick down for at least 10 minutes. I also complained about the lack of distance the remote is for my car and the said that they would look at it. I picked up the car on Tuesday after work and they performed the inspection etc and they swapped out the battery on the remote blaming the battery was faulty and everything was fine. They couldn’t find the issue with this revving either. Fast forward to January 26th after work and I start up my car and it is lit up like a Christmas tree with check engine light and displaying issues on the infotainment screen. WTF! I call the dealer and dropped off the car and got back in a loaner again. Apparently the O2 sensor has quit on the car and it is extremely rare for them to fail especially when my car now only has 5000km on it. Here is the kicker, there are no O2 sensors in Canada right now and the eta is now at February 10th. How is this even possible? This engine has been in their lineup forever and there are zero O2 sensors available? There goes Toyota reliability down the toilet in my books.

Sorry for the long rant but it has been on my mind.

Crazy how common for parts to be on b/o right now, not an ounce better vs early into Covid.

02-07-2023, 03:13 PM
Lawrence - No supply problem for 02's for there new builds in Woodstock. Try their new car parking lot at 2AM in morning with a Milwaukee Sawzall #2621 and 6" blade - 42 secs per cut. Don't need a jack, have good clearance on SUV. Their 4 1/2" grinder adds on 23 secs per cut, so your tool choice. Tell the dealer you got them on amazon w/free shipping. You'll thank me later.

02-07-2023, 03:24 PM
LMAO! That is a good one. May as well go for the CAT while i am at it too.

Lawrence - No supply problem for 02's for there new builds in Woodstock. Try their new car parking lot at 2AM in morning with a Milwaukee Sawzall #2621 and 6" blade - 42 secs per cut. Don't need a jack, have good clearance on SUV. Their 4 1/2" grinder adds on 23 secs per cut, so your tool choice. Tell the dealer you got them on amazon w/free shipping. You'll thank me later.

02-07-2023, 03:36 PM
Lawrence - No supply problem for 02's for there new builds in Woodstock. Try their new car parking lot at 2AM in morning with a Milwaukee Sawzall #2621 and 6" blade - 42 secs per cut. Don't need a jack, have good clearance on SUV. Their 4 1/2" grinder adds on 23 secs per cut, so your tool choice. Tell the dealer you got them on amazon w/free shipping. You'll thank me later.

This is fucking hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.

02-07-2023, 05:04 PM
how does a ventless clothes dryer vent?

Two styles. One uses a small heater the other uses a small refrigerant system exactly like a dehumidifier.

Both condense the moist air into drain that then gets pumped out.

The dry air then just vents out into the room.

02-07-2023, 05:08 PM
Lawrence - No supply problem for 02's for there new builds in Woodstock. Try their new car parking lot at 2AM in morning with a Milwaukee Sawzall #2621 and 6" blade - 42 secs per cut. Don't need a jack, have good clearance on SUV. Their 4 1/2" grinder adds on 23 secs per cut, so your tool choice. Tell the dealer you got them on amazon w/free shipping. You'll thank me later.


We have processes that we can use with appliance manufactures where they will pull stock from the assembly line if they are not available elsewhere

Certain criteria has to be met. As in it must be under manufacturer warranty and the unit has to be non functional.

Can’t see why car manufacturers can’t do the same.

02-07-2023, 05:26 PM
Insanely sad what is happening in Turkey and Syria.
Buildings collapsing like dominos.... scary how quickly mother nature can turn around and claim whats her's.
Over 7200 people killed, just saw a video of a woman who was crushed by the rubble but still ended up giving birth to a live baby - absolutely jarring.
I'm donating to IDRF. My close friend is a director at this charity and he is busy sending relief efforts to both countries, 91 cents out of each dollar makes it to the cause. https://www.charityintelligence.ca/charity-details/328-international-development-and-relief-foundation

02-08-2023, 12:04 AM
In the slow lane doing 100 K on cruise control, moderate traffic. Semi crawls up my ass, within 5 feet. Not enough room for him to pass on the left. He passes on the shoulder to the right.

02-08-2023, 07:33 AM
In the slow lane doing 100 K on cruise control, moderate traffic. Semi crawls up my ass, within 5 feet. Not enough room for him to pass on the left. He passes on the shoulder to the right.

Check 905 Semis on facebook. Enough said.

02-08-2023, 08:51 AM
Weather sux for winter sports but was warm enough to give the sled trailer, Ram n Ross's ride a hand wash yesterday. :(

02-08-2023, 09:33 AM
Trucking has been taken over by a particular demographic. I believe only short haul. Driving habits learned elsewhere. A friend of mine was purposely hit a few years back on the Garden city skyway. Took his driver fender off. He pursued while calling police and the truck was pulled over around Vineland. 2 years later in court a wrist slap.

I was prepared for similar treatment and have no love for my beater.

02-08-2023, 05:48 PM
Out front of my school. Racing gone wrong???

Both hit trees.

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02-08-2023, 06:27 PM
Was it driven by Fred Flintstone? I see footprints.....

02-08-2023, 07:24 PM
That’s from me picking up the pieces of the car left behind.

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02-08-2023, 08:58 PM
^ Scarborough, everyday occurrence by lic'd Ontario drivers.

02-08-2023, 10:32 PM
licensing is just taxation, not qualification

02-09-2023, 09:28 AM
Lovely day for my radio, climate control and heated seats to stop functioning.

02-09-2023, 09:48 AM
Lovely day for my radio, climate control and heated seats to stop functioning.


Our truck did that once. Disconnected the battery for 15 min and it all came back. Hasn’t done it since.

When in doubt un plug it and plug it back in. Lol

02-09-2023, 10:31 AM

Our truck did that once. Disconnected the battery for 15 min and it all came back. Hasn’t done it since.

When in doubt un plug it and plug it back in. Lol

Ram but my intentions were the same as your post lol. Turn it off an on again.

02-09-2023, 12:04 PM
A father in Syria shielded his son's with his own body.. 1 out of the 2 including the Father died.
Absolutely heart breaking.


02-09-2023, 12:18 PM
Without even watching I feel teary eyed. God rest his soul.
A father in Syria shielded his son's with his own body.. 1 out of the 2 including the Father died.
Absolutely heart breaking.


02-09-2023, 07:39 PM
Car insurance has gone down again. From $94 to $88 for the Mustang. Glad I switch to Scoop a couple years ago. With Desjardins my rates kept going up every year for no reason.

02-10-2023, 07:41 AM

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02-10-2023, 09:35 AM

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They would get canceled and banned in 2 seconds lol

02-10-2023, 10:00 AM

True Blue
02-10-2023, 10:53 AM
Putting it out there, Princess Auto has free shipping at this time. No max amount, $25 minimum spend.

02-10-2023, 03:33 PM
They would get canceled and banned in 2 seconds lol

So manny would. We finally started watching The Office. (American version) and it was pretty popular. There is no way it would fly today.

And there was a AI written version of Seinfeld on twitch. And it got banned. And it was written by AI. Lol

02-10-2023, 04:00 PM
So manny would. We finally started watching The Office. (American version) and it was pretty popular. There is no way it would fly Friday.

And there was a AI written version on Seinfeld on twitch. And it got banned. And it was written by AI. Lol

Wow, really goes to show you how soft we've gotten as a society.
Just look at Tropic Thunder, imagine Robert Downey Jr doing black face now LOL!

02-10-2023, 04:08 PM
If you self censor and submit you're encouraging more.

02-10-2023, 04:40 PM
Wow, really goes to show you how soft we've gotten as a society.
Just look at Tropic Thunder, imagine Robert Downey Jr doing black face now LOL!

I’d still watch it. Lol

02-11-2023, 12:59 PM

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02-14-2023, 07:19 AM
What we all knew...


02-14-2023, 07:25 AM

02-14-2023, 08:21 AM
People today are too fucking sensitive. Motherf$@#$s!

They would get canceled and banned in 2 seconds lol

02-14-2023, 09:39 AM
People today are too fucking sensitive. Motherf$@#$s!

I will say this till i'm blue in the face. I understand older generations always talk about the younger generations being this and that however, we can all agree - this generation is f##ked.

02-14-2023, 10:49 AM
Who are their parents???

02-14-2023, 11:07 AM
Who are their parents???

the indoctrinated indoctrinators.

02-14-2023, 12:04 PM
The weakening of society is something that has slowly evolved over generations.

People need to struggle. It makes them strive for something better and makes them feel like they have accomplished something. This is ingrained in us.

People have no idea how hard life was just a few short generations ago.

Hard times make hard men, easy times make week men. We are spoiled compared to our grandparents and our grandparents were spoiled compared to their grandparents.

People who don’t struggle Seem to invent struggles.

02-14-2023, 12:36 PM
Who are their parents???

I have to agree with you there.
For example at our organization, all these older people in their 50's and 60's are championing race quotas, forcing people put in their pronouns, constantly talking about "trauma" and wearing the victimhood cloak ... its absolutely puzzling!! I think to myself, man - you guys grew up in the tough times and this is how you want to do things?

02-14-2023, 12:40 PM
The weakening of society is something that has slowly evolved over generations.

People need to struggle. It makes them strive for something better and makes them feel like they have accomplished something. This is ingrained in us.

People have no idea how hard life was just a few short generations ago.

Hard times make hard men, easy times make week men. We are spoiled compared to our grandparents and our grandparents were spoiled compacted to their grandparents.

People who don’t t struggle Seem to invent struggles.

And that is typical of people in the West.
No REAL struggles when measured with society on the other end so they come up with stuff to be offended about.
Really cool debate here between Africans and American's... this fake victimhood the Americans love to constantly grasp at makes me want to puke.


02-14-2023, 01:11 PM
The weakening of society is something that has slowly evolved over generations.

People need to struggle. It makes them strive for something better and makes them feel like they have accomplished something. This is ingrained in us.

People have no idea how hard life was just a few short generations ago.

Hard times make hard men, easy times make week men. We are spoiled compared to our grandparents and our grandparents were spoiled compared to their grandparents.

People who don’t struggle Seem to invent struggles.


02-14-2023, 01:34 PM
The weakening of society is something that has slowly evolved over generations.

People need to struggle. It makes them strive for something better and makes them feel like they have accomplished something. This is ingrained in us.

People have no idea how hard life was just a few short generations ago.

Hard times make hard men, easy times make week men. We are spoiled compared to our grandparents and our grandparents were spoiled compared to their grandparents.

People who don’t struggle Seem to invent struggles.

Men are competitive risk takers in order to gain mating opportunities. Women are liberal communitarian minded. Voting habits confirm this. Yes there are exceptions, but exceptions don’t make the rule.

A male mating strategy for those less able to compete is to “sympathize” with women. This is compounded by female dominated schools, liberal biased politicians and liberal biased media all labeling masculinity as toxic and for “real men to be sensitive”. Less masculine men compete to be the nicest of the nice guys which translates to soft men. A society that espouses and rewards “softness” is doomed to be overtaken by a society that rewards strength.

02-14-2023, 01:38 PM
Something like that. But I don’t think people put enough weight into even simple tasks. Not everyone can invent something that changes the world or cure cancer.

But the fulfilment that can be gained by something like splitting wood or cutting grass. Something that actually takes effort. bigger than a basic chore like washing dishes but still benefits one’s life in some way.

02-14-2023, 01:55 PM
Something like that. But I don’t think people put enough weight into even simple tasks. Not everyone can invent something that changes the world or cure cancer.

But the fulfilment that can be gained by something like splitting wood or cutting grass. Something that actually takes effort. bigger than a basic chore like washing dishes but still benefits one’s life in some way.

soft society is at the bottom of the hierarchy, mating, not actualization.

02-15-2023, 12:48 AM
Was driving to Richmond Hill last night around 8:00 when I saw a string of lights in the western sky. Anybody else see it? Apparently the latest batch of Starlink satellites launched Sunday. Pretty cool sight to see.


Not my pic. I checked my dashcam, but I think it was too dim to pick up.

True Blue
02-15-2023, 06:30 AM
Was driving to Richmond Hill last night around 8:00 when I saw a string of lights in the western sky. Anybody else see it? Apparently the latest batch of Starlink satellites launched Sunday. Pretty cool sight to see.

Saw the same thing Monday night at around 8 pm too.

02-15-2023, 08:34 AM
If it counts, saw stars couple days ago when I walked into the hoist arm. :(

02-15-2023, 10:55 AM
was it around 8:00pm?

02-15-2023, 11:01 AM

02-15-2023, 12:11 PM
Was driving to Richmond Hill last night around 8:00 when I saw a string of lights in the western sky. Anybody else see it? Apparently the latest batch of Starlink satellites launched Sunday. Pretty cool sight to see.


Not my pic. I checked my dashcam, but I think it was too dim to pick up.

Starlink: https://www.wxyz.com/news/moving-lights-in-sky-over-metro-detroit-are-starlink-satellites

02-16-2023, 08:18 PM
What’s on my mind.

“I’m putting a transmission in my washer myself I realized it’s a special nut holding the tub on. Could your guy come out and use his tool just to knock it off for me real quick so I can change the transmission?”

02-16-2023, 10:47 PM
What’s on my mind.

“I’m putting a transmission in my washer myself I realized it’s a special nut holding the tub on. Could your guy come out and use his tool just to knock it off for me real quick so I can change the transmission?”

How nice... I bet you got your guy to drop everything and head out to do that for him...:sarcasm:

02-16-2023, 10:55 PM
Since it was almost the end of the day and I’m booked for tomorrow I told him it would be next week at the earliest. He didn’t like that and said he would keep trying over the weekend and call if he needed me

If he does call I put money on the nut being so messed up it’s not usable.

02-18-2023, 09:23 AM
Original idea was to head out to the bike show today but after asking for an ins quote on Friday, not gonna happen. Just south of $2500 for liability only doesn't factor into the plan.

02-18-2023, 09:24 AM
Since it was almost the end of the day and I’m booked for tomorrow I told him it would be next week at the earliest. He didn’t like that and said he would keep trying over the weekend and call if he needed me

If he does call I put money on the nut being so messed up it’s not usable.

We see a substantial amount of that in partially done projects.

02-18-2023, 09:56 AM
We see a substantial amount of that in partially done projects.

Oh I bet. Seems like half of the classics for sale right now are partially done projects.

True Blue
02-18-2023, 01:56 PM
Totally shocked and surprised. Just received the call, new stove will be delivered on Tuesday. Less than a week from purchase date.

02-18-2023, 03:53 PM
beautiful sunny day. had to refill some wood crates. still a pretty cold wind coming off the lake. so thought id try out one of those fancy new heated jackets.

not sure if I'm sold yet, kept my core warm but would not stop licking my face or chewing on my beard. lol


02-18-2023, 06:28 PM
Well this happened today.


Apple Watch Series 1 from 2015 with sapphire crystal screen.

Typical battery expansion caused the screen to pop out except this time the ribbon cable broke. I gather it’ll be a few hundred to fix, new battery and new screen that comes with a new ribbon cable.

Or I can just buy a Series 8 from Amazon. Won’t be as expensive since I have $500 in Amazon gift cards.

02-18-2023, 09:15 PM
Got my wife a Series 8 - there's a lot packed into that model.

02-18-2023, 09:35 PM
Got my wife a Series 8 - there's a lot packed into that model.

Good to know. Just ordered a 45mm silver aluminum model and got a couple case protectors. I didn’t feel paying an extra $400 for a stainless case with sapphire crystal screen and weighs a few grams more.

Total cost for new watch and case protectors, $148 using my $507 in Amazon gift card balance.

Now I also have to buy a USB C charging block as I don’t have one at all.

02-18-2023, 10:27 PM
Good to know. Just ordered a 45mm silver aluminum model and got a couple case protectors. I didn’t feel paying an extra $400 for a stainless case with sapphire crystal screen and weighs a few grams more.

Total cost for new watch and case protectors, $148 using my $507 in Amazon gift card balance.

Now I also have to buy a USB C charging block as I don’t have one at all.

Agreed - it's not a watch that will be in your Will so the aluminium body is all that's needed. Annoying that the existing Apple blocks don't work....I had to order a USB C block too.

02-18-2023, 11:32 PM
Agreed - it's not a watch that will be in your Will so the aluminium body is all that's needed. Annoying that the existing Apple blocks don't work....I had to order a USB C block too.

Just ordered a block too. Everything will be coming tomorrow. As well as a couple Milanese loop bands in pink gold and rose gold for my wife’s Fitbit watch. Also happy that all the Apple Watch bands are interchangeable.

02-19-2023, 10:15 AM
I use a Gamin Fenix and know a few other users. IMO the harder sapphire is worth the extra $$. Tougher and more scratch resistant.

02-19-2023, 12:15 PM
I use a Gamin Fenix and know a few other users. IMO the harder sapphire is worth the extra $$. Tougher and more scratch resistant.

Yes, the sapphire crystal is stupid durable. 8 years on my Apple Watch and only 1 faint scratch that you can barely see. It’s always on my wrist, when wrenching, when washing the car. It gets whacked a lot. I was actually playing Kinect Adventures on my Xbox 360 and did a throwing motion with my arm. That’s when the screen ripped off. Heard the screen hit the wall and something else. Took me a minute to find it on the ground under my computer desk. The screen was perfectly intact except the ribbon tore off.

Only time I take it off is when I sleep and take a shower. When I bought mine new in 2015 it was $500, now it’s $970 for a 45mm. I can’t validate spending that for stainless steel and sapphire screen. Would rather buy the aluminum for $570 and spend $10 on screen+case protectors.

02-20-2023, 11:30 AM
the High Commander has taken on the bathroom reno herself. She has been binge watching Rocky and talking with a Russian accent. She gulped down raw eggs this morning. —I'm getting worried she's going to call me out for the heavy weight title. My corner is not that heavy anymore!

02-20-2023, 11:33 PM
Couple shots from the road today just n/o North Bay

02-22-2023, 09:31 PM

On sale Friday…$41.99

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02-23-2023, 08:17 AM

On sale Friday…$41.99

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picked one up last week as well. they were on sale at CT. for the kids 4 wheeler. waiting for the bigger 4 bank to go on sale as well for the boat and trailer batteries.

02-23-2023, 08:57 AM
I have a 03 2v. I just forged it. Currently running a V2. Not sure if I should pulley down or not. Going to run the motor to 7000rpm. My V2 have a 3.12mm pulley. At that rpm my V2 is maxed out at 52000 rpm. So my question is, is it better to leave it there or should I pulley down to a 2.87mm and tune the engine to 6500rpm. blower will be at 52000rpm at both tunes. Which is the better route ? TIA

02-27-2023, 07:48 AM

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02-27-2023, 08:14 AM
I have a 03 2v. I just forged it. Currently running a V2. Not sure if I should pulley down or not. Going to run the motor to 7000rpm. My V2 have a 3.12mm pulley. At that rpm my V2 is maxed out at 52000 rpm. So my question is, is it better to leave it there or should I pulley down to a 2.87mm and tune the engine to 6500rpm. blower will be at 52000rpm at both tunes. Which is the better route ? TIA

Big difference between what happens inside an engine at 6500 vs 7k. In the same breath, given your running that style of blower, they perform the best at RPM.

02-27-2023, 10:07 AM
You're over spinning it either way by my calculations. Either way the V2 isn't going to explode at 52,001 rpm guys have spun them up to 60,000+ rpm they just get far less efficient there. Could always put an underdrive crank pulley on there, going from the stock 6.5" to a 5" pulley is gonna drop the impeller RPM's way way down. Boost will decrease as well as result, I don't know the math to determine boost on a 2.87" pulley and a 5" crank pulley vs 3.12" on a 6.5" crank pulley. Honestly I'd leave the 3.12 on and set the limiter to 6700.

Are your heads built or just bottom end? Spinning the car up to 7k all the time on stock valvetrain isn't gonna last forever.

02-27-2023, 12:39 PM
The engine is completely rebuilt from the ground up. Bored out to a 4.8.
With forged bottom end. Everything is upgraded except heads. The dollar to power didn’t make sense for a street car. I did how ever invest in long tube headers and upgraded my injectors and fuel pump.

But to my original question, I just wanted safe efficiency. Based on some answers I think I’ll just leave the pulley and go the rpm route. Car won’t be seeing 7k rpm every shift lol. I don’t even do burn outs.

02-27-2023, 03:59 PM
The engine is completely rebuilt from the ground up. Bored out to a 4.8.
With forged bottom end. Everything is upgraded except heads. The dollar to power didn’t make sense for a street car. I did how ever invest in long tube headers and upgraded my injectors and fuel pump.

But to my original question, I just wanted safe efficiency. Based on some answers I think I’ll just leave the pulley and go the rpm route. Car won’t be seeing 7k rpm every shift lol. I don’t even do burn outs.

Uhhhh don't spin your stock valvetrain to 7k.

02-27-2023, 05:12 PM
I told the builder what my plans were, he built it according to my needs. I can confirm which upgrades he used. Only the heads them selves are stock. Everything else including supporting pieces are upgraded to support my plans of 7k redline. Thank you for the heads up tho.

02-27-2023, 05:20 PM
Uhhhh don't spin your stock valvetrain to 7k.


02-27-2023, 06:40 PM

03-02-2023, 09:42 AM
Tonight I will be experiencing homelessness through 360 Experience along with some of my colleagues to raise money and awareness about homeless youth.
We will be sleeping on the street, no blankets, no extra water - nothing.
Very excited!

03-02-2023, 11:48 AM
Tonight I will be experiencing homelessness through 360 Experience along with some of my colleagues to raise money and awareness about homeless youth.
We will be sleeping on the street, no blankets, no extra water - nothing.
Very excited!

Noble idea.

Shellenberger did an in depth study that concluded the majority of homelessness is not due to economic factors but rather the preferred behaviours aren’t welcome in shelters etc.

The upshot isn’t don’t help, but economic help is mostly enabling, and that “real” help needs to take another form.

03-02-2023, 12:35 PM
Noble idea.

Shellenberger did an in depth study that concluded the majority of homelessness is not due to economic factors but rather the preferred behaviours aren’t welcome in shelters etc.

The upshot isn’t don’t help, but economic help is mostly enabling, and that “real” help needs to take another form.

I agree.
Having volunteered for Haven Mens Shelter for the last 5 years I can tell you some of these guys would rather be frozen to death outside than put up with some of the nut jobs in the shelters... you sleep... then after you wake up you find out all your stuff is stolen... or some drugged out junky tries to rape you in the middle of the night... bed bugs .. etc.
Its pretty crazy what some of them have to put up with.

03-02-2023, 09:11 PM
It’s one of those things that I really don’t get.

Local “large town” to me put millions of dollars into “helping solve the homeless problem”

Asking around seems the number of homeless in said town is probably less than 10 people.

No one knows where the money went.

Biggest issue is it’s the mental health and addiction Issues that are the real problem. You could build them a house but If the other issues are not addressed. Nothing is fixed.

03-02-2023, 09:35 PM
It’s one of those things that I really don’t get.

Local “large town” to me put millions of dollars into “helping solve the homeless problem”

Asking around seems the number of homeless in said town is probably less than 10 people.

No one knows where the money went.

Biggest issue is it’s the mental health and addiction Issues that are the real problem. You could build them a house but If the other issues are not addressed. Nothing is fixed.

Addiction and lack of want to end addiction is the primary issue. Build a house for homeless crackheads and you have a crack house.

This isn’t a revelation, it’s an income source for the organizations purporting to “fight the problem”. Solving the problem means loss of an income and job.

It’s also a source for contributors to feel charitable, which isn’t nothing. A well intentioned contributor is a good person, just ill informed. Few have time or inclination to do homework, and the organizations “bank” on this.

Not much different from a healthy portion of gym members paying dues but never actually going to the gym. Buying the membership provides a feeling of accomplishment.

In my own case, accumulating parts feels like progress, even when I’m not spending time in the (unheated) shop for weeks ata time.

We’re all subject to the same basic operating system of motivations.

03-02-2023, 10:03 PM
Chat GTP killed Dan. Truth can’t live.

03-04-2023, 08:32 AM
WOW...........looking out, snow is 1/3 way up the shop door. Gonna have to dig to get in for a shovel.

True Blue
03-04-2023, 08:36 AM
Windrow at the bottom of my driveway is at least 4 feet high. It's going to be a long day, I have a bunch of driveways that need to be cleaned.

03-04-2023, 08:37 AM
WOW...........looking out, snow is 1/3 way up the shop door. Gonna have to dig to get in for a shovel.

Sounds like you got way more than us then.

Only two to three inches accumulated

Have not been out front yet to see what the drifts are like.

03-04-2023, 02:37 PM
WE got blasted in Ajax, 4' windrow at the bottom of my driveway, dam stuff is so heavy that the snow blower just wants to ride on top of it, + i've got 100' of sidewalk to do also , CUB CADET to the rescue, gotta say the machine worked it's guts out today !

03-04-2023, 10:08 PM
Sounds like you got way more than us then.

Only two to three inches accumulated

Have not been out front yet to see what the drifts are like.

We got hammered pretty hard here.

03-04-2023, 10:36 PM
We had not much. Less than 6 inches accumulated. But heavy stuff.

In-laws about 20 min south east of us had 4 foot drifts.

Anyone who got lots. Don’t forget your check your furnace, water heater and dryer vents.

03-04-2023, 10:51 PM
Ariens and my wife to the rescue! The end of the driveway was a different story. This had almost 1 metre of hard packed snow which only could be done by hand.

03-04-2023, 10:56 PM
I ran my Ariens through a couple packed icy feet at the end of the driveway....slow but got it done and saved my back.

Did you move from the condo?

03-04-2023, 11:01 PM
Still live in the condo. This is my parents place. If I had a house there would be no way to take care of two homes hence why I bought a condo. I am so so glad I bought an Ariens last year. I would have been dead with the little Honda my dad had.
I ran my Ariens through a couple packed icy feet at the end of the driveway....slow but got it done and saved my back.

Did you move from the condo?

03-05-2023, 09:00 PM
Continue to be impressed with my wife’s google diagnosing skills. Last time, no hot water, and we traced the hot water tank fault code to a bad exhaust vent motor start capacitor. Found a new capacitor and we were back in business.

This time, laundry day, washer quits and throws a code. Wife looks it up, follows a few threads, and we find this…


I spliced the wire back together, and laundry day is saved!

03-05-2023, 10:13 PM
Continue to be impressed with my wife’s google diagnosing skills. Last time, no hot water, and we traced the hot water tank fault code to a bad exhaust vent motor start capacitor. Found a new capacitor and we were back in business.

This time, laundry day, washer quits and throws a code. Wife looks it up, follows a few threads, and we find this…


I spliced the wire back together, and laundry day is saved!

Nice. Common issue. That plug is suppose to be clipped to the bracket above. Stops it from flopping around and breaking the wire.

I’d put a zip tie on it to keep it in place. So it dosnt come back.

03-05-2023, 10:22 PM
Yeah, you can see the clip that it’s supposed to go into is broken. In fact, the entire white piece of plastic snapped the tabs off and is disconnected from the tub. Zip tipped, duct taped, sucker isn’t going anywhere. Need to properly solder the splice together still though.

Appliance repair is easy ;)

03-05-2023, 10:44 PM
Girlfriend's latest creation for the company she works for. She's getting pretty solid at this marketing stuff!


03-06-2023, 02:15 PM
Going to see Dr Jordan Peterson today with the wife.
Super pumped!!

03-06-2023, 02:59 PM
Going to see Dr Jordan Peterson today with the wife.
Super pumped!!

I like Peterson, and have read his books. He still has one foot in blank slate equalism and his views relationships via negotiation only takes into account the beta "need" (provisioning) side of hypergamy, not the alpha side wanting for the best genetic "seed".

I still occasionally rewatch the Cathy Newman interview, that was YT bloodsport.

03-06-2023, 03:35 PM
Is he in Ottawa still?
Going to see Dr Jordan Peterson today with the wife.
Super pumped!!

03-07-2023, 11:11 AM
Is he in Ottawa still?

It was at the Meridian Hall on Front St. Completely sold out show!

03-07-2023, 11:17 AM
I like Peterson, and have read his books. He still has one foot in blank slate equalism and his views relationships via negotiation only takes into account the beta "need" (provisioning) side of hypergamy, not the alpha side wanting for the best genetic "seed".

I still occasionally rewatch the Cathy Newman interview, that was YT bloodsport.

The lecture was amazing. It was 1.5 hours with 45 minutes of answering public questions.
The lecture focused on the prefrontal cortex development of children and the research that is being done surrounding the importance of play in a group setting.
He spoke about marital negotiation when it came to needs and how women take a massive risk when it comes to sex vs the male counterparts. Spoke about the importance of being a leader who is a team player... example he used was research conducted with chimpanzees.
He spoke about the importance of sharing within the community and how to maintain a healthy marriage. It was amazing.

03-07-2023, 12:20 PM
I mostly agree with JP on many thing, he's way smarter than me.

Yes women do take the greater risk, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap.

WRT marital negotiation, I differ. The marriage counselor (female dominated) advice often resembles "if you just did the dishes more I'd be in the mood". If doing dishes or vacuuming got women hot, there'd be a bar dedicated to it.

This is called "chore play".

If you turn yourself into her servant, she'll treat you like one.

03-11-2023, 08:37 PM
Hit the garage door opener this morning, heard it making noise but oddly quiet. Went to take out some garbage and the door was still closed. Tried the outdoor remote and nothing. Opened it by hand. Where it attaches at the top ripped out. So found some metal and riveted it onto the door and reattached the opener. The angle pieces from the side to middle top also came off. We have renovations in the works and were planning on a new door anyways so I'm just going to limp this along. It could be original to the house from the early 50s.

03-12-2023, 08:00 AM
Coming back sucks large!!

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03-12-2023, 08:12 AM
Where is ya brother?

03-12-2023, 08:54 AM
Was in Cuba.

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03-12-2023, 07:22 PM
Beach looks quiet, you didn't take my advise on that Speedo did ya? LOL

03-12-2023, 09:16 PM

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03-13-2023, 03:57 PM
Wife is now at 15 weeks! Going strong.
Got the thyroid issue under control with medication. She's going strong with work outs 4 x week.
We find out the gender next wednesday - PUMPED!!

03-14-2023, 09:13 AM
RIP OEM 2015 Ram Battery, you finally failed to start. What a champion.

03-14-2023, 11:20 AM
RIP OEM 2015 Ram Battery, you finally failed to start. What a champion.

New Die Hard AGM in.

03-14-2023, 12:10 PM
We're close to the changeover point where stupidity becomes too expensive.

Another year or two of stupid, and a little more cold hungry and broke oughta cinch it.

03-15-2023, 10:26 PM
Crazy last few days in the banking sector - anyone following or doing anything with the volatility?

03-15-2023, 10:37 PM
Definitely following and thinking about what to do. Crypto was pumping yesterday but today it dropped.
Crazy last few days in the banking sector - anyone following or doing anything with the volatility?

03-15-2023, 11:10 PM
Definitely following and thinking about what to do. Crypto was pumping yesterday but today it dropped.

I think (hope) the window will be narrow after 2 bank failures and will depend on if there's any more which may not be likely (at least with US regionals). Credit Suisse has been on watch for over a year now so the lights are flashing on them but I hope others are in good shape still. Might slow down the interest rate increases though since that plus bad decisions by SVB and Signature on matching loans to asset maturities went negative on them (combined with a Twitter fuelled bank run). I have a few satoshi's but don't trade since crypto is all hype/emotional trading up to this point.

I already have RBC and BMO so picked up some CIBC with spare cash in TFSA - don't really like them as a stock/company but hoping to flip them later this year. TD would be a nice pickup also but didn't have enough spare cash in the TFSA to buy yesterday unless I transfer more in (but window might close). Bought a couple hundred shares of Western Alliance yesterday with the US spare cash I had in the TFSA and hope to flip soon (was up $2K yesterday but only $1K today but will double my money if it goes back to Friday's price) - would have grabbed some First Republic and a couple others if I had more US in the account ready to go.

What are you buying in crypto? The actual crypto or shovels and picks?

03-16-2023, 12:40 AM
Crazy last few days in the banking sector - anyone following or doing anything with the volatility?

public pays off gambling debts of reckless gamblers. gamblers face zero consequence for wild risk taking. federal monetary policy sets the table for wild risk taking with low interest rates. big surprise when interest rate increases and cause the gambles to fail.

federal money printing spurs the inflation (taxation via $$ devaluation) that required the interest rate change, more tax $$ applied to pay off the gambling debt.

It's a no lose for bankers, a no win for taxpayers.

03-16-2023, 01:01 AM
No - the current administration (US) has directed the banking system to pay increased insurance rates (so you can argue customers will pay through trickle down economics) to cover deposits for these banks so not being covered through federal or state taxes. Yes interest rates surprised them and they were chasing higher (riskier) returns (keep in mind they deal with VCs and tech companies primarily) but the CEO of SVB also lobbied hard for less regulations via Dodd-Frank and got his wish in 2017-2018 from the government at the time - and this is the result. Had they not rolled back the regulations for regional banks, we likely wouldn't have these failures and losses today. That's why buying the dip on Canadian banks (and some US banks) may be profitable because regulations remained intact for these.

03-16-2023, 07:13 AM
This bank failure has a huge ripple effect on many things and US Car dealerships are struggling apparently to get loans approved for buyers. This is what I heard.
In terms of Crypto, the only ones that I have been buying is Bitcoin, Etherium and Cardano. It seems that Bitcoin is on the up and up and predictions is that Bitcoin is in a bull market once again. I have been dabbling for approximately 5 years now. I made and loss so it all balanced out. I can't complain overall tbh.

I think (hope) the window will be narrow after 2 bank failures and will depend on if there's any more which may not be likely (at least with US regionals). Credit Suisse has been on watch for over a year now so the lights are flashing on them but I hope others are in good shape still. Might slow down the interest rate increases though since that plus bad decisions by SVB and Signature on matching loans to asset maturities went negative on them (combined with a Twitter fuelled bank run). I have a few satoshi's but don't trade since crypto is all hype/emotional trading up to this point.

I already have RBC and BMO so picked up some CIBC with spare cash in TFSA - don't really like them as a stock/company but hoping to flip them later this year. TD would be a nice pickup also but didn't have enough spare cash in the TFSA to buy yesterday unless I transfer more in (but window might close). Bought a couple hundred shares of Western Alliance yesterday with the US spare cash I had in the TFSA and hope to flip soon (was up $2K yesterday but only $1K today but will double my money if it goes back to Friday's price) - would have grabbed some First Republic and a couple others if I had more US in the account ready to go.

What are you buying in crypto? The actual crypto or shovels and picks?

03-16-2023, 07:35 AM
No - the current administration (US) has directed the banking system to pay increased insurance rates (so you can argue customers will pay through trickle down economics) to cover deposits for these banks so not being covered through federal or state taxes. Yes interest rates surprised them and they were chasing higher (riskier) returns (keep in mind they deal with VCs and tech companies primarily) but the CEO of SVB also lobbied hard for less regulations via Dodd-Frank and got his wish in 2017-2018 from the government at the time - and this is the result. Had they not rolled back the regulations for regional banks, we likely wouldn't have these failures and losses today. That's why buying the dip on Canadian banks (and some US banks) may be profitable because regulations remained intact for these.

Lol. Knew that was coming any chance to blame the other guy.

The Dodd- Frank bill was bi partisan and wasn’t Frank on the board of one of the banks that just folded?

Thing is. Without run away spending and out of control inflation the Dodds-frank bill would not have caused bank collapse.

Inversely. Without the Dodds-Frank bill. Run always spending and out of control inflation will always lead to bank collapse. Previously held bonds become losses as inflations drives up interest rates. This causes an unrealized loss. Unless there is a run on the bank then it becomes a realized loss.

The ultra rich and powerful are gambling big. The rest of us pay for it.

And excuse makers keep making excuses. Brain wash everyone to blaming the other guy while the rest of them get rich

03-16-2023, 07:58 AM
Main puter took a dump last night, cruizin on my laptop for now.

03-16-2023, 08:01 AM
Morning update. Barney Frank (I think that’s his name) who was behind the Dodds-Frank bill and who was on the board of signature bank (which collapsed) put out a statement and openly said if his bill was still on the table IT WOULD NOT have prevented the collapse.

The government handed over bucket loads of money to people who put it into the banks. The banks. Not knowing what to do with so much money. But wanting to keep it secure dumped huge amounts into government bonds. Massive rise in inflation rate drove up the interest on new bonds which makes currently held bonds unsellable.
This would normal would not be an issue if the bonds were held until maturity. But if there is a run in the bank (caused by people seeing the bank holding a pile of unrealized losses.) the bank is force to sell those bonds at a loss. And if they can’t cover their depts they fold.

There are many who want to lay this blame on lack of regulation and other things
There is no evidence for that. This is 100% fall out from years of reckless spending and out of control inflation. Don’t call in the government to fix the problem they caused.

03-16-2023, 08:03 AM
Main puter took a dump last night, cruizin on my laptop for now.

To think im in the same boat. Every min or so I get a pop up saying I have a virus. Run the virus checker and it says the computer is clean.

Trying to decide if it’s worth having someone look at it or just toss it out.

03-16-2023, 08:47 AM
To think im in the same boat. Every min or so I get a pop up saying I have a virus. Run the virus checker and it says the computer is clean.

Trying to decide if it’s worth having someone look at it or just toss it out.

try doing a clean wipe and fresh install of OS and software. I got a couple extra years with this method. Zeroing the hard drive(s) speeds things up too.

03-16-2023, 08:55 AM
artificially low interest rates. surprise, riskier gambles and leverage with "free" money

massive money printing, and suppression of output via lock downs. surprise, inflation

deny inflation and then last minute massive interest rate hike to try to slow the arterial bleeding. surprise, risky gambles and leverages fail.

whether directly through tax dollars or indirectly through fees or other vehicles, the people who caused the problem aren't the ones to pay for the fuck ups.

thankfully they have diversity and high ESG scores, and hey if you can't afford to turn on the heat, score one for climate change too.

03-16-2023, 11:43 AM
They were invested in government bonds/t-bills from what I understand but there was a duration matching issue plus the rapid change in bond yields that caused the problems - had they been able to wait to maturity they would have gotten face value and no problem....but then the run happened.

Regulatory oversight threshold for regionals moved from (AUM) $50B to $250B in 2018. SVB was at $209B when they were taken over - had they gotten scrutiny at $60B there would be a lot less contagion/hurt. Simple as that.

Bank management and boards also need to do a perp walk because they were bonusing and selling their stock at higher prices in the week before regulators took over.

03-16-2023, 11:59 AM
Bank management and boards also need to do a perp walk because they were bonusing and selling their stock at higher prices in the week before regulators took over.

100% agree with this. There needs to be real world, long term consequences for these people

03-16-2023, 11:59 AM
This bank failure has a huge ripple effect on many things and US Car dealerships are struggling apparently to get loans approved for buyers. This is what I heard.
In terms of Crypto, the only ones that I have been buying is Bitcoin, Etherium and Cardano. It seems that Bitcoin is on the up and up and predictions is that Bitcoin is in a bull market once again. I have been dabbling for approximately 5 years now. I made and loss so it all balanced out. I can't complain overall tbh.

Yeah, that's the contagion effect with lending - same thing in 2008. I like Ethereum but more the the rails they are building since things like smart contracts, etc will likely use that architecture (or something similar) in the future.

03-16-2023, 12:29 PM
Morning update. Barney Frank (I think that’s his name) who was behind the Dodds-Frank bill and who was on the board of signature bank (which collapsed) put out a statement and openly said if his bill was still on the table IT WOULD NOT have prevented the collapse.

The government handed over bucket loads of money to people who put it into the banks. The banks. Not knowing what to do with so much money. But wanting to keep it secure dumped huge amounts into government bonds. Massive rise in inflation rate drove up the interest on new bonds which makes currently held bonds unsellable.
This would normal would not be an issue if the bonds were held until maturity. But if there is a run in the bank (caused by people seeing the bank holding a pile of unrealized losses.) the bank is force to sell those bonds at a loss. And if they can’t cover their depts they fold.

There are many who want to lay this blame on lack of regulation and other things
There is no evidence for that. This is 100% fall out from years of reckless spending and out of control inflation. Don’t call in the government to fix the problem they caused.

Yes Barney Frank has been on the board of Signature Bank since 2015 - not sure if he was lobbying in 2017-2018 to raise the oversight limit from $50B to $250B - SVB was for sure.

Signature Bank was apparently shut down due to crypto related issues which is different from SVB's bond duration matching issue but both related to short term liquidity, just different reasons - they are saying they were doing crypto responsibly but the NY regulator is saying something different (maybe some trailing issue related to FTC or Silvergate). There appears to be some debate about whether NY regulator acted too early but that will come out in lawsuits later.

Not sure how the Credit Suisse thing will unfold as they have been doing risky things for years and engaged in improper activities (mostly trading/lending) and getting fined for them....so their balance sheet is a lot more complicated.

Anyway, that's enough on financial markets on my end for now. Glad I didn't buy Credit Suisse last year when they were at $4/share.

03-16-2023, 06:47 PM
If anyone is interested in the home show, I have 2 tickets if anyone wants them. Pick up in Pickering or Scarborough.

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True Blue
03-16-2023, 07:02 PM
Mav, remove your cell number. Ask those interested to PM you.

03-16-2023, 08:53 PM
What he said^^

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03-16-2023, 10:24 PM
New puter up and running...............thanks Zippy.

03-17-2023, 10:43 AM
I'm an idiot...:facepalm: Forgot to lock my truck last night and some fucking low life went in and stole some stuff including a NOCO jump pack, lotto tickets and iphone cable. I'm pissed.:mad: Guess I won't forget from now on.
Will have to find a suitable replacement jump box... any recommendations?

03-17-2023, 10:45 AM
on the bright side ....you don't have a busted window.

03-17-2023, 01:37 PM
With the baby coming I was looking for some side hustles where I dont need a massive amount of capital to start.... well, I opened up my own MC business.

Lots of people have told me in the past i've got the voice and presence for it... I never took them too seriously.

I havent registered anything because I want to see how it goes... my goal is to book 10 weddings/events. I ended up advertising on FB marketplace and ended up booking 3 weddings!!
My first gig is tomorrow at an Afghani/Pakistani wedding, 4 hour gig.
Once I get pictures and sound clips from the event I'll be able to create a more legit ad and people will have some more trust in my abilities.

Pumped for this opportunity... what could possibly go wrong lol

03-17-2023, 02:18 PM
With the baby coming I was looking for some side hustles where I dont need a massive amount of capital to start.... well, I opened up my own MC business.

Lots of people have told me in the past i've got the voice and presence for it... I never took them too seriously.

I havent registered anything because I want to see how it goes... my goal is to book 10 weddings/events. I ended up advertising on FB marketplace and ended up booking 3 weddings!!
My first gig is tomorrow at an Afghani/Pakistani wedding, 4 hour gig.
Once I get pictures and sound clips from the event I'll be able to create a more legit ad and people will have some more trust in my abilities.

Pumped for this opportunity... what could possibly go wrong lol

Are you saying you have a face for radio? Just looking for other members to my group of 1

03-17-2023, 02:32 PM
Are you saying you have a face for radio? Just looking for other members to my group of 1

Definitely a face for radio LOL! Thanks for letting me in the group

True Blue
03-17-2023, 03:40 PM
Will have to find a suitable replacement jump box... any recommendations?

Sorry to hear what happened.

As for a jump starter, I purchased this one last year. No complaints.

03-17-2023, 03:56 PM
Sorry to hear what happened.

As for a jump starter, I purchased this one last year. No complaints.

Agree with GooLoo. I got this one from walmart as well. Hard to beat Noco though but bang for the buck GooLoo is pretty good. https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/GOOLOO-GP4000-Jump-Starter-4000A-99-2Wh-SuperSafe-Car-Booster-Battery-Pack-for-up-to-up-to-10-0L-Diesel-Engine-All-Gas/1RS35AF2EB6D

03-17-2023, 07:42 PM
Sorry to hear what happened.

As for a jump starter, I purchased this one last year. No complaints.

Agree with GooLoo. I got this one from walmart as well. Hard to beat Noco though but bang for the buck GooLoo is pretty good. https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/GOOLOO-GP4000-Jump-Starter-4000A-99-2Wh-SuperSafe-Car-Booster-Battery-Pack-for-up-to-up-to-10-0L-Diesel-Engine-All-Gas/1RS35AF2EB6D

Thanks guys... was doing some internet 'researching' earlier today and have already ordered the GooLoo GP4000A. Was nice to get it for almost $70 bucks off. Should be here sometime next week.

03-17-2023, 09:04 PM
Sorry to hear what happened.

As for a jump starter, I purchased this one last year. No complaints.

Costco had a shell one on sale…79.99

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03-18-2023, 07:23 AM
Agree with GooLoo. I got this one from walmart as well. Hard to beat Noco though but bang for the buck GooLoo is pretty good. https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/GOOLOO-GP4000-Jump-Starter-4000A-99-2Wh-SuperSafe-Car-Booster-Battery-Pack-for-up-to-up-to-10-0L-Diesel-Engine-All-Gas/1RS35AF2EB6D

Please let us know how it works out long term. For me, Noco has been a hit or miss (died 3 wks out of warranty) plus bastards when it comes to a warranty issue.

03-18-2023, 07:41 AM
My NOCO GB40 was ~ 5 years old and I had no complaints. Probably didn't use it as much as you would Rick.

03-18-2023, 11:19 AM
I have a CT one for 3-4 years now. 1200…. No issues yet

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True Blue
03-18-2023, 01:13 PM
Auto insurance renewal time...
What a shocking surprise, my daily driver went down nearly $200. Thank you CAA!
Summer cars (specialty insurance) remained the same as of last year.

03-18-2023, 01:27 PM
I'm with CAA also & my rates went down ?

03-18-2023, 06:36 PM
With CAA too and my rates go down every year.

03-18-2023, 06:44 PM
I'm an idiot...:facepalm: Forgot to lock my truck last night and some fucking low life went in and stole some stuff including a NOCO jump pack, lotto tickets and iphone cable. I'm pissed.:mad: Guess I won't forget from now on.
Will have to find a suitable replacement jump box... any recommendations?

Has happened in my neighbourhood too.

I was on my porch at like 4am on my tablet watching random YouTube videos when I see this dude trying open every car door. I yelled at him to fuck off. Then he ran to some Chrysler Pacifica that was waiting for him down the street. I caught the plates, personalized plates “JOE CRIS”. I called the cops. They came by for my statement and they told me the car is a fleet vehicle based on the plates. I figure some kids took their parents car for some thievery. Sucks for those people.

03-20-2023, 06:09 PM
Baby steps…. Cover off

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Ghost Rider
03-20-2023, 07:19 PM
Baby steps…. Cover off

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nice ass, but put it back on... are you trying to cause 6 more weeks of Winter??????!!!!!!!!

03-20-2023, 08:47 PM
Don’t worry. I took the snow blower off the tractor today. So we probably won’t get any more snow

03-20-2023, 09:27 PM
We have any members with real estate experience?

Specifically in regards to buying “un owned” properties.

Trying to figure out a local issue and want to do some on the down low research. Before digging into it locally.

03-21-2023, 05:06 AM

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03-21-2023, 05:46 AM
muh climate change


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03-21-2023, 10:14 AM
muh climate change

Liberal's new religion. climate change. such bs.

03-21-2023, 10:43 AM
Germany asks EU for wiggle room on combustion-engine phaseout
Germany is seeking an exemption for combustion engines that run on CO2-neutral fuels to be sold in Europe after 2035.

STOCKHOLM -- Germany has asked the European Union to propose rules allowing combustion-engine cars that run on CO2-neutral fuels to be sold in Europe after 2035, the date by which the EU has agreed all new cars should have zero emissions.

Under the landmark law agreed by the EU last year requiring that by 2035 automakers achieve a 100 percent cut in CO2 emissions from new cars sold, it would be impossible to sell new fossil fuel-powered vehicles in the 27-country bloc.

The law is aimed at speeding up Europe's shift to electric vehicles to combat climate change. But Germany is seeking wiggle room for combustion engines that run on fuels produced using electricity, or e-fuels.

"The commission should come forward with a proposal [on] how e-fuels can be used, or how combustion engines which are run with climate-neutral fuels can be organized," Germany's state secretary for transport, Michael Theurer, said on Monday.

Speaking on his arrival to a meeting of EU transport and energy ministers in Stockholm, Theurer said Germany was convinced battery EVs are the "way to go“ but wanted to see other CO2-free technologies also supported.

"We need hydrogen [fuel cell] technology and also e-fuels, especially in heavy vehicles, in truck transport," he said.

E-fuels, which can be made using captured CO2 emissions - with the idea that this balances out the CO2 emitted when the fuel is combusted, so the overall fuel is "CO2 neutral" - are being developed to allow modified versions of combustion engines to continue to be used.

Germany is home to car manufacturing giants including Volkswagen Group, which has pledged to produce only EVs in Europe from 2033, and BMW, which has warned against setting dates to ban fossil fuel-based car sales.

The EU law containing the 2035 deadline says the European Commission should make a proposal on how vehicles running on CO2-neutral fuels can be sold after 2035, if this complies with climate goals.

EU Transport Commissioner Adina Valean said many in the transport sector shared Germany's concerns. "I think the discussion is not closed, even though the vote was taken," she told a news conference.


Maybe some good news...

03-21-2023, 10:59 AM
electrification will continue with the support of the stupid until it's too expensive for even the smart. That'll be some time after China/India become the dominant economies because they still use cheap energy.

True Blue
03-21-2023, 12:33 PM
Tesla EVs, Even Mildly Damaged, Are Being Written Off by Insurance Companies.

Scratched EV battery? Your insurer may have to junk the whole car.

03-22-2023, 07:08 AM
Ooops. Haven’t cleaned out my PMs in a while and was full. Sorry to anybody trying to PM me.

03-22-2023, 10:06 AM
Tesla EVs, Even Mildly Damaged, Are Being Written Off by Insurance Companies.

Scratched EV battery? Your insurer may have to junk the whole car.

I can attest to the latter.
One of the journalists testing our Kona EV went over some crazy surface during offroad testing and dinged the battery... the whole car was considered unsafe and we had to crush it lol

03-22-2023, 10:34 AM
It's going to continue being a problem until there is an industry-wide standard replaceable battery pack

....seemed so easy back in the stone age '80's


why can't they make a full-scale version of this? ^^^

unplug, swap, snap back together, and back out racing in 2 minutes

03-22-2023, 10:49 AM
a single standard product only happens in a state controlled, non competitive market. Enjoy your Trabant

03-22-2023, 11:15 AM
It's going to continue being a problem until there is an industry-wide standard replaceable battery pack

....seemed so easy back in the stone age '80's


why can't they make a full-scale version of this? ^^^

unplug, swap, snap back together, and back out racing in 2 minutes

That will happen eventually as the business model evolves - may eventually evolve to a standard like Android that several manufacturers can use or even AA, AAA, C, D, batteries from different manufacturers. The value isn't going to be in hardware but in software as the product matures - still early in the lifecycle compared to 100 years of ICE development.

03-22-2023, 01:59 PM
It's going to continue being a problem until there is an industry-wide standard replaceable battery pack

....seemed so easy back in the stone age '80's


why can't they make a full-scale version of this? ^^^

unplug, swap, snap back together, and back out racing in 2 minutes

Australia is testing electric Heavy Class 8 trucks with this technology. Instead of stopping to charged they pull the battery rack and swap it with an already charged unit. Takes the "refuel" time down to like 30 minutes.

03-22-2023, 07:51 PM
Not surprised at all they the write off so easily.

Ever see one of those videos when someone punctures a cell phone battery or cuts one of the cells from a tool battery.

Times that by a lot. Lol

No one wants to take that risk.

Black Sheep
03-23-2023, 06:47 AM
Australia is testing electric Heavy Class 8 trucks with this technology. Instead of stopping to charged they pull the battery rack and swap it with an already charged unit. Takes the "refuel" time down to like 30 minutes.
China is already doing this with ev cars. Makes a lot more sense then waiting an hour or more to fully charge.

03-23-2023, 08:06 AM
None of this makes any sense or sounds cost effect. Are spare battery packs available for everyone. Many of Chinas cars have a 50 kilometer range (small battery pack). The trucking industry is so competitive and cut throat that this makes no sense in N. America. I would imagine to replace the battery in a Tesla would be equivalent to and frame off restoration. If trucks are going to be electric they need to be hybrids. The new efuel would be the most cost effective way to do this. In my understanding that's what hydrogen will do coupled with an electric motor but I can't believe it will be cost effective either especially in the trucking industry. A new transport truck ne averages roughly $250,000 imagine what all this will do to that price tag loaded with major logistic and possibly reliability issues. It's going to get crazy over the next ten years.

03-23-2023, 09:19 AM
car sharing or Bixie bikes are analogous to this idea. It assumes all batteries and users are the same and equal. This also assumes batteries will be where needed. I'll use my own example of 50+ pair of reading glasses. My glasses all migrate to where ever I'm working. As soon as I move to another room or another job, there's no glasses where I need them.

The Bixies frequently need to be trucked from the low points in the city, back up to the high points.

it's battery socialism

03-23-2023, 11:26 AM
edit: not worth it

03-23-2023, 08:01 PM
Tesla already tried out a battery swap thing. It never made it.

03-23-2023, 09:38 PM
I think it goes back to a liability thing again.

Dealing with the high output that cars and trucks require. I don’t imagine a press in connector would get a green light since it also has to deal with vibration and elements.

So to swap a battery it would require connectors that are torqued to a specific amount and follow a specific procedure.

Not something that would be allowed by all the nanny states we living if it was being done by customers or a “pump jockey”

So I would foresee licensed techs or special “training” and a flat rate fee plus the bill for the charge. Would 100 bucks cover that? I doubt it.

03-24-2023, 09:58 AM
batteries suffer from entropy, gasoline does not.

03-24-2023, 12:11 PM
I hate buying tires. Always feel like I pay way too much

03-24-2023, 12:18 PM
tires are the cheapest upgrade, treat yourself

03-24-2023, 12:20 PM
Should have said it was 20’s for my truck

03-24-2023, 02:28 PM
^ Been very fortunate to find new take offs last couple sets I've needed.
What size ya need?

03-24-2023, 04:54 PM
Likely going that route also. Found 1000km old 275/55/20 Bridgestone duelers on kijiji. Hopefully the guy still has them.
I guess $800 isn’t terrible

03-24-2023, 08:34 PM
I hate buying tires. Always feel like I pay way too much

For me it's the fact that no matter how much research you do you still can't be sure if you'll like them. I've largely been happy with tire purchases but there is always that bit of worry that I'll end up disliking them and I'll be stuck with them for a few years.

03-26-2023, 11:19 PM
Well, that’s a new one: got a scam phone call on my way home from picking up dinner. Guy yelling at me that I hit his car and ran, he has my license plate number and everything, and is going to call the cops.

03-27-2023, 12:26 AM
Well, that’s a new one: got a scam phone call on my way home from picking up dinner. Guy yelling at me that I hit his car and ran, he has my license plate number and everything, and is going to call the cops.

LOL, I assume he did not want (ie. could not) to tell you what your plate number was.

03-27-2023, 08:39 AM
Well, that’s a new one: got a scam phone call on my way home from picking up dinner. Guy yelling at me that I hit his car and ran, he has my license plate number and everything, and is going to call the cops.

I'd have played that one out for a bit, although maybe not while driving.

I wasted a ton of a scammers time once who was trying to buy an expensive camera of mine. I was working towards having him front shipping costs and was planning to take a dump in a box and send it.

On another note there's a service where you can have animal 'dung" shipped anonymously to someone, presumably an enemy. they have quite a variety of animals to select from and descriptions of odor, consistency etc to tailor the message. I looked into this after I received a bag of dicks in the mail (candy). I immediately knew who the culprit was (friend, not foe)

True Blue
03-27-2023, 10:18 AM
LOL, I assume he did not want (ie. could not) to tell you what your plate number was.

Amazing how fast this guy got Don's cell number after the hit and run. LMAO!

03-27-2023, 10:39 AM
Well, that’s a new one: got a scam phone call on my way home from picking up dinner. Guy yelling at me that I hit his car and ran, he has my license plate number and everything, and is going to call the cops.


Last week our delivery guy got a call from a guy claiming the same thing.

My guy was convinced it was the neighbour because they have done that before with the snow removal guys and he said it was in the delivery truck. I couldn’t figure out why they were going after him and not us. But maybe it was some thing even more scamy.

03-27-2023, 11:46 AM
I'm a little curious how the scam plays out. Like, do they expect somebody to just send them a cheque to some random P.O. box for the "supposed" damage? I'm pretty sure I'm exchanging insurance information and getting personal information from the guy in that case.

And I want to know the website that offers personal information from a license plate number :spitcoffee:

03-27-2023, 12:10 PM
Yeah. I’m not really sure. My delivery guy is in his 70’s and they were being pretty hard on him with repeated calls and threats

I ended up calling the police on his behalf and she said she had never heard of a scam like that. I told her my guy was convinced it was the shops neighbour but they never came over and said anything to us the owners.

She told him to just block the number and call them if anyone shows up in person.

03-27-2023, 12:30 PM
Likely going that route also. Found 1000km old 275/55/20 Bridgestone duelers on kijiji. Hopefully the guy still has them.
I guess $800 isn’t terrible

Got them for $700. Stuck with them for the next 3 summers.
And yes I quoted myself

03-28-2023, 08:40 AM
Thinking about one of these for lapping days.
Garmin Catalyst.


03-28-2023, 09:33 AM
more details on this?