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03-31-2022, 10:02 PM
Wife’s cousin is a civil engineer

What branch did he study? What does a masters provide above what he has already gotten?

Mechanical. The Masters will be mechanical as well with a lean towards aeronautics.

04-01-2022, 07:27 AM
Mechanical. The Masters will be mechanical as well with a lean towards aeronautics.

does the masters change what he can work on or more just where he can work?

i dont know how all this school stuff works. my meeting in high school was all of 5 mons long before she determined collage/ university wasnt for me. she said "find a trade or factory, have a good day."

kids arnt getting any younger so something i should pay attention to i guess.

04-01-2022, 07:59 AM
College and university are shilled as the only route to adulthood. A good many just go for "the college experience" of dorms, parties and debauchery. That makes for a highly qualified barista. STEM fields are the exception. Course that requires hard work and results in providing valuable skills and services to society are more often skipped for easy liberal arts degrees that do a good job of racking up debt.

Trades are looked down upon, and the "any degree is a good degree" mantra does a good job of keeping the bloated, top heavy university administrators employed. With fewer going into the trades, basic supply and demand will have their earning power increase. If I were doing it again, I'd research the top paying trades, pick up that skill and then combine that with going into business.

My recent water heater installer was making a killing with danger of job loss. A portable skill that enables you to live where ever strikes your fancy or to be able to escape high taxes and mandates.

04-01-2022, 10:44 AM
does the masters change what he can work on or more just where he can work?

i dont know how all this school stuff works. my meeting in high school was all of 5 mons long before she determined collage/ university wasnt for me. she said "find a trade or factory, have a good day."

kids arnt getting any younger so something i should pay attention to i guess.

The Master's degree builds on the knowledge learned during undergraduate studies, usually with a tilt to a specialized field. In my nephew's case, he wants to study aeronautical engineering. Think of it kind of like a doctor getting their MD then going on to specialize in cardiology (I know it's not exactly the same, but I think you get my drift).

04-01-2022, 11:55 AM
The Master's degree builds on the knowledge learned during undergraduate studies, usually with a tilt to a specialized field. In my nephew's case, he wants to study aeronautical engineering. Think of it kind of like a doctor getting their MD then going on to specialize in cardiology (I know it's not exactly the same, but I think you get my drift).

okay i get you. good for him. lots of hard work but a field that will payout for sure.

04-02-2022, 11:32 AM
Mattress shopping today.....

04-04-2022, 03:39 PM
Mattress shopping today.....

Sounds like a snooze fest.

04-04-2022, 04:06 PM
Sounds like a snooze fest.

LOL - yes, at times it was hard to resist the urge to nod off for just a couple minutes.

04-07-2022, 03:06 PM
scrap yard for a starter for the beater today.

the majority of the cars were crushed. Yard guy said get what you need today, we're crushing 75% of the cars, because Ukraine

04-07-2022, 03:12 PM
Scrap prices are up. Highest I’ve ever seen them.

Cleared $200 bucks last week for a half load of scrap appliances. That’s “shred” or “white goods” which is the lowest they pay out for.

Don’t leave anything metal outside and watch your cats. The Thieves are looking to cash in

04-07-2022, 03:43 PM
Scrap prices are up. Highest I’ve ever seen them.

Cleared $200 bucks last week for a half load of scrap appliances. That’s “shred” or “white goods” which is the lowest they pay out for.

Don’t leave anything metal outside and watch your cats. The Thieves are looking to cash in

Good thing the Mustang has a tilt sensor. Changing my wheels one day and didn’t unlock the doors, then the horn started going off.

04-07-2022, 03:46 PM
Well I've become the guy who sees a table saw in the scrap pile and goes "hey thats still good I can fix that" and brings it home.

04-07-2022, 05:17 PM
Well I've become the guy who sees a table saw in the scrap pile and goes "hey thats still good I can fix that" and brings it home.

I'm starting to become that guy with bikes. Lot of the time lubing up the derailers and a new shifter for $15 on Amazon gets me $50. Quick wash, lube it up and a half hour of work one afternoon.

04-07-2022, 05:55 PM
Quick wash, lube it up and a half hour of work one afternoon.

04-07-2022, 08:03 PM
I predict this one will be a slightly more involved resto as the cast iron is in need of some serious love or even a fresh milling and my guess is it was toss because the motor went. But Ive always loved older Rigid cast iron saws and will surely beat my jobsite mastercraft if I can get it running and tuned up.

04-07-2022, 08:09 PM

Unintended. Going to 100% own it though.

04-07-2022, 09:05 PM
Well, I have been going through a rough time with work and it has not been fun. Bottom line is that I have been really stressed from being bullied. My boss originally told me that I was allowed to charge my Tesla at the 110v outlet. The cost worked out o be $20 per month but he said no worries. He recently changed his tone about allowing me to charge my car at the office and telling me not to charge my car if it is above zero degrees while my coworker who also has a Tesla and a Nissan Leaf is allowed to charge there for the last two years all year long. I said I will pay for the charging but declined. My coworker on the other hand was not told to stop charging. This was clear that I was being picked on. Two days later our “Mad Scientist” (yes he is a PhD scientist) berated me for the 5th and final time. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I wrote a formal letter to my boss but only suggested that I sit down with him and the asshole scientist but I refused to unless there was a written resolution to this problem. I was denied the letter so I left work on stress leave along with mental health issues. Sadly my boss is the President and HR manager at the same time and he has ignored the many complaints about this scientist from various individuals and yet the bullying continues. I just got fed up and couldn’t take it anymore. I now ended up selling my Tesla (I actually made $5k! On top of original price including the PPF) as it was causing me way too much stress with the charging. I can’t charge at home as I live in a condo and there is zero plans to install any type of charging or even 110 plugs. My wife is pissed at me as well now as I will have to make some serious decisions as to what to do with my cars now. I just feel so down at this point. Sorry everyone.

04-07-2022, 09:24 PM
That sucks brother. Sorry to hear. Karma will get these f*****s,,

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

04-07-2022, 09:25 PM
Well, I have been going through a rough time with work and it has not been fun. Bottom line is that I have been really stressed from being bullied. My boss originally told me that I was allowed to charge my Tesla at the 110v outlet. The cost worked out o be $20 per month but he said no worries. He recently changed his tone about allowing me to charge my car at the office and telling me not to charge my car if it is above zero degrees while my coworker who also has a Tesla and a Nissan Leaf is allowed to charge there for the last two years all year long. I said I will pay for the charging but declined. My coworker on the other hand was not told to stop charging. This was clear that I was being picked on. Two days later our “Mad Scientist” (yes he is a PhD scientist) berated me for the 5th and final time. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I wrote a formal letter to my boss but only suggested that I sit down with him and the asshole scientist but I refused to unless there was a written resolution to this problem. I was denied the letter so I left work on stress leave along with mental health issues. Sadly my boss is the President and HR manager at the same time and he has ignored the many complaints about this scientist from various individuals and yet the bullying continues. I just got fed up and couldn’t take it anymore. I now ended up selling my Tesla (I actually made $5k! On top of original price including the PPF) as it was causing me way too much stress with the charging. I can’t charge at home as I live in a condo and there is zero plans to install any type of charging or even 110 plugs. My wife is pissed at me as well now as I will have to make some serious decisions as to what to do with my cars now. I just feel so down at this point. Sorry everyone.

I had work issues years ago where no matter what i did i was being crapped on by either the manager or the owner. lied to and about, set up for failure, refused work ect ect ect. also took a stress leave. and after working it out realized it was not worth going back.

it was terrifying walking away as my first kid was less than 6 months old. but it ended up being the best decisions ever.

it sucks but keep your head up. stress is no joke. lean on friends and family. that's what they are for and if it comes to it dont shy away form talking to a professional.

04-07-2022, 09:39 PM
Thanks Josh. You have started a great business. I appreciate your feedback.
I had work issues years ago where no matter what i did i was being crapped on by either the manager or the owner. lied to and about, set up for failure, refused work ect ect ect. also took a stress leave. and after working it out realized it was not worth going back.

it was terrifying walking away as my first kid was less than 6 months old. but it ended up being the best decisions ever.

it sucks but keep your head up. stress is no joke. lean on friends and family. that's what they are for and if it comes to it dont shy away form talking to a professional.

04-07-2022, 09:48 PM
All the best to you Laurence. I think it might be prudent to talk to an employment lawyer to see what your legal options are.

04-07-2022, 09:52 PM
All the best to you Laurence. I think it might be prudent to talk to an employment lawyer to see what your legal options are.

This - or sometimes just better to walk away from a toxic environment (it won't change; hard to win a legal case unless they have other documented complaints but if President/HR doesn't really record stuff on paper it's an uphill battle). Not sure if possible to go back short term, head down, and look to change companies ASAP since it's a hot market? Anyway, sorry to hear - that sucks.

04-07-2022, 10:01 PM
All the best to you Laurence. I think it might be prudent to talk to an employment lawyer to see what your legal options are.

Not a bad point. It was awhile ago so may have changed. When I did my leave. It was a limited time and you were expected to return. If you chose not to you lost ei. Unless you had a note from a dr recommending you not return.

As 92redragtop pointed out. Job market is hot. Lots of people looking for good people. Not every workplace is toxic.

Old Fart
04-07-2022, 10:03 PM
Take care Laurence and try to think positive. Things usually happen for a reason.

04-07-2022, 10:48 PM
Hard enough getting through life these days without someone being a prick. Hope better days are right around the corner for ya.

04-07-2022, 10:55 PM
have you been recording these interactions?

04-08-2022, 06:47 AM
Take care Scrape, keep your chin up and lean on those cost to you.

04-08-2022, 07:20 AM
Well, I have been going through a rough time with work and it has not been fun. Bottom line is that I have been really stressed from being bullied. My boss originally told me that I was allowed to charge my Tesla at the 110v outlet. The cost worked out o be $20 per month but he said no worries. He recently changed his tone about allowing me to charge my car at the office and telling me not to charge my car if it is above zero degrees while my coworker who also has a Tesla and a Nissan Leaf is allowed to charge there for the last two years all year long. I said I will pay for the charging but declined. My coworker on the other hand was not told to stop charging. This was clear that I was being picked on. Two days later our “Mad Scientist” (yes he is a PhD scientist) berated me for the 5th and final time. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I wrote a formal letter to my boss but only suggested that I sit down with him and the asshole scientist but I refused to unless there was a written resolution to this problem. I was denied the letter so I left work on stress leave along with mental health issues. Sadly my boss is the President and HR manager at the same time and he has ignored the many complaints about this scientist from various individuals and yet the bullying continues. I just got fed up and couldn’t take it anymore. I now ended up selling my Tesla (I actually made $5k! On top of original price including the PPF) as it was causing me way too much stress with the charging. I can’t charge at home as I live in a condo and there is zero plans to install any type of charging or even 110 plugs. My wife is pissed at me as well now as I will have to make some serious decisions as to what to do with my cars now. I just feel so down at this point. Sorry everyone.

Hey Laurence, I commend you for saying something on here. Most of us bottle it up and fester. If you need to vent, let it out. That’s why we are here.

All jokes aside, for 5k I’ll cut your bosses brake lines lmao

Clearly some favourites being played there, take your stress leave and chill for a bit man. Clear your head, God has something better for you. When you feel a bit better and not as a stressed, I encourage you to look elsewhere for employment, all kinds of opportunities out there man.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-08-2022, 10:23 AM
Clearly some favourites being played there, take your stress leave and chill for a bit man.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Of course there are favorites. Denial of this is denial of basic human nature. It happens in families, it happens in business. It happens everywhere.

We all want "fairness" but wanting doesn't make it true. Life isn't fair, and no one is coming to rescue you. The sooner you face this, the sooner you'll help yourself, unless you prefer wallowing in self pity.

Stress leave is a good time to seek alternatives. For the torturer it signals victory. The bully is always encouraged by a win.

04-08-2022, 10:27 AM
Thank you. It has been on my mind.
All the best to you Laurence. I think it might be prudent to talk to an employment lawyer to see what your legal options are.

Thank you. I am in talks right now at a new firm. This has happened 5 times to me already. Sadly the other 4 were just verbal talk to my boss.
This - or sometimes just better to walk away from a toxic environment (it won't change; hard to win a legal case unless they have other documented complaints but if President/HR doesn't really record stuff on paper it's an uphill battle). Not sure if possible to go back short term, head down, and look to change companies ASAP since it's a hot market? Anyway, sorry to hear - that sucks.

I went to see my doctor right away for stress and mental health recovery for a period of one month. Honestly I don't plan on returning to my work after this.
Not a bad point. It was awhile ago so may have changed. When I did my leave. It was a limited time and you were expected to return. If you chose not to you lost ei. Unless you had a note from a dr recommending you not return.

As 92redragtop pointed out. Job market is hot. Lots of people looking for good people. Not every workplace is toxic.

Thank you. This is so true!
Take care Laurence and try to think positive. Things usually happen for a reason.

Thank you mister.
Hard enough getting through life these days without someone being a prick. Hope better days are right around the corner for ya.

Sadly, the first 4 were not noted. This one was a formal one in writing. Worse part is my boss who is an HR Manager forwarded the email to the person that berated me. I sent that email to him in confidence. I feel so violated. Seriously.
have you been recording these interactions?

Thank you sir.
Take care Scrape, keep your chin up and lean on those cost to you.

Thank you. I rather talk about this as others may go through or have been through a similar situation. I just want to let people know that they are not alone. I wish only the best for anyone as what I am going through was hard to talk about. I never met many of you but being on this board has given me peace of mind knowing that there is a ton of great people here. Mental health is a serious issue and we all need to talk about this.

Hey Laurence, I commend you for saying something on here. Most of us bottle it up and fester. If you need to vent, let it out. That’s why we are here.

All jokes aside, for 5k I’ll cut your bosses brake lines lmao

Clearly some favourites being played there, take your stress leave and chill for a bit man. Clear your head, God has something better for you. When you feel a bit better and not as a stressed, I encourage you to look elsewhere for employment, all kinds of opportunities out there man.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-08-2022, 10:29 AM
This is very true. I will definitely not let the bully win in this case. They will lose a dedicated employee with over 15 years of experience now.
Of course there are favorites. Denial of this is denial of basic human nature. It happens in families, it happens in business. It happens everywhere.

We all want "fairness" but wanting doesn't make it true. Life isn't fair, and no one is coming to rescue you. The sooner you face this, the sooner you'll help yourself, unless you prefer wallowing in self pity.

Stress leave is a good time to seek alternatives. For the torturer it signals victory. The bully is always encouraged by a win.

04-08-2022, 11:01 AM
This is very true. I will definitely not let the bully win in this case. They will lose a dedicated employee with over 15 years of experience now.

Myself I would deploy all available countermeasures. I'll assume the bully isn't playing fair. I'd also anticipate a move to poison the well for your outside options. Count on any other employer checking in with the bully.

The menu of counter moves has greatly expanded with woke society. Myself I'd record everything, journal what isn't recorded, save all correspondence and any other "ammo" to use in court or as leverage. By the sounds of it I'd anticipate false or greatly exaggerated allegations against you. Why not plant false or questionable seeds for later use. Think corporate IED. Remember the boss confronting Durden scene from Fight Club?

Accusations of racism, bigotry or some other HR type bullshit seems like fair game. Tangling him up in true or false allegations will make any attempt at poisoning the well questionable or lack veracity with a new employer. In a street fight winning is more important than playing fair if you want to survive?

Someone needs to lose the fight, why should it be you?

04-08-2022, 11:40 AM
Myself I would deploy all available countermeasures. I'll assume the bully isn't playing fair. I'd also anticipate a move to poison the well for your outside options. Count on any other employer checking in with the bully.

The menu of counter moves has greatly expanded with woke society. Myself I'd record everything, journal what isn't recorded, save all correspondence and any other "ammo" to use in court or as leverage. By the sounds of it I'd anticipate false or greatly exaggerated allegations against you. Why not plant false or questionable seeds for later use. Think corporate IED. Remember the boss confronting Durden scene from Fight Club?

Accusations of racism, bigotry or some other HR type bullshit seems like fair game. Tangling him up in true or false allegations will make any attempt at poisoning the well questionable or lack veracity with a new employer. In a street fight winning is more important than playing fair if you want to survive?

Someone needs to lose the fight, why should it be you?

Don't do this.

04-08-2022, 12:07 PM
Don't do this.

Yeah - take the high road and move on. Smear campaigns mean you'll end up with some on you.

04-08-2022, 12:10 PM
Sadly, the first 4 were not noted. This one was a formal one in writing. Worse part is my boss who is an HR Manager forwarded the email to the person that berated me. I sent that email to him in confidence. I feel so violated. Seriously.

That's an HR no-no and tells you all you need to know about that individual and the culture they support - reaffirms the assessment to move-on to something that fits better. It's their loss.

04-08-2022, 12:29 PM
Myself I would deploy all available countermeasures. I'll assume the bully isn't playing fair. I'd also anticipate a move to poison the well for your outside options. Count on any other employer checking in with the bully.

The menu of counter moves has greatly expanded with woke society. Myself I'd record everything, journal what isn't recorded, save all correspondence and any other "ammo" to use in court or as leverage. By the sounds of it I'd anticipate false or greatly exaggerated allegations against you. Why not plant false or questionable seeds for later use. Think corporate IED. Remember the boss confronting Durden scene from Fight Club?

Accusations of racism, bigotry or some other HR type bullshit seems like fair game. Tangling him up in true or false allegations will make any attempt at poisoning the well questionable or lack veracity with a new employer. In a street fight winning is more important than playing fair if you want to survive?

Someone needs to lose the fight, why should it be you?

not the path to take. someone has to take the moral route. anything else turns into a "he said she said" and no one comes out of that good in the end.

for me I had months of documentation. journals work orders, recorded conversations. the lawyer told me that in the end, you dont know that they have and no guarantee of a legal win. if your lucky you might win enough to cover legal fees.

in the end you have to do what is best for you. take some time do things you enjoy forget about the crap and garbage and work bs even if just for a week or two. take an impromptu vacation or just dive the country side. think to the future and only make major directions when you can remove the feeling and think rationally about it.

04-08-2022, 01:11 PM
Don't do this.

All I'm suggesting is that there's more options than simply playing fair. It's not an all or nothing strategy, but there are more than one option. Boss isn't playing fair.

I've been on the brink of going nuclear a few times, but have not pushed the button. Simply knowing and being prepared are often enough of a mindset shift to remove fear.

Being prepared and not using it is better than being unprepared and eating it.

04-08-2022, 01:16 PM
+1 on walking away from a Toxic environment. I just walked away from a race team I was with as I felt I was being belittled and talked down to.
Life is too short to put up with that sort of stuff.
Do what makes sense to you and move on.

04-08-2022, 05:09 PM
I was just let go from my job a few weeks ago. Me and another engineer, same day. Since then, a draftsman (the only draftsman) left, another engineer/PM left, and another engineer/PM got terminated yesterday. That’s 5 in less than a month. In an engineering department of only 10. A toxic family owned steel fabrication company.

04-08-2022, 06:05 PM
I was just let go from my job a few weeks ago. Me and another engineer, same day. Since then, a draftsman (the only draftsman) left, another engineer/PM left, and another engineer/PM got terminated yesterday. That’s 5 in less than a month. In an engineering department of only 10. A toxic family owned steel fabrication company.

Sorry to here. If I recall You weren’t there long. Seem to remember the move early in covid.

Hope there are lots of prospects for you with less BS

04-08-2022, 06:16 PM
I was just let go from my job a few weeks ago. Me and another engineer, same day. Since then, a draftsman (the only draftsman) left, another engineer/PM left, and another engineer/PM got terminated yesterday. That’s 5 in less than a month. In an engineering department of only 10. A toxic family owned steel fabrication company.

That sucks Don. Good luck with the job search.

04-08-2022, 06:26 PM
Sorry to here. If I recall You weren’t there long. Seem to remember the move early in covid.
Correct. Good memory! Yeah, was there less than 2 years.

Funny tho, with so many of us, we’ve created a support group. It usually involves a pint or two.

04-08-2022, 09:54 PM
I was just let go from my job a few weeks ago. Me and another engineer, same day. Since then, a draftsman (the only draftsman) left, another engineer/PM left, and another engineer/PM got terminated yesterday. That’s 5 in less than a month. In an engineering department of only 10. A toxic family owned steel fabrication company.

That sucks - sorry to hear. Hope you land in a better culture soon.

04-08-2022, 10:54 PM
Sorry to hear Don. It sucks but better to be out of that place.
I was just let go from my job a few weeks ago. Me and another engineer, same day. Since then, a draftsman (the only draftsman) left, another engineer/PM left, and another engineer/PM got terminated yesterday. That’s 5 in less than a month. In an engineering department of only 10. A toxic family owned steel fabrication company.

04-08-2022, 10:56 PM
Thanks all for the support and input. Everything that was said will be taken into account. I am hopeful to land a new position as a Quality Engineer at a firm in Scarborough. Will see.

04-08-2022, 11:13 PM
It sucks but better to be out of that place.
Hoping the same for you.

04-11-2022, 08:49 AM
Good luck Laurence/Don on your job searches. Corporate culture can ruin otherwise "good" jobs in a hurry.

04-12-2022, 01:46 PM
That sucks Don. Good luck with the job search.
Accepted an offer today! I start my new job in a couple of weeks.

Better office, better location, better pay.

Old Fart
04-12-2022, 01:50 PM

04-12-2022, 01:52 PM
Accepted an offer today! I start my new job in a couple of weeks.

Better office, better location, better pay.

Great news. Congrats and good luck with the new job.

04-12-2022, 02:20 PM

04-12-2022, 02:35 PM
Great news Don, congrats!!

04-12-2022, 02:55 PM
Congrats! You should celebrate by locking yourself in the garage until a certain red car runs!

04-12-2022, 03:01 PM
Accepted an offer today! I start my new job in a couple of weeks.

Better office, better location, better pay.

Congrats! Sounds like win, win, win!

Hopefully the culture is good.

04-12-2022, 04:41 PM
Accepted an offer today! I start my new job in a couple of weeks.

Better office, better location, better pay.


Congrats dude!

04-12-2022, 04:56 PM
Congrats! You should celebrate by locking yourself in the garage until a certain red car runs!
I agree. But today was so nice out, I caught up on all the yard work. Our house is all landscaped, no lawn. Lots of work first thing in the spring, and last thing in the fall, but the rest of the summer is maintenance free.

04-12-2022, 04:57 PM


I’ve still got enough parts left in the basement to keep me going for a while.

04-12-2022, 06:00 PM
New government program rollout. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the current popular meds.


04-12-2022, 06:24 PM
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the current popular meds.
Not sure what crazy conspiracy theory you are insinuating this time, but my mother had a stroke last year, and while the stroke rehab teams and systems were very good, they were not easily accessible. Anything they can do to improve the system has my blessing.

04-12-2022, 07:01 PM
Not sure what crazy conspiracy theory you are insinuating this time, but my mother had a stroke last year, and while the stroke rehab teams and systems were very good, they were not easily accessible. Anything they can do to improve the system has my blessing.

My mother also had a major stroke as well as dozens of mini strokes. My family primarily kicks from either heart or stroke.

This neither qualifies or disqualifies me from making observations.

Incidence of strokes is up, correlation is not causation but it is grounds for suspicion of causation.

04-12-2022, 10:55 PM
Congratulations Don! All the best to you in your new endeavor. I hope the culture is much better.
Accepted an offer today! I start my new job in a couple of weeks.

Better office, better location, better pay.

04-12-2022, 10:59 PM
This neither qualifies or disqualifies me from making observations.
Your “observation” from the story/link you posted is that the Covid vaccines cause a significant uptick in strokes?

As part of its plan to build a stronger, more resilient health care system that can better respond to patient needs, the Ontario government is investing up to $5 million to establish a new, comprehensive community post-stroke rehabilitation program for adult stroke patients of all ages.

BTW, $5M is chump change.

04-13-2022, 07:50 AM
This guy has to go or its welcome to communism!!

04-13-2022, 08:07 AM
everything I disagree with is hate speech, misinformation or fake news.

04-13-2022, 08:37 AM
Its pretty bad when you have to watch news from another country to get truths.

04-13-2022, 08:44 AM
Starting to look like the best bet for free speech is a hostile takeover of Twitter

04-13-2022, 09:15 AM
I thought all the cool kids were using Truth Social?

04-13-2022, 09:33 AM
Accepted an offer today! I start my new job in a couple of weeks.

Better office, better location, better pay.

Congrats Don, great news.

04-13-2022, 04:45 PM
Second time in recent months my computer went to slow mode and malware came in after clicking on that above post about Trudeau.
???? Mods ???
Be careful on these US news sites.
Took over a hour of clean-up.
Just saying.

04-13-2022, 04:59 PM
Second time in recent months my computer went to slow mode and malware came in after clicking on that above post about Trudeau.
???? Mods ???
Be careful on these US news sites.
Took over a hour of clean-up.
Just saying.

The you tube link?

04-13-2022, 05:06 PM
The above link on Trudeau.

04-13-2022, 07:57 PM
Trudeau is bringing yet another new tax.

<section class="article-content__content-group" style="box-sizing: inherit; grid-column: content-start / content-end; color: rgb(25, 25, 25); font-family: Martel, Georgia, serif; font-size: 24px;">The proposed tax would cost an extra $1,000 on a Ford F-150, and a Ram 3500 heavy-duty pickup truck would get hit with a $4,000 tax.
For most people, this new tax will come as a surprise, as neither Prime Minister Justin Trudeau nor Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault held a big press conference to announce their latest war on working folks. The recommendation to whack trucks with a big tax is buried deep in a new 271-page report from the Ministry of the Environment that was posted on the Government of Canada website March 31, 2022.
“This is our ambitious and achievable roadmap to reach our emissions reduction targets,” writes Guilbeault at the opening of the report.
The report is recommending broadening an existing tax that currently hits large SUVs so that it would also be applied to trucks such as Ford F-150s, Toyota Tacomas, Chevrolet Silverado 1500s, and Dodge Rams.

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04-13-2022, 11:09 PM
^^^I assume they meant Tundra, not Tacoma?

04-14-2022, 07:28 AM
the email I got from canadian taxpayers federation said it included medium size trucks. i asssume that would include the ranger, Tacoma ect.

04-14-2022, 10:36 PM
I just won a irace by 0.055. Closest finish i've ever had. (I am the white bmw)

Skip to 50:00 to watch the last 20seconds of the race.


Old Fart
04-14-2022, 11:03 PM
Cool win, congrats!

04-15-2022, 07:19 AM
Zippy FTW!!!

04-15-2022, 07:28 AM
Congratulations Zippy. BMW FTW!

I just won a irace by 0.055. Closest finish i've ever had. (I am the white bmw)

Skip to 50:00 to watch the last 20seconds of the race.


04-15-2022, 09:53 AM
think we can get Elon to buy the CBC?

True Blue
04-16-2022, 01:25 PM
Pleasantly surprised to see my insurance premium dropped 30% for my summer cars. Thank you Zehr/Echelon.

EDIT: A big FUCK YOU to TDMM (including group discount) for the massive increase to my home/auto insurance no claims and perfect driving record. Saved 25% by switching to CAA Insurance for the exact same coverage.

04-16-2022, 08:08 PM
Pleasantly surprised to see my insurance premium dropped 30% for my summer cars. Thank you Zehr/Echelon.

EDIT: A big FUCK YOU to TDMM (including group discount) for the massive increase to my home/auto insurance no claims and perfect driving record. Saved 25% by switching to CAA Insurance for the exact same coverage.

I got a quote from CAA and it was 30% higher than I pay with TDMM. Crazy how different companies can be for the same drivers and cars/house.

04-16-2022, 10:10 PM
My CAA car insurance went down $13 a month for my renewal.

True Blue
04-16-2022, 10:58 PM
I got a quote from CAA and it was 30% higher than I pay with TDMM. Crazy how different companies can be for the same drivers and cars/house.

Year after year TDMM (been with them for 7 years) has been increasing their premiums on me, it got to the point I knew I could get a better deal somewhere else. What pisses me off my employer group discount is suppose to result in a huge discount, instead it was all smoke and mirrors in the end.

Always shop around, never be loyal to any Insurance company.

04-17-2022, 05:06 PM

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04-18-2022, 08:44 AM
Just curious, since I’m beefing my motor up. I know it would be wise to upgrade the rear axle. I will In time. But since I don’t race my car or launch it and I run street tires, should I be worried about the factory spline ??

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04-18-2022, 08:54 AM
Yea you should probably do 31 or 33 splines and a beefier center section. I yeeted my factory axles in to oblivion on the street.

04-18-2022, 09:41 AM
Yea you should probably do 31 or 33 splines and a beefier center section. I yeeted my factory axles in to oblivion on the street.

I don’t know if it has been beefed up or not. I know the rear gears were upgraded to 3.73s. I would hope the spline would have been upgraded as well. But who knows ? Is there a way to check ?

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04-18-2022, 10:07 AM
Basically stuck pulling axle. Or pull the brakes off and see if the axle is a Moser brand or equivalent.

04-18-2022, 10:37 AM
Basically stuck pulling axle. Or pull the brakes off and see if the axle is a Moser brand or equivalent.

Breaks are getting done this year so I will definitely check. Thank you

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04-19-2022, 03:02 PM
Anyone else feel like they just spend everyday fixing other peoples fuck ups and get the pleasure of being bitched at constantly for it.

04-19-2022, 04:05 PM
Yea you should probably do 31 or 33 splines and a beefier center section. I yeeted my factory axles in to oblivion on the street.

does that make you the yeeter, or the yeetee?

04-19-2022, 04:50 PM
does that make you the yeeter, or the yeetee?


04-19-2022, 04:51 PM
Anyone else feel like they just spend everyday fixing other peoples fuck ups and get the pleasure of being bitched at constantly for it.

I manage fleet and equipment for roofers and quote/manage large scale construction projects as one of the least respected trades in industry......so yes?

04-19-2022, 05:55 PM
Anyone else feel like they just spend everyday fixing other peoples fuck ups and get the pleasure of being bitched at constantly for it.

I’m a taper, i get blamed for faulty drywall, half assed framing and fucked up foundation. And into an one of the least respected trades. So yes. It’s not just you

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04-19-2022, 06:09 PM
guess its not just me lol but id give you a run on Appliance techs being the least respected trade. lol

04-19-2022, 06:43 PM
…Appliance techs being the least respected trade. lol

04-19-2022, 08:15 PM

Those commercials were all lies. I haven’t had an actual lunch break in years. Break time is driving from one call to the next. lol

04-19-2022, 10:24 PM
Those commercials were all lies.
Take that back! TV doesn’t lie! :slap:

04-20-2022, 06:56 AM
The basis of disrespect for skilled trades lies in "the fallacy of causal knowledge".

This is that the customer, client, complainee thinks they know what the problem and fix is and just need you to be their hands.

Ask someone if they know how a toilet works. 99% will say yes. Ask them to explain the entire cycle, how water levels are attained, fill levels etc and they'll go silent. They think they know how it works, "it's obvious" where in fact they don't know specifically how things work.

The information age adds to this. Respect for knowledge is at an all time low, even at the time when real knowledge is at an even lower level.

The prevailing attitude is "I don't need to invest in learning this or that, I'll just look it up". The modern version of skipping rote learning of multiplication tables in the age of calculators.

04-20-2022, 12:53 PM
Not just skilled trades - the internet has facilitated spread to healthcare and science.

04-20-2022, 02:13 PM
Not just skilled trades - the internet has facilitated spread to healthcare and science.

How many of them are held personally and financially responsible when wrong? I’d guess not many.

04-20-2022, 02:17 PM
the information age is the intellectual equivalent to acquiring parts but not finishing the build. It goes for all knowledge, not just trades. Knowing the info is available "at some later date" is good enough, instead of actual learning. We're all guilty of "google memory" which is no longer making mental effort to learn or remember things that are easily looked up. Who even remembers phone numbers anymore.

04-20-2022, 06:09 PM
Who even remembers phone numbers anymore.
Are you suggesting that people used to memorize phone numbers?

No. They used one of these ^^^

04-20-2022, 06:12 PM
How many of them are held personally and financially responsible when wrong? I’d guess not many.

I think in trades and in STEM there are varying levels of liabilities and responsibilities to cover malpractice, errors and omissions.

04-20-2022, 07:55 PM
I think in trades and in STEM there are varying levels of liabilities and responsibilities to cover malpractice, errors and omissions.

Sure if I am found negligent and blew someone’s house up there is legal action same as if a dr is negligent and kills someone on the operating table but I’m talking more day to day stuff.

As an example.

Called re an oven not working. On diagnoses uncovered two separate issues. Each required their own part to fix was very clear with customer both parts were required. Customer did not want to pay for both parts. Only wanted the cheaper of the two. I was very clear would not fix all the issues they were having. On their request replaced only the one part.
Hour worth of labor plus part plus service call fee.

Customer calls back a week later my stove isnt fixed you need to get back here and fix it

Quote the customer the other part I had originally recommended and an hour labor.

Customer loses It. Demands the work for free followed by obligatory "I have been dealing with your company for years. If you don’t fix this I’m telling everyone I know how you screwed me"

Two choices. Fix it and eat the parts and labor to make the customer happy or Stick to my guns with all the email correspondence knowing full well they will bad mouth you to everyone they talk to about appliances and likely leave you with a bad google or Facebook review that goes unverified and will forever be seen without the supporting information by other future customers.

This kind of customer for the last two years has been an almost weekly occurrence. And anyone who has spent time running their own service business will have similar stories.

Have you ever heard of a doctor paying out of their own pocket to make a patent happy?

What about all the scientists that have been wrong for the last couple years. Are they paying anyone for lost time or business?

04-20-2022, 08:12 PM
Are you suggesting that people used to memorize phone numbers?

No. They used one of these ^^^

my parents had one of those. i think i broke it as a kid trying to figure out what sort of magic made it work.

04-20-2022, 09:58 PM
Sure if I am found negligent and blew someone’s house up there is legal action same as if a dr is negligent and kills someone on the operating table but I’m talking more day to day stuff.

As an example.

Called re an oven not working. On diagnoses uncovered two separate issues. Each required their own part to fix was very clear with customer both parts were required. Customer did not want to pay for both parts. Only wanted the cheaper of the two. I was very clear would not fix all the issues they were having. On their request replaced only the one part.
Hour worth of labor plus part plus service call fee.

Customer calls back a week later my stove isnt fixed you need to get back here and fix it

Quote the customer the other part I had originally recommended and an hour labor.

Customer loses It. Demands the work for free followed by obligatory "I have been dealing with your company for years. If you don’t fix this I’m telling everyone I know how you screwed me"

Two choices. Fix it and eat the parts and labor to make the customer happy or Stick to my guns with all the email correspondence knowing full well they will bad mouth you to everyone they talk to about appliances and likely leave you with a bad google or Facebook review that goes unverified and will forever be seen without the supporting information by other future customers.

This kind of customer for the last two years has been an almost weekly occurrence. And anyone who has spent time running their own service business will have similar stories.

Have you ever heard of a doctor paying out of their own pocket to make a patent happy?

What about all the scientists that have been wrong for the last couple years. Are they paying anyone for lost time or business?

Yes, some have to work with "customers" (even more so in private systems like the US) where there are repeated attempts to adjust/repair after procedures like knee/hip replacements, laser eye surgery, dental issues, etc. And when insurance goes up by tens of thousands these professionals are essentially paying out of pocket. Scientists who run their own businesses pay for work/R&D that may not pan out so both sides have respective nuts on the line.

04-21-2022, 07:28 AM
im not talking about the US. Im talking here. a dr gets paid every time they see a patient regardless of if its due to a misdiagnosis. a patient pays for their own meds regardless of if they work or its the 3rd or 4th time the dr had "tried this one to see if it works"

insurance has nothing to do with it. but if you have never been in that position its something people just dont get.

04-21-2022, 07:38 AM
Here is hoping the weather really is about to change for the better.


04-21-2022, 08:08 AM
^Ha! Woke up this morning thankful it wasn’t snow!

04-21-2022, 08:39 AM
Sure if I am found negligent and blew someone’s house up there is legal action same as if a dr is negligent and kills someone on the operating table but I’m talking more day to day stuff.

As an example.

Called re an oven not working. On diagnoses uncovered two separate issues. Each required their own part to fix was very clear with customer both parts were required. Customer did not want to pay for both parts. Only wanted the cheaper of the two. I was very clear would not fix all the issues they were having. On their request replaced only the one part.
Hour worth of labor plus part plus service call fee.

Customer calls back a week later my stove isnt fixed you need to get back here and fix it

Quote the customer the other part I had originally recommended and an hour labor.

Customer loses It. Demands the work for free followed by obligatory "I have been dealing with your company for years. If you don’t fix this I’m telling everyone I know how you screwed me"

Two choices. Fix it and eat the parts and labor to make the customer happy or Stick to my guns with all the email correspondence knowing full well they will bad mouth you to everyone they talk to about appliances and likely leave you with a bad google or Facebook review that goes unverified and will forever be seen without the supporting information by other future customers.

This kind of customer for the last two years has been an almost weekly occurrence. And anyone who has spent time running their own service business will have similar stories.

Have you ever heard of a doctor paying out of their own pocket to make a patent happy?

What about all the scientists that have been wrong for the last couple years. Are they paying anyone for lost time or business?

Dude you really need to learn how to fire customers. Honestly was a hard lesson for me too as you never want to turn down a paying job but it's worth it. If we see multiple issues during a service call, my quote is for repair of those multiple issues. We all know if we repair one thing it likely won't fix the issues and now we got a callback. I'd rather price myself out of the job than have to deal with multiple callbacks and the headaches associated. We tell everyone this up front, we're not the cheapest but we're thorough and professional. Once you realize the good customers take up a fraction of your time (normally) and leave you in a better mood you honestly produce more and have better customer interactions.

On reviews, man first off I think we all overestimate when someone says "I'll tell everyone" how many people actually listen to these miserable fucks, and two how many people they'll actually tell. Google reviews, you're never going to be 100% if you have a lot just the nature of the game. Honestly we get 1 star reviews about driving and I check my GPS and it was another companys truck. Biggest thing is make the happy customers the advocates. Offer a discount, gift card, something for leaving a review on the business. It's a numbers game, it's impossible to make 100% of people happy about spending their money, but for everyone person mad and ranting you at least want the happy ones doing the same.

04-21-2022, 08:56 AM
Dude you really need to learn how to fire customers. Honestly was a hard lesson for me too as you never want to turn down a paying job but it's worth it. If we see multiple issues during a service call, my quote is for repair of those multiple issues. We all know if we repair one thing it likely won't fix the issues and now we got a callback. I'd rather price myself out of the job than have to deal with multiple callbacks and the headaches associated. We tell everyone this up front, we're not the cheapest but we're thorough and professional. Once you realize the good customers take up a fraction of your time (normally) and leave you in a better mood you honestly produce more and have better customer interactions.

On reviews, man first off I think we all overestimate when someone says "I'll tell everyone" how many people actually listen to these miserable fucks, and two how many people they'll actually tell. Google reviews, you're never going to be 100% if you have a lot just the nature of the game. Honestly we get 1 star reviews about driving and I check my GPS and it was another companys truck. Biggest thing is make the happy customers the advocates. Offer a discount, gift card, something for leaving a review on the business. It's a numbers game, it's impossible to make 100% of people happy about spending their money, but for everyone person mad and ranting you at least want the happy ones doing the same.

I agree with you I’m my own worst enemy. I have a hard time telling people no. And just create my own problems. Lol.

We have started with covid telling people no. I still lose sleep over it. Lol

04-21-2022, 11:31 AM
Are you suggesting that people used to memorize phone numbers?

No. They used one of these ^^^

I still remember plenty of numbers from my pre internet days. Now I don't even have my daughters # memorized. I remember an intermediate point where I was all high tech and got a Palm Pilot and loaded all the addy's, but by then I was doing a lot of business and had hundreds of contacts.

04-21-2022, 11:36 AM
im not talking about the US. Im talking here. a dr gets paid every time they see a patient regardless of if its due to a misdiagnosis. a patient pays for their own meds regardless of if they work or its the 3rd or 4th time the dr had "tried this one to see if it works"

insurance has nothing to do with it. but if you have never been in that position its something people just dont get.

I had a nerve issue in my foot. Went to GP, who sent me to a surgeon. Surgeon said taking off a toe would fix the problem. I now have 9 toes, problem wasn't fixed. I returned to the surgeons office after healing with issue still bugging me. He shrugged his shoulders and said "eh, that's all I've got".

True story.

04-21-2022, 11:41 AM
Dude you really need to learn how to fire customers. Honestly was a hard lesson for me too as you never want to turn down a paying job but it's worth it. If we see multiple issues during a service call, my quote is for repair of those multiple issues. We all know if we repair one thing it likely won't fix the issues and now we got a callback. I'd rather price myself out of the job than have to deal with multiple callbacks and the headaches associated. We tell everyone this up front, we're not the cheapest but we're thorough and professional. Once you realize the good customers take up a fraction of your time (normally) and leave you in a better mood you honestly produce more and have better customer interactions.

On reviews, man first off I think we all overestimate when someone says "I'll tell everyone" how many people actually listen to these miserable fucks, and two how many people they'll actually tell. Google reviews, you're never going to be 100% if you have a lot just the nature of the game. Honestly we get 1 star reviews about driving and I check my GPS and it was another companys truck. Biggest thing is make the happy customers the advocates. Offer a discount, gift card, something for leaving a review on the business. It's a numbers game, it's impossible to make 100% of people happy about spending their money, but for everyone person mad and ranting you at least want the happy ones doing the same.

I agree with you I’m my own worst enemy. I have a hard time telling people no. And just create my own problems. Lol.

We have started with covid telling people no. I still lose sleep over it. Lol

I also learned this the hard way with a failed venture. I kept trying to make shitty customers happy instead of simply stop dealing with them. In the end I learned my business wasn't viable, but only after years of frustrations with bad customers, and a very select few good ones.

04-21-2022, 11:56 PM
I had a nerve issue in my foot. Went to GP, who sent me to a surgeon. Surgeon said taking off a toe would fix the problem. I now have 9 toes, problem wasn't fixed. I returned to the surgeons office after healing with issue still bugging me. He shrugged his shoulders and said "eh, that's all I've got".

True story.

Sounds like similar issues with automotive diagnoses where they're chasing solutions on your dime (although your dime in this case was a toe). Medical insurance is high here as well.

04-22-2022, 07:10 AM
Sounds like similar issues with automotive diagnoses where they're chasing solutions on your dime (although your dime in this case was a toe). Medical insurance is high here as well.

In this case I think it was "to a hammer every problem is a nail". Surgeons like to do surgery. Either that or he wanted a toe for his tequila bottle.

In any case was a lawsuit even viable for me. What's a toe worth, maybe a months free parking or 6 months of woke Netflix?

Just like tenure and unions for teachers, there's little incentive for excellence in healthcare and the low performers are not voted off the island.

04-22-2022, 03:04 PM
In this case I think it was "to a hammer every problem is a nail". Surgeons like to do surgery. Either that or he wanted a toe for his tequila bottle.

In any case was a lawsuit even viable for me. What's a toe worth, maybe a months free parking or 6 months of woke Netflix?

Just like tenure and unions for teachers, there's little incentive for excellence in healthcare and the low performers are not voted off the island.

LMFAOOOOO WOKE NETFLIX ? Dude I’m crying over here.

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04-23-2022, 08:12 AM
Damn. Issue is still there and that is all they can say? Wtf?

04-23-2022, 10:59 AM
Changed the oil on the wife’s Accord. Got it finished up just as it started raining. Over 120k on the car and it definitely needs a valve adjustment. Of course, I’ll do that myself.

04-23-2022, 11:26 AM
you know you're old when the vegetable garden takes priority over wrenching

04-23-2022, 01:16 PM
Damn. Issue is still there and that is all they can say? Wtf?

You mean with work. ?

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04-24-2022, 10:46 PM
Well, been down for over a week with Covid. Sucks large.
Good news…. Shelby is officially on the road!!. Covid really sucks though!!! Entire household.

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04-24-2022, 10:51 PM
Sorry to hear Mav, get well soon !

04-24-2022, 10:55 PM
Hope to be back to work Tuesday.

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04-25-2022, 12:20 AM
Went for first ride of the season and loved every minute of it. Back is sore but well worth it. So many bikes out today was awesome.

04-25-2022, 07:37 AM
Well, been down for over a week with Covid. Sucks large.

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Yes, yes it does. At work for the first time in two weeks, though I still feel like crap.

04-25-2022, 07:41 AM
Well, been down for over a week with Covid. Sucks large.
Good news…. Shelby is officially on the road!!. Covid really sucks though!!! Entire household.

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Hope you feel better soon Mav. Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest.

04-25-2022, 07:53 AM
No sorry. Chicken lips with his toe being cutoff due to nerve damage.
You mean with work. ?

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04-25-2022, 07:53 AM
Damn. Sorry to hear Jeff. Get well soon.
Well, been down for over a week with Covid. Sucks large.
Good news…. Shelby is officially on the road!!. Covid really sucks though!!! Entire household.

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04-25-2022, 10:27 AM
Well, been down for over a week with Covid. Sucks large.
Good news…. Shelby is officially on the road!!. Covid really sucks though!!! Entire household.

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I felt mild symptoms Thursday afternoon. Sore throat being the worst of it. I gargle with salt water every time is starts to really hurt. Learned this one from my aunt, a retired nurse. The weekend was shit, but I feel like I'm rebounding today. Bring on natural immunity. I wonder if they'll ever get around to using antibodies in place of vax pass for travel.

04-25-2022, 10:30 AM
Well, been down for over a week with Covid. Sucks large.
Good news…. Shelby is officially on the road!!. Covid really sucks though!!! Entire household.

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Feel better man!

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04-25-2022, 10:31 AM
I felt mild symptoms Thursday afternoon. Sore throat being the worst of it. I gargle with salt water every time is starts to really hurt. Learned this one from my aunt, a retired nurse. The weekend was shit, but I feel like I'm rebounding today. Bring on natural immunity. I wonder if they'll ever get around to using antibodies in place of vax pass for travel.

Ya I highly doubt that. If history teaches us anything, the second the government can take over and impose, they never relinquish power.

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04-25-2022, 10:32 AM
No sorry. Chicken lips with his toe being cutoff due to nerve damage.

The toe got clipped due to misdiagnosis. Turned out to be a Mortons Neuroma. I threw all kinds of $$ at it after getting my toe clipped. $3000 in shock wave therapy that was effective for about 5 months. Another few hundred in electrical ablation (which is fry it with an electrode, not freezing). Finally an ultrasound guided cortisone shot took care of it, that and a $0.50 silicon toe spacer. I need to re-up the cortisone shot about every 2 years. Like myself, this nerve is very stubborn.

04-25-2022, 10:34 AM
Well, been down for over a week with Covid. Sucks large.
Good news…. Shelby is officially on the road!!. Covid really sucks though!!! Entire household.

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Hope you feel better soon Mav.

04-25-2022, 12:24 PM
Thanks everyone!![emoji2]

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04-25-2022, 01:19 PM
Hope you and the family feel better soon Mav.

Das 5.0
04-26-2022, 01:50 PM
Get well soon my brother!

04-26-2022, 02:00 PM
Still home… the virus is a f****r!! Ya start feeling ok and it turns on ya.

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04-26-2022, 02:08 PM
Still home… the virus is a f****r!! Ya start feeling ok and it turns on ya.

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I've had friends say that - that's what its like with pneumonia - take it easy Mav

04-26-2022, 03:30 PM
Damn. That is some work to fix things. Glad to hear you are ok now.
The toe got clipped due to misdiagnosis. Turned out to be a Mortons Neuroma. I threw all kinds of $$ at it after getting my toe clipped. $3000 in shock wave therapy that was effective for about 5 months. Another few hundred in electrical ablation (which is fry it with an electrode, not freezing). Finally an ultrasound guided cortisone shot took care of it, that and a $0.50 silicon toe spacer. I need to re-up the cortisone shot about every 2 years. Like myself, this nerve is very stubborn.

04-26-2022, 07:09 PM
Canada Post are the worst. Like seriously. Ordered something on Amazon from Alberta and it shipped with Canada Post. Then it gets to Brampton and says can’t be delivered due to address error and being return to sender. I called Canada Post the day of to find out what’s going on and they said nothing can be done and it’s being sent back. Wouldn’t even let me give them the right address. Contacted the seller and they got it fixed and now I got my package. Checked the label and the left side is cut off on the label. Part of my name is missing and so is the house number. Canada Post are the ones that printed the label. What a bunch of idiots.

04-27-2022, 08:17 AM
Hope it’s a good sign…. Woke up with an appetite. Whew… feel ok this morning!!! Hope it stays that way.

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04-27-2022, 09:24 AM
Damn. That is some work to fix things. Glad to hear you are ok now.

my foot modelling days are over, but toenail trimming is quicker. I can only count to 20 now.

04-27-2022, 11:12 AM
Frustrating living in the North... can't find a 6" x 3/4" 16TPI bolt anywhere. Need to take the primary clutch outta my Rzr S to rebuild. Thought about making a tool from all thread but, can't source that locally, either. Scared to check the price of the removal tool from the dealer.

04-27-2022, 12:11 PM
^ Clutch tool to remove, IMHO one of those times to take it up the hoop vs have a cheap one break off.

True Blue
04-28-2022, 10:02 AM
Hope it’s a good sign…. Woke up with an appetite. Whew… feel ok this morning!!! Hope it stays that way.

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Hope you feel better soon. You have plenty of sick days, use them.

04-28-2022, 10:15 AM
YAY....feeling good and back to work!!

04-28-2022, 10:25 AM
took about a week for me to run it's course. Caught the coof last Thursday, finally got a full nights sleep last night. I think another 1-2 days and back to normal.

04-28-2022, 10:43 AM
YAY....feeling good and back to work!!Great to hear Mav.

04-28-2022, 10:46 AM
Thanks man!!

04-28-2022, 10:53 AM
Frustrating living in the North... can't find a 6" x 3/4" 16TPI bolt anywhere. Need to take the primary clutch outta my Rzr S to rebuild. Thought about making a tool from all thread but, can't source that locally, either. Scared to check the price of the removal tool from the dealer.

No Fastenal/Grainger in your area?

04-29-2022, 09:06 AM
No Fastenal/Grainger in your area?

Think it closed... but, will check to make sure.

04-30-2022, 10:14 AM
Opinions on 1995ish 7.3l turbo?

Was this the bad one or the good one?

04-30-2022, 10:47 AM
I think largest problem through that gen was to stay on top of coolant flush. Google search should bring it up.

04-30-2022, 03:26 PM
I think largest problem through that gen was to stay on top of coolant flush. Google search should bring it up.


Truck is near mint 250. But only 2wd. Still thinking……

04-30-2022, 07:28 PM
Naomi Judd.

04-30-2022, 07:30 PM
Drove the Stang today. Waiting at a set of lights, noticed a champagne coloured Fox going the other way. Driver looked at me and nodded, I nodded back.


05-02-2022, 04:46 PM
Saw local diesel hit $2.30/Lt today

I’m paying a wage into fuel. And people keep bitching about supply chains issues.

THIS is what people were warning about and THIS is what Canada voted for.

05-02-2022, 05:35 PM
Saw local diesel hit $2.30/Lt today

I’m paying a wage into fuel. And people keep bitching about supply chains issues.

THIS is what people were warning about and THIS is what Canada voted for.

Still seeing rabid levels of Trudeau and narrative support on FB with my virtue signaling friends.

05-02-2022, 08:07 PM
Just hilarious and frustrating when someone shits all over small business for things taking too long, one min, when they have absolutely no control over anything and then the next part of the conversation they are justifying high gas prices as for the greater good of the earth.

Some don’t seem to have the cognitive ability to put two and two together.

05-02-2022, 10:02 PM
^ Reality, they really don't care.

05-03-2022, 06:19 AM
^^They all don’t give a crap. So sad out there.

05-03-2022, 06:21 AM
Well, I made it through the first day back to work. Had a meeting with my boss follow by another meeting with my boss and the angry scientist. Talk is cheap.

05-03-2022, 07:23 AM
Good luck Laurence.

05-03-2022, 07:30 AM
Just hilarious and frustrating when someone shits all over small business for things taking too long, one min, when they have absolutely no control over anything and then the next part of the conversation they are justifying high gas prices as for the greater good of the earth.

Some don’t seem to have the cognitive ability to put two and two together.

Cognitive dissonance is a feature, not a bug.

We’re all the same, everything is learned. My partner preferences- I was born like that. We all have blind spots and would be unable to get shit done if we didn’t.

Hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance are fruit from the same tree. We see plenty of examples of hypocrisy, everywhere. If hypocrisy had any traction in arguments most politicians would be out of office.

05-03-2022, 06:51 PM
imagine that, a new thing, just when the old thing(s) were losing narrative traction.

05-04-2022, 08:08 AM
Ford Pulls Plug On 2022 SEMA Show Attendance
When attending the SEMA Show at the Las Vegas Convention Center it is easy to spot the Blue Oval’s presence. You have the Ford Out Front outdoor exhibit, Ford Performance trailer, and, of course, the dominant inside booth showcasing Ford’s latest vehicles and products, including a stage for the award ceremony with guest speakers. After many years of the brand being a standout organization at SEMA, it appears those days might just become a distant memory with Ford Motor Company pulling out of the 2022 SEMA Show.


This comes as a major shock as Ford Motor Company has had an outstanding year with sales and newly-released vehicles. The Ford Bronco won a SEMA award for 2021 and the Maverick was a potential candidate for similar awards at the upcoming 2022 show. Meanwhile, Ford has been receiving tremendous feedback on pre-sales of its Ford Lightning and introduction of the Next-Gen Ford Ranger.

While the dust is still swirling and speculations are thrown about, one thing is clear: Ford Motor Company will not be hosting the marketing extravaganza of previous years at SEMA. This means the Ford Performance-backed RTR drift team will not be providing a smoke screen of sideways Mustangs. The off-road experience of driving a Bronco through a variety of terrain including sand, steep inclines, and offset plyometrics are also off the table. The temperate blue lighting in the main hall featuring Ford’s entire line-up of custom builds are also gone.

On the SEMA website a statement was issued, “Due to a change in corporate strategy, Ford and Honda will not be displaying at the 2022 SEMA Show. We appreciate their long-time support, and while many of us are going to miss their participation at this year’s Show, we are excited to see the Show take on a new look in Central Hall. SEMA will continue to collaborate with both Ford and Honda on various SEMA programs, such as Tech Transfer and Measuring Sessions in 2022 and beyond.”

One thing to note is that while Ford Motor Company will not be participating at SEMA, its cars, trucks and sport utilities vehicles will still be shown throughout as custom builders and product producers seek to showcase how they can alter the appearance or performance of the platform. Does this mean SEMA will have to pull more vendors from AAPEX to fill the void? Will Ford return for 2023 and still have its spot saved? Time will only tell.

We reached out to SEMA and Ford Motor Company for more information, but have not heard back yet. We’ll update the article with any updated information in the coming weeks.

05-04-2022, 09:54 AM
Not shocking, with the prevalence of social media and YouTube I fail to see how manufacturers can get value for these huge in person trade show promotions.

05-04-2022, 12:22 PM
Wendy's coffee..... not great.

05-04-2022, 03:00 PM
Wendy's coffee..... not great.

Their Breakfast Baconator wasn't too bad.

05-04-2022, 06:16 PM
Wendy's coffee..... not great.

Is it the square cups??

05-04-2022, 07:46 PM
Mmmmmmmm…… BACON!!!…. Mmmmmmm

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05-05-2022, 12:23 PM
ordered a case of 80/90 a month ago got it yesterday —today silicone back ordered. What the heck is going on...?

05-05-2022, 12:41 PM
Good luck finding Shell Rotella T4 15w40 too.

05-05-2022, 01:37 PM
Good luck finding Shell Rotella T4 15w40 too.

they don't use that here anymore —there using a full synthetic with oil changes every 90,000 —that's not a typo! LOL maybe I will need to switch out the gear oil for synthetic in time for the hubs or grease —most hubs here are now grease always fun packing in the winter (trucks)

05-06-2022, 02:00 PM

Costco shoppers —might want to check your bulk burgers this weekend might get slivers on the way out —ouch new meaning to Klingon lol

05-06-2022, 05:00 PM

Costco shoppers —might want to check your bulk burgers this weekend might get slivers on the way out —ouch new meaning to Klingon lol

Given the price of wood, are the burgers with wood more or less valuable?

05-06-2022, 05:19 PM
The recall involves Beyond Meat brand Beyond Burger Plant-Based Burgers at Costco
Wood is “plant based”. I fail to see the issue? :shrug:


05-06-2022, 08:20 PM
Wood is “plant based”. I fail to see the issue? :shrug:


Beats me but I only think of slivers in the bung

05-06-2022, 08:51 PM
Go Leafs Go! :pleasesign:

05-07-2022, 07:48 AM
Beats me but I only think of slivers in the bung

chew more

05-07-2022, 07:51 AM
I tested negative almost a week ago and have been eating normally for the last week as well. I stepped on the scale for the first time since getting the coof. I'm down 5 and bodyfat down 3%. Covid is suffering from a serious marketing failure.

05-07-2022, 08:08 AM
car market is crazy —I'm looking but not liking what I'm seeing

05-07-2022, 09:13 AM
Too much covid n BJ dreams of big money for junk. See little to nothing with any kind of value.

05-07-2022, 09:36 AM
even new cars tipping at 900/month for a 50,000 loan —maybe we are heading to have a car mortgage —Mach E's at 80,000 that's fucking nuts

05-07-2022, 10:42 AM
I know it’s not even a week yet, but why does it seem so long of a wait for a part… lol

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05-07-2022, 01:10 PM
I know it’s not even a week yet, but why does it seem so long of a wait for a part… lol

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You should try waiting for a new truck!

05-07-2022, 01:24 PM
^^that would kill me^^^

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05-07-2022, 02:52 PM
I know it’s not even a week yet, but why does it seem so long of a wait for a part… lol

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I got a quote from a vendor for an industrial drive belt, the delivery was 52 weeks. I don’t know why they just didn’t say 1 year.

05-07-2022, 05:44 PM
1 year sounds pretty bad.

05-07-2022, 06:23 PM
even new cars tipping at 900/month for a 50,000 loan —maybe we are heading to have a car mortgage —Mach E's at 80,000 that's fucking nuts

Yeah, pricing is crazy - had my Volvo in at the dealership for air bag recall/replacement this week and was looking at a couple current S60 models while waiting - they were showing lease payments of up to $1100/month. And that was after some kind of downpayment.

05-07-2022, 07:25 PM
Everything is nuts now…$2 ltr gas tomorrow!!![emoji2961]

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05-07-2022, 07:26 PM
I might buy a horse.

edit: never mind. then I would need some boots and a hat

05-07-2022, 07:31 PM
I might buy a horse.

edit: never mind. then I would need some boots and a hat

Plus you'd have to get summer and winter shoes for the horse.

05-07-2022, 07:40 PM
I might buy a horse.

edit: never mind. then I would need some boots and a hat

Dog poop is smaller get a winter and summer sled

05-08-2022, 10:43 AM
has anyone upgraded from Windows 10 to 11. I'm getting incessant "reminders" to upgrade but my 10 is working fine.

05-08-2022, 11:39 AM
^ On windows 7 here. LOL

05-08-2022, 11:57 AM
^ On windows 7 here. LOL

Same. My 12 year old PC still running 7. Ever since I updated my laptop from 7 to 10, it got so much slower. Hence why I refuse to update my PC from 7.

05-09-2022, 02:34 PM
my mind is blank now and can't think of a thing

05-10-2022, 12:19 PM

Did plugs on the fox last night along with some fresh 91. Had a half tank of 2 year old gas in there. Honestly thought the plugs would be worse.. not terrible I don’t think. Any pros want to chime in?

05-10-2022, 12:47 PM
was that crusty one from #3 —they look good

05-10-2022, 12:50 PM
Friend of mine had his 2014 F150 stolen from his underground —he saw footage of it driving out in the early am —is this common with f150's...?

05-10-2022, 01:37 PM
Friend of mine had his 2014 F150 stolen from his underground —he saw footage of it driving out in the early am —is this common with f150's...?

Ours was stolen a couple years ago but that was because my wife left her damn purse with the keys in the truck.

05-10-2022, 01:51 PM
Ours was stolen a couple years ago but that was because my wife left her damn purse with the keys in the truck.

you gotta love'em eh!

05-10-2022, 03:01 PM
was that crusty one from #3 —they look good

Yep #3

Old Fart
05-10-2022, 03:56 PM
Had the Mustang out for a week and feels great to be driving it again. Kinda weird that I had to use the A/C today!

05-10-2022, 05:38 PM
Heavy oil consumption on dat one

05-10-2022, 06:29 PM
Pulling the front bumper off to remove the p/s cooler loop does not look like a good time

05-10-2022, 06:53 PM
Just add beer.

05-10-2022, 07:26 PM
Don’t think I have enough

True Blue
05-10-2022, 07:36 PM
Switch to wine. ;)

05-11-2022, 06:15 AM
A local custom high reno guy heard I've got skills and asked if I wanted work. I went and had a look at his model home. Spectacular work, really top flight. Asked if I could drywall, mud, plumbing, wiring, framing, cabinet making, installs, demo etc. Do I have my own tools, a truck etc. Yes to all of the above. He's been at it for decades and definitely cranks out good work. Sales offices, says his total employee count is about 50 or so.

Offers $20 an hour, taxable, not cash. Say's his master electricians get $35. Says he has loyal employees of 20-30 years.

Are these the going rates?

Black Sheep
05-11-2022, 06:53 AM
$20.00/ hr would not even be entry level helper
My son is a 5 year electrical apprentice (waiting on opening to write for journeyman ticket) and making $34.00/ hr

05-11-2022, 08:17 AM
A local custom high reno guy heard I've got skills and asked if I wanted work. I went and had a look at his model home. Spectacular work, really top flight. Asked if I could drywall, mud, plumbing, wiring, framing, cabinet making, installs, demo etc. Do I have my own tools, a truck etc. Yes to all of the above. He's been at it for decades and definitely cranks out good work. Sales offices, says his total employee count is about 50 or so.

Offers $20 an hour, taxable, not cash. Say's his master electricians get $35. Says he has loyal employees of 20-30 years.

Are these the going rates?

We pay unskilled roofer laborer's more...

05-11-2022, 09:12 AM
Not sure if anyone else saw it, Joe posted a vid this am that he's hanging it up and retiring. Wish him nothing but the very best and thank him for his years of support for the club.

05-11-2022, 10:12 AM
We pay unskilled roofer laborer's more...

A top notch guy with truck and tools: I would pay $45.00/hr to build decks

05-11-2022, 10:13 AM
Not sure if anyone else saw it, Joe posted a vid this am that he's hanging it up and retiring. Wish him nothing but the very best and thank him for his years of support for the club.

I saw it this morning. I'm super surprised. Best of wishes to him. He stood by Adam 20 years ago when he needed it. Always been good to me

05-11-2022, 02:53 PM
All the best to Joe and DaSilva Racing.
Not sure if anyone else saw it, Joe posted a vid this am that he's hanging it up and retiring. Wish him nothing but the very best and thank him for his years of support for the club.

05-11-2022, 04:28 PM
Just watched vid on FB. I don’t blame him for wanting to retire. I wish him all the best - he’s good people!!

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05-11-2022, 06:48 PM
I hear a lot of vehicles drive by house with some pretty loud suspension rattles.
Drove home today with the windows open and realized I’m one of those vehicles.:facepalm:

05-13-2022, 10:12 AM
so mail in voting is being pushed for the provincial election.

05-13-2022, 10:17 AM
every time I set aside a Mustang build day something breaks on my daily or in the house.

05-13-2022, 10:23 AM
I hear a lot of vehicles drive by house with some pretty loud suspension rattles.
Drove home today with the windows open and realized I’m one of those vehicles.:facepalm:

the best trouble shooting sometimes is slowly cruzing along a wall up to a drive thru window —heard a little squeak that couldn't be heard in normal driving on my old sprinter —checked it back at the yard and it was loose wheel nuts on the left rear tire just slightly loose but caught in time... lol - I hated that wheel nut lock washer setup

05-13-2022, 10:54 AM
https://motor-junkie.com/20-drawback-of-electric-vehicles-drivers-commonly-overlook/31416/20/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=MJ8&utm_campaign=23849582780210466&utm_content=23849582780240466_23849582781120466&fbclid=IwAR1bIKHcKuXaIMw_qyjqzh9AyfqmKvDPd6TK7I1kU X-lwMuRvqCA2KHxEhw

05-13-2022, 11:36 AM
https://motor-junkie.com/20-drawback-of-electric-vehicles-drivers-commonly-overlook/31416/20/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=MJ8&utm_campaign=23849582780210466&utm_content=23849582780240466_23849582781120466&fbclid=IwAR1bIKHcKuXaIMw_qyjqzh9AyfqmKvDPd6TK7I1kU X-lwMuRvqCA2KHxEhw

I like how a magazines or blog I never heard of says —"we outlined a few things Ford needs to fix." sounds like every leaf fan...but yah I don't think people will be too happy in the near future

05-13-2022, 12:17 PM
Frustrating living in the North... can't find a 6" x 3/4" 16TPI bolt anywhere. Need to take the primary clutch outta my Rzr S to rebuild. Thought about making a tool from all thread but, can't source that locally, either. Scared to check the price of the removal tool from the dealer.

Found a 6 x 3\4 bolt and it worked like a charm. Built a spider nut tool with my new little flux core welder. Welds weren't pretty when I started but, got better as I figured out the settings. Got the primary disassembled. Just have to order the hdpe washers($25ea.) and one way bearing($185) from Polaris.

05-13-2022, 12:55 PM
the best trouble shooting sometimes is slowly cruzing along a wall up to a drive thru window —heard a little squeak that couldn't be heard in normal driving on my old sprinter —checked it back at the yard and it was loose wheel nuts on the left rear tire just slightly loose but caught in time... lol - I hated that wheel nut lock washer setup

Its when it stops rattling you need to worry

05-13-2022, 12:55 PM
Found a 6 x 3\4 bolt and it worked like a charm. Built a spider nut tool with my new little flux core welder. Welds weren't pretty when I started but, got better as I figured out the settings. Got the primary disassembled. Just have to order the hdpe washers($25ea.) and one way bearing($185) from Polaris.

tried flux core a few weeks ago for the first time trying to help someone set it up - felt weird too me but did eventually get the hang of it - the feed speed was important - been welding with stick outdoors for the last almost 30yrs. and I prefer that over anything —even at home it's my go to too lazy to go get gas

05-13-2022, 01:32 PM
can under hood decals be bought at Ford? I believe its for a/c and its curled up. Want to replace it if possible.


Drives me nuts!!!

05-13-2022, 02:10 PM
I'd try to restick. Hot glue gun?

05-13-2022, 02:12 PM
I’ve glued it but looks crappy… really want new decal if it’s possible.

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05-13-2022, 02:18 PM
Quoted from: TrueNorth2021

Bill Gates is amazing. He launches artificial breast milk right as formula shortage hits America; he is the largest investor in vaccines and there’s a pandemic; he is the largest owner of land in America and there’s a food crisis. It’s like he’s clairvoyant.

05-13-2022, 04:48 PM
tried flux core a few weeks ago for the first time trying to help someone set it up - felt weird too me but did eventually get the hang of it - the feed speed was important - been welding with stick outdoors for the last almost 30yrs. and I prefer that over anything —even at home it's my go to too lazy to go get gas

I really enjoyed stick welding, also. It's just that flux core(gasless) is so convenient for me.

05-13-2022, 05:32 PM
can under hood decals be bought at Ford? I believe its for a/c and its curled up. Want to replace it if possible.

Drives me nuts!!!

Shelby decal?

05-13-2022, 08:33 PM
Shelby decal?


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05-13-2022, 08:39 PM
Contact Fast Ed.

05-13-2022, 08:45 PM
No, I mean tear it off and replace it with Shelby. :spitcoffee:

05-14-2022, 02:22 AM
Contact Fast Ed.

I sent a pm already

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05-14-2022, 06:06 AM
Pretty sure you can buy new labels. Mine is coming off a little too in the middle.

05-14-2022, 07:16 AM
No, I mean tear it off and replace it with Shelby. :spitcoffee:

good idea I wasn't sure what Mav was driving

05-19-2022, 08:50 PM
http://www.cars-power.com/ford-mustang-s650-is-coming-in-2024/?fbclid=IwAR19K6xH6GYAK508ef6ZxE4e88Dtuqh6_naDxI2g Qu0DzlwU4wvnPzVj9GE

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05-19-2022, 10:35 PM
Talk about taking 47 hits with an ugly stick.


05-20-2022, 07:03 AM
Is that your new Camaro Rick?

05-20-2022, 07:05 AM
^ Just before I had is crushed

05-20-2022, 08:35 AM
Hang on to what ya got...value just increased!!

05-21-2022, 08:24 AM

Sifting on the long weekend —whats everyone up to on the long weekend?

05-21-2022, 10:45 AM
Leaving your pet at the vet is hard.:(

05-21-2022, 11:35 AM
Hope Phil is ok Stephen.

05-21-2022, 02:20 PM
I hear ya Stephen. We had one of our kittens go in for a tooth removal a couple of weeks ago.