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09-17-2018, 09:00 AM
Office Space is a true classic! Up there with Pulp Fiction in my books.
i see what you did there.

09-17-2018, 05:41 PM
What in the hell was he doing on the 404? So avoidable. Drove by the scene on my way home this afternoon.


09-17-2018, 05:42 PM
What in the hell was he doing on the 404? So avoidable. Drove by the scene on my way home this afternoon.


A 72-year-old male cyclist was fatally struck on the southbound Highway 404 in Newmarket on Monday, the fourth cyclist struck (https://globalnews.ca/news/4456995/cyclist-struck-toronto/) of the day in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

<iframe name="fsk_frame_splitbox" id="fsk_frame_splitbox" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay" style="box-sizing: border-box; width: 620px; height: 0px; border-width: initial; border-style: none; margin: 0px;"></iframe>

Ontario Provincial Police Sgt. Kerry Schmidt said the incident happened on Highway 404 just south of Mulock Drive.
OPP said the man was trying to cross the southbound lanes when he was struck.
Police said some vehicles swerved to avoid hitting the man, but one car struck the cyclist.
The man was pronounced dead at the scene.
The southbound lanes were closed and traffic was being forced off at Davis Drive, but all lanes have since been reopened.

09-17-2018, 05:51 PM
^^ Wow.

09-17-2018, 06:03 PM
Nuts!! Why the hell would he be doing on the 404?

09-17-2018, 06:03 PM
Office Space is hillarious! Love this movie.


First off: Office Space is quite possibly one of my favorite movies.


Today I got a reply from out IT dept. from this guy:


...apparently they are not related...our IT guy and Paul Anka.

09-17-2018, 06:07 PM


09-17-2018, 07:18 PM
A 72-year-old male cyclist was fatally struck on the southbound Highway 404 in Newmarket on Monday,
A 72 year old cyclist? On the highway?

Looks like an e-bike. Seen this all too often.
This happened at the cottage this weekend...

A 78-year-old Prince Edward County man died in a crash Saturday afternoon between a truck and an e-bike.

Seems to be the new form of transport for seniors.

09-17-2018, 07:58 PM
Doesn't look like EBike.
https://dynamicmedia.zuza.com/zz/m/original_/e/5/e562a752-f5e3-49ef-a49c-aee5cebcf533/N%20Cyclist%20killed%20404%20091718%20ss_Super_Por trait.jpg


09-17-2018, 07:59 PM
Bike was just clear of the bridge, rider was on the roadway some distance past there.

09-17-2018, 08:30 PM
Smaller pic looked like it had a battery pack to me, and I had just read the Picton story (he was a resident at our beach). WTF is a 72 y/o doing on a mountain bike, in the heat, on a 400 series highway?

09-17-2018, 08:32 PM
Possible it's connected to the partially closed lanes on the bridge above, not sure but agree it's bizarre.

09-17-2018, 08:43 PM
A 72 year old cyclist? On the highway?

Looks like an e-bike. Seen this all too often.
This happened at the cottage this weekend...

Seems to be the new form of transport for seniors.
seeing that trend here as well. lose their licence due to drinking or old age and they just go out and buy an electric bike or scooter, then keep on trucking

09-17-2018, 08:45 PM
Cyclists are bad enough but E bike crowd ride around here like there are zero rules.

09-17-2018, 09:22 PM
I have to tip my hat to the High Commander. I can't even work the tv since the hooligans hooked it up to the xbox and haven't watched it in years. We have 12 I.P. addresses in this house (just found out what that is) she has managed to figure out a way to separate them all with timed wifi settings to turn off particular I.P. addresses. Needless to say there is one very unhappy gamer and a very unhappy gamer is a lot like a substance abuser looking for a fix....hope I've been a good boy! LOL

09-18-2018, 04:43 PM
popped into the Lottery Kiosk in North York Centre on my way home

I used to buy cigs there years ago but stopped cause they were pretty pricey compared to most

guy in front of me bought a pack so I asked the guy behind the counter how much for a large pack (25 cigs)



09-18-2018, 04:49 PM
^^ yup $13 for small reg

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09-18-2018, 05:50 PM
A must if you got the munchies in Woodbridge, small place limited tables but mmmmm awesome food

09-19-2018, 06:43 AM

09-19-2018, 06:55 AM
Looks like cig butts are a bigger pollution problem than most think as well. It's funny I can smell a cig two cars down, it stinks... such a horrid habit. I tried smoking once at a young age, did not like it. Put it out half way through and never understood how people got addicted to such a thing. I only tried it because I liked the unburnt smell of tobacco. LOL

09-19-2018, 07:08 AM
Need parts right away, have to wait several days cause no one local has em, parts finally arrive n open the box...............wrong stuff in the box.

09-19-2018, 07:48 AM
I think Grohl was the big factor in Nirvana's success... his drumming filled in for a lot of the lack of instrumental skills in the band.

09-19-2018, 08:01 AM
Need parts right away, have to wait several days cause no one local has em, parts finally arrive n open the box...............wrong stuff in the box.

Thats sucks big time!!!!

09-19-2018, 08:10 AM
Thats sucks big time!!!!

I know my blood pressure would have been so high to the point of fainting.

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09-19-2018, 08:13 AM
Right stuff ordered, listing is wrong.
Calm at all times. ;)

09-19-2018, 08:30 AM
Happens all the time in my industry. Either wrong part in box or number on diagram incorrect.
Usually involves us letting the customer know then us taking the brunt of their anger. Lol

09-19-2018, 08:34 AM
Feel your pain.

09-19-2018, 08:53 AM
Ouch. Typical day eh Rick?
Need parts right away, have to wait several days cause no one local has em, parts finally arrive n open the box...............wrong stuff in the box.

09-19-2018, 09:17 AM
All too often.

09-19-2018, 01:04 PM
Changed my laundry drain to 2" to meet code... it worked fine for 25 years as 1.5"... what do I know but I figure it's still a good upgrade no matter.

09-19-2018, 07:11 PM
Need a squirt of 134a & a new kitchen & or a new house ....fak doesn’t end

09-19-2018, 07:12 PM
^ need help John?

09-19-2018, 07:31 PM
Need a couple oz’s for da fridge ..... my wife tricking me again to re do kitchen so it might help it sell ...then she will likely reneg on the selling part ... I know her too well

09-19-2018, 07:48 PM
I understand now.

09-19-2018, 08:09 PM
Need a couple oz’s for da fridge ..... my wife tricking me again to re do kitchen so it might help it sell ...then she will likely reneg on the selling part ... I know her too well

If the fridge is low then it has a leak. cant be filled without fixing first, not by someone following the law anyway. lol. in my experience leaks and compressor issues are the last thing to look for. usually something else is the issue and typically cheaper and easer to fix

unless its a 5ish year old whirlpool with dual evaporators, then yes you have a leak and need the evaporator in the fridge section replaced, and if its run dry Whirlpool says to replace the compressor as well. in short time to shop for a new fridge lol

09-19-2018, 08:34 PM
If the fridge is low then it has a leak. cant be filled without fixing first, not by someone following the law anyway. lol. in my experience leaks and compressor issues are the last thing to look for. usually something else is the issue and typically cheaper and easer to fix

unless its a 5ish year old whirlpool with dual evaporators, then yes you have a leak and need the evaporator in the fridge section replaced, and if its run dry Whirlpool says to replace the compressor as well. in short time to shop for a new fridge lol
I know I’m 313 .. , found leak on schrader, fixed ;) now I can juice

09-19-2018, 08:52 PM

09-20-2018, 02:03 PM
I just don’t get the appeal? But my Daughter got floors for BTS ( K pop band?)
She lined up in Hamilton since 3 am for a band that you don’t know what they are saying - anyway she got sound check - whatever that means



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09-20-2018, 02:28 PM
Lol. Rolling over here at the reaction to Trump on his post hurricane tour.

“At least you got a nice boat out of it.”

I nearly spit my coffee when I read that.

People need to take a breath and learn how to take a joke. Not the first time someone told a joke to try and lighten the mood.

09-20-2018, 03:13 PM
Yup. It’s a K-Pop group.
I just don’t get the appeal? But my Daughter got floors for BTS ( K pop band?)
She lined up in Hamilton since 3 am for a band that you don’t know what they are saying - anyway she got sound check - whatever that means



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09-20-2018, 04:15 PM
Not the first time someone told a joke to try and lighten the mood.
did it work? :shrug:

House is devastated, numerous deaths, the SS Minnow is shipwrecked in my backyard ...and some rich, pompous ass is cracking jokes to "lighten the mood"?
Yeah, I think i would need to take a deep breath.

09-20-2018, 04:35 PM
Didn’t he say it was the wettest hurricane from the standpoint of water? Lol

09-20-2018, 04:38 PM
tremendously wet


09-20-2018, 04:42 PM
did it work? :shrug:

House is devastated, numerous deaths, the SS Minnow is shipwrecked in my backyard ...and some rich, pompous ass is cracking jokes to "lighten the mood"?
Yeah, I think i would need to take a deep breath.

at least he was there. didn't see any articles about the people bitching about him. just the media making more "NEWS" id say he is doing more to help then they are.

09-20-2018, 07:58 PM
Who was the president when Louisiana was under water? Didn’t help much either

09-20-2018, 08:06 PM
I think it was Bush no?

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09-20-2018, 08:08 PM
never got the whole blame the politician for weather any way regardless of who was in power.

clean up and rescue is more of a local leverl government thing with support from the higher levels anyway

09-20-2018, 08:52 PM
Didn’t he say it was the wettest hurricane from the standpoint of water? Lol

Yup, he confirmed it was very wet (it was Stormy)......maybe he'll take that money back from ICE for the child internment camps and return it to FEMA. Hopefully he won't screw this one up like PR.

09-20-2018, 09:13 PM
Yup......maybe he'll take that money back from ICE for the child internment camps and return it to FEMA. Hopefully he won't screw this one up like PR.

the "child interment camps" as you call them were set up by Obama. trump just following the laws in place, but keep beating that dead horse.

09-20-2018, 10:42 PM
I just don’t get the appeal? But my Daughter got floors for BTS ( K pop band?)
She lined up in Hamilton since 3 am for a band that you don’t know what they are saying - anyway she got sound check - whatever that means



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Ha! I don’t get it either, and I’m kinda embarrassed to say this, but my wife and her friend are also there, lol. Not wearing an outfit like that, but they have shirts with faces on them.

09-20-2018, 10:46 PM
Ha! I don’t get it either, and I’m kinda embarrassed to say this, but my wife and her friend are also there, lol. Not wearing an outfit like that, but they have shirts with faces on them.

Really lol? And the tickets are not cheap- I thought this was a fad but it’s going on for awhile now

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09-20-2018, 10:50 PM
Really lol? And the tickets are not cheap- I thought this was a fad but it’s going on for awhile now

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Ya no joke, wife is mid-30s, her friend is mid-20s. Bad seats but I think they were over $200 each, even at that she had a hard time getting them apparently. I don’t get it bro, but whatever.
Best part is, they’re driving home tonight after the show, 4 hr drive.

09-20-2018, 11:14 PM
the "child interment camps" as you call them were set up by Obama. trump just following the laws in place, but keep beating that dead horse.

Nope - two different things but sure believe Fox News and Cohen's client, Hannity.

09-21-2018, 12:31 AM
person commits crime, goes to jail. Jailed persons family goes to jail with them? Sounds like North Korea.

Trump likes North Korea now.

09-21-2018, 06:50 AM
Freeland was hired only because she sports a vagina... the only prerequisite for the job according to trudeau....

Can we simply dislike both trump and trudeau and say both countries have morons at the helm?

09-21-2018, 07:27 AM
Nope - two different things but sure believe Fox News and Cohen's client, Hannity.

your wrong but go ahead and keep believing cnn. just like Nikki Haley, spenf tens of thousands re vamping her place...… oh wait no that was just another democrat spend that the media lied about

09-21-2018, 07:29 AM
person commits crime, goes to jail. Jailed persons family goes to jail with them? Sounds like North Korea.

its because the end game for the democrats was to have all the illegal immigrants released, just as Obama was doing. sane people believe that if you break the law you get punished.

09-21-2018, 07:45 AM
Going to be a hot/humid one out there today. Stay cool guys!

09-21-2018, 07:47 AM
Going to be a hot/humid one out there today. Stay cool guys!

Yup then back to cool on Saturday so they say [emoji23]

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09-21-2018, 07:50 AM
Going to be a hot/humid one out there today. Stay cool guys!

Sounds like ugly day to be outside.

09-21-2018, 07:51 AM
Sounds like ugly day to be outside.

Or working in a warehouse...at least next week looks better.

09-21-2018, 07:52 AM
Sounds like ugly day to be outside.

Huh? Nah only bad if u have to be taking out a snapped fence post

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09-21-2018, 07:55 AM
Fence posts practically remove themselves, saw a how to vid that says so.

09-21-2018, 07:55 AM
Or working in a warehouse...at least next week looks better.

At least roof over your head, crazy rain possible today as well.

09-21-2018, 08:07 AM
If you do need a post removed, guy at " fencepostsremovedbyron.com" makes it look easy.

09-21-2018, 08:09 AM
If you do need a post removed, guy at " fencepostsremovedbyron.com" makes it look easy.


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09-21-2018, 08:10 AM
Fence posts practically remove themselves, saw a how to vid that says so.

I know a guy that should have watched more YouTube vids [emoji6]

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09-21-2018, 08:16 AM
Next time, gas and a match.
Few minutes later, whole buncha guys will pull up in a shiney red truck to help out.

09-21-2018, 08:25 AM
Next time, gas and a match.
Few minutes later, whole buncha guys will pull up in a shiney red truck to help out.

Actually I recall that was one of the options but nosy neighbour prevented that. Det cord was another option blow the sucker out, and finally pick up truck supplement with ATV use. Wow , and all he really needed to do was Find the correct YouTube video- Lesson learned [emoji23]

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09-21-2018, 08:31 AM
time-lapse video of your method would have generated many youtube hits ;)

09-21-2018, 08:40 AM
At least roof over your head, crazy rain possible today as well.

True. Always a bright side.

09-21-2018, 08:41 AM
time-lapse video of your method would have generated many youtube hits ;)

Problem with that was filming would have taken too long
Don’t recall but 3 + months for short time lapse ; for one post lol

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09-21-2018, 08:51 AM
Just spent the last hour on my roof, re-sticking loose shingle, etc, etc, last 2 storms I lost parts of my roof both times ! F-ing roofing co has my name at the top of the list ! Hoping I come away unscathed this time !!!!

09-21-2018, 08:58 AM
My garage roof leaked when I moved in... thought WTF the roof isn't old at all. Turns out they aligned a drain from the 2nd roof right into a vent on the garage... FFS... easy fix though.

09-21-2018, 09:29 AM
This latest deluge should serve as a good reminder for folks to clean out your gutters, downspouts, roof drains, any of your water removal systems. With the windy conditions we seem to incur nowadays there's likely tonnes of debris in those systems, and if they aren't flowing they're allowing water to back up and invade your water proofing. Also with winter coming cleaning all that out is a good way to prevent ice damming.

09-21-2018, 09:46 AM
Car shows...

Probably an age thing but I feel like I didn't change but everything else around me is different. I just don't like car shows, only been to 2 this season (and they were great shows) and I'm left with the feeling "meh" I'm getting tired of the scene. Just not fun to sit around a car in the hot sun and talk about the same fucking thing for 5 hours straight.

I might as well sell everything and drive a Prius lol I think I'm turning into a non-car-guy :/

09-21-2018, 09:54 AM
One has a pretty solid record of accomplishments as well as a very full calendar, the other does not.

LOL on one of those.

09-21-2018, 09:56 AM
Trump is negotiating with NK.

What is a better negotiating tactic; stating you're dealing with a tyrant, or you like the person you're negotiating with. Especially since Kim is known to have a massive ego and cult of personality.

CHrystia Freeland just attended a conference on "dealing with a tyrant". At a different, but recent event where she accepted a "diplomat of the year award" she made thinly veiled negative comments about Trump.

Let's see how that works out for NAFTA talks (Hint, the white house is pissed, and yesterdays post negotiations press conference Freeland refused to even use the work "progress" when repeatedly pressed). This also got her frozen out of US/ mexico negotiations.

I suppose you could call this a success as it's pretty obvious the Libs want talks to fail in order to court the anti Trump voters here in Canada. Can you smell a snap election coming?

The WH doesn't care about what Freeland attends or doesn't - their game plan and divide and conquer was laid out from the beginning. Basic Sun Tzu by their NAFTA team.

09-21-2018, 09:59 AM
your wrong but go ahead and keep believing cnn. just like Nikki Haley, spenf tens of thousands re vamping her place...… oh wait no that was just another democrat spend that the media lied about

I don't know anything about Haley but given how many people actually resigned or was fired from the Trump administration for misuse of public funds (public record), there may be a cockroach there. The detention of teenagers back in 2013 was a very different scenario than baby prisons today - which Trump also said was wrong - he's on video saying this (even though it was his doing although he tried to make it sound like he was saving them from prison).

09-21-2018, 01:10 PM
And the examples the media have been posing for these “internment camps” as you and they refer to them. Have been proven false. With pictures known to be from pre trump.

09-21-2018, 01:24 PM
Nope - the video walkthroughs include current government officials who wanted to see the "conditions" including video shown on Fox News (not their younger selves from 5 years ago) but that's fine if you believe that. Unless Fox News is showing the same old as new videos as "the media"....

Even your peeps at False News are acknowledging the internment camps/tents with current video while Fox & Friends is saying it's OK because the caged children (12 months and up in age) are not "our children" (sic American). The F&F segment is searchable via Google.


Is this theory from Alex Jones?

09-21-2018, 02:09 PM
On my way to go pay $270 in parking tickets for parking in front of our house. F-U Burlington

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09-21-2018, 02:17 PM
^^Ouch! Is it an overnight restriction?

- - - Updated - - -

funny, Mexico struck a deal they're happy with.

Of course, they're basically a third world country....not hard to improve from there. Have you seen their new terms?

09-21-2018, 03:19 PM
Seems pretty successful to me. I think trudeau is doing a fantastic job... At ruining the country as his communist comrades are instructing him to do.

09-21-2018, 03:28 PM
I think if his old man was here he would of told trump to go fuddle-duddle himself a long time ago

09-21-2018, 03:28 PM
Name a Trudeau program or effort that was a success. Admittedly I'm biased but i'm tapped out

a few snippits from Manny Montenegino's twitter account (@Manny _Ottawa)

Amazing what Liberals get away with
1. Buys $4.5B Pipeline while passing Bill 69 making Pipelines impossible 2. Intentionally killing #NAFTA
3. Breaking Ethics Laws -7 Times
4. $Bs on UN seat - abandoned
5. $80B in deficits
6. Sexual groping assault
7. Unprecedented days off

Investments in Canada 40 yr low!
1. Trudeau killed Pipelines
2. Trudeau killed oil industry
3. Added Carbon taxes
4. One year of #NAFTA uncertainty
5. High Corp taxes vs USA This is why Canada only created 41K Private sector jobs in last year.

Fact that this has not been reported:
1. USA leads in CO2 reduction
2. Canada 7th worst in world Confirms:
1. #FakeNewsMedia
2. Media love of Justin Trudeau .
3. Media Hate @realDonaldTrump
4. Climate Change a fraud.
5. $Bs tax lost for no reason

I wasn't talking about Trudeau?

09-21-2018, 03:36 PM
Nope - the video walkthroughs include current government officials who wanted to see the "conditions" including video shown on Fox News (not their younger selves from 5 years ago) but that's fine if you believe that. Unless Fox News is showing the same old as new videos as "the media"....

Even your peeps at False News are acknowledging the internment camps/tents with current video while Fox & Friends is saying it's OK because the caged children (12 months and up in age) are not "our children" (sic American). The F&F segment is searchable via Google.


Is this theory from Alex Jones?

Did you just link a video to prove the horrible “interment camps” for children that dosnt actually show any children? Yes yes you did.

See my issue is the terms used to push a falce narrative. (One you buying and pushing right along). Internment camp would indicate poor conditions and mistreatment. As they were in ww2

The reality is they are care centres and plenty of picture and video evidence on the internet showing that they are like big day cares where kids get medical care, counseling, crafts and schooling. Stop the fear mongering. Stop spreading lies to push a political agenda.

What would fix the problem? IF PEOPLE STOPPED BREAKING THE LAW

If my wife and I for rob an bank we don’t get a free pass becasie we have kids. We get caught we go to jail and if there is no guardian for my kids they go to a “state” sponsored foster home or group home depending on what’s available.

This is fact. It has nothing to do with Alex Jones or Fox News. Stop with the straw man act

Parents break the law by crossing boarder illegally. Kids cannot be jailed becasie parents break the law. This is the law in the us (and here in Canada). Kids go to a care center until family can be found or until
The parents are deported.

These are the facts.

09-21-2018, 03:39 PM
Did you just link a video to prove the horrible “interment camps” for children that dosnt actually show any children? Yes yes you did.

See my issue is the terms used to push a falce narrative. (One you buying and pushing right along). Internment camp would indicate poor conditions and mistreatment. As they were in ww2

The reality is they are care centres and plenty of picture and video evidence on the internet showing that they are like big day cares where kids get medical care, counseling, crafts and schooling. Stop the fear mongering. Stop spreading lies to push a political agenda.

What would fix the problem? IF PEOPLE STOPPED BREAKING THE LAW

If my wife and I for rob an bank we don’t get a free pass becasie we have kids. We get caught we go to jail and if there is no guardian for my kids they go to a “state” sponsored foster home or group home depending on what’s available.

This is fact. It has nothing to do with Alex Jones or Fox News. Stop with the straw man act

Parents break the law by crossing boarder illegally. Kids cannot be jailed becasie parents break the law. This is the law in the us (and here in Canada). Kids go to a care center until family can be found or until
The parents are deported.

These are the facts.

There are other videos on the Fox News site so there is public record. There are also people walking up to border crossings and asking for asylum - which is complying with the law. Even Trump on camera saying it's bad and should stop - he signed a "paper" in the Oval Office on camera - or maybe that was fake video.

Sure, sure....it's just like daycare.

09-21-2018, 03:42 PM
Changing the narrative - don't need this thread locked: Crazy couple weeks in the weed world. Cannot believe the Tilray ride.

09-21-2018, 03:53 PM
Have not heard of one case of someone being arrested for walking out to a crossing.

See you mixing the difference between actually being arrested and waiting your turn in a government facility. To be checked and cleared. Which may not be ideal but is better than just letting them walk threw as Obama did. Which is why they are in the state they are with so many.

Keep twisting the narrative to tell the story you want though.

09-21-2018, 04:05 PM
Seems pretty successful to me. I think trudeau is doing a fantastic job... At ruining the country as his communist comrades are instructing him to do.
LOL, you could soooo easily spell check autocorrect deau for mp and the sentence would still be legit.

09-21-2018, 04:08 PM
Changing the narrative - don't need this thread locked:....
it's almost at 15,000 posts. It's about due for a reboot. ....provided we can keep post #1.

09-21-2018, 04:17 PM
LOL, you could soooo easily spell check autocorrect deau for mp and the sentence would still be legit.

Trudeau says stuff that sounds good, but is actual policies have been garbage,

Trump says garbage but the actual policies happening in the US are good

09-21-2018, 04:55 PM
LOL, you could soooo easily spell check autocorrect deau for mp and the sentence would still be legit.

Probably more accurate

09-21-2018, 05:54 PM
LOL, you could soooo easily spell check autocorrect deau for mp and the sentence would still be legit.

I’d much rather have Trump than the moron we have. Sure, he might sound like an idiot at times, but many of his policies are great, their economy is thriving, and people know not to fuck with him.
Whereas we have Mr.Dressup/PM selfie, who wants to turn this into the Middle East apparently, give away all of our money, ruin our economy and smile while doing it.

09-21-2018, 06:30 PM
I just read through 5 pages of political BS, take it to the BF forum.

09-21-2018, 06:38 PM
I just read through 5 pages of political BS, take it to the BF forum.

What he said

09-21-2018, 08:32 PM

Cadillac says goodbye to CTS-V, ATS-V, will expand V line
The CT6-V will be the first model in a new, expanded series of V-Series performance Cadillacs.


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09-22-2018, 06:50 AM
Lol https://youtu.be/C98HYD0xgew

09-22-2018, 07:28 AM
I just read through 5 pages of political BS, take it to the BF forum.

09-22-2018, 07:57 AM

09-22-2018, 08:16 AM
funny how you here talk about how more people are getting injured in some of these storms. I've heard some say its due to climate change, i'm wondering if its because instead of taking cover and protecting ourselves, we are standing by windows and doors trying to get cell phone video of them

09-22-2018, 09:44 AM
Maybe those 6 injured (2 critical) had taken shelter, or didn’t even know of the tornado? I don’t find it funny at all.

Feel bad for the people of Dunrobin.

09-22-2018, 11:09 AM
Maybe those 6 injured (2 critical) had taken shelter, or didn’t even know of the tornado? I don’t find it funny at all.

Feel bad for the people of Dunrobin.

I was referring more to the guy at the start of the video recording out his window as all hell breaks loose on the other side, but you are 100% correct its not funny that first responders have to put their lives on the line constantly for idiots with no commonsense or concern for self preservation. not funny at all that there are members of society that are more concerned about a cool social media post than ensuring themselves and their loved ones are out of harms way.

09-22-2018, 01:36 PM
I find it funny that Don doesn’t find it funny about what 5.4MarkIII finds funny.

Legwound is just nuts.

09-22-2018, 07:05 PM
^^^way to be politically correct ^^^

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09-22-2018, 09:08 PM

09-23-2018, 09:19 AM
Climate change models only predicted more severe local events in a lot of areas. We always had tornadoes, almost 100 a year I believe, just nothing like you'd see in that Helen Hunt movie. Looks like Canadians (for the most part) won't see extreme weather events but will be affected by mass migration (especially with liberal/NDP governments) from 3rd world countries who will definitely suffer from climate change.

I can't imagine having my neighbourhood blown away. These are the sort of things you see on TV but it could happen to any of us and it really opens your eyes to how fragile and unimportant we are to the chaos of nature.

09-23-2018, 10:11 AM
leather was the right call for this morning's ripp in the Morgan

didn't need gloves....yet

love this weather in that car

09-23-2018, 06:00 PM
Tiger Woods


09-23-2018, 07:04 PM
Found a cool looking car today, I hear his intake temps are improving
told me it will look something like this when done
And T-bones for dinner!

09-23-2018, 07:54 PM
^^ now dress her up in a drag set up once in awhile
You’ll have one nasty beast right there

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09-23-2018, 08:39 PM
I dont have drag wheels anymore, I want to order a new front and rear set but need to change my gearing/trans first
I also dont want to fool anyone into thinking the car is quick.. its not even a 5.0

^^ now dress her up in a drag set up once in awhile
You’ll have one nasty beast right there

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09-23-2018, 09:31 PM
I dont have drag wheels anymore, I want to order a new front and rear set but need to change my gearing/trans first
I also dont want to fool anyone into thinking the car is quick.. its not even a 5.0

Quicker than my turd lol

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09-24-2018, 07:00 AM
You've got a nice ride ya know.

09-24-2018, 10:30 AM
I can't wait to get that 80 fox out of my hair. Removed the rear bumper, taillights and other little things to make a 4-eye conversion kit and will take pics as soon as that car is gone so I can have room again. Put the notch on the hoist, lift it up and forget about it for a year or so... get my winter beater and prep my snowblower lol

Winter beater update:

I have been looking at:

2007 CSX
2010 CSX
2009 TSX
2008 WRX
2011 Impreza
2012 Mitsubishi Lancer AWD
2008 Accord 4 banger
2012 Infiniti G37x (rebuilt title)

I think the 2010 CSX is best value, low miles and it's a tad under average price. The 2007 is 2nd best on this list for me... The Infiniti and WRX would be cool but not smart since I wanted something dependable and cheap to own (maintenance and fuel wise).

09-24-2018, 01:14 PM
Quicker than my turd lol

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I’d like to have a turd with ur mods lol

09-24-2018, 01:47 PM
I’d like to have a turd with ur mods lol

:( then you would be saying the exact same thing I am lol ( slow turd) lol
stick to your plan lol- gt500 new/used don't matter- pulley change bada bing done if so desires.
maybe I got a factory defect or something , instead of 420 its actually 320 minus drivetrain loss.
gotta do this/ gotta do that - buy blower this, pay someone to do that- useless waste of money imo- rather put that to fees for road course, advanced driver training.

I'm stuck with this turd- can't trade for a newer model lose too much money. Don't get me wrong car has performed and take the whole family all over united states, and still goes to the track, but as much of you guys all know not a fan of the power ( out of the box) - its ok :D for shits and giggles
and you always got this " buck up of ass" - feeling of always yearning for more

rant over lol

09-24-2018, 01:49 PM
I dont have drag wheels anymore, I want to order a new front and rear set but need to change my gearing/trans first
I also dont want to fool anyone into thinking the car is quick.. its not even a 5.0

what you taking about gears and trans first? what for??

09-24-2018, 01:52 PM
Can't use the power that I have.
4.10 rear gears and 3650 are too steep first and second and I figure the trans isn't made to handle 500+ so may as well go for something beefy with better ratios
what you taking about gears and trans first? what for??

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

09-24-2018, 01:55 PM
Can't use the power that I have.
4.10 rear gears and 3650 are too steep first and second and I figure the trans isn't made to handle 500+ so may as well go for something beefy with better ratios

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

So magnum XL?

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09-24-2018, 04:21 PM
Either 6060 or magnum depends on what kind of deal I come across for each

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

09-24-2018, 10:31 PM
Carding needs to come back fast.

09-25-2018, 06:40 AM
It needs to happen now / today.

09-25-2018, 07:03 AM
Carding and metal detectors in the subway system, at least the stations near ghetto neighbourhoods.

But even that the SJWs will cry about discrimination against poor people. Well guess what... shit happens, stats are stats. Math has no feelings. We should really start rounding up SJW's and put them in camps, maybe air-drop them into extremist middle-eastern countries or north korea or something.

09-25-2018, 07:28 AM
I am dead tired... studied until 2am this morning, up at 5 to drive to work LOL... Getting my PMP and CBAP designations... Then going to get some sort of scrummaster certificate. If you want to sleep, start reading the PMBOK, I just finished it. Hardest read I've done in a while (and I read books like the MySQL Bible... lol and the actual bible and quran in my teen years)...

Anyway I met my salary goal finally this summer... now to the next "level-up". My goal is to reach that new number which will allow me to pay off the house in 5 years... So in 12 years I can sell everything and buy a small farm in the middle of fucking nowhere... Get some chickens, goats and a huge garden. No electrical hook-ups, no gas lines, just me, my wife and some guns to shoot down any government official that ventures on my land to carbon tax my firewood...

09-25-2018, 07:31 AM
^^sounds like a solid plan

09-25-2018, 07:48 AM
That's the dream... from managing 20-30 people and chasing project tasks to chasing around some chickens to cut their heads off LOL

Edit: honestly I think I can herd cats... literally. I think I have enough experience doing this at work LOL

09-25-2018, 07:59 AM
^^^Slow down on the coffee dude...lol^^^

09-25-2018, 08:29 AM
I grew up in a poor neighbourhood in Rexdale in 60's and into the 70's my family was not well off like most in the area - I don't understand all the crying the same opportunities are there for them that where their for me, no special treatment - you can only lead a horse to water - I remember seeing the first guns on John Garland Blvd. when I was around 19. They arrived with gang members from New York and they weren't small guns, before that the neighbourhood was tough but not gun tough - that was the time to stop the guns its a bit late now going to be a tough job they don't seem to want to tackle...

09-25-2018, 11:00 AM
Carding and metal detectors in the subway system, at least the stations near ghetto neighbourhoods.

But even that the SJWs will cry about discrimination against poor people. Well guess what... shit happens, stats are stats. Math has no feelings. We should really start rounding up SJW's and put them in camps, maybe air-drop them into extremist middle-eastern countries or north korea or something.

You'll have to lock up a lot of people in Woodbridge too because that's where the money is flowing back to.

09-25-2018, 12:58 PM
I just got home and ate an entire fucking apple pie... Feel a bit sick LOL gonna go to sleep for an hour or so

09-25-2018, 01:03 PM
Sugar knocks me on my azz

09-25-2018, 01:13 PM
^^^Hey John u ever work ?? u lazy SHIT ! LOL, what u'r excuse today , RAINING !!!!

09-25-2018, 01:39 PM
^^^Hey John u ever work ?? u lazy SHIT ! LOL, what u'r excuse today , RAINING !!!!

Semi retired....I wish , in between seasons ....& ya it’s a rain day don’t want to wet my hair

09-25-2018, 02:00 PM
Sweet car!!!

09-25-2018, 05:04 PM
We have any members with experience in terms of tax sale tenders on property? Just have a question.

09-25-2018, 06:10 PM
Semi retired....I wish , in between seasons ....& ya it’s a rain day don’t want to wet my hair

Ya , u only wish u had a few locks ! guess it's all the better to see the hammer dents in your melon ! LOL , sorry buddy , that one was a low blow !

09-25-2018, 06:44 PM
Ya , u only wish u had a few locks ! guess it's all the better to see the hammer dents in your melon ! LOL , sorry buddy , that one was a low blow !

Working with a Senior (citizen) I wuz overwhelmed by your experience & tenacity & grumpiness.....& yes I clipped my nuggin with a hammer ....you happy now ;)

09-25-2018, 06:57 PM
I didn't say a word Bro ! although I hope u'r young'in swings a tin basher's stick better than u !! :fight1::sarcasm:

09-25-2018, 07:04 PM
I didn't say a word Bro ! although I hope u'r young'in swings a tin basher's stick better than u !! :fight1::sarcasm:

That’s my story & im sticking to it :P

09-25-2018, 10:19 PM


09-25-2018, 10:31 PM
Anyone else heard of this “Wild Cherry” story? Guy should be in Cali by now, hope he still has his van.....


09-26-2018, 06:24 AM
No but sorta interesting read.

09-26-2018, 07:03 AM
Interested to see how this plays out. I know I would be upset if someone removed a vehicle from my property without permission. No matter the state the vehicle is in. Still theft in my eyes. Abandoned on private property? This guy may be charged and have to return the van. Either way. Cool piece of history ........ going to check out Van Nuys Blvd movie now.

Anyone else heard of this “Wild Cherry” story? Guy should be in Cali by now, hope he still has his van.....


09-26-2018, 07:30 AM
I have to stay away from the news. Learning about trudeau's priorities like taxing the middle class to put economic migrants into hotels, ignoring how his refugees are killing innocent people in the country, etc...

Making me want to be an actual racist piece of shit the left would think I am because I don't agree with their extremist views.

09-26-2018, 08:45 AM
Anyone else heard of this “Wild Cherry” story? Guy should be in Cali by now, hope he still has his van.....

Never heard of the van, never heard of the movie. Either way, van sounds stolen to me.

If somebody has a vehicle on their private property, and somebody removes it without authorization, it is stolen- Officer Ian Hoey

That being said; sounds like Carter tried to salvage the vehicle and follow the proper channels. Godin hoped the van would one day be restored, well, now it is.
Got mixed feelings about this one. On one hand it's stolen. On the other hand it's restored.

09-26-2018, 08:57 AM
Ya super conflicted about it. How many years does a vehicle have to sit, unregistered, before ownership is viewed as forfeited? Also he said he had an LEO on site when he removed it, so they must not have viewed this a theft initially. Also find it all too convenient that they didnt notice it was "stolen" until right after the guy finishes the resto, despite him publicizing the entire process throughout.

09-26-2018, 10:13 AM
...despite him publicizing the entire process throughout.
*reminds me ....I should ask my father if he has checked FB lately to see if his old Chrysler 300 has been restored.

09-26-2018, 10:58 AM
It was on their property that they were still paying property tax on, in my mind that means it is not abandoned.

Cars have sat in barns for decades but are still the original owners, being out in the open does not mean it is not someone's property.

09-26-2018, 11:28 AM
Ya super conflicted about it. How many years does a vehicle have to sit, unregistered, before ownership is viewed as forfeited? Also he said he had an LEO on site when he removed it, so they must not have viewed this a theft initially. Also find it all too convenient that they didnt notice it was "stolen" until right after the guy finishes the resto, despite him publicizing the entire process throughout.

I’m conflicted about it as well, but according to Cali law, it must have valid registration to remain “your property”, I’m quite sure that’s what the article says. Further, he went through all the proper channels and did everything by the book, so if anyone is to blame, it’s whoever registered it in his name without a bill of sale or title.

Now, let’s all be honest here, that van had been sitting for what, 20 years? The “owners” were never gonna restore it, it would sit there until one or both of them died. In my eyes, he saved it, and he tried to do it legally.
I can see both sides though, it’s a sticky one for sure.

09-26-2018, 08:54 PM
love the way Hollywood rolls. spend years hiding predators, then Cosby finally gets held accountable (if you can call it that) and what is the reaction? "see Crosby is guilty that means Kavanaugh is guilty too"

what a bunch of twats.

09-26-2018, 08:56 PM
Past few weeks have really driven in the point that it's time for me to find a new job. It isn't like it is one big thing, it's the dozens or hundreds of little things that just make me not want to show up every morning.

09-26-2018, 09:14 PM
Past few weeks have really driven in the point that it's time for me to find a new job. It isn't like it is one big thing, it's the dozens or hundreds of little things that just make me not want to show up every morning.

Ya that is a shiatty feeling , our place is upside down, they’ve lost my commitment, I enjoy doing my own , it has its ups & downs too . Good luck stay positive

09-26-2018, 11:05 PM
Me at 5:30 - "I'm exhausted. Cant wait to go home, eat dinner than not leave couch until early bed tonight"
Me at 6:30 - "Oh hey, the guys wanna go grab a couple drinks tonight, guess I could swing by have one then be home by 10"
Me at 9:00 - "Guess a couple drinks"
Me at 11:00 - "SWEET CAROLINE, BA BA BA"

09-26-2018, 11:24 PM
OMG I’m rolling on the ground here laughing, picturing Laffs singing Sweet Caroline! Ba ba ba

edit: wow, must of been some THC in that "Hoptical Illusions" IPA beer I had last night. Totally thought somebody else posted that. And the thought of that person singing "Sweet Caroline" was absolutely hilarious! It's still funny, but not as preposterous.

09-27-2018, 03:43 AM
I have to go to Yorkdale mall today, wish I could carry protection... fucking ghetto mall.

09-27-2018, 07:37 AM
Oh I do follow those tactics...

09-27-2018, 08:08 AM
Its that time of year, company closed up pool yesterday and I’m putting away patio furniture today/taking down my TV from the canopy.

This sucks.

09-27-2018, 08:23 AM
Me at 5:30 - "I'm exhausted. Cant wait to go home, eat dinner than not leave couch until early bed tonight"
Me at 6:30 - "Oh hey, the guys wanna go grab a couple drinks tonight, guess I could swing by have one then be home by 10"
Me at 9:00 - "Guess a couple drinks"
Me at 11:00 - "SWEET CAROLINE, BA BA BA"


09-27-2018, 08:27 AM
I need to seal my driveway before another cycle of freeze and thaw. But I've been cleaning it up slowly, turns out there's a brick edging of some sorts. Grass grew all over it.

Also need to build a fence and for some stupid reason I promised I'd do my neighbour's fence too so I got that project to add as well. He wants a 6 foot access door to his yard.

09-27-2018, 08:30 AM
Me at 5:30 - "I'm exhausted. Cant wait to go home, eat dinner than not leave couch until early bed tonight"
Me at 6:30 - "Oh hey, the guys wanna go grab a couple drinks tonight, guess I could swing by have one then be home by 10"
Me at 9:00 - "Guess a couple drinks"
Me at 11:00 - "SWEET CAROLINE, BA BA BA"

That was awesome!!!

09-27-2018, 10:58 AM
Welp now I’m at the doctors for the wife, her stress is making her sick and blood pressure was pretty high.

I used to be stressed at work too but realized it’s all for not. She doesn’t get it though, not yet anyway.

09-27-2018, 11:08 AM
I have to go to Yorkdale mall today, wish I could carry protection... fucking ghetto mall.

Don't they have a Nordstrom there?

09-27-2018, 11:12 AM
Don't they have a Nordstrom there?

Yup and they have Harry Rosen and others for you rich guys lol [emoji38]

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09-27-2018, 11:17 AM
Yup and they have Harry Rosen and others for you rich guys lol [emoji38]

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Yeah I like shopping at those ghetto stores (wearing a new suit from Harry Rosen today actually but not packing any heat :stickpoke:). Having coffee with a fintech founder/CEO this afternoon so figure I should look presentable and smell nice.

09-27-2018, 11:21 AM
Yeah I like shopping at those ghetto stores (wearing a new suit from Harry Rosen today actually :stickpoke:)

At least you have Harry Rosen suit lol
Mine is more “ a little from here, a little from there “, from stores that don’t make the cut lol
I often ask my wife does the greys match?

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09-27-2018, 11:23 AM
Why does my head hurt and why is my voice gone.......oh right.

09-27-2018, 11:27 AM
At least you have Harry Rosen suit lol
Mine is more “ a little from here, a little from there “, from stores that don’t make the cut lol
I often ask my wife does the greys match?

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LOL! I do that too but usually with shirts/ties matched to suits.

09-27-2018, 11:36 AM
LOL! I do that too but usually with shirts/ties matched to suits.

Lol yes that’s usually how it is.
That’s ok , when at the office
“ umm Ron, you’re suit seems off it’s darker grey on the jacket,”
“ dammit ! My wife must have mixed the suits on the hanger “

at least I now have 3rd party confirmation the greys are not close enough:D

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09-27-2018, 11:53 AM
Oct 17 will soon be here ! Butt breaks will never be the same again ! LOL

Welp now I’m at the doctors for the wife, her stress is making her sick and blood pressure was pretty high.

I used to be stressed at work too but realized it’s all for not. She doesn’t get it though, not yet anyway.

09-27-2018, 12:19 PM
Wait! people wear suits places other than weddings and funerals?

09-27-2018, 12:22 PM
Vicious rumors is all.

09-27-2018, 12:24 PM
Wait! people wear suits places other than weddings and funerals?

That’s why I’m not investing into something that’s going to be obsolete

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09-27-2018, 12:26 PM
I start off each and every day in a suit.

09-27-2018, 12:27 PM
Birthday suit. yuk yuk!!

09-27-2018, 12:27 PM
Pictures to follow. ;)

09-27-2018, 12:37 PM
Any special shot requests?

09-27-2018, 12:38 PM
Hell No!!!

09-27-2018, 12:40 PM
Any special shot requests?

Hell No!!!

hell Ya !! I'm curious :nightmare:

09-27-2018, 12:44 PM
Wait! people wear suits places other than weddings and funerals?

That's where they wear their ill-fitting suits.

- - - Updated - - -

hell Ya !! I'm curious :nightmare:

Keep it to the hot babe thread....or BFF.

09-27-2018, 06:32 PM
hell Ya !! I'm curious :nightmare:


09-27-2018, 06:44 PM
Decided since it was raining today to have our shop guys replace the rotten decking on our F550 flatbed. Well that's turned in to replacing all the decking, grinding/painting frame, welding in ratchet strap binders, and upgrading lighting on bed. I feel like this is gonna spiral in to repainting cab as well, gonna see if maybe I can swing upgrading to 05 front and harley lights as well LOL.

09-27-2018, 07:52 PM
It was raining today?

09-28-2018, 08:35 AM
It was raining today?

Yea, we're on Bogar and another place on Crawford and our guys got wet. Did you get no rain in South Windsor?

09-28-2018, 12:06 PM
1st Karate lesson for my 5 year old... she likes it. There are a few kids in that class that I would have kicked out because they obviously need some Ritalin or discipline something but otherwise it's pretty good.

09-28-2018, 07:00 PM
Yea, we're on Bogar and another place on Crawford and our guys got wet. Did you get no rain in South Windsor?

Nope, nothin.

09-28-2018, 07:21 PM
Damn. Just got a text from my sister,
Pops may have had a heart attack, specialist will consult with Mom tomorrow

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09-28-2018, 07:50 PM
Damn. Just got a text from my sister,
Pops may have had a heart attack, specialist will consult with Mom tomorrow

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Fuck... sorry to hear. Hope all is good... keep us updated brother.

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09-28-2018, 08:07 PM
Had new people buy the house next to our store earlier this year. All summer has been over grown lawn, weeds and garbage bags piled up in the lane way.

Then she started yelling at my guys because we load and unload trucks in the parking spots in front. (Small town only place to load. Public property and been doing since the store opened in 1976)

She yelled at me a few weeks back as I was loading. I explained that it’s the only place to do it and we are sure to never block her lane if at all possable. She yelled and swore and I said sorry but if your going to come at me with an additude like that I’m not going to discuss it with you.

Well now she has started to leave my business bad reviews online. Never bought anything from us but posting about how I care about no one but myself and have no sense of community.

I hate people.

09-28-2018, 08:08 PM
Damn. Just got a text from my sister,
Pops may have had a heart attack, specialist will consult with Mom tomorrow

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Hope all is well.

Was gonna like your post as a sign of support but thought that might come off the wrong way.

09-28-2018, 09:18 PM
Damn. Just got a text from my sister,
Pops may have had a heart attack, specialist will consult with Mom tomorrow

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I hope it turns out to be a false alarm or at worst something minor and he can put it behind him quickly.

09-28-2018, 09:19 PM
Had new people buy the house next to our store earlier this year. All summer has been over grown lawn, weeds and garbage bags piled up in the lane way.

Then she started yelling at my guys because we load and unload trucks in the parking spots in front. (Small town only place to load. Public property and been doing since the store opened in 1976)

She yelled at me a few weeks back as I was loading. I explained that it’s the only place to do it and we are sure to never block her lane if at all possable. She yelled and swore and I said sorry but if your going to come at me with an additude like that I’m not going to discuss it with you.

Well now she has started to leave my business bad reviews online. Never bought anything from us but posting about how I care about no one but myself and have no sense of community.

I hate people.

Are you able to respond to the reviews?

09-28-2018, 09:51 PM
Are you able to respond to the reviews?

yes. gave the typical, sorry you had a problem, customer service is the upmost importance to us pleas contact at your earliest convenience so we can assist you in this matter.

but that was before I realized who it was, drove me crazy for about half the day because her name wasn't in our system and we checked our service records for the last little while trying to figure out why she was mad.

wasn't till later that it clicked, cuz the only dealings with her I have had involver her yelling and swearing at me.

google wont do anything so first call monday will be to the lawyer

09-28-2018, 09:54 PM
Fuck... sorry to hear. Hope all is good... keep us updated brother.

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Hope all is well.

Was gonna like your post as a sign of support but thought that might come off the wrong way.

I hope it turns out to be a false alarm or at worst something minor and he can put it behind him quickly.

Thanks guys. yup major heart attack with two major blockages- they fixed it for now by way of catheter. Specialist will see him tomorrow, guy has been a rock so we'll see- my daughter on the other hand is taking it harder than anyone else.

thanks for the well wishes :thumbsup:

09-28-2018, 10:27 PM
yes. gave the typical, sorry you had a problem, customer service is the upmost importance to us pleas contact at your earliest convenience so we can assist you in this matter.

but that was before I realized who it was, drove me crazy for about half the day because her name wasn't in our system and we checked our service records for the last little while trying to figure out why she was mad.

wasn't till later that it clicked, cuz the only dealings with her I have had involver her yelling and swearing at me.

google wont do anything so first call monday will be to the lawyer

Are you able to respond further to clarify that it wasn't service related but instead a difference of opinion with regards to use of a public parking lot?

09-28-2018, 10:28 PM
Thanks guys. yup major heart attack with two major blockages- they fixed it for now by way of catheter. Specialist will see him tomorrow, guy has been a rock so we'll see- my daughter on the other hand is taking it harder than anyone else.

thanks for the well wishes :thumbsup:

Hope it goes well. My dad had a heart attack one year ago and they put in 2 stents the same day and that went really well. No issues since then.

09-30-2018, 05:13 PM

was reading about Indy pace cars - Ford hasn't paced a race since '94. Seems odd to me pretty rare production car too states only 1000 produced next year another vette...

09-30-2018, 07:07 PM
^My buddy’s dad has a 94 just like that pic, he swapped the wheels and exhaust but otherwise stock, always liked those.

10-01-2018, 05:27 AM
Bipolar disorder lol

10-01-2018, 10:40 AM
Woot!!! 80 Cobra on its way to get crushed. Notch underside still looks pretty good I can finally see it again.

10-01-2018, 02:01 PM
The car enthusiast of all makes need to band together, this targeting is bs !

10-01-2018, 02:27 PM
The car enthusiast of all makes need to band together, this targeting is bs !

maybe we should post bail for that tire slasher in TO

10-01-2018, 02:59 PM
Should make a few email templates and list of email addresses to send them to and spread that shit all over the internet...

Not sure if this is a municipal thing, maybe we can start asking Ford to stop this stupid attack on the hobby as well...

10-01-2018, 03:21 PM
it's everywhere in Ontario - heard not too long ago they where hanging out at CTMP checking cars driving in to race - their phuckers cause if you come with a trailer they will harass you for that...useless tools just rapping us for more money

10-01-2018, 03:38 PM
it's everywhere in Ontario - heard not too long ago they where hanging out at CTMP checking cars driving in to race - their phuckers cause if you come with a trailer they will harass you for that...useless tools just rapping us for more money

Some event this coming weekend there , wonder if there will be same fiasco

10-01-2018, 03:53 PM
What happened?
The car enthusiast of all makes need to band together, this targeting is bs !

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

10-01-2018, 04:10 PM
Called rogers to complain about not having NHL Center Ice anymore...They said it was now offered as an add on for $199 per year. I told them I was not going to pay that and I would go else where. They reviewed my account and dropped the monthly bill by $55. That's a saving of $660 a year!!!! But had to pay $175 for NHL package. There's more cash to the Mustang fund!!!!

10-01-2018, 04:56 PM
At some point a sweet 82GT will roll around for a fair price too... That would be winning!

10-02-2018, 07:36 AM
on my mind? Moist farts... probably need to take a dump... work dumps are best. Get paid to shit...

10-02-2018, 07:46 AM

10-02-2018, 09:38 AM
Now that my food-waste-storage-system is empty... I can focus on other things lol

10-02-2018, 10:54 AM
Damn, Bell Gigabit is fast... hello new world!

Now let's see how long it takes before they start throttling the connection/fucking with my bill.

10-02-2018, 11:23 AM
...work dumps are best. Get paid to shit...

Never thought of that while I'm on the toilet at work...makes sense though...LOL

10-02-2018, 12:05 PM
Never thought of that while I'm on the toilet at work...makes sense though...LOL

people at work ask me why I wash my container from my lunch at work instead of at home. I say it's because I don't get paid to wash them at home :)

10-02-2018, 01:53 PM
There's a seafood restaurant across the road from my office. There is often an ambulance parked in front of it (i.e. one right now).
I don't think I will ever eat there.

10-02-2018, 03:21 PM
Maybe the EMS crew likes to eat there...

10-02-2018, 03:24 PM

10-02-2018, 06:32 PM
I’m going to OCD the fuck out of my winter beater lol just elbow grease though...

10-02-2018, 09:35 PM
^Was it you that had the mid 90s camry?

10-03-2018, 06:17 AM
Nope my list of winter beaters is limited... Ford Ranger, Subaru Imprezza, Hyundai accent and now that Civic type deal...

10-04-2018, 06:58 PM
What a day... resignations to deal with, operational lunacy, project scope out to space lol

I’m drinking tonight

10-05-2018, 04:46 PM
What a day... resignations to deal with, operational lunacy, project scope out to space lol

I’m drinking tonight

LMFAO...Sounds like where I work!!! I need a few beers and a ride in a foxbody...

10-05-2018, 06:19 PM
So as I expected.. Bell does throttle torrents.

Ah.. good ol' VPN's.

10-06-2018, 05:18 AM
LMFAO...Sounds like where I work!!! I need a few beers and a ride in a foxbody...

Latest craze now is bypassing IT governance board (which I’m part of). Now someone is buying a system without using IT, so who knows who will implement and make sure it integrates with existing systems. Best part is this person directly works for the governance chair!!!! I say dismantle it or put me as chairman, I won’t tolerate stupidity.

10-06-2018, 06:40 AM


10-06-2018, 09:25 AM
Please, some kind of warning before clicking that link?

10-06-2018, 11:21 AM
Pot stirred


10-06-2018, 12:22 PM
Banksy flipping off the art collector world in brilliant fashion

can't stop laughing

10-06-2018, 01:11 PM
Please, some kind of warning before clicking that link?

Maybe a burning cross or white sheet or something?

10-06-2018, 01:39 PM
Is she really a member of the kkk?

10-06-2018, 02:11 PM
Nope just more fake news.

10-07-2018, 05:36 PM
That stupid smirk on Freeland should be torn off... what a disgusting bitch that is...

10-07-2018, 07:59 PM
That stupid smirk on Freeland should be torn off... what a disgusting bitch that is...

yup sold out our dairy farmers now we the taxpayer will make up the difference!!! way to go

10-07-2018, 10:47 PM
yup sold out our dairy farmers now we the taxpayer will make up the difference!!! way to go

Supply management is a bit of a dinosaur but more tax dollars thrown at it...ugh. I just hope they can label country of origin appropriately as I don't want to consume American dairy products.

What's worse is the third party trade deal addition to NAFTA 2.0 that gives the US the ability to veto our trade deals with other non-NAFTA signatories. Trudeau/Freeland failed on this. I haven't read the text yet as to whether we have options around it but they appear to have agreed to a new set of handcuffs.

10-08-2018, 05:46 AM
Yes I’d hope for proper labeling as well. I really don’t like tax dollars used for subsidies to any specific industry though.

10-08-2018, 08:28 AM
So I knew I couldn't make the fall forum track date at TMP, picked Oct 13th as a date along time ago. Also always wanted to do the fall Algonquin cruise. All this is now happening on the same weekend. Just bad luck I guess.
Anyone want one last go around at TMP road course next weekend?

10-09-2018, 08:22 AM
So I guess I have Neuroticism according to a personality test

10-10-2018, 01:11 PM
You might drown in slobber ....but how cute are these guys!?

The Edmonton Humane Society is facing a huge adoption challenge as three Saint Bernard dogs currently in its care must be adopted together.
When they dogs first arrived, they were reportedly underweight, but healthy. Now all three of them each weigh over 115 pounds and have recently undergone their neuter surgeries. They’ll be available for adoption on Wednesday.

10-10-2018, 04:25 PM
Ford is recalling 200 of its $400,000 GT supercars over hydraulic fluid leaks that could start fires


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-14-2018, 07:34 AM
did some yardwork yesterday aft

started by sweeping off the deck

so.....move the furniture off the upper deck and sweep it

then start to move furniture off the lower deck to the upper deck

one of the covered chairs is a bigger biatch to move than usual......it's almost like something has glued it to the deck...way heavier

then it dawns on me

yikes.....so I stand back and ripp the cover off

that was one big muther-fucking raccoon

I fucking hate raccoons

10-14-2018, 07:42 AM
No freakin way.

10-14-2018, 08:35 AM
Why did I drink so much last night....

10-14-2018, 08:56 AM
Practice. ;)

10-14-2018, 09:01 AM
No freakin way.

I'm glad it wasn't Jodi who discovered the big bastard.....she'd probably never go back out there

the thing was huge....musta weighed 30-40 lbs

never made a peep....just waddled off the deck and to the back of the yard and then gone

so my new routine involves rattling the chairs before I take the covers off

10-14-2018, 10:58 AM
I don't know why we are not allowed to kill racoons? Find a nest of baby racoons, kill 'em with a shovel to the head. No harm done, it's just a pest. It's not like you're killing someone's property like a cat or something... I wouldn't use a gun for that though, unless you live in Alaska or something lol...

Are gay ass vegans running things now? Killing animals, especially ones who break into garbage bins, is perfectly fine.

10-14-2018, 11:01 AM
In other news, I think I'll do one last wash/detail of the season for the 5.0... Got the winter beaters ready with winter tires and all that jazz. The Mustang is insured until nov 1st.

10-14-2018, 08:13 PM
Some people ask why I have a dislike for computers despite working on appliances for a living which all use computers to run.

I more than most understand warranty repair, what’s covered. What’s not. And why.
Constantly get people mad at me because misused product, three years out of warranty that cost 2500 new needs a $50part.

So why the hate for computers?

I spend 1700 on what’s suppose to be a quality system with quality components. After 6 months it does an auto update which gums up the computer.

Worked fine when I went to bed. Auto update to Windows ten, wake up in the morning. No sound.

So talk to my “IT” guy at work.
As he suggests. Un install sound driver and when I go to re install it’s gone. Go to asus website. Download driver. Reinstall
Still no sound. Try a couple other things. Still no sound. Contact Asus tech. They recommend a factory reset.
Try that. Still no sound. They tell me I’ll have to take it in.

Take it to geek squad yep known proble, with Windows 10 update. Need to reinstall up date. Tried that, need to reinstall drivers. I tried that, need to reboot from factory spec. I tried that

Oh you have one of those. Okay we need to wipe the drove and reinstall Windows 10from a different source.

What’s that gonna cost. 300 bucks. Is that corpvered under warranty? No

So my 6 month old laptop is out of commission becasie of an update that I didn’t ask for. That Microsoft knows is a problem but won’t stop the auto updates. And as a result I get to pay for the fix becasie the warranty covers the unit but not the fucking software.

I hate computers.

10-14-2018, 08:22 PM
^^ I gave up trying to understand them , I use my iPhone more than my desktop

Old Fart
10-14-2018, 09:32 PM
I rigged my Windows 10 pro to not download updates automatically. It tells me which updates it wants to download then I have to manually say it's ok for the download. Gives me time to research the update.