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05-19-2018, 10:27 AM
loaded up the back of the GTI 5 times with flowers from Sheridan Nurseries this morning

you gotta get up early to get the dragon wing begonias

5 freakin loads

I was on a mission....the staff were laughing at my drenched ass by the 3rd load

the yard will be looking like paradise by the end of the weekend

05-19-2018, 01:28 PM
Went to CTC yesterday to grab some stuff for my wife’s birthday, well my one kid’s door got away from her and nailed the car next to us (Dodge Dart, not clean or anything, has some marks in it already), of course it was my rear door which has the dreaded wheelhouse corner/door destroyer built in at no charge. So she starts crying and apologizing, I grab a paper and scribble a note, head in and when done the car is still there.
So I immediately head over to my PDR guy to get his number to give to the car owner, leave there and head to another store and I get a text, says “I’m the owner of the car your kid hit, don’t worry about it it’s fine and thanks for writing the letter, that was very nice”. I replied back thanks for understanding, showed the kids and went about my day thinking what a nice person to not try and hose me out of some cash since really, they could have.
FYI, my kids are well-trained with their doors and this is only the second time she has hit another car (first was no damage) in 5 years of opening her door by herself.

05-19-2018, 03:19 PM
Went to CTC yesterday to grab some stuff for my wife’s birthday, well my one kid’s door got away from her and nailed the car next to us (Dodge Dart, not clean or anything, has some marks in it already), of course it was my rear door which has the dreaded wheelhouse corner/door destroyer built in at no charge. So she starts crying and apologizing, I grab a paper and scribble a note, head in and when done the car is still there.
So I immediately head over to my PDR guy to get his number to give to the car owner, leave there and head to another store and I get a text, says “I’m the owner of the car your kid hit, don’t worry about it it’s fine and thanks for writing the letter, that was very nice”. I replied back thanks for understanding, showed the kids and went about my day thinking what a nice person to not try and hose me out of some cash since really, they could have.
FYI, my kids are well-trained with their doors and this is only the second time she has hit another car (first was no damage) in 5 years of opening her door by herself.

Does your PDR guy do plastic bumpers? Same Canadian tire parking lot, no note.

05-20-2018, 07:49 AM
Went to CTC yesterday to grab some stuff for my wife’s birthday, well my one kid’s door got away from her and nailed the car next to us (Dodge Dart, not clean or anything, has some marks in it already), of course it was my rear door which has the dreaded wheelhouse corner/door destroyer built in at no charge. So she starts crying and apologizing, I grab a paper and scribble a note, head in and when done the car is still there.
So I immediately head over to my PDR guy to get his number to give to the car owner, leave there and head to another store and I get a text, says “I’m the owner of the car your kid hit, don’t worry about it it’s fine and thanks for writing the letter, that was very nice”. I replied back thanks for understanding, showed the kids and went about my day thinking what a nice person to not try and hose me out of some cash since really, they could have.
FYI, my kids are well-trained with their doors and this is only the second time she has hit another car (first was no damage) in 5 years of opening her door by herself.

Kudo's to everyone involved.

05-20-2018, 02:12 PM
Quickie restaurant review
Keg (Leslie s/o 401)

While the food and service at the Markham Rd location has been good each and every time, falls a hair or three short of what we experienced on Friday. From the minute we walked in the door, uber friendly and quick to seat us. Mgr came out to be sure they had Kath's gluten free order correct, both our meals arrived cooked perfect, taste was off the charts amazing. Our waiter, super attentive always seemed to slide by at the right time. Meals themselves, terrific value, we will most certainly be back.

05-21-2018, 08:31 AM
Happy Birthday to my lovely wife. She inspires me everyday to make my dreams a reality. That Porsche 911 is still a dream though :P

05-21-2018, 08:38 AM
Happy Birthday to Mrs Scrape.

05-21-2018, 10:17 AM
Purdy day... just finished centering the steering on the notch after the kmember and coilover install yesterday... I’m hung over like mad though. Getting too old to drink and get high... I will cut back on drinking and focus on weed. Lol Now to build a sun shelter to gain some wife points.

05-21-2018, 10:36 AM
finished up the flower-planting this morning......had to go back to Sheridan for one more run of begonias......this year I've got a combo of dragon-wing, tuberous and bonfire

19 planters on the property....most of them pretty big....spent about 4hrs Saturday, 6 hrs yesterday and 2 hrs today to get them all in

add in the 4 hanging baskets and I've got a hell of alot of flowers going on

I planted 154 flower-plants into the planters that came in either 6" or 4.5" containers....not to mention the kms I put on my feet getting them all home and into the yard

told Sheridan they should be selling their flower fertilizer in 5 gallon drums instead of these little bins so I don't have to buy 6 at a time

giver about 2-3 weeks of watering, fertilizer and warm temps and the yard is gonna be pretty nice

I'm fucking beat

05-21-2018, 10:49 AM
^Nice!! But no more landscaping for me^

-^^ happy b day mrs scrape^^

This concrete is endless!! One week still not at bottom


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05-21-2018, 01:15 PM
^^May I suggest C4. :)

05-21-2018, 01:20 PM
^^May I suggest C4. :)

Trust me Stephen I was thinking that. No wonder people just leave it and shift a new post over but I had two perfectly good panels I could reuse
So much for a relaxing Victoria day

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05-21-2018, 02:04 PM
I almost spit out my Orange Juice reading this. LOL
^^May I suggest C4. :)

05-21-2018, 03:47 PM
Det cord should be sufficient.

T minus 7d before basement reno starts. Step one started today with USAWIT2 disconnecting a gas line for me.
No BBQ tonight. *sad*
Build thread to follow.

Now I better get back to emptying the basement.

05-21-2018, 07:32 PM
Det cord should be sufficient.

T minus 7d before basement reno starts. Step one started today with USAWIT2 disconnecting a gas line for me.
No BBQ tonight. *sad*
Build thread to follow.

Now I better get back to emptying the basement.

Good luck to ya, just coming out the other side of my basement reno. Another couple weekends of work and it should be habitable for the first time in our ownership.

05-21-2018, 09:55 PM
^Nice!! But no more landscaping for me^

-^^ happy b day mrs scrape^^

This concrete is endless!! One week still not at bottom


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Rent a mini-ex at home depot or some other rental place? I only suggest home depot because they are central to most of Burlington. I would have given up long ago and either borrowed one from work or rented one.

05-21-2018, 10:21 PM
Rent a mini-ex at home depot or some other rental place? I only suggest home depot because they are central to most of Burlington. I would have given up long ago and either borrowed one from work or rented one.

Yup im close to giving up lol- chipper gun went through concrete and I slipped into the 4 ft hole spraining my ankle- to make matters worse the chipper bit went deep into the dirt and I couldn’t get it out lol

I thought of mini ex- just getting it home may be a problem lol

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05-22-2018, 07:27 AM
i rented mini excavator to demolish a rear basement step. big mistake, designed to dig not lift. and it wouldn't pull the chinks of concreate out of the hole.

best bet make an 4 frame out of some 4x4 lumber, buy a chain fall and winch it out. also could use a high lift jack and boards with a chain to lift it out. been down this road before and digging is the slowest hardest method

True Blue
05-22-2018, 08:39 AM
This concrete is endless!! One week still not at bottom

Worth a try!


05-22-2018, 11:12 AM
How I've pulled footings in the past.

-Get a piece of 6x6 or thick steel tubing.
-Take my spare truck wheel and roll it near the hole.
-Fire a 1" hammer drill through the side of the footing, toss a 1" steel rod through hole
-Chain the rod to the post
-Position the post over the spare wheel as the fulcrum
-Have at it on the lever side

If you've fully excavated the post you're really just trying to break the ground suction at the base to get it to lift. I've also used my truck to pulling by laying the chain over the tire then pulling with truck.

05-22-2018, 11:25 AM

*disclaimer: I do not endorse this method, I simply saw this vid last week coincidentally.

05-22-2018, 11:28 AM

*disclaimer: I do not endorse this method, I simply saw this vid last week coincidentally.

So I'm not the only guy out here pulling my truck wheels off for this. Good to know.

EDIT- Ram owner too, must be something in the kool aid.

05-22-2018, 11:44 AM
^^^ thanks everyone I’ll give it a shot..
Ya the post is gone ( snap off from wind storm) it’s the concrete that’s left- not the normal size- I figured build just made the hole and poured concrete directly to fill it - even 12 inch sonotube I’ve got is small- I’ll try chain/ metal rod-
One guy stop by and said he has an atv with a winch to try - if not his pick up truck- coincidentally I think it’s a Dodge Ram lol

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Old Fart
05-22-2018, 06:11 PM
Lol...it's 27 C outside and they are calling for a frost advisory!!

05-22-2018, 06:22 PM
Anyone use a dewalt torque wrench? In the market for a new one..


05-22-2018, 06:40 PM
Would want to know who makes, seems like a brand slapped on a tool they don't really produce. Prefer a good standard name brand one myself.

05-22-2018, 06:48 PM
Fuck me what the fuck am I supposed to do with this car (slam head in to table)

05-22-2018, 06:51 PM
Would want to know who makes, seems like a brand slapped on a tool they don't really produce. Prefer a good standard name brand one myself.

Not trying to break the bank.. this one gets good reviews https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00C5ZL1NS/ref=as_at?slotNum=2&SubscriptionId=AKIAJLSFUBUR6NILPJWA&linkCode=g12&imprToken=Zsebe12WSGvYc2r0kbEPxQ&creativeASIN=B00C5ZL1NS&tag=mcnt2018-20&creative=165953&camp=2025

05-22-2018, 07:10 PM
Seems decent, maybe some of the folks who wrench for a living have some advice. Mine a craftsman model, never had an issue.

05-22-2018, 09:52 PM
Anyone use a dewalt torque wrench? In the market for a new one..


my dad bought one last year seems okay, no worse than my mastercraft one

Old Fart
05-22-2018, 10:51 PM
I use the Mastercraft Maximum torque wrench...seems fine and has a lifetime warranty.

05-22-2018, 11:06 PM
^Our lube bay uses that one as well, have had it replaced several times under warranty, lotsa guys using at, mostly in their teens/20s, done give a crap.

As for the DeWalt, I don’t know anything about it but I know Stanley tools owns DeWalt as well as Mac tools, so it should be decent quality.

With regards to the post, what’s I’d do is use the hammer you have but focus in one or two spots, at the outer edge of the post, but closer to the outside and work your way in, if you can get it to split it should come out in pieces fairly easily.

05-23-2018, 07:46 AM
was having some aching pain issues in the man region over the weekend attributed it to pinched nerve in the back as I have had that issue before. not fun but trip the cracker usually fixes it up. had not made an appointment yet. when I started to have to piss constantly. would literally go and then feel like I have to go again, was working away yesterday, just finished at a customers house got back in the truck and was hit with one of the worse pains I have ever felt, lower abdomen, felt like it was literally being ripped out, tried to wait it out but wasn't letting up so managed to drive to the closest emerge, after a couple hours turns out I most likely have an infection in my prostate. How does that even happen???
now on a wack of pills and work is busier than ever.

that's you TMI post for the day. lol

05-23-2018, 08:16 AM
Feel better soon.

05-23-2018, 08:18 AM
was having some aching pain issues in the man region over the weekend attributed it to pinched nerve in the back as I have had that issue before. not fun but trip the cracker usually fixes it up. had not made an appointment yet. when I started to have to piss constantly. would literally go and then feel like I have to go again, was working away yesterday, just finished at a customers house got back in the truck and was hit with one of the worse pains I have ever felt, lower abdomen, felt like it was literally being ripped out, tried to wait it out but wasn't letting up so managed to drive to the closest emerge, after a couple hours turns out I most likely have an infection in my prostate. How does that even happen???
now on a wack of pills and work is busier than ever.

that's you TMI post for the day. lol

Damn... I had sack issues recently, thought it was cancer since all the symptoms were there. According to the doctors who played with my balls (thanks for the cold f-ing hands BTW) I have some hydrocele or something like that... The pain is still here (after 6 F-ing months) but I can walk... I spent 3 weeks in bed, not being able to move. Passed out a few times just trying to get up to pee. lol

This whole getting old thing is stupid.

05-23-2018, 08:31 AM
Anyone use a dewalt torque wrench? In the market for a new one..


Been using one for the last 6 months. It has been a good one for the money. It has not needed any calibration. I get it tested every 2 months.

05-23-2018, 08:33 AM
Damn... I had sack issues recently, thought it was cancer since all the symptoms were there. According to the doctors who played with my balls (thanks for the cold f-ing hands BTW) I have some hydrocele or something like that... The pain is still here (after 6 F-ing months) but I can walk... I spent 3 weeks in bed, not being able to move. Passed out a few times just trying to get up to pee. lol

This whole getting old thing is stupid.


05-23-2018, 08:59 AM
Damn... I had sack issues recently, thought it was cancer since all the symptoms were there. According to the doctors who played with my balls (thanks for the cold f-ing hands BTW) I have some hydrocele or something like that... The pain is still here (after 6 F-ing months) but I can walk... I spent 3 weeks in bed, not being able to move. Passed out a few times just trying to get up to pee. lol

This whole getting old thing is stupid.

My Dr. Used rubber gloves....

Old Fart
05-23-2018, 01:13 PM
Time again for my annual groundhog relocation...


05-23-2018, 04:40 PM
Hope your charging him or her by the km.

05-23-2018, 08:55 PM
It feels like just yesterday we had ice storms and snow... now humidex and +30?

would it be a sin to put AC into a fox that never had it from factory? lol

Old Fart
05-23-2018, 09:17 PM
Hope your charging him or her by the km.

LOL...just a 30km round trip!

Old Fart
05-23-2018, 09:32 PM
Another thing on my mind...one dream went "boom". I always liked the 05 was saving for one. Saw one at a used car dealer and looked at it... I don't fit. My right leg is very uncomfortable against the console. I even looked if I could put install new seat brackets, but the driver's seat was already touching the rear seat. Although tight, it's a better fit in an 04. Although the early stangs (64-73) are my favorite (but out of my price range), the 99-04 models are my new savings goal!

05-23-2018, 09:55 PM
It feels like just yesterday we had ice storms and snow... now humidex and +30?

would it be a sin to put AC into a fox that never had it from factory? lol

Not nearly as much of a sin as it would be to not want to drive it because of no a/c...Do eeeit!

05-23-2018, 10:01 PM
x2, no AC is a death sentence.

05-23-2018, 10:04 PM
IMHO...........A/C is a must have.

05-24-2018, 01:06 AM
Was nice to unplug the trickle charger after a long winter, start the fox vert, and go for a quick drive around Bolton.

05-24-2018, 04:31 AM
IMHO...........A/C is a must have.

At least if the damn thing wasn’t black lol

05-24-2018, 07:18 AM
Fireworks, why has it become acceptable for peeps to
A - fire them off at all hours of the night.
B - fire them off a day or days preceding the holiday and as many days as they feel like it after??

05-24-2018, 07:33 AM
Fireworks, why has it become acceptable for peeps to
A - fire them off at all hours of the night.
B - fire them off a day or days preceding the holiday and as many days as they feel like it after??


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05-24-2018, 09:11 AM
Old cranky man?

positive: one of the punks got burned and hopefully learned a lesson.

negative: fireworks possibly ignited the horse barn fire at Sunnybrook

05-24-2018, 10:03 AM
Fireworks, why has it become acceptable for peeps to
A - fire them off at all hours of the night.
B - fire them off a day or days preceding the holiday and as many days as they feel like it after??

A lot of this usage is illegal under municipal by-laws but not enforced.

05-24-2018, 10:36 AM
Fireworks are dumb, especially the ones people ignite in their backyards. Serves no purpose and annoying as fak.

The Katy Perry song "Firework" is annoying too. I think she sings "fiiiiire work" in G but it sounds sharp or something, so annoying to my virgin ears.

05-24-2018, 11:02 AM
Fireworks, why has it become acceptable for peeps to
A - fire them off at all hours of the night.
B - fire them off a day or days preceding the holiday and as many days as they feel like it after??


05-24-2018, 02:47 PM
Grand solar minimum is on me mind also have the shits today...

05-24-2018, 03:39 PM
Ready for Napierville, QC.

05-24-2018, 03:54 PM
I need AC in the fox... then I’ll lighten up on the gino tint.

05-24-2018, 06:24 PM
Does your PDR guy do plastic bumpers? Same Canadian tire parking lot, no note.
Yes he does, u have pm

05-24-2018, 08:31 PM
Yes he does, u have pm


05-25-2018, 12:53 PM
LOL not sure why this is on the news but still funny and sad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut7e-0X8lds

05-26-2018, 07:33 AM
Closed hwy in the wilds of Mexico, red Cobra on boost, nuff said. ;)

05-26-2018, 09:11 PM
Was about 5min from Rick's today getting the new car tinted. (Auto links has done 3 cars for me now with pinicles formula 1 ceramic)
Really looks a lot better I think and should keep the interior much cooler.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180527/0032d1876246652d0b484ca457cadbda.jpg

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05-26-2018, 09:35 PM
Was about 5min from Rick's today getting the new car tinted. (Auto links has done 3 cars for me now with pinicles formula 1 ceramic)
Really looks a lot better I think and should keep the interior much cooler.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180527/0032d1876246652d0b484ca457cadbda.jpg

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Looks good !
But why??
I thought that’s going back for 18 gt auto

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05-26-2018, 11:03 PM
I was out till wee hours of the morning last night with 3 guys telling me to trade both cars in and get the 18 gt. I may talk to Bill but I dont think I am going to at least this year.

05-26-2018, 11:05 PM
I was out till wee hours of the morning last night with 3 guys telling me to trade both cars in and get the 18 gt. I may talk to Bill but I dont think I am going to at least this year.

The longer u wait the less on the trade unless of course u waiting for performance pack 2 to be offered here in Canada and be done with it.

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05-27-2018, 12:03 AM
Beyond impressed with the '18 I drove at the track, hell of a car.

05-27-2018, 12:09 AM
Beyond impressed with the '18 I drove at the track, hell of a car.

Bill is just a phone call away- “ timing” is perfect lol

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05-27-2018, 07:07 AM
I was out till wee hours of the morning last night with 3 guys telling me to trade both cars in and get the 18 gt. I may talk to Bill but I dont think I am going to at least this year.

Before you go trading stuff in at least post a for sale ad on here. Never know who may be interested.😉

05-27-2018, 09:29 AM
Early morning cruise out to Mississauga n back. ;)

True Blue
05-27-2018, 10:47 AM
Same here, took the Bullitt on an early morning cruise to Innisfil and back.

05-27-2018, 11:30 AM
Traffic going downtown never used to bother me when I was younger


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05-27-2018, 07:17 PM
Still at it
Hopefully be done by Fall .



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05-27-2018, 07:27 PM
Aaaaand my truck gets rear ended. GF sitting there at a red light and bam, driver on their phone. Everyone’s OK... now to deal with body shops... the worse part.

05-27-2018, 07:29 PM
Aaaaand my truck gets rear ended. GF sitting there at a red light and bam, driver on their phone. Everyone’s OK... now to deal with body shops... the worse part.

Oh man!!
Good u guys not injured

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05-27-2018, 07:32 PM
Oh man!!
Good u guys not injured

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Shitty but yeah most importantly everyone is ok.

I’ve now been rear ended in every vehicle I’ve ever owned. What the fuck...

05-27-2018, 07:38 PM
Sorry to hear that. Glad everyone is ok.

05-27-2018, 10:34 PM
Sorry to hear Hugo.

05-28-2018, 07:42 AM
For Ontario today, be safe out there n keep yourself hydrated. And of course, don't leave a child or pet in your car.


05-28-2018, 07:45 AM
I don't get how someone can let a living thing inside a car that can reach unlivable conditions... especially a f-ing child!!! Jebus humanity has no hope.

05-28-2018, 09:45 AM
Fuel pump driver module ...,again , CAA 90 min , zipped to crappy tire in Barrie & had it running b4 CAA could even get back to us . Kinda slowed us down yesterday but still managed to get my last install done .

05-28-2018, 10:10 AM
^ Mounted up above spare tire?

05-28-2018, 04:56 PM
^ Mounted up above spare tire?

Ya same one you talked me through a few yrs ago lol

05-28-2018, 05:40 PM
Still at it.
Post: one
newbiestangowner: zero

Seriously reconsider explosives.

05-28-2018, 05:52 PM
Post: one
newbiestangowner: zero

Seriously reconsider explosives.

At this point I would lol, but because of a recent event in Mississauga I may have a hard time explaining as to why I need it.( det charge or any explosive)

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05-28-2018, 06:01 PM
Canada Day is coming up. Just saying.

05-28-2018, 08:53 PM
^ Mounted up above spare tire?

Damn Ford.

05-28-2018, 09:01 PM
At this point I would lol, but because of a recent event in Mississauga I may have a hard time explaining as to why I need it.( det charge or any explosive)

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I would have rented a skid steer with a jackhammer long ago.

05-28-2018, 09:44 PM
Still at it
Hopefully be done by Fall .



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is the post dry and rotten or all wet?

either way at that point id burn it out, get some seasoned hardwood, fill the hole and have a nice campfire. let her smolder. hope would be to burn the wood out of the center making it easier to break apart the cement, if your lucky the extreem heat willcrack the cement and you can just lift out the chunks

or if the cement dosnt crack. cover you new post with construction adhesive and slide it into your newly hollowed cement. and fill the rest in

05-28-2018, 09:49 PM
is the post dry and rotten or all wet?

either way at that point id burn it out, get some seasoned hardwood, fill the hole and have a nice campfire. let her smolder. hope would be to burn the wood out of the center making it easier to break apart the cement, if your lucky the extreem heat willcrack the cement and you can just lift out the chunks

or if the cement dosnt crack. cover you new post with construction adhesive and slide it into your newly hollowed cement. and fill the rest in

Excellent.. thanks
Post is all rotten/ wet
Bonus either way ..
I get to set it on fire to relieve my frustration

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05-29-2018, 12:33 AM
I think Hawaii has undone all emission reduction measures that have ever been mandated...seriously, how much crap are those volcanoes and fissures dumping into the atmosphere?

05-29-2018, 06:04 AM
I think Hawaii has undone all emission reduction measures that have ever been mandated...seriously, how much crap are those volcanoes and fissures dumping into the atmosphere?

Doesn’t matter, we can buy offset carbon credits or pay more carbon tax ~ liberal

05-29-2018, 12:27 PM

Trudeau government to buy Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain for $4.5-billion


05-29-2018, 01:07 PM
Look for that project to cost far more than it will ever produce.

05-29-2018, 05:11 PM
Fuck cancer.

Old Fart
05-29-2018, 11:41 PM
One of my buddies unexpectedly passed away yesterday...feeling sad. He was only 64 years old. Here's a pic of the ride that he built....


05-29-2018, 11:54 PM
^Sorry to hear that . My condolences.^

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05-30-2018, 12:27 AM
Sorry to hear about your friend.

05-30-2018, 06:53 AM
Sorry to hear of his passing.

05-30-2018, 08:06 AM
My condolences on the loss of your friend.

Old Fart
05-30-2018, 10:16 AM
Thank you

05-30-2018, 10:37 AM
Sorry to hear that. My condolences.

05-30-2018, 11:55 AM
My condolences, never fun news to receive. Sweet hot rod he built, he was very talented!

05-30-2018, 11:56 AM
Condolences. Too young.

05-30-2018, 02:46 PM
My sympathies....found out yesterday my friend in Texas has colon cancer....fuck I hate getting old!!! 55 years old...FAWK!!!

05-30-2018, 03:35 PM
my condolences

05-30-2018, 08:32 PM
Look for that project to cost far more than it will ever produce.

The feds of all stripes actually seem to have done OK on oil related projects. http://nationalpost.com/news/politics/a-short-look-at-the-governments-long-history-of-investing-in-troubled-projects

Old Fart
05-30-2018, 11:18 PM
Yippee!! Going to the GTALX car show in Brampton on Saturday with my brother. Then to Guelph to pick up a retired service dog for his autistic son.

05-31-2018, 12:22 AM
Yippee!! Going to the GTALX car show in Brampton on Saturday with my brother. Then to Guelph to pick up a retired service dog for his autistic son.

Nice! Looks like a good show, but isn’t that far for you?

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Old Fart
05-31-2018, 01:05 AM
Nice! Looks like a good show, but isn’t that far for you?

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Yes, but we have to get the dog in Guelph. So the car show is a bonus.

05-31-2018, 07:34 AM
The feds of all stripes actually seem to have done OK on oil related projects. http://nationalpost.com/news/politics/a-short-look-at-the-governments-long-history-of-investing-in-troubled-projects

possibly, but before buying it Trudeau said that it was an opportunity to set new precedent in oil, controlled from an environmental standpoint with rules and limitations never be for seen. (paraphrasing)

05-31-2018, 08:13 AM
Fuck cancer.
Yes sir. I second that!

05-31-2018, 09:56 AM
Do you ask permission from your baby before changing diapers lol Some liberals are on a whole new level of stupid, at this point this (I hope) is some sort of joke funded by the republicans lol

06-01-2018, 03:55 PM
Ok, the fox is getting a/c whenever my cheap ass decides to build a motor.

Foxbody, king of swamp ass.

06-01-2018, 03:56 PM
^ Order exhaust yet?

06-01-2018, 03:57 PM
^ Order exhaust yet?

Nope........................... I guess I should eh?

06-01-2018, 04:02 PM
Gotta pry your fingers open first.
Make the car a ton more enjoyable ya know.
How you liking the panhard bar?

06-01-2018, 04:06 PM
Gotta pry your fingers open first.
Make the car a ton more enjoyable ya know.
How you liking the panhard bar?

Panhard bar combined with some new tires and brakes, pretty much a completely different car. It rides really well for what it is... It’s nice to know the ass end won’t just lose it every time I punch it a bit around a corner.

06-01-2018, 04:35 PM
^ Very cool indeed.

06-01-2018, 04:40 PM
^ Very cool indeed.

Yeah.. now it needs something under the hood. Maybe some paint. Maybe some coilovers. Foxbodies can be fast yeah?

06-01-2018, 04:41 PM
Fuck yes.

06-01-2018, 05:54 PM
Foxbodies can be fast yeah?
Might I refer you to 1BAD92LX

True Blue
06-01-2018, 06:14 PM
It’s nice to know the ass end won’t just lose it every time I punch it a bit around a corner.

That's the fun part of owning a foxbody! :)

06-01-2018, 11:28 PM
Might I refer you to 1BAD92LX

�� Thanks Don

06-02-2018, 11:16 AM
Making a kids area in the finished portion of the basement (just a square in the middle that's drywalled due to the open staircase). Had the old blue carpet full of dog piss and shit from the previous owners... now installing dricore, then the engineered hardwood.

Old Fart
06-03-2018, 08:37 AM
We were driving around Guelph yesterday and WOW the roads are in great condition compared to the one's in Timmins. Makes owning a toy so much better.

Old Fart
06-03-2018, 11:27 PM
Back home now...saw a great car show, did some shopping at Princess Auto and picked up the dog...had a great time!!

This was my favorite...


06-03-2018, 11:34 PM
Two pics of a car and no pics of the dog!?

Old Fart
06-03-2018, 11:43 PM


06-04-2018, 06:03 AM


Cute , love these 4 legged friends

06-04-2018, 07:02 AM
Finally finished all the hardwood, from 2nd floor to basement landing... My favorite pic of the house LOL Looks cool...


The basement has an open ceiling around the stairs and that little 18x10 landing will be a kids playroom as we can see them from the kitchen (I have one kid but she has a lot of annoying friends lol). Basement is all spray foamed and that area has DriCore stuff so it's super comfortable. We're putting kids playtime padding stuff or whatever it's called to protect the floors, I mean the children from the hard floor lol.. The unfinished part of the basement is still 1300sq-ft... I'm setting up a stage, a wet bar, lounge area, ping-pong and maybe a pool table too... Also a Mustang parts storage area in the rough-in bathroom right now haha...

Wife is happy so that's all good.

06-04-2018, 07:06 AM
^^^that looks amazing!!!

Reminds me of the spiral staircase at the Vatican, LOL.

06-04-2018, 07:12 AM
Definitely cool looking and nicely done.

06-04-2018, 07:27 AM

06-04-2018, 07:37 AM
Getting from the basement to the bedroom whilst drunk does make you pray like you were at the Vatican.

06-04-2018, 09:35 AM
Gorgeous looking staircase there.

06-04-2018, 09:54 AM
Thanks, it started off as blue carpet with poo stains and gold oak colored rail and pickets... That was a pain to clean up... hired a company to install the treads and metal pickets though.

06-04-2018, 10:05 AM
Looks fantastic, well done

06-04-2018, 10:23 AM
... it started off as blue carpet with poo stains...
well then that is quite a transformation :clap2:

06-04-2018, 12:58 PM
Ya, poo stains are SO 80's...

06-04-2018, 04:43 PM
Hopefully the Mustang will be all back together soon as I am making slow but steady progress.

Changed the oil yesterday and I used the freezer bag trick over the oil filter and was amazed at how clean this made the oil filter removal. Never going to do an oil change on my back under the car again without a freezer bag over the old filter!

06-04-2018, 05:15 PM
Great idea there Scott!
Hopefully the Mustang will be all back together soon as I am making slow but steady progress.

Changed the oil yesterday and I used the freezer bag trick over the oil filter and was amazed at how clean this made the oil filter removal. Never going to do an oil change on my back under the car again without a freezer bag over the old filter!

06-04-2018, 07:05 PM
Great idea there Scott!

I can't take credit for the idea, saw it on a forum many years ago and simply never tried it before.

06-04-2018, 09:08 PM
If the renter next to you doesn't appear to have any discernible income yet has food orders coming in daily, has put an crummy inflatable pool in the middle of their yard and is constantly in it with their screaming (not normal, I mean so loud I hear them in the house over my TV) kids, put a swing at the back of their yard faced directly in to your house, throws garbage in piles on their property which blows on to yours, and has now taken in a dog that has never been walked so it spends it's day barking constantly and having diarrhea all over their yard, can you kill them legally?

Asking for a friend.

True Blue
06-05-2018, 08:08 AM
To the motherfucker who thinks my house is a dumping ground for his shit. Thank your lucky stars I wasn't able to get your license plate, you fucking piece of shit!


06-05-2018, 08:11 AM
Even since TO instituted bins here, we've had it happen several times. Makes their garbage our flipping problem. At a buddys industrial unit yesterday, he found his cardboard only bin stuffed full of construction debris.

True Blue
06-05-2018, 08:20 AM
Thankfully we don't have bins here, but I have a feeling we will get them soon enough.

06-05-2018, 08:40 AM
Happens at schools all the time. You have to lock them down all the time.

06-05-2018, 05:31 PM
Did anyone else notice an F18 fly over Barrie area on Sunday afternoon around 2 pm?

Sorry that was me... tried some race fuel on the fox.

06-05-2018, 09:34 PM
Wtf happened to the random pic thread?

06-05-2018, 10:36 PM
Corrupted picture caused a problem we can't fix, started a new thread.

06-05-2018, 10:37 PM
Thx, thought it was something on my end, but the first page worked so I was confuzzled.

06-05-2018, 10:41 PM
Just last page won't load, rest is still all there.
Sorry guys.

06-06-2018, 06:03 AM
Just need to manually edit the post in SQL :D

06-06-2018, 06:25 AM
Full recertification audit for ISO 9001-2015 tomorrow :facepalm:

06-06-2018, 07:47 AM
I wish I had Jordon's patience and tolerance for utterly STUPID and annoying people deserving of being punched right through the skull... I'm a HUGE fan of JP, what a great human fighting for common sense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiHb4KJLFyE

I think we have it too easy in the Western world and we're imploding - we are spoiled idiots with success and easily have all the necessities of life (for the most part). Safe spaces, 30+ pronouns and not using them = hate crime, SJW's, flat earthers, liberal arts degrees, etc... We need some form of calamity to cleanse the world of these hopeless individuals and hit the reset button... For the sake of humanity, this insanity needs to stop. Governments have been leaning far too left and allowing the collective voiced stupidity of the mentally challenged minority to supersede common sense and the greater good of the population.

Look at that smug thing: https://youtu.be/LiHb4KJLFyE?t=15m36s Someone failed as a parent. Jesus there's no hope for civilization... There's educating, studying and accepting the fact that some humans don't follow their biological sex (not to mention minding your own business when it comes to someone else's life) and then there's SJW's attacking and wanting to force us to use zerr and zee because "gender is bad". Religion used to stop the spread of science and knowledge, now it's hurt-feeling nutjobs attempting to stop free speech and having useful conversations to gain knowledge.

F this world, I'm going back into the garage to drink some beers and work on my shit box of a car...

06-06-2018, 08:41 AM
F this world, I'm going back into the garage to drink some beers...
All this before 8 am?

06-06-2018, 09:47 AM
I didn't say when... lol Morning beer is for long weekends only. But once I finish a few RFPs and business plans, I may take some time to dabble into the honey of the gods... late afternoon I hope.

06-09-2018, 08:23 AM
the upside - the crew showed up on Wednesday and repaired the aluminum damaged when that huge maple tree came down a few weeks ago.....so a new 55ft length of eavestrough with leaf guard, and replaced all the 61 year old scratched siding on the front peak of the house.....looks absolutely fantastic

the downside - I specifically asked them to be very careful around my 30" monster planters on either side of the front entrance filled with $200 worth of awesome huge flowers......well....they made it right until the end....and then when one of the crew was taking away a wood plank from the scaffolding....it slipped and whammo....$200 worth of squashed flowers

I was more than slightly miffed....and the owner said he'd compensate and take that off the bill....but it was the lowest paid dude on the crew that did it....so I told him we'd chalk it up to "shit happens" cause I didn't think it would be fair to have that dude work a full day for nothing over some fucking flowers

anyhoo....if you told me 30 years ago that I'd be desperately racing over to Sheridan Nursery at 7am on a Saturday morning to comb every fucking rack in the place looking for the ever-dwindling supply of Dragon-wing Begonias....I've have told you to twist up another fatty and pass it over

but there I was

and I scored all the bastards I needed

so I have an afternoon project today....should take about 5 or 6 beers I think

06-09-2018, 08:44 AM
the upside - the crew showed up on Wednesday and repaired the aluminum damaged when that huge maple tree came down a few weeks ago.....so a new 55ft length of eavestrough with leaf guard, and replaced all the 61 year old scratched siding on the front peak of the house.....looks absolutely fantastic

the downside - I specifically asked them to be very careful around my 30" monster planters on either side of the front entrance filled with $200 worth of awesome huge flowers......well....they made it right until the end....and then when one of the crew was taking away a wood plank from the scaffolding....it slipped and whammo....$200 worth of squashed flowers

I was more than slightly miffed....and the owner said he'd compensate and take that off the bill....but it was the lowest paid dude on the crew that did it....so I told him we'd chalk it up to "shit happens" cause I didn't think it would be fair to have that dude work a full day for nothing over some fucking flowers

anyhoo....if you told me 30 years ago that I'd be desperately racing over to Sheridan Nursery at 7am on a Saturday morning to comb every fucking rack in the place looking for the ever-dwindling supply of Dragon-wing Begonias....I've have told you to twist up another fatty and pass it over

but there I was

and I scored all the bastards I needed

so I have an afternoon project today....should take about 5 or 6 beers I think

Very nice of you Tim . Good you got the house repaired from the wind storm, I STILL have repairs waiting to be done.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-09-2018, 09:01 AM
Good you got the house repaired from the wind storm, I STILL have repairs waiting to be done.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

yeah....just got the landscaping job right in front of the house to do now

I repaired the lawn....and it's pretty much mint now....just a couple of small spots that need more seed and soil....made out pretty good cause it basically destroyed about 40% of my front lawn....so to have it back in less than a month is not too bad

house damage is now fixed

new landscaping plan is approved....just waiting (impatiently) for the crew to pencil me in....was told last week it would be in two weeks....which would mean one week to go....but getting a vibe that they're not on schedule

if they push me off....I'll tell them to pound salt and do a non-stop weekend getting it done myself

06-09-2018, 11:57 AM
Dropped off the truck to get fixed... gotta love people on their phones. Upside to getting rear ended is I get to break in a brand new ram 1500 outdoorsman. This turn dial shifter thingymabob is annoying.

06-09-2018, 01:08 PM
my wife says cargo shorts and Hawaiian shirt are not okay attire for her cousins wedding this aft. figured if I'm stuck eating a Vegan meal is should get to at least wear what I want, she informed me I was wrong.. oh well gonna be a warm suit afternoon

06-09-2018, 01:32 PM
First time the tops been up in 7 months, slowly getting it back togetherhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180609/b8a302a198faa2dcbb2fb8858fee0bb6.jpg

06-09-2018, 04:34 PM
Parents dropped off some peonies that came from my grandparents house that were originally planted at my great-grandparents farmhouse so they are over 70 years old. Hopefully they don’t die on my watch lmao.

06-09-2018, 09:50 PM
Ours just came out in bloom late this week


06-10-2018, 10:54 PM
E-tests are stupid, I hope ford scraps the program

06-11-2018, 12:08 AM
Highly doubt it.
Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss

06-11-2018, 07:24 AM
Highly doubt it.
Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss


since the Liberals made it a "free" test....the province is funding the whole thing now

Ford is looking for efficiencies....and a useless testing program that does nothing but bleed money will be scrapped

and the PCs have been crawling up the Libs butt now for about 4 years to cancel the thing

06-11-2018, 07:56 AM
So, started a new job yesterday, did not get a raise by mid afternoon then to add insult to injury, got fired before quitting time. Boss totally blew the whole thing outta proportion, only missed a spot or two when I was wiping.
Seemed like a nice guy when he hired me.

06-11-2018, 07:59 AM
It's hard to find good help nowadays...:D

So, started a new job yesterday, did not get a raise by mid afternoon then to add insult to injury, got fired before quitting time. Boss totally blew the whole thing outta proportion, only missed a spot or two when I was wiping.
Seemed like a nice guy when he hired me.

06-11-2018, 08:06 AM
So I was told!!!
At least I didn't get yer fingers in the door.

06-11-2018, 08:13 AM
So I was told!!!
At least I didn't get yer fingers in the door.

06-11-2018, 08:34 AM
Buying furniture is possible top 5 least favorite things to do for me, a long with buying shrubs. Good thing I attempted to do both this weekend...

06-11-2018, 08:59 AM
We should have a 3 or 4 day work week, no need for the 5 day 9-to-5 lol... I thought they promised us shorter work weeks with early computers since we're more productive lol...

06-11-2018, 04:43 PM
WTF LOL! Let's give him a gun.....


New Jersey School Superintendent Arrested After Allegedly Repeatedly Pooping on School's Field

New Jersey superintendent Thomas Tramaglini was arrested after he was allegedly spotted defecating on Holmdel High School’s track and football field.

Police arrested Tramaglini early Tuesday while he was running on the Holmdel High School track, according to ABC News.

In a statement on Facebook, the Holmdel Township Police Department wrote high school coaches and staff “were finding human feces on or near the area of the High School track/football field on a daily basis.”

When school officials began monitoring the area, a school resource officer and school staff were “able to identify a subject responsible for the acts,” the statement continued, adding the 42-year-old was “charged with lewdness, littering and defecating in public.”

Tramaglini has not commented on the charges. It is unclear if he has retained an attorney.

On Tuesday, the Kenilworth Board of Education announced that “Dr. Tramaglini requested and was granted a paid leave from the district,” clarifying that “leaves can only be without pay in the face of indictments or tenure charges, as a matter of state law.”

“Effective immediately, Brian Luciani, our Director of Academics, will assume the responsibilities of the office of superintendent of schools,” they continued.

The superintendent was earning about $147,504 a year, according to NJ.com. The outlet reports leave would be unpaid if he was indicted or facing tenure charges.

Tramaglini served as superintendent of Kenilworth Public Schools in New Jersey, a neighboring school district to Holmdel High School, which is under the jurisdiction of the Holmdel Township Public School district.

Taking over for him in the interim is Brian Luciani, director of academics at Kenilworth Public Schools, according to ABC News.

The principal of Holmdel High School, William Loughran, had no comment on Tramaglini’s arrest or incidents, the outlet reports.

Tramaglini is scheduled to appear in Holmdel Municipal Court on May 7, according to The Independent.

06-11-2018, 08:57 PM
Buying furniture is possible top 5 least favorite things to do for me, a long with buying shrubs. Good thing I attempted to do both this weekend...

Buying furniture alone or with your significant other? Whole different experience. Now my wife only shop together if absolutely necessary.

06-11-2018, 10:12 PM
Kijiji no shows = ass wipes :(

06-12-2018, 12:08 AM
Buying furniture alone or with your significant other? Whole different experience. Now my wife only shop together if absolutely necessary.

The latter.

06-12-2018, 05:33 AM
I need to work on a telecommute policy. Some employees can’t as they need to physically be in the office. My thinking is “too bad, don’t like it - change your career choice” but that wouldn’t be very nice.

06-12-2018, 08:18 AM
Just identify as a "little person" and sue them for being racist or something like that lol

06-12-2018, 04:25 PM
I need to work on a telecommute policy. Some employees can’t as they need to physically be in the office. My thinking is “too bad, don’t like it - change your career choice” but that wouldn’t be very nice.

Wouldn't you just identify the role as "critical" for onsite requirement versus non-critical for remote? (ie. they are actually handling products, production, F2F customer interaction, etc)

06-12-2018, 04:27 PM
Bass opener 4 days away

06-12-2018, 07:19 PM
Still trying to get the boat back together. Exhaust boot turned into the gimbal bearing which turned into rebuilding the gimbal ring and mount.
Have a new lift pump to go in after my old one shit the bed last year. On a gut instinct I pulled the lift rams of and compressed them by hand sure enough one went crunch crunch at the bottom. Pulled it apart to find the inner piece in pieces. Found out they were no longer available from mercruser. Tried the after market and also discontinued there. Dropped one off at the local boat shop he was gonna do some digging on retrofits. 20 min after I dropped it off another guy stopped in looked at it and said hey I have a pile of those exact cylinders. Scored a pair that are perfect for $100. Lucked out big time.

Just finished cleaning them up. Was one cotter pin short of getting it reasembled this evening.

Mmmmm. The lake is calling.

06-12-2018, 08:04 PM
The lake bright and early is a beautiful thing.

06-12-2018, 09:22 PM
spent my birthday weekend up at long point and was stoked to take the boat but just didn't have time to get it done. probably for the best as it was fairly choppy anyway.

Ghost Rider
06-12-2018, 10:11 PM
The lake bright and early is a beautiful thing.

bright and early...I've heard of this!!

06-12-2018, 11:22 PM
spent my birthday weekend up at long point and was stoked to take the boat but just didn't have time to get it done. probably for the best as it was fairly choppy anyway.

Happy Birthday!

06-13-2018, 12:02 AM
bright and early...I've heard of this!!

Startin to sound like my woman

I’ll sleep when I’m dead!

Ghost Rider
06-13-2018, 03:48 AM
Startin to sound like my woman

I’ll sleep when I’m dead!

Well, it's almost 4am and I'm still working...what does that tell you? lol

06-13-2018, 06:28 AM
Well, it's almost 4am and I'm still working...what does that tell you? lol

That you’re a mad man

06-13-2018, 07:32 AM
Well, it's almost 4am and I'm still working...what does that tell you? lol

You got up at 3:45. ;)

06-13-2018, 07:37 AM
Happy Birthday!


06-13-2018, 07:46 AM
Wouldn't you just identify the role as "critical" for onsite requirement versus non-critical for remote? (ie. they are actually handling products, production, F2F customer interaction, etc)

yes, the role description is the easy part and we're changing it as well but this is the kind of place where someone can cry about it and ruin it for everyone else. My response is to simply work hard and change your career and quit your job if you don't want to deal with people in an office, someone else will take your spot. But I can't be so harsh, I don't know how to say it in such a way that won't produce friction. If it was up to me 100% I'd do more of a shift work for that team so they have 4 day work weeks and we have "off hour" support for the organization. They can't telecommute but I don't see why we can't find a way to give them a 3 day weekend, but it always gets complicated, if you have to pick up your kid from daycare or something, working until 6, 4 days a week won't be very good for you.

06-13-2018, 08:00 AM
Anyone that goes slower than me on the highway is an idiot, anyone who goes faster is an asshole...just saying!!

06-13-2018, 10:10 AM
Man, I hate people sometimes. meh

06-13-2018, 12:49 PM
Anyone that goes slower than me on the highway is an idiot, anyone who goes faster is an asshole...just saying!!

YES! I think it's because we either take things personally when in reality people don't even see a car as "someone driving", they see an inanimate object. Driving is odd.

06-14-2018, 07:20 AM
I hate this ADD... I'm seriously debating ridding the nice stock GT seats for some corbeau's up front and reupholstered rear to match... fabric this time since leather or vinyl in a black car with no AC... let's just say I'm tired of my crack filling up with back sweat LMAO

06-14-2018, 12:45 PM
If your Organization has an Excess / Averaging of Hours agreement in place, a 4 day work week would work...

yes, the role description is the easy part and we're changing it as well but this is the kind of place where someone can cry about it and ruin it for everyone else. My response is to simply work hard and change your career and quit your job if you don't want to deal with people in an office, someone else will take your spot. But I can't be so harsh, I don't know how to say it in such a way that won't produce friction. If it was up to me 100% I'd do more of a shift work for that team so they have 4 day work weeks and we have "off hour" support for the organization. They can't telecommute but I don't see why we can't find a way to give them a 3 day weekend, but it always gets complicated, if you have to pick up your kid from daycare or something, working until 6, 4 days a week won't be very good for you.

06-14-2018, 03:45 PM
There have been talks of 10 hour work days and Fridays off at my gig... I would do it but too many people don’t want it, usually the married guys.. hmm.

Long weekend every week? Sign me up

06-14-2018, 06:19 PM
I’d do it in a heart beat... married to

06-14-2018, 06:21 PM
There have been talks of 10 hour work days and Fridays off at my gig... I would do it but too many people don’t want it, usually the married guys.. hmm.

Long weekend every week? Sign me up

wait, what?! I work 10 hours days including on Fridays, lol

06-14-2018, 06:42 PM
front landscaping project to replace the storm-damaged stuff scheduled for this coming Wednesday (the 20th)

new garage door and lift scheduled to go in Friday the 22nd

hounding my door and window guy to get the other garage stuff done the following week so we can roll the Morgan in for July

seems odd not having a hotrod in the garage

06-14-2018, 07:16 PM
I’d do it in a heart beat... married to

I'd do it too. Perfect way to have a day to get stuff done while the house is empty/stuff is open.

06-14-2018, 10:29 PM
Had a guy in shorts and a tank top pass me on an old, rough looking sport type bike on Hwy 10 in Caledon this evening. I was doing about 90km/h. I'm guessing he was doing about 180km/h. I wonder if karma will visit him soon.

06-15-2018, 12:15 AM
Wanted to give a big thanks to Frank for helping me tonight and for letting me keep him working until nearly 11.
I needed to install 2 rear o2s sensors (middle of the car) and my jack won't let me get the front high enough to get back that far.
Frank invited me over to use his lift, and we soon found out the wires were too short.
While extending the wires he changed the front two sensors, figured out how to secure the wiring and made everything look much nicer then in sure I would have.
Car drove great back home, light stayed off and should be good for the e-test Sat. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180615/7442a3388372283eec21e91532f42c3f.jpg

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

06-15-2018, 07:47 AM
I'd do it too. Perfect way to have a day to get stuff done while the house is empty/stuff is open.

Those days are key. I was an instructor during a recent recruit class at work, 5 days a week, for six weeks. I couldn’t get anything done. I’ll would have loved 4 10 hour days. Back on shift now and have tons of time to do stuff[emoji6][emoji41]

06-15-2018, 08:08 AM
I need to go home and sleep.

06-15-2018, 08:17 AM
I'm usually at the office at 6:30am, I work fast so I pretty much finish what I need to by 10am and the rest of the day is pretty much just hanging out and doing nothing... well I'm taking my PMP courses and then CBAP designation exam prep too (finished those courses)... I do a lot of reading on leadership and psychology here too and the rants online LMAO...

I wish companies encouraged people who work well... Instead we have to hide our efficiency. I just let enough of it out to make myself look good. Before getting into leadership, I was working maybe 10 hours a week as I automated or streamlined a lot of processes and my reviews were always around 95% despite being a major slacker. In the past, I used to share all my findings and all it did was punish me. I remember making a software that automated campaign building for marketing. It saved me about 10 hours per campaign. What happened? My boss had me doing 5x the work my role would normally do. My salary stayed the same and he got promoted because "so much output from a small team"... Fuck that noise, I learnt my lesson.

But I go against the grain in an office where the average age seems to be in the 60's... I unplugged my office phone and changed the voicemail to "don't leave a message, please email or txt [cell phone]"... I'm trying to convince the company to turn off all voicemails, it's stupid and eventually no more emails between staff unless absolutely necessary, start changing behavior to use chat and chatbots. My team is using Slack.com to communicate although I'm moving towards o365 Groups/Teams for that and removing some software we use to track time as we're a cost recovery department. I calculated we will save about 5 hours of total employee time per day using an "exception rule" which automates about 95% of the billing and this causes less friction for the day-to-day operations for employees.

06-15-2018, 09:22 AM
We were promised 3 day work weeks with the invention of the computer lol I think they said the same about the type-writer and now they're saying the same with AI... lol

06-15-2018, 09:32 AM
That would all depend on the industry. Computers increased the work for appliance repair techs tenfold. Lol

06-15-2018, 09:51 AM
Glad I'm not a phone booth repair man... I wonder why they didn't replace those with charging stations instead...

06-15-2018, 01:52 PM
I need to go home and sleep.Me too

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

06-15-2018, 02:29 PM
office is empty!!!! WTF... is soccer that good? lol

06-15-2018, 03:51 PM
Me too

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

You can sleep when you’re dead.

06-15-2018, 04:48 PM
Death threats to US embassy now... we’re better than that

06-15-2018, 04:53 PM
office is empty!!!! WTF... is soccer that good? lol

Fuckin right it is

I’m content with Portugal’s draw today.. Ronaldo steps in to save the day. The team played well, young group of guys meshing together pretty well.

Ronaldo = The GOAT

06-15-2018, 05:29 PM
Our office was empty too. I don’t get it. I honestly do not see the attraction.

06-15-2018, 05:30 PM
My staff setup a TV in the office and they watched the game lol

06-15-2018, 05:42 PM
It’s kinda like me not getting a hard on for the leafs every year. Everyone’s got their thing.

06-15-2018, 06:56 PM
I watched part of a game during my lunch. There was more diving than the springboard competition in the Olympics. And if Holywood needs actors, look no further than the World Cup of Soccer.

06-15-2018, 06:58 PM
I watched part of a game during my lunch. There was more diving than the springboard competition in the Olympics. And if Holywood needs actors, look no further than the World Cup of Soccer.

That’s just soccer in general.. players are trained to draw fouls. I see the same in North American sports.. not as dramatic though.

Don’t mustang guys have excuses when their car don’t work? *shrug*

06-15-2018, 08:32 PM
Fuckin right it is

I’m content with Portugal’s draw today.. Ronaldo steps in to save the day. The team played well, young group of guys meshing together pretty well.

Ronaldo = The GOAT

My buddy said the same thing about Ronaldo, I reminded him of Pele.

06-15-2018, 08:58 PM
There was soccer on today...? Oh well, went golfing instead. Was a good walk ruined by golf...[emoji849]🤦

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06-16-2018, 06:57 AM

06-16-2018, 03:26 PM
Wicked opening morning on Buckhorn.. the boys are taking a power nap and I’m just chillin. Would be sweet if the fox was here.. great roads up this way. Back out there in a couple of hours.


06-16-2018, 08:22 PM
Got tired of wedging drinks beside the ebrake handlehttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180617/0110d4c425d4cd99a9a66a8c25bbdcd7.jpg

06-16-2018, 09:02 PM
Nice addition.

06-17-2018, 11:27 AM
Went for a morning cruise. Top down, a/c on, cooled seat on. Siriusly Sinatra on the radio.

I've loved all the Mustangs I've owned but this one... It's pretty much perfect.

It's a warm one out there already so if you're heading out for extended periods, take some water and use sunscreen.

06-17-2018, 12:27 PM
x2 on the heat. Just came bact from a short walk with the dog and it’s toasty out there.

06-17-2018, 10:31 PM
LOL! I guess Fox has the inside scoop. Would have posted in Pics and Vids forum but there's a few expired links out there.

“Fox and Friends” co-host Abby Huntsman is under fire after she referred to the highly anticipated summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a meeting of “two dictators.”

06-18-2018, 07:03 AM
If your out and about today, keep a bottle of water by your side n keep chugging it back. If your pets outside, be sure they have shade and lots n lots n lots of water.

06-18-2018, 07:05 AM
Need more sleep. That is all. Coffee is failing to co-operate today.

06-18-2018, 07:11 AM
I’m so hungover this morning.. I think I will stop drinking and stick to weed...

06-18-2018, 10:33 AM
Great day down at Niagara Falls and Niagara-on-the-Lake yesterday as an anniversary day out (was actually last week but figured we'd get out for the day on the weekend) - yes it was hot but we spent a little time at the Falls (was cool in the mist) then made a beeline for NOTL. Had a great lunch at Ravine Vineyard who has a nice patio overlooking the rows of grapevines. If anyone is looking for a great spot for lunch/dinner when out on a day trip this works - food was good, wine was good (since it was hot we needed a cooled drink so opted for their chilled 2017 Cabernet Rose and 2017 Gewürztraminer wines; already had a bottle of the Gewürz at home since it is tasty but the newly released Cab Rose surprised us - went nicely with my burger, and left with a bottle for the wine cellar).

Their patio is also pet-friendly as well so you can sit out on the patio outside edge with your dog if they're along for the day-trip with you.


06-18-2018, 09:36 PM
Did a favour for a coworker and took his new hire employee out for lunch and she’s an open mouth chewer... just nasty. I have mesophona (sp?) so that sound drives me nuts.

06-18-2018, 09:40 PM
New Tee shirt perhaps??


06-18-2018, 09:53 PM
Still thinking about one of these bad boys, anyone here riding one?
This one is an '06 Special Edition with 10,000kms on it. Love the color combo, almost bought same edition in gold at the bike show a few years back.


06-18-2018, 10:08 PM
Still thinking about one of these bad boys, anyone here riding one?
This one is an '06 Special Edition with 10,000kms on it. Love the color combo, almost bought same edition in gold at the bike show a few years back.


Nice- but I thought maybe a cruiser to save your back lol

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06-18-2018, 10:24 PM
Backs fawked anyways plus that'll get me there faster. ;)

06-18-2018, 10:54 PM
Do eeeit! Only live once.

06-19-2018, 06:32 AM
Misophonia is what you are looking for I believe.
Did a favour for a coworker and took his new hire employee out for lunch and she’s an open mouth chewer... just nasty. I have mesophona (sp?) so that sound drives me nuts.

- - - Updated - - -

We can always strap a rocket on your back :)

Backs fawked anyways plus that'll get me there faster. ;)

06-19-2018, 06:38 AM

Yay got the grout done last night, bathroom is almost done! Last piece will be the mud room. It took a year pretty much but I touched every square inch which is around 4500sqft (including basement) of this stupid house. I have to admit, I'm tired of this - I just want to work on the Cobra and relax. All this shit with a hydrocele issue which is painful as fak!

Then in 5 to 10 years once the market is better, we sell this place and move into a small house on a big land in the middle of nowhere in cash and just eat off the land and say F-U to society. lol

06-19-2018, 11:05 AM
I have so many questions about how all this came to be:


06-19-2018, 02:19 PM
I have so many questions about how all this came to be:


Whaddya mean? Looks like a great truck for a roofing company......they shoulda come with a blower from the factory

06-19-2018, 02:22 PM
I may join the new space force Trump is starting up...

06-19-2018, 02:39 PM
Whaddya mean? Looks like a great truck for a roofing company......they shoulda come with a blower from the factory

Planning on seeing what it goes for tmra. But seriously who buys a Raptor as a work truck, then supercharges it, then beats the ever loving shit out of it, then sells/trades it sans headrests.

06-19-2018, 03:00 PM
I may join the new space force Trump is starting up...
30 years late

06-19-2018, 03:10 PM

06-19-2018, 04:27 PM
Bullitt Package is just over $7000 more to the price of a GT Premium on the US configurator.


06-19-2018, 04:34 PM
Bullitt Package is just over $7000 more to the price of a GT Premium on the US configurator.


So about $10k.. no thanks