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05-21-2017, 07:31 PM
No shit. Props to anyone in the field. I can barely hold my colon together entering a corner at 120 mph let alone 230...

pretty sure I saw Dixon hit 238mph during his lap

they're creeping up to the psychotic speeds of the past.... Arie's lap was 237 and change back in the day.....Dixon was 232 today

05-21-2017, 09:46 PM
Found the owner?

She looks like the meme husky.


LOL, I should have taken more pics then.

Yes, so glad there was a phone number on her name tag. Her family got home about 11:30pm last night and called after they got my message. They headed right over to get her - said she must have jumped the fence because they didn't know how she got out. They're lucky because she had a few close calls with cars while I was trying to coax her into the car or knocking on doors to see if anyone on the stretch of unlit road knew her. I think one Porsche driver had to change his underwear after she darted across the road in front of him.

05-22-2017, 12:24 AM
Fuck what a weekend. The highlight and only down time I've had in two days has been going for dinner with ghost rider his mum and Lisa.

Worked yesterday today did four quotes from mt Albert, stouffville, Durham region then back to Markham then home. All while getting wetter and colder as day went on. Glad to have work and quotes coming in just hope they pay off. Days like this I really wish I was with a big company and with a union so I'd have weekends off or be getting paid crazy pricing for working weekends.

Now back to work tomorrow to finish off the "long weekend".

05-22-2017, 09:32 AM
^^^you should unionize!

05-22-2017, 12:00 PM
Spent 6 hours Friday, 8 hours Saturday and 9 hours on Sunday but finaly got all the tile layed at the store.

In about 20 min the boat will be in the water and I'll be MIA for the rest of the afternoon

05-22-2017, 12:21 PM
Spent 6 hours Friday, 8 hours Saturday and 9 hours on Sunday but finaly got all the tile layed at the store.

In about 20 min the boat will be in the water and I'll be MIA for the rest of the afternoon

Calling for some high winds.. what waters?

05-22-2017, 02:05 PM
^^^i'm guessing a little lake called 'Huron', LOL. Should be fine

05-22-2017, 02:54 PM
Spent 6 hours Friday, 8 hours Saturday and 9 hours on Sunday but finaly got all the tile layed at the store.

In about 20 min the boat will be in the water and I'll be MIA for the rest of the afternoon

How bad are your legs hurting?

05-22-2017, 05:12 PM
Have to remember to tell myself not to drive the car when I'm already stressed the hell out....

05-22-2017, 05:15 PM
^ Just told myself the same thing.

05-22-2017, 05:16 PM
............only because the car suffered for it.

05-22-2017, 05:25 PM
Have to remember to tell myself not to drive the car when I'm already stressed the hell out....

My car is still in the shop, lol. Pesky engine check light.

05-22-2017, 05:25 PM
Ya maybe same thing here. Was doing some drywall in basement. Just getting frustrated because one of those days where nothing goes right, pieces not fitting, lift being a bitch, can't find tools.

Finally after a piece randomly snapped on half on the lift and nearly took my head off I said fuck this. Hopped on car to go to a buddies and the thing is running pig rich, 11.0 with any throttle let off gas and it pegs afr rich. Popped both right and left bank rich codes which reaaaaaaaally got my anger going because it was finally ready for an etest. Turned around home, for some reason thought I'd reload the tune with the WOT fuelling backed down to 0 as I had it at +2. Forgetting this reset my keep alive memory so now I have a car that's dumping fuel and doesn't want to idle down. Fuck

05-22-2017, 05:33 PM
Sorry to hear.

05-22-2017, 05:39 PM
Thanks. Hope your ride is alright as well

05-22-2017, 05:40 PM
Tires worse for wear but it survived.

05-22-2017, 05:41 PM
You check fuel reg diaphram hasn't popped or maybe just seeping?

05-22-2017, 05:46 PM
Chasing down problems on one that won't etest, so far found, air temp sensor reading -40 (bad connector pin), MAF was causing intermittent lean (replaced), plus MAF block off plate on the CAI was mfg installed backwards leaving a 1/8" air gap. Got it down to one soft / no hard codes but needs more driving to see if it'll go ready before eng light flashes.

05-22-2017, 05:50 PM
"^^^i'm guessing a little lake called 'Huron', LOL. Should be fine"

Naw just a little 12f aluminum. We hit up Fanshawe for the afternoon. Didn't catch a thing but don't really car as it was a nice relaxing day with a buddy so all good

05-22-2017, 05:52 PM
How bad are your legs hurting?

I found muscles I don't know I had lol.

05-22-2017, 05:56 PM

05-22-2017, 05:58 PM
Chasing down problems on one that won't etest, so far found, air temp sensor reading -40 (bad connector pin), MAF was causing intermittent lean (replaced), plus MAF block off plate on the CAI was mfg installed backwards leaving a 1/8" air gap. Got it down to one soft / no hard codes but needs more driving to see if it'll go ready before eng light flashes.

When can I ship mine to you?

- - - Updated - - -

You check fuel reg diaphram hasn't popped or maybe just seeping?

I pulled the vac line off it, don't see any fuel coming out of it tho, pressure at rail seems high but it is hot out.

05-22-2017, 07:26 PM
Did you check actual fuel pressure?

05-22-2017, 10:24 PM
Yes sir. Was 50psi at rail idling when it was boiling hot under hood. Let it cool it was idling around 33psi. Did some data logging looks like my pump is putting out too much pressure, cars trying to pull the 25% maximum fuel out at cruising.

05-22-2017, 10:27 PM
FPDM not idling the pumps back or running return?

05-22-2017, 10:27 PM
Hot or not, should not be that high.

05-22-2017, 10:28 PM
OR running boost a pump?

05-22-2017, 10:57 PM
Not sure on FPDM idling. Running factory returnless setup with a 340lph pump. No BAP

05-22-2017, 11:15 PM
I have a datalog of following

Time (sec) fp_duty_cycle fuel_rail_pr_psi idle_spd_valve load maf_counts short_term_b1 short_term_b2

05-23-2017, 07:11 AM
All long weekend was spent eating out for dinner with family and friends to celebrate my lovey wife's birthday! Happy Birthday to my wonderful wife. No more big meals. Gained 5 pounds at least this weekend!

05-23-2017, 07:17 AM
Happy Birthday Mrs Scrape.

05-23-2017, 07:29 AM
Thank you kind sir.
Happy Birthday Mrs Scrape.

05-23-2017, 08:23 PM
On the phone with bell because my phone stopped responding to touch. It was getting wonky the past month or so, but the past few days it has been awful. Even did a full factory reset and with no apps installed was still wonky. The tech support person was actually really helpful, now I'm on hold waiting for loyalty. This is where the fun normally starts.

05-24-2017, 09:06 AM
phones were less complicated when they were attached to the wall.

05-24-2017, 10:46 AM
Customer comes in for a microwave. One he wants only one we have is the display model. Tell him we will have to order supplier is showing eta of two weeks or he can have the display model it's brand new only been sitting on the shelf a week. No thanks wants to order one. He is fine with waiting 2 weeks. We assure him that if it comes sooner we will call him as soon as it arrives.
Supplier and tshipping co are having issues. Push the order back. We call the customer apologies offer the display model again. Says he will come in. He shows up mad, horrible that he has had to wait 2 weeks for a microwave. We apologize offer the display again. Knock money off ect ect. Nope just give me my money back. So we give him a full refund.

20 mins later he blows up our social media feeds with bad reviews. How we lied to him and mistreated him. Not only for our sales business but also for the service business even though we have never done any service for him. It's people like this that just make me want to close the doors and walk away.

05-24-2017, 10:59 AM
Customer comes in for a microwave. One he wants only one we have is the display model. Tell him we will have to order supplier is showing eta of two weeks or he can have the display model it's brand new only been sitting on the shelf a week. No thanks wants to order one. He is fine with waiting 2 weeks. We assure him that if it comes sooner we will call him as soon as it arrives.
Supplier and tshipping co are having issues. Push the order back. We call the customer apologies offer the display model again. Says he will come in. He shows up mad, horrible that he has had to wait 2 weeks for a microwave. We apologize offer the display again. Knock money off ect ect. Nope just give me my money back. So we give him a full refund.

20 mins later he blows up our social media feeds with bad reviews. How we lied to him and mistreated him. Not only for our sales business but also for the service business even though we have never done any service for him. It's people like this that just make me want to close the doors and walk away.

the shipping company wouldn't be same day shipping would it?

I hear ya, with dealing with the public, its not easy!

05-24-2017, 11:13 AM
No it's a major trucking company. But "they get busy" and then push back someone the runs.

Add to that there is some huge lack of communication between my supplier and the shipping company. We are we up as free shipping on orders of more than 6 peices
We make two orders one with 8 and one with 4 there are suppose to combine them so we can make daily orders but then they topically only ship once or twice a week depending on volume. But instead of combining he order as they should the hold the 4 pending 6 shippable the. Ship the order of 8.

At one point we had 15 peices pending and the truck showed up with one thing on it.
When I do get a shipment it's pretty much a guarantee that at least one itemwill be damaged.

Have tried to get the supplier to change companies but they won't.

And the only one it's hurting is us on the front line. I've had so many canceled orders lately due to shipping issues.

05-24-2017, 11:38 AM
No it's a major trucking company. But "they get busy" and then push back someone the runs.

Add to that there is some huge lack of communication between my supplier and the shipping company. We are we up as free shipping on orders of more than 6 peices
We make two orders one with 8 and one with 4 there are suppose to combine them so we can make daily orders but then they topically only ship once or twice a week depending on volume. But instead of combining he order as they should the hold the 4 pending 6 shippable the. Ship the order of 8.

At one point we had 15 peices pending and the truck showed up with one thing on it.
When I do get a shipment it's pretty much a guarantee that at least one itemwill be damaged.

Have tried to get the supplier to change companies but they won't.

And the only one it's hurting is us on the front line. I've had so many canceled orders lately due to shipping issues.

Hurts losing sales because of someone else down the line, hard enough getting people in the door spending mola.

Best of luck man!

05-24-2017, 11:48 AM
Never understood people's obsession with "new in box". I'd rather have the display model now at a discount.

05-24-2017, 04:34 PM
Never understood people's obsession with "new in box". I'd rather have the display model now at a discount.

I can see in big busy stores everything getting beat on. But our small town place inthing the only person to touch the microwave since we put it out was his own wife whe she came in looking for one. Sorry for the delay please take this one at 5% off. Brand new out of the box still has full warranty.

No thanks I'd rather trash your reputation instead. Bah.
Just gets me in a funk and ruins the day.

05-24-2017, 09:17 PM
Yep, customers can be fun. It isn't the 90% of people that cause any issue, it is that small number who make anyone who deals with the public go crazy. I also work in a small enough town that you run into a fair number of people around and realize that it isn't you, they are just assholes.

I have to say working at the front desk and dealing with customers has made me far nicer to every cashier and retail worker I encounter.

05-25-2017, 06:39 AM
For some, being a complete and utter asshole to peeps in retail, done it so many times they figure it's the way it's suppose to be. However, having peeps working the counter or preparing food in say a "coffee shop" who have no real knowledge of how Canadian food is normally prepared / served here n putting let's say honey mustard on a BLT is a sure fire way to make someone nutz when they bite in. Old Marge working in the small town version of the same knows full well it's likely a mistake on the order takers behalf n would question first. Where the fire is sure to spark, when normally polite customer A goes back in for them to remake only to be told by someone barely able to communicate, "swir, dhatz how yu urdered at". It's become a drive through, fast food joke how many unqualified peeps are on the front lines working in positions where good communication skills should be a must. Not picking on anyone from anywhere, don't care if your green, purple or blue n have six heads, if you can do the job, have at it.

On the flip side, even when being reasonable, all too often takes pushing way harder vs what it should for a mfg / vendor to do the right thing. No not the customer version of the right thing, the real right thing.
Yet another part of our lives where common sense by parties on both sides of the counter would see all of our lives run just that much smoooooooooooooother.

05-25-2017, 07:33 AM
For some, being a complete and utter asshole to peeps in retail, done it so many times they figure it's the way it's suppose to be. However, having peeps working the counter or preparing food in say a "coffee shop" who have no real knowledge of how Canadian food is normally prepared / served here n putting let's say honey mustard on a BLT is a sure fire way to make someone nutz when they bite in. Old Marge working in the small town version of the same knows full well it's likely a mistake on the order takers behalf n would question first. Where the fire is sure to spark, when normally polite customer A goes back in for them to remake only to be told by someone barely able to communicate, "swir, dhatz how yu urdered at". It's become a drive through, fast food joke how many unqualified peeps are on the front lines working in positions where good communication skills should be a must. Not picking on anyone from anywhere, don't care if your green, purple or blue n have six heads, if you can do the job, have at it.

On the flip side, even when being reasonable, all too often takes pushing way harder vs what it should for a mfg / vendor to do the right thing. No not the customer version of the right thing, the real right thing.
Yet another part of our lives where common sense by parties on both sides of the counter would see all of our lives run just that much smoooooooooooooother.

Your not wrong. Went to Wendys the other day. Asked for a burger no cheese. Only bacon ketchup and mustard. Took three tries to get it right. Didn't need to yell or stomp my feet once. Just took some patience tomexplane I don't like onions and can't eat cheese.

But some days I don't even know what customers want.
GE has had a defect with some of their new washers. They caught it fairly early but it ended up spanning a larger number than they originally thought.
Warranty policy is repair vs replace but once WE realized how big the problem was we pulled the units from the floor and pushed for replacement for people who were having the issue. When that looked like it was gonna be a fight we replaced all the washers we had sold of the that series out of our own pocket with a different make and model. I still have not been reimbursed for them all and what thanks do I get from the customers?
Bad reviews that call us horrible people, say we purposefully sold defective units, say we lied to people. Just a whole bunch of untrue stuff.

You get most customers that are frustrated and rightly so but also under standing that we are doing everything we can and then grateful when we paused to replace. One sweet old lady even offered to pay again for the new one ( I wouldn't here of it)

But then that other handful is just pissed that they have been inconvenienced. And set out on a war path to cause as much harm to your reputation as they can.

Even when you replace. Then they want money back but still want to keep the washer. It's come to a patient were people thing that Andy time they are inconvienced a business should print out the check book and pay.

05-25-2017, 07:36 AM
All I can do to control myself when standing in line n hearing what comes out of some peeps mouths.

05-25-2017, 08:31 AM
Your not wrong. Went to Wendys the other day. Asked for a burger no cheese. Only bacon ketchup and mustard. Took three tries to get it right. Didn't need to yell or stomp my feet once. Just took some patience tomexplane I don't like onions and can't eat cheese.
What's with Wendy's? Last time I was in there EVERY burger had cheese on it. Even just the plain burger ....had cheese on it.

05-25-2017, 09:16 AM
What's with Wendy's? Last time I was in there EVERY burger had cheese on it. Even just the plain burger ....had cheese on it.

Maybe they hired Oprah as their cheese placer. "Cheese for you and cheese for you. EVERYBODY GETS CHEESE!

05-25-2017, 12:54 PM
What's with Wendy's? Last time I was in there EVERY burger had cheese on it. Even just the plain burger ....had cheese on it.

Because a burger without cheese just aint a burger :)

Extra cheese for me please.

05-25-2017, 02:30 PM
What's with Wendy's? Last time I was in there EVERY burger had cheese on it. Even just the plain burger ....had cheese on it.

Dairy mafia conspiracy?

05-25-2017, 02:38 PM
Your not wrong. Went to Wendys the other day. Asked for a burger no cheese. Only bacon ketchup and mustard. Took three tries to get it right. Didn't need to yell or stomp my feet once. Just took some patience tomexplane I don't like onions and can't eat cheese.

But some days I don't even know what customers want.
GE has had a defect with some of their new washers. They caught it fairly early but it ended up spanning a larger number than they originally thought.
Warranty policy is repair vs replace but once WE realized how big the problem was we pulled the units from the floor and pushed for replacement for people who were having the issue. When that looked like it was gonna be a fight we replaced all the washers we had sold of the that series out of our own pocket with a different make and model. I still have not been reimbursed for them all and what thanks do I get from the customers?
Bad reviews that call us horrible people, say we purposefully sold defective units, say we lied to people. Just a whole bunch of untrue stuff.

You get most customers that are frustrated and rightly so but also under standing that we are doing everything we can and then grateful when we paused to replace. One sweet old lady even offered to pay again for the new one ( I wouldn't here of it)

But then that other handful is just pissed that they have been inconvenienced. And set out on a war path to cause as much harm to your reputation as they can.

Even when you replace. Then they want money back but still want to keep the washer. It's come to a patient were people thing that Andy time they are inconvienced a business should print out the check book and pay.

No reason for anyone to be a dick to folks on the front line - it's almost always management's fault (ie. bad hire, poor training, bad P&P's, bad process, etc).

Sounds like a messed up scenario where you try to do the right thing and still get dinged for it - do you think there could be a communication issue?

05-25-2017, 05:06 PM
In the washer case it was a huge fault with a part in the controls that covers an entire build series and it happened at the same time GE had that fire in their building. (A building that had the only backup for all their service and sales networking programs) so something that would have normally been a smaller inconvenience turned into a big problem

Most manufactures will not authorize replacement if the product can be fixed. But the system being down for a month ment all service communication had to be routed threw Mexico. Enter language barrier.

I totally understand the customers frustration and we were totally up front with all of the. About what happened and what was going on with GE. But when it was obvious that it wasn't an easy fix we finally swapped them by ourselves with another manufacture.
So it's been a fight getting my money back because even if you get authorization for an exchange it's usually an exchange for the same product. Since they were all having issues. We didn't wait for that
Ultimately swapping out what 40 units ranging in price from 600 to 900 each out of my own pocket to help out customers for something I had no control over and then having some of them trash me for it is just frustrating and disheartening.
Especially when some of the reviews attack us directly or out right lie. I was fixing old machines at my cost and offering them as loaners untill we could get replacements. To have people say no thanks to a loaner then wright a review saying we offered on help and left them without a washer for a month is just crap

Either way. I'm just venting

05-25-2017, 06:27 PM
In the washer case it was a huge fault with a part in the controls that covers an entire build series and it happened at the same time GE had that fire in their building. (A building that had the only backup for all their service and sales networking programs) so something that would have normally been a smaller inconvenience turned into a big problem

Most manufactures will not authorize replacement if the product can be fixed. But the system being down for a month ment all service communication had to be routed threw Mexico. Enter language barrier.

I totally understand the customers frustration and we were totally up front with all of the. About what happened and what was going on with GE. But when it was obvious that it wasn't an easy fix we finally swapped them by ourselves with another manufacture.
So it's been a fight getting my money back because even if you get authorization for an exchange it's usually an exchange for the same product. Since they were all having issues. We didn't wait for that
Ultimately swapping out what 40 units ranging in price from 600 to 900 each out of my own pocket to help out customers for something I had no control over and then having some of them trash me for it is just frustrating and disheartening.
Especially when some of the reviews attack us directly or out right lie. I was fixing old machines at my cost and offering them as loaners untill we could get replacements. To have people say no thanks to a loaner then wright a review saying we offered on help and left them without a washer for a month is just crap

Either way. I'm just venting

Sounds like a screwed up position to be in when you're just doing your best to help in a bad situation not of your doing.

05-25-2017, 06:59 PM

I guess selling water doesn't pay the bills :)

05-25-2017, 10:00 PM
A shame.

05-26-2017, 08:44 AM
biggest race day of the year coming up this Sunday folks

Monaco in the morning
Indy 500 in the afternoon
Coca Cola 600 in the evening

05-26-2017, 02:19 PM
My car is still in the shop, lol. Pesky engine check light.

Fixed. Crank Sensor.

05-26-2017, 03:42 PM
Pesky engine check light.
pet peeve: could there be anything more vague than a "check engine" light?
Check what? There are hundreds of different parts and components.

And now the check engine light comes on for stuff that isn't even engine related!
Went to move my wife's car last weekend. Check engine light came on. Oh shit! I turn it off, go inside, ask my wife: "Did you know your check engine light is on?". "Oh yeah, it's almost out of gas. It comes on after a while of driving with the low fuel light on." :facepalm:

05-26-2017, 03:44 PM
Kicker to that, can't etest with a check engine light on.

05-26-2017, 04:02 PM
^^^LOL, so if the car is out of gas, it will fail an e-test?

05-26-2017, 04:15 PM
It gets better... Initially checked the code on my OBDII scanner... P0300... Random Misfire. Doesn't get too much more vague than 'random', lol.

05-26-2017, 04:18 PM
It gets better... Initially checked the code on my OBDII scanner... P0300... Random Misfire. Doesn't get too much more vague than 'random', lol.

Actually it's more specific than you think. P0300 indicates the misfire is occurring over a series of cylinders and not located to any one bank. Which often eliminates the common culprits like individual coils, plus, injectors and signifies an issue with a system or part that controls the A/F/S for a bank or the entire motor, such as a crank position sensor.

05-26-2017, 04:19 PM
pet peeve: could there be anything more vague than a "check engine" light?
Check what? There are hundreds of different parts and components.

And now the check engine light comes on for stuff that isn't even engine related!
Went to move my wife's car last weekend. Check engine light came on. Oh shit! I turn it off, go inside, ask my wife: "Did you know your check engine light is on?". "Oh yeah, it's almost out of gas. It comes on after a while of driving with the low fuel light on." :facepalm:

Maybe means "check if engine is still running (if out of gas)"

05-26-2017, 04:39 PM
^^^it's a possibility. It has auto-start-stop.

05-26-2017, 04:40 PM
Actually it's more specific than you think.
still sounds like an oxymoron.

05-26-2017, 04:50 PM
Actually it's more specific than you think. P0300 indicates the misfire is occurring over a series of cylinders and not located to any one bank. Which often eliminates the common culprits like individual coils, plus, injectors and signifies an issue with a system or part that controls the A/F/S for a bank or the entire motor, such as a crank position sensor.

Well, when they got it they got P0300 and additionally, P0316 (misfire on start-up). They ended up checking the compression on all cylinders, fuel pressure, ignition coil test. After that they called Ford Tech and then followed their instructions and swapped injectors between 3 and 7 to see if worse misfires followed injector, removed the intake manifold to check runner control valves...

Half way thru that process I was into see them and told them that I had found a lot of research on the forums suggesting a crank sensor issue. So after following some more of Ford Tech's instructions, they went ahead and investigated the crank sensor more and found an erratic wave form. They went ahead and ordered a crank sensor and lo and behold... Fixed. Apparently Ford Tech was advised of this and it's recorded so if other situations arise similar to mine, they will be able to use it as a resource.

I personally think it's amazing that my dealership engaged in a dialogue with me and seriously considered my input to the point of ordering a new crank sensor even tho Ford Tech wasn't at that point yet. I'm quite sure it got me my car much quicker too!

05-26-2017, 06:11 PM
fully charged optima battery - check

pristine hot rod covered up in the garage - check

half decent forecast tomorrow - check

it's time to light up the big shiny bitch

05-26-2017, 07:30 PM
Near the end of the longest 4 day week ever I finally go to get something to eat at near 2pm walk out to my car to see the asshole in the Volvo beside me parked about Y" from my door requiring me to climb in through the passenger side.
I actually went through the effort to leave a note I was so pissed off.
Glad it's the weekend now though!

Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk

05-27-2017, 07:39 AM
So pissed that I have to wait possibly another 2 weeks due to a screw up from JRP for my rims. I ordered 20X9.5 et 25 front and 20X10.5 et 45 rear. What I got was 20X9 et 32 front and 20X10.5 et 45 rear. By the time I get my tires mounted up it will be half way through summer. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

05-27-2017, 07:41 AM
Monaco qualifying starts in about 20 minutes folks

like riding a bike in your living room

05-27-2017, 09:03 AM
Kimi on pole in Monaco

incredible....9 years since his last pole

05-27-2017, 11:52 AM

the big shiny bitch is alive again

only took her for a short ripp....but man that thing can haul ass

22,xxx kms on the clock....still brand freakin new to boot

05-27-2017, 12:49 PM
Some people.
Big town wide yard sale sonhad the truck we are selling siddingnat the edge of the yard with a for sale sign. I run in quick to take a leak. Gone out some pricknis siding new n the front seat looking at it. Cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth. Now the truck I'm trying to sell that I just cleaned out yesterday stinks like a fucking ash tray.

05-27-2017, 02:02 PM
Do you not have auto correct? Sorry, but that made my brain hurt trying to read it.
....or you are really drunk! ;)

05-27-2017, 02:34 PM
I have auto correct but it's useless. I have a bad habit of not proof reading before I hit that post button.
My biggest issue seems to be hitting the n or b button instead of the space. Autocorrect just can't figure it out

05-27-2017, 04:00 PM

05-27-2017, 04:01 PM
Just sayin. :)

05-27-2017, 10:10 PM
My son got the best first year cadet award today at their annual review.



Super proud of him. He's a lot more committed than I was at his age.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-27-2017, 10:41 PM
Awesome stuff!

05-28-2017, 06:51 AM
Extremely cool to see.

05-28-2017, 06:52 AM

05-28-2017, 06:52 AM

05-28-2017, 06:53 AM

05-28-2017, 06:53 AM

05-28-2017, 06:54 AM

05-28-2017, 06:55 AM
For the Dad's in training.


05-28-2017, 06:55 AM

05-28-2017, 06:56 AM

05-28-2017, 06:56 AM

05-28-2017, 06:57 AM

05-28-2017, 06:58 AM

05-28-2017, 06:59 AM

05-28-2017, 08:29 AM
Morning cruise... Well, I don't mind if I do!

05-28-2017, 04:27 PM
Watched the follow the leader Monaco Grand Prix. Feel bad for Kimi. F1 is dull. Didn't watch the Indy 500 with open wheel cars that aren't open wheel. Not going to watch the Nascar race either. They are already too long and boring, adding an extra 100 miles doesn't seem to make them any shorter either.

fast Ed
05-28-2017, 04:54 PM
Indy 500 was pretty good this year, I watched most of it. Some good action this year, and unfortunately a few scary crashes too but the drivers were OK.

05-28-2017, 06:35 PM
Made some progress on the wife's mothers day gift. Yep I know I'm late. Lol. Been busy she says she understands


Arbour, stone work and a cedar lounge swing.

Just need to finish some blocking hang it. Get her to pick fabrics for the pillows and topper. Then plant some vines in the planters

05-28-2017, 07:26 PM
Very nice! Love the stonework on the piers.
Is it going to be like a lie down bed? Or are there going to be lots of pillows? Looks really deep.

05-28-2017, 07:42 PM
Nice big pillow across the back plus some throws. Lots of room to lay back a read a book or just snooze in the sun.
Kids always want to snuggle so I made extra room. Sitting part is 6 ft long and just shy of three ft deep.

Also glad I went cedar on the bench it's a nice light wood other wise thing would way a ton. Lol

05-28-2017, 07:54 PM
Was this from a kit, a set of plans, or your own design?

05-28-2017, 08:11 PM
Was this from a kit, a set of plans, or your own design?

Saw one on Pinterest. Just went off the pictures and altered to my own dimensions. Same with the arbour.

05-28-2017, 08:48 PM
My son got the best first year cadet award today at their annual review.


Super proud of him. He's a lot more committed than I was at his age.

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Very cool - congrats to him!

05-29-2017, 02:03 PM
Got a parking ticket this weekend for parking on the street. Was doing some work in the garage, so I had my truck out front. I forgot to put my truck in the garage at the end of the day, and the following morning I had a ticket on my windshield. :mad:

My fault. Annoying, but my fault.

Go to pay the ticket online, and there is a $2.50 "convenience charge" for paying online! I'm already mad, and then you think you are getting another two-fiddy!!?? :fight1:
But you can go to City Hall and pay the fine for free. I'd rather burn a tank of gas than give those bastards one cent more.

05-29-2017, 03:01 PM
Can't park overnight in the summer? My street you can but not in the winter because of the plows.

05-29-2017, 03:19 PM
No overnight parking in Markham.

The City's parking regulations prohibit overnight parking on the street between the hours of 2:30 AM to 6:00 AM throughout the City, unless otherwise specifically posted, or if a parking permit program is in place. There is a $50.00 fine for this infraction.
https://www.markham.ca/wps/portal/Markham/Residents/RoadsParking/Parking/OvernightStreetParkingRequest/!ut/p/a1/jc-9DoIwAATgR-pRys8KBWuB8qMtYhfDZEgUHYzPLxJWwdsu-W44YklH7Ni_h2v_Gh5jf_t261-YiBUXcNMUJYVMjFZqpyE0ncB5AlxEexYUAIxIIIMmNpXKXUj_v z1-JMLW_kTsTDIJ7kQ5MqTaReSEtWdSTo-aLYBVgvOiDRt6YICUSeuVSeOIzNkAtbeAtZMzWHnxvJsOgxw-dHTl5Q!!/dl5/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/

They don't even call it a parking ticket anymore. It's an "Administrative Monetary Penalty System". Same as a parking ticket, except they call it a penalty notice.

05-29-2017, 03:54 PM
There is no overnight parking in Caledon either. They do have a call-in system where you can pre-register a car for street parking (prior to 1:00am I believe) to avoid a ticket. Each plate is allowed 10 nights per year.

- - - Updated - - -

Got a parking ticket this weekend for parking on the street. Was doing some work in the garage, so I had my truck out front. I forgot to put my truck in the garage at the end of the day, and the following morning I had a ticket on my windshield. :mad:

My fault. Annoying, but my fault.

Go to pay the ticket online, and there is a $2.50 "convenience charge" for paying online! I'm already mad, and then you think you are getting another two-fiddy!!?? :fight1:
But you can go to City Hall and pay the fine for free. I'd rather burn a tank of gas than give those bastards one cent more.

Do you have to pay for parking at City Hall?

05-29-2017, 04:13 PM
LOL, no,
I might of been going away for a while if it was pay parking at City Hall.


05-29-2017, 05:54 PM
No overnight parking in Markham.

https://www.markham.ca/wps/portal/Markham/Residents/RoadsParking/Parking/OvernightStreetParkingRequest/!ut/p/a1/jc-9DoIwAATgR-pRys8KBWuB8qMtYhfDZEgUHYzPLxJWwdsu-W44YklH7Ni_h2v_Gh5jf_t261-YiBUXcNMUJYVMjFZqpyE0ncB5AlxEexYUAIxIIIMmNpXKXUj_v z1-JMLW_kTsTDIJ7kQ5MqTaReSEtWdSTo-aLYBVgvOiDRt6YICUSeuVSeOIzNkAtbeAtZMzWHnxvJsOgxw-dHTl5Q!!/dl5/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/

They don't even call it a parking ticket anymore. It's an "Administrative Monetary Penalty System". Same as a parking ticket, except they call it a penalty notice.


True Blue
05-29-2017, 10:18 PM
Having the windshield replaced on my DD tomorrow, the company doing the work offers a mobile service and are coming to my house to do the work. Now once all is said and done, do you give the guy(s) a tip?
I'm paying for the windshield out of pocket, I'm not claiming it on my insurance.

05-29-2017, 10:21 PM
I tend to tip on the heavy side for good service / work.

True Blue
05-29-2017, 10:28 PM
I usually do the same, but I was wondering where do you draw the line?

05-29-2017, 10:46 PM
If it was mine, job is done as it should be and installer is cool, would be at least a $20 heading his way. Of course your not obligated to do anything and yes all of us are different, no right or wrong in my eyes.

05-29-2017, 11:15 PM

Omg thank you for this video. Always will remember him from bill and teds

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05-29-2017, 11:49 PM
...do you give the guy(s) a tip?


I tip waiters and waitresses. Everybody else gets paid for the job they do.
If I feel I got exceptional service on a job I paid for, especially on a job that might be cash.... then I might round it up a little because they were saving me money in the first place.

06-02-2017, 08:59 AM
Elrod and Cletus out dumping some garbage this morning. Rush hour on hwy 7. :facepalm:
didn't get a good enough angle on the plate

06-02-2017, 10:08 AM
Seriously, brand new 70k power wagon and can't spend the $15 bucks to take it to a transfer centre?

06-02-2017, 10:49 AM
Elrod and Cletus out dumping some garbage this morning. Rush hour on hwy 7. :facepalm:
didn't get a good enough angle on the plate

This type of Marauding Littering Maggot should be Kneecapped and right in front of the no dumping sign, incredible, you should still send that photo and a complaint into customerservice@markham.ca so they have it on file.

...and that is one Fugly Truck...That Front End? WTH?

Old Fart
06-02-2017, 04:46 PM
Had to relocate another groundhog...
http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o615/bruter89/Misc/June2017_zpssr9ilthm.jpg (http://s1150.photobucket.com/user/bruter89/media/Misc/June2017_zpssr9ilthm.jpg.html)

06-02-2017, 05:33 PM
I have a blower kit sitting in my trunk! (Of the wrong car and I'm still in Michigan) but it's finally in my possession!

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06-02-2017, 06:23 PM
I have a blower kit sitting in my trunk! (Of the wrong car and I'm still in Michigan) but it's finally in my possession!

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what u talking about?? wrong blower??( of wrong car) is it for a coyote?? I'll take it if you don't want it - if its free of course :D

06-02-2017, 07:03 PM
what u talking about?? wrong blower??( of wrong car) is it for a coyote?? I'll take it if you don't want it - if its free of course :D
Meant to say in the wrong car, I took the Mazda to pick it up

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06-03-2017, 03:05 PM
what a gorgeous day

perfect weather for a nice ripp in a rare little roadster

Morgan +8...what a machine

it's the second best way to mess up your hair

06-03-2017, 04:12 PM

06-03-2017, 04:46 PM
Seriously, brand new 70k power wagon and can't spend the $15 bucks to take it to a transfer centre?

I live in Halton, there is all of one public transfer station with limited hours and not open most weekends. And they'll only take so much of hazardous at a time. I hate that people dump stuff in the country, but I also understand how and why it happens. Also, some people are just assholes.

06-03-2017, 04:53 PM
The transfer station here in Markham is open Sat, Sun, Mon for public drop-off.
First 6 bags are $8. Then it's $106/tonne
Really no excuse.

06-03-2017, 05:29 PM
Finally put together the patio heater my dad and stepmom got us for Christmas. Now I just have to get the propane cylinder filled [emoji15]. [emoji482][emoji5]


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06-03-2017, 08:49 PM
What do I do with the coolant I drained from the car, do you bring it to Canadian tire like oil?

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06-03-2017, 09:49 PM
I thInk the updated land fill sites should take it.

But if you have any wood that needs to be treated for termites nothing works better.

06-04-2017, 01:41 PM
Finally put together the patio heater my dad and stepmom got us for Christmas. Now I just have to get the propane cylinder filled [emoji15]. [emoji482][emoji5]


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As soon as I finish the FOX, my Backyard Project starts. I have removed the old Deck and Patio Stones already, so it is a blank canvas now ready for the redux.
Your Backyard Furniture looks great, but wondering what you do with it when the weather is inclement and in winter, do you cover it, or move it to the garage?

06-04-2017, 02:02 PM
Thanks! This is the first year with the new furniture. The old table and chairs always go in the shed for the winter and I'm hoping the new stuff will fit in there as well. I may have to rearrange some things in there. I put the cushions in the shed if torrential rain is forecast but they are good for a small amount of rain and dew. We are looking into covers so we don't have to remove the cushions all the time. They will go in the basement for the winter incase vermin get in the shed. I'm very happy with the backyard, it wasn't very useful before. Just grass and some crappy patio stones. All I need now is a tv for some baseball, football and hockey! With a wee bit o' NASCAR thrown in[emoji6]

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06-04-2017, 02:06 PM
Thanks! This is the first year with the new furniture. The old table and chairs always go in the shed for the winter and I'm hoping the new stuff will fit in there as well. I may have to rearrange some things in there. I put the cushions in the shed if torrential rain is forecast but they are good for a small amount of rain and dew. We are looking into covers so we don't have to remove the cushions all the time. They will go in the basement for the winter incase vermin get in the shed. I'm very happy with the backyard, it wasn't very useful before. Just grass and some crappy patio stones. All I need now is a tv for some baseball, football and hockey! With a wee bit o' NASCAR thrown in[emoji6]

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Gotcha...Looks like one of my Sheds is going to have to grow.

06-04-2017, 02:11 PM
Yep. We may get one of the half sheds that go against the wall to get some of the stuff out of the big shed. No room in the garage with 2 cars in there.

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06-06-2017, 08:46 PM
Spent the last couple months when I can find free time rebuilding a mid 60"s ish boat motor. Picked it up for 100 bucks
Been my first jump really into the workings on an outboard. Learned a lot.

Got it out on the boat (11 ft aluminum) couple weekends ago and was a little bummed. Last year when I got the boat it has a 4.5 hp Jonson seahorse. And this is a 9.5hp evenrude sport twin.
Let's just say didn't seem to make a difference. I know it was starving for fuel with some line issues but quick on the lake fix seemed to sort that out. Was running smooth but just would not come up on plane. Puttered around but no where in a hurry.

Talked to a local boat place and he said I may be expecting too much for an old motor but suggested that I look into the prop. Old one could be worn or the inner bushing loose.
Said screw it and just ordered a new one in. ($125. On a motor I payed $100 for)
It came today and I'm thinking that may have been my problem. Haven't got it one the water yet but a bit excited again to try it out.

What do you think?

06-06-2017, 10:50 PM
As soon as I finish the FOX, my Backyard Project starts. I have removed the old Deck and Patio Stones already, so it is a blank canvas now ready for the redux.
Your Backyard Furniture looks great, but wondering what you do with it when the weather is inclement and in winter, do you cover it, or move it to the garage?

Post progress pics!

06-07-2017, 06:35 AM
Spent the last couple months when I can find free time rebuilding a mid 60"s ish boat motor. Picked it up for 100 bucks
Been my first jump really into the workings on an outboard. Learned a lot.

Got it out on the boat (11 ft aluminum) couple weekends ago and was a little bummed. Last year when I got the boat it has a 4.5 hp Jonson seahorse. And this is a 9.5hp evenrude sport twin.
Let's just say didn't seem to make a difference. I know it was starving for fuel with some line issues but quick on the lake fix seemed to sort that out. Was running smooth but just would not come up on plane. Puttered around but no where in a hurry.

Talked to a local boat place and he said I may be expecting too much for an old motor but suggested that I look into the prop. Old one could be worn or the inner bushing loose.
Said screw it and just ordered a new one in. ($125. On a motor I payed $100 for)
It came today and I'm thinking that may have been my problem. Haven't got it one the water yet but a bit excited again to try it out.

What do you think?

Correct prop to an outboard is what the right gear ratio is to your car.

06-07-2017, 02:16 PM
Why do I want dis


06-07-2017, 02:24 PM
I dunno :shrug:, maybe because it's only 295,000 km young?

I'm sure the maintenance on a 300k 15 y/o german car isn't that much.
LOL, "all highway". Yeah, back and forth across Canada 50 times!

06-07-2017, 03:09 PM
300K and the wrong front end.

I'm not sure why you want it.

06-07-2017, 06:57 PM
Wonder what's going on with the GO train stopped close to islington & Bloor? Driver was blasting horn which usually means someone is crossing the tracks, trains comes to a halt and now emergency services are showing up in the TTC parking lot next to the track. There about 10 emergency vehicles jammed up at the toll gate and they can't get in.

EDIT: Ugh, looks like the train hit someone.

06-07-2017, 07:37 PM
Ooooo...we had one of those on Monday night at work. Not nice for the engineer.

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06-07-2017, 07:39 PM
Ooooo...we had one of those on Monday night at work. Not nice for the engineer.

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That would be awful. He was on the horn hard for a lot longer than usual before coming to a stop. Everyone is still on the train.

06-07-2017, 07:46 PM
There's nothing they can do at that point. It takes a long time to stop. They probably won't let anyone off of the train until the emergency workers have the scene stabilized. Also I believe they have some sort of crisis intervention for the staff when it happens.

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06-07-2017, 07:55 PM
Very sad. I think it is a fatality unfortunately.

06-07-2017, 09:30 PM
Why do I want dis


Nothing more expensive than a cheap German luxury car....

Aren't those the ones with some sort of internal bearing that likes to fail and destroy the motor?

Still, tempting isn't it.

06-11-2017, 07:51 AM
Out for a lap round the city last night (401 to DVP to Gardner to 427 n back across 401). Number one, fawk the Gardner is just that much rougher this year. Number two, peeps need to quit watching n driving like their in FnF part-11, good grief. Case in point, north bound KR at Sheppard, Lambo to my left, Hondooo to my left. Harry Hondooo thinks it's acceptable to wind it up on the two step n let it hang for all it's lil 103 h/p is worth with Sally "I almost hit the guardrail on the 401" Lambo driver in tow. What a freakin shiat show of driving that was. Saw several others with about the same level of mentality n driving skillz doing the ultra douche multi lane changes weaving left to right then back again.
Get a fucking life.

06-11-2017, 08:23 AM
Out for a lap round the city last night (401 to DVP to Gardner to 427 n back across 401). Number one, fawk the Gardner is just that much rougher this year. Number two, peeps need to quit watching n driving like their in FnF part-11, good grief. Case in point, north bound KR at Sheppard, Lambo to my left, Hondooo to my left. Harry Hondooo thinks it's acceptable to wind it up on the two step n let it hang for all it's lil 103 h/p is worth with Sally "I almost hit the guardrail on the 401" Lambo driver in tow. What a freakin shiat show of driving that was. Saw several others with about the same level of mentality n driving skillz doing the ultra douche multi lane changes weaving left to right then back again.
Get a fucking life.

Next time come up to Caledon. Celeste and I went for a ride last night just north of Bolton, nice and quiet and we only saw a few other cars on the road.

06-11-2017, 08:30 AM
Roger that.

06-11-2017, 10:22 AM
Yeah, I don't know why on earth you would choose to voluntarily head downtown.

We had a nice little pleasure drive in the Mini out to Picton yesterday. Had a great lunch, some fresh local beer, bought some art, inspected the cottage. Beautiful day.

06-11-2017, 12:59 PM
Spent a couple of relaxing hours this morning doing a thorough cleaning on the car after doing my wife's Forester yesterday. Of course it'll be covered in pollen by this time tomorrow but at least it is clean for now.

Now I'm getting pumped for Rise Against and the Deftones tonight.

06-13-2017, 12:58 AM
have the week off work, so damn hot today barely got anything done (also wasnt feeling great)
my couple day project is on its 11th day lol
wrapped up wiring and put the harness back together, need to buy more vac lines but think Im going to be able to route everything behind the blower keeping the front clean

06-13-2017, 08:42 AM
my couple day project is on its 11th day lol
that is literally every one of my projects.

06-13-2017, 09:53 AM
Nothing more expensive than a cheap German luxury car....

Aren't those the ones with some sort of internal bearing that likes to fail and destroy the motor?

Still, tempting isn't it.

That's only on the N/A non GT cars, Turbo is different. Also right front end.

06-13-2017, 10:09 AM
I'd start the ask high and list it on all the major marketplaces. A buddy of mine sold his low miles DSG vert last summer for north of 30k, cars was beyond mint with some choice mods. Buyers for the extra clean low kms stuff are out there.

06-13-2017, 04:18 PM
Last night I was stuffing getting the fuel line undone from the Hardline under the chassis, second attempt at it, I have the tool and everything. As I went to bed I thought I should stick my cell phone down there and try and get a better look. Today instead I went and bought another tool to find out there was a push button on the side of the fitting totally different then the fuel rail end...

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06-13-2017, 04:31 PM
Last night I was stuffing getting the fuel line undone from the Hardline under the chassis, second attempt at it, I have the tool and everything. As I went to bed I thought I should stick my cell phone down there and try and get a better look. Today instead I went and bought another tool to find out there was a push button on the side of the fitting totally different then the fuel rail end...

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What you working on Nick, where is your install/build thread?

Replaced the hard line from the fuel rail to the chassis many years ago and you are absolutely right it was a bitch to get at.

06-13-2017, 05:11 PM
What you working on Nick, where is your install/build thread?

Replaced the hard line from the fuel rail to the chassis many years ago and you are absolutely right it was a bitch to get at.
I don't take pics along the way but you know just bolt ons https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170613/b63fc695ccc32aa709dfaa6d5b849fa9.jpg

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06-13-2017, 05:27 PM
^ very nice, someone should be getting very excited soon!

06-13-2017, 09:43 PM
13 gt500 heat exchanger is a b*tch to get in, had to drop lines fight like hell and finally it's in with no room to spare. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170614/595e8411ba04a7103121fdb1d4460fcf.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170614/52b40d20b97af6eafa849a13e0735caf.jpg

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06-13-2017, 09:45 PM
Fucking criminals at work again - torturing animals. Sofina foods, Lilydale Canada, Loblaws.

Warning - graphic. These people are in line with you and your children at the grocery.


06-14-2017, 12:05 AM
I saw that on the news today, they should all be criminally charged, everyone pushes going after and punishing the company, its the workers and supervisors that are the issue

06-14-2017, 12:37 AM
I saw that on the news today, they should all be criminally charged, everyone pushes going after and punishing the company, its the workers and supervisors that are the issue

I think the workers who commit the crimes have to go to prison - these are the people who also abuse others including women and children. Agree that management, owners and the company (as a person) needs to be charged and prosecuted otherwise it won't stop and they will continue to enable abusers.

06-14-2017, 10:53 PM
I'm a single dad for the next three days :party: but I had a major brain fart

Dropped my Wife off at the airport this morning. Decided ok I'll park in the garage even though it cost $5/ first half hr.
Anyway with traffic, her anxiety about her presentation , and leaving us ( three kids) I managed to get her to the departure gate.
I didn't tell her that I totally forgot where I had parked.
Total disorientation at this point- time ticking, sweating ( I still have to make it to Burlington to get our youngest to school), all while constantly pressing the car locator button still couldn't find the car. I gave up, ended up asking someone and they suggested going to the parking office. I made my way there while still pressing the button- thankfully the battery in the key fob was strong and car horn went off.

anyway parking ended up costing me $20

06-15-2017, 07:31 AM
Had that happen once n for life of me had no idea where the car was. Idea, walked back to the entrance n retraced my route in, there it is.

06-15-2017, 08:01 AM
We've all been there at on time or another!!

06-15-2017, 08:44 AM

06-18-2017, 05:39 PM
Getting a storm in Toronto?



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06-21-2017, 10:38 AM
Apprentices seems to think my tool box is open to borrow any thing. While I don't mind if you borrow something, but if you need the same tool 3-4 times a day go buy it. Also you do borrow something, put it back in the SAME drawer you got it from. Not on top of my bench, not in your tool cart, not on the floor. That is all.

06-21-2017, 01:17 PM
If or when it is too late ( kilometre wise) to add boost on stock motor/trans :shrug:

the kms came faster than the funds

06-21-2017, 01:34 PM
If engine is solid, go for it.

06-21-2017, 01:34 PM
Apprentices seems to think my tool box is open to borrow any thing. While I don't mind if you borrow something, but if you need the same tool 3-4 times a day go buy it. Also you do borrow something, put it back in the SAME drawer you got it from. Not on top of my bench, not in your tool cart, not on the floor. That is all.

Yes Sir, can be a PITA

06-21-2017, 01:52 PM
Went to Burger Priest today, burger was good, but the fries were mediocre at best.

Old Fart
06-21-2017, 02:30 PM
Had a good lunch at Mandarin. On a sadder note, apparently another jumper on the ttc subway. Eglington station was closed. Had to take a shuttle to bloor-yonge.

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06-22-2017, 12:20 AM
Didn't replace the o ring when changing the fuel pump, (or locking ring is not right) spent the night cleaning up gas off the floor after filling up

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06-22-2017, 12:32 PM
^ Yikes.

06-22-2017, 12:33 PM
Thank you to the uber pleasant phone rep at Fido, new phone headed my way. Tried to do same at the local Kiosk but rep there could seemingly care less if I stayed with em or moved my three lines elsewhere.


06-23-2017, 03:21 AM
Didn't replace the o ring when changing the fuel pump, (or locking ring is not right) spent the night cleaning up gas off the floor after filling up

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Get it sorted out Nick?

06-23-2017, 03:54 AM
To the TTC driver who looked directly at the two older ladies who did their best to quickly shuffle across the street only to have you drive away without them...........your a dick / wish I'd thought to grab the bus number.


06-23-2017, 07:23 AM
Get it sorted out Nick?
Yep new o ring and what I think happened was the lock ring wasn't on right or tight enough. Figured out the notches it's supposed to be rotated to. Good now primed it a bunch then went it and drove it for half hour

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06-23-2017, 02:17 PM
I need to get myself some property on the water...


06-24-2017, 11:05 AM
Met up with a focus st on steeles! Quick little things they are.

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk

06-24-2017, 11:39 AM
^^^you should see them go around corners!

06-24-2017, 01:53 PM
Fuck me.... does it end? Now one of my best friends passes away .. 52 years old .... R.I.P. Dave Pitcher.

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06-24-2017, 02:47 PM
Very sorry to hear.

06-24-2017, 04:44 PM
My condolences mavrrrick.

Uncle Buck
06-24-2017, 04:56 PM
Too young

06-24-2017, 05:01 PM
52? Sorry to hear about your buddy maverick.

06-24-2017, 05:56 PM
Thanks. First was my boss and while working for him turned into one of my best friends I ever had. Pretty cool when you both know where lines where drawn. Gonna miss him.

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06-24-2017, 11:35 PM
Fuck me.... does it end? Now one of my best friends passes away .. 52 years old .... R.I.P. Dave Pitcher.

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Sorry to hear - way too young.

06-25-2017, 07:53 AM
my condolences mavrrick

True Blue
06-25-2017, 07:57 AM
Sorry to hear, mavrrick.

06-25-2017, 05:44 PM
My condolences :( Anybody else here get caught in the hail pants down? Called for rain not hail ! Cant stand this yoyo weather !

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06-25-2017, 09:16 PM
Thanks all... third funeral since September.... getting a little depressing.

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06-27-2017, 01:59 PM
First tow with the new truck. Only around the corner from storage, but so far so good. Still need to adjust the hitch, but need some level ground for that.



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06-27-2017, 09:15 PM
Killer looking rig.

06-27-2017, 09:32 PM
Ashamed to da max, looked at a Ram pickup today, freakin loved it.

06-27-2017, 09:45 PM
Looked at them all before buying ram was nice but the price vs options wasn't their compared to the Ford.

Have you looked at the Tundra? Nice truck but the dated interior is what took it off the list to me.

Lots of good options out there even gm has some nice set ups wth their million and one special additions available. But the towing was shit on all the ones the local guy had

06-27-2017, 09:50 PM
Ashamed to da max, looked at a Ram pickup today, freakin loved it.

They're all nice now. Too bad the dodge and gm can't compete in half ton towing capacity. Ford with the eco boost kills them all. Heavy duty trucks on the other hand, you can't beat the cummins.

06-27-2017, 09:51 PM
I'm a GM truck guy to the core but will not be considering one to replace my current Sierra.

06-27-2017, 09:54 PM
What is the Ford rating?

The largest and the most powerful engine on the Ram 1500 lineup is the 5.7-liter HEMI V8 engine and it produces produces 395 horsepower and 410 lb-ft of torque. This engine has a towing capacity ranging from 8,550 pounds (3.21 axle ratio) to 10,700 pounds (3.92 axle ratio).

06-27-2017, 10:01 PM
11500 lbs with the 3.5L eco boost and max tow package with 3:55. My payload capacity isn't as good on this truck 1550lbs compared to over 1700 lbs on the '13 but I've got more options on this one. The Dodges, from what I saw, don't have very good payload because of the coil spring rear suspension. Some models have less than my wife's Santa Fe. [emoji15]

Edit..that's a crew cab, 4x4, short box truck. The capacities are even higher with the extended cab and max payload package.


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06-27-2017, 10:20 PM
I'm seeing similar payloads listed on the Ram charts.
Regardless, most , pretty much all of us, will never come close to max tow capacity so it really comes down to which truck floats yer boat. Ram was never on my radar until a sledding trip last winter in my brothers jammed Quad with 6.5 box. Drove it for several hours through a snow n ice storm on secondary roads heading to Mont Laurier, came away impressed how sure footed, comfortable n how much ballz out power it had. Just as impressive, drops in and out of cylinder deactivation even smoother than my GM all the while seeing ridiculously low fuel consumption in spite of the conditions and load we had on back. I'm considering a Crew 4x4 with 5.7 box.

Clutt gt
06-27-2017, 11:09 PM
I wouldn't rule out the GM Rick. They have made advancements as well. My 16 is a nicer truck than my 13 was in a lot of ways. At first I wasn't happy with the gears that I bought but it hasn't effected me and I tow 3 days a week min.
The interior is far nicer than the 13 was. The ride is better, road noise is better, just feals like a better truck than my old one. My dad has a 15 dodge and yes it's nicer than the 13 GM but GM has stepped up their game too.
Both GM and dodge interiors are nicer than the similarly priced Ford I have driven.

06-28-2017, 08:14 AM
Double post

06-28-2017, 08:16 AM
I'm seeing similar payloads listed on the Ram charts.
Regardless, most , pretty much all of us, will never come close to max tow capacity so it really comes down to which truck floats yer boat. Ram was never on my radar until a sledding trip last winter in my brothers jammed Quad with 6.5 box. Drove it for several hours through a snow n ice storm on secondary roads heading to Mont Laurier, came away impressed how sure footed, comfortable n how much ballz out power it had. Just as impressive, drops in and out of cylinder deactivation even smoother than my GM all the while seeing ridiculously low fuel consumption in spite of the conditions and load we had on back. I'm considering a Crew 4x4 with 5.7 box.

Did dodge fix the HVAC set up in the quad cabs?
In laws has a 2012 and it was alway cold in the back in the winter and hot in the summer.
Only vents to the back were on the floor and they left much to be desired.

06-28-2017, 08:53 AM
Did dodge fix the HVAC set up in the quad cabs?
In laws has a 2012 and it was alway cold in the back in the winter and hot in the summer.
Only vents to the back were on the floor and they left much to be desired.

If you get one with a center console instead of a front jump seat it has vents inside there a well. Never had an issue with old QC but my new CC has the vents and everyone who sits backs there says its very comfortable.

ZR, you (may) know I love me some Ram trucks. My current 16 Sport has been rock solid for the past 18 months/15000km aside from some misc rattles (interior) that I havent had time to address. The only issue with it right now is it's still covered in bugs and filth from my road trip two weeks ago and havent had time to clean it! Love the truck, great power, excellent comfort, averaging 14L/100KM in the WORST conditions (DT stop and go 90% of time) and have had no issues loading the thing up. I put a set of $200 air ride bags in the back for towing heavy trailers which I think is a good trade off for the ride the coils provide on a day to day basis.

06-28-2017, 02:31 PM
I was concerned about fuel economy with the 5.0. But averaging 12.7 with regular day to day driving.
Did about 15.5 on the way to bass lake on Monday with both the trailer and boat hooked behind.

06-28-2017, 04:52 PM
Couldn't be happier with my Ram QC.

Actually.. that's a lie. A megacab would be sweet, just way to fuckin massive to boot around in everyday.

06-29-2017, 09:21 AM
Excited for the day to end, Ross n I shot down to the Dodge dealer last night to sign some paperwork and arrange to pick up my new truck next week. Seems easy doesn't it, well it went from exactly that to a dog n pony shiat show where I thought it was going to take calling the police to get my credit card back from the mgr. He thought because he had my card in his hand, I'd be bullied / was obligated to pay $500 on top of the deal he'd called me earlier in the day and agreed to. I'd handed him the card so he could process my deposit and draw up the paperwork, had not signed anything at that point. No it was not a misunderstanding, acknowledged what we'd agreed to on the phone.
One can only assume this kind of stuff does work on at least some peeps or he'd not have tried it.

06-29-2017, 09:22 AM
Fuck, that sucks Rick. Assume the deal is dead at this point? Hope you have a better experience at the next dealership.

06-29-2017, 09:32 AM
They had a third person call last night, he offered the deal as it was suppose to go down but I wasn't feeling warm n fuzzy about things at that point. We'll see how today plays out but I'm not hard done by with what I have n the wind has certainly been well knocked outta my sails for spending money right now. Buying new ride, suppose to be fun, not a marathon of wadding through shiat.

06-29-2017, 09:33 AM
Buying something like that is suppose to be fun, not a marathon of wadding through shiat.

You got that right Rick. If you want to try another dealership, I had a good experience at the dealer I bought my Jeep from. Could send you the details if you'd like.

06-29-2017, 09:53 AM
That's brutal Rick. I've been on the end of those sales instances, when it feels wrong in your gut it usually is and it always sours the experience. Luckily my truck was a relatively pain free purchase.

Ghost Rider
06-29-2017, 09:58 AM
That sucks man! :(

06-29-2017, 10:31 AM
They had a third person call last night, he offered the deal as it was suppose to go down but I wasn't feeling warm n fuzzy about things at that point. We'll see how today plays out but I'm not hard done by with what I have n the wind has certainly been well knocked outta my sails for spending money right now. Buying new ride, suppose to be fun, not a marathon of wadding through shiat.

That sucks that people still feel the need to play these games.

06-29-2017, 10:54 AM
gotta love sitting in your living room while a guy is down in your basement taking a jack-hammer to the floor

yeah....my 3 year old renovated basement

discovered a serious clog Sunday evening.....had the Roto-rooter guys out (within an hour...which was awesome)....he snaked the pipe and cleared the clog...fine right?

nope....says there's mud and clay on the snake....probably a cracked pipe

came back at 8am Monday morning with the camera....yup....saw it with my own eyes

upside......the 20 ft pipe that needs replacing is under an open section of the basement...from basically the base of my staircase to the backwater valve in the storage room....and it's laminate wood flooring

so....Monday afternoon I ripped up about 200 sq ft of the floor....and managed to only mangle about 5% of the pieces

covered the staircase last night.....and they're ripping the floor apart today

woulda been real nice to discover this BEFORE I reno-d the fucking basement eh?

at least its a long weekend.....lotsa time to clean the place up

06-29-2017, 10:58 AM
That sucks that people still feel the need to play these games.

I'd be gone and not returning. That's a bad taste that won't go away when you need service.


I helped a friend by a new car at the local Honda dealership yesterday. Was an extremely pleasant, no bs deal.

06-29-2017, 12:47 PM
Excited for the day to end, Ross n I shot down to the Dodge dealer last night to sign some paperwork and arrange to pick up my new truck next week. Seems easy doesn't it, well it went from exactly that to a dog n pony shiat show where I thought it was going to take calling the police to get my credit card back from the mgr. He thought because he had my card in his hand, I'd be bullied / was obligated to pay $500 on top of the deal he'd called me earlier in the day and agreed to. I'd handed him the card so he could process my deposit and draw up the paperwork, had not signed anything at that point. No it was not a misunderstanding, acknowledged what we'd agreed to on the phone.
One can only assume this kind of stuff does work on at least some peeps or he'd not have tried it.

wow- similar tactics for some dealerships whether in your area or mine- experienced the same exact thing when purchasing wife's mazda 3- but it took 1.5 hrs for me to leave the dealership with credit card in hand.
This whole buying experience stayed with me- dreading the time when I need buy a new vehicle, got lucky I guess with the Mustang but had so much anxiety just to go look and get the process started.

06-29-2017, 02:28 PM
I'd be gone and not returning. That's a bad taste that won't go away when you need service.


I helped a friend by a new car at the local Honda dealership yesterday. Was an extremely pleasant, no bs deal.

If the place is that bad when your spending a pile of dough, only gonna get worse when you need something (warranty repair).

06-29-2017, 02:31 PM
wow- similar tactics for some dealerships whether in your area or mine- experienced the same exact thing when purchasing wife's mazda 3- but it took 1.5 hrs for me to leave the dealership with credit card in hand.
This whole buying experience stayed with me- dreading the time when I need buy a new vehicle, got lucky I guess with the Mustang but had so much anxiety just to go look and get the process started.

Asked uber nicely twice (when I asked the first time, was just gonna go outside n walk around the truck to cool off n get the stars back in my eyes then trot back in and buy the bitch), third time, far less nice but still well within reason, Ross chimed in when he hesitated on the third request n he finally decided to hand it over.

06-29-2017, 08:53 PM
I've flat out walked away from deals in situations like that, which is why I never got a Honda Element. On that note, off to look at elements for my next winter car...

True Blue
06-30-2017, 12:02 AM
If that's the way a dealership treats a potential customer, I'd be running the fuck out of there! Even if this dealership was the cheapest, no way would they see a dollar from me.

06-30-2017, 08:33 PM
Pretty sure I'm pulling the blower and manifold this weekend, developed a tiny leak from a seal between the head and the manifold, was fine for all my data logging and driving all last weekend but somehow sprung up. Tried re torquing the manifold but still there I think. Rather have it 100% then the chance of it poping up again.
Any one recommend a sealant, going to also change the o-ring

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

06-30-2017, 11:02 PM
I'm a GM truck guy to the core but will not be considering one to replace my current Sierra.
Why not Rick?

07-01-2017, 01:30 AM
While current truck has been mechanically rock solid I've had a bunch of no excuse for it's age issues. One headlight filling up with water, both tail lights fogging up (headlight plus one taillight replaced, been fine until second tail has started to fog on odd rainy day). Chrome bubbled on the grill (just replaced) Covers on both dash power points fell off, door on the console let go as well (after replacing, both power point doors fell off second time, console has been fine). Had to replace fuel pump module and fuel level sensor to correct gas gauge randomly quitting (well ahead of when it would have been due for fuel pump / issue is super common). Paint is just starting to peel on both inner edges of the rear fender wells (also common). Will require box off to clean up properly then paint entire outer box sides. I'm sure GM cheaping out and not installing rear fender liners is at least partially to blame. Truck is well washed in the winter months. In extreme cold, wipers are painfully slow and if it's cold enough, will not cycle at all. Ridiculous design of the battery cable end saw tiny metal wedge that helps to secure, randomly break, cable now semi loose, positive post burn right off the battery at start up (ironically happened in front of gm dealer when in to pick up fuel system parts).
While it's a 2011 and you'd expect it to start showing it's age, bulk of the problems started 2 to 3 years ago.

True Blue
07-01-2017, 08:24 AM
^^^ WoW, no wonder why you're jumping ship and going with a different brand.

07-01-2017, 08:27 AM
Good to know. That's a lot of problems for a 2011 truck.

07-01-2017, 08:32 AM
Rest of truck, just this side of perfect

07-01-2017, 05:15 PM
All you can eat poutine in Port Elgin!! Then some beer!


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07-03-2017, 02:01 PM
Feel like I'm running a one man race team, drive the car once then tear it apart for a day. Next time the manifold needs to come off I'm towing it to Rick's. (Or pushing it off a cliff)

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

07-03-2017, 02:24 PM
Feel like I'm running a one man race team, drive the car once then tear it apart for a day. Next time the manifold needs to come off I'm towing it to Rick's. (Or pushing it off a cliff)

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Theres a few good cliffs in the south end of Scarborough...

Dont let it get to you though. Take a break, a day or more, then go back at it with fresher thoughts.

07-03-2017, 11:28 PM
What the fuck??????

Ottawa to offer Omar Khadr apology, compensation package
OTTAWA BUREAU CHIEF — The Globe and Mail
Published Monday, Jul. 03, 2017 10:00PM EDT
Last updated Monday, Jul. 03, 2017 10:11PM EDT

The Trudeau government is poised to offer an apology and a $10-million compensation package to former child soldier Omar Khadr for abuses he suffered while detained in the U.S. military prison for captured and suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 2010 that the actions of federal officials who participated in U.S. interrogations of Mr. Khadr had offended “the most basic Canadian standards about the treatment of detained youth suspects.”

The court said the action of the Canadian government had violated the former child soldier’s rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and deprived him of fundamental principles of justice.

A federal insider said the announcement of an official apology and compensation is expected this week.

Mr. Khadr’s lawyer, Dennis Edney, has been seeking a formal apology from the United States and from the Trudeau government for the alleged abuse and neglect of Mr. Khadr while he was in the prison. Attempts to reach Mr. Edney for comment on Monday were unsuccessful.

The apology and compensation is similar to the $10.5-million that Ottawa gave Syrian-born Canadian Maher Arar after a 2006 judicial inquiry found Canadian officials had passed on information about him to U.S. national-security authorities, leading to his torture and imprisonment in Syria.

Mr. Khadr was captured in Afghanistan at the age of 15 in 2002, following a shootout with U.S. troops where he was badly wounded – blinded by shrapnel in one eye and with fist-sized exit wounds in his shoulder and chest.

He was accused of throwing a grenade that killed U.S. army medic Christopher Speer in the firefight and was sent to the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay.

Mr. Khadr, now 30, spent more than 10 years in U.S. and Canadian custody, much of that time in the Guantanamo Bay detention centre. Once the youngest detainee in Guantanamo, he was transferred to Canada in 2012 after accepting a plea deal.

Mr. Edney has said his client was treated abysmally even though he was a child soldier and his body shattered from wounds. U.S. interrogators subjected him to sleep deprivation and solitary confinement.

Mr. Edney said Mr. Khadr was coerced into fighting by his father, Ahmed Said Khadr – a top al-Qaeda operative until he was killed in a gunfight with Pakistani troops in 2003.

In March, Mr. Khadr underwent a 19-hour operation in an Edmonton hospital to repair his shoulder, which was severely damaged during the firefight with U.S soldiers.

“Nobody advocated for his health whatsoever. Even when he came back to Canada, I raised all those issues with the Correctional Services and of course [former prime minister Stephen] Harper was not interested in hearing anything like that,” Mr. Edney said in an interview last March.

Mr. Khadr was freed on bail in May, 2015, and released under the supervision of Mr. Edney.

He said he would “prove to [Canadians] that I’m a good person.”

The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group and Lawyer’s Rights Watch Canada have concluded that Canada contravened its obligations under the Conventions against Torture by failing to prevent and investigate what happened to Mr. Khadr in Guantanamo Bay.

Last March, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale issued an apology and compensation package to three Muslim Canadian men – Abdullah Almalki, Ahmad Abou-Elmatti and Muayyed Nureddin. They had been tortured and held for months in Syria and Egypt, suspected of links to terrorism.

A decade ago, they each filed $100-million lawsuits against Ottawa but halted their legal proceedings to allow former Supreme Court justice Frank Iacobucci to conduct an internal inquiry. Mr. Iacobucci ruled in 2008 that Canadian officials were indirectly responsible for their torture.

07-04-2017, 07:24 AM
Fuck me.

07-04-2017, 08:35 AM
apology? :mad:
compensation!?? :mad::mad::mad: :madder:

I can't even comment on this one.

07-04-2017, 09:13 AM
apology? :mad:
compensation!?? :mad::mad::mad: :madder:

I can't even comment on this one.


07-04-2017, 09:53 AM
What can we as member of the public do to show our distaste for this?

Not sure if there is recourse for us as taxpayers or the public to do anything, however, he was caught as an enemy combatant in a (legitimate) war zone and deserves to be treated as such - if he cannot be convicted at least he should not be entitled to taxpayer money. It's too bad the US decided not to proceed to trial with him which is what set this whole legal action off.

07-04-2017, 10:14 AM
This is what's been on my mind since it's announcement at Goodwood


07-04-2017, 10:31 AM
I don't agree with compensation period, but if compensation is to be paid, it should come from the US. What has Canada done, or failed to do that warrants compensation?

Apparently it has something to do with the lack of government action (or intentional inaction) as it pertains to the "Charter of Rights and Freedoms" as it's written. They'd probably have to do a re-write in order to legally avoid these types of court rulings. Either way, optics are bad for how we relate to terrorists (I guess we have to say alleged?).

07-04-2017, 04:01 PM
Either way, optics are bad for how we relate to terrorists
That's the most understated comment you have ever made. The 'optics' are beyond horrible. There isn't even a word for how bad this is.

07-04-2017, 04:14 PM
That's the most understated comment you have ever made. The 'optics' are beyond horrible. There isn't even a word for how bad this is.

True - hard to really describe this. I did read/hear this morning that the outgoing Harper government had noted that a settlement would be the likely outcome (from a legal perspective) but I can't find where I got that from. The only bright spot here is that hopefully he will never see the money from the settlement if the US verdict with the victim's family can be enforced. To bad they couldn't deport his ass - I wouldn't care what the optics of that looked like.

07-04-2017, 04:17 PM
To bad they couldn't deport his ass - I wouldn't care what the optics of that looked like.
The optics of that would be outstanding, no matter the legality. That would be Australia Level politicking.

07-04-2017, 04:19 PM
Maybe NDP supporters need to contact their party as well since they seem to support Khadr's position:

Last month, the NDP wrote a letter to Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould urging her to act on an e-petition that said Canada abandoned Khadr to a decade of torture and abuse.

"We recognized that his fundamental rights had been deprived as has been explained by the Supreme Court of Canada and this was really about the treatment he received while he was incarcerated," the NDP justice critic Alistair MacGregor told CBC. "It's fortuitous and maybe a nice coincidence these reports have come out now after we sent that letter."

07-04-2017, 04:25 PM
Did he, or didn't he abandon his country to fight for the enemy? All niceties are of the table at that point. We aren't jumping in to save you from anybody at that point. Torture? Too bad. "Sorry for your predicament" is all you are getting from me.

07-04-2017, 04:34 PM
Yup, he signed up for it when they found him in a war zone fighting for the enemy. I don't know the legalities of this and why there has to be a financial settlement versus just saying "sorry for your bad luck, now have a nice day".

07-04-2017, 06:54 PM
having trouble commenting properly on this Khadr shitshow without the risk of breaking my keyboard

him and his entire family are citizens of convenience....and the entire lot should be sent packing

without the lottery win

they weren't in Canada to start a new life and be contributing citizens.....this was a safe haven for them to go back and forth constantly

Omar....lucked out by being popped out here....and he has contributed nothing.....all he's been is a drain on our bank account....and now a drain on our reputation

fuck him....fuck his family....fuck his lawyer

07-04-2017, 07:34 PM
Got that but will they change the laws so we don't end up in this situation again. This is the fourth million dollar settlement I think (first for a confirmed terrorist though which is mind-boggling)?

Old Fart
07-04-2017, 10:50 PM
Little bit of a rant...trying to buy a mustang but can't get a hold of the guy. Emailed him and all was going well, then on Friday I asked him to call me. Said he would over the weekend. Come Monday night, no call so I texted him, no reply. With a little Facebook time, found where he worked and was able to speak to him. I didn't want to hold him up so we agreed that I would call him at 7 pm tonight. Called at 7, no answer, left message. Tried at 9, no answer. Tried at 9:30, he turned his cell phone off. Damn!!

07-05-2017, 07:17 AM
Maybe he has cold feet lol or second thoughts of selling it. So you stalked him? LOL!!!
Little bit of a rant...trying to buy a mustang but can't get a hold of the guy. Emailed him and all was going well, then on Friday I asked him to call me. Said he would over the weekend. Come Monday night, no call so I texted him, no reply. With a little Facebook time, found where he worked and was able to speak to him. I didn't want to hold him up so we agreed that I would call him at 7 pm tonight. Called at 7, no answer, left message. Tried at 9, no answer. Tried at 9:30, he turned his cell phone off. Damn!!

Old Fart
07-05-2017, 07:33 AM
LOL...ya, I guess I did. His facebook page had his position and work location so it wasn't a very hard stalk. Just bugs the hell out of me when someone says they will do something and don't.

07-05-2017, 07:36 AM
Got that but will they change the laws so we don't end up in this situation again. This is the fourth million dollar settlement I think (first for a confirmed terrorist though which is mind-boggling)?

That would be nice. Isn't that what the Harper government wanted to do and warned about?

What I can see happening is during the battle just leaving them for dead instead of capturing and nursing back to health.

07-05-2017, 08:52 AM
LOL...ya, I guess I did. His facebook page had his position and work location so it wasn't a very hard stalk. Just bugs the hell out of me when someone says they will do something and don't.

No offense, but if someone went out and researched/detectived my work # to call me up about a car I had for sale, and made a call to that number which I had not included in that ad, I wouldn't be inclined to meet up with that person. After what happened with Tim Bosma anything regarding a kijiji sale that seems suspect or strange I'm not going through with it. Sorry.

Old Fart
07-05-2017, 09:01 AM
I do get obsessive sometimes...one of my faults. But at least it wasn't kijiji, lol!

07-05-2017, 09:09 AM
I'd forget about the Mustang. Let him chase you.

Old Fart
07-05-2017, 09:35 AM
^^^I should but not the way I am. Looks like we are back on speaking terms. Sent me an email with the vin number.