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03-10-2016, 09:31 AM
Got my first jog (outside) in for the season, felt great not running on the treadmill.

I also felt great not running on a treadmill yesterday. :)

03-10-2016, 09:41 AM
I also felt great not running on a treadmill yesterday. :)


03-10-2016, 10:53 AM
I plan on getting back into running, had my Septoplasty done last week. Back to finally being able to breathe thru my nose. Codeine was good tho.... :)

03-11-2016, 07:43 AM
So I've had a 100* fever going on my 5th day today. It started as a post nasal drip which would throw me into a violent coughing spell to the point I would throw up.

I've also been unbearably dizzy like I've been on a gravitron for a fucking week! Accompanying this shit is also the worst migraine of my life. It's what I can only describe as a group of people beating my head with baseball bats. I can feel every single hit and I feel like I have a concussion.

Over the past 5 days I think I may have consumed 800-1000 calories. That's it. I've lost 10lbs. I went to the clinic yesterday and the doctor said ride it out for another 48hrs and then come back?!?!

I haven't slept all week and I'm going insane. I can't walk upright for more than enough time to make it to the bathroom before I spin out and have to put my head against something.

Should I go to another doctor because this is ridiculous. I really hate going to any clinic or emerge here in Bowmanville because the wait times are hours upon hours. Our system is a fucking joke. I can't wait that long. It's way too uncomfortable.

Has anyone else had this disgusting virus this year? The lady at reception said there's been a ton of people displaying these symptoms. Lots of really sick people she said.

I'm very frustrated. I just want to get in a nap that's longer than 20 minutes.

03-11-2016, 07:45 AM
Saw a nice stripe on a dart the same colour as mine. Thinkin about doing it now...


Tasteful, know anyone that can handle that kinda project Jib?

03-11-2016, 07:47 AM
I would daily drive the fuck out of this http://canepa.com/photo-gallery/1979-porsche-9355066/

Car definitely has the wow factor.


03-11-2016, 07:48 AM
So I've had a 100* fever going on my 5th day today. It started as a post nasal drip which would throw me into a violent coughing spell to the point I would throw up.

I've also been unbearably dizzy like I've been on a gravitron for a fucking week! Accompanying this shit is also the worst migraine of my life. It's what I can only describe as a group of people beating my head with baseball bats. I can feel every single hit and I feel like I have a concussion.

Over the past 5 days I think I may have consumed 800-1000 calories. That's it. I've lost 10lbs. I went to the clinic yesterday and the doctor said ride it out for another 48hrs and then come back?!?!

I haven't slept all week and I'm going insane. I can't walk upright for more than enough time to make it to the bathroom before I spin out and have to put my head against something.

Should I go to another doctor because this is ridiculous. I really hate going to any clinic or emerge here in Bowmanville because the wait times are hours upon hours. Our system is a fucking joke. I can't wait that long. It's way too uncomfortable.

Has anyone else had this disgusting virus this year? The lady at reception said there's been a ton of people displaying these symptoms. Lots of really sick people she said.

I'm very frustrated. I just want to get in a nap that's longer than 20 minutes.

Ross n I have been skirting the edge of that for the last week or so, feel better soon Ray.

03-11-2016, 09:24 AM
Go to the ER IMO, my daughter had similar symptoms in Nov., they first MIS diagnosed it as the flu and it turned out to be Viral Meningitis. This only being discovered after a spinal tap, 2.5 weeks in the hospital. Scary shit....not saying this is what you have, but 5 days with 100+ temp is a clear indication of an infection....

So I've had a 100* fever going on my 5th day today. It started as a post nasal drip which would throw me into a violent coughing spell to the point I would throw up.

I've also been unbearably dizzy like I've been on a gravitron for a fucking week! Accompanying this shit is also the worst migraine of my life. It's what I can only describe as a group of people beating my head with baseball bats. I can feel every single hit and I feel like I have a concussion.

Over the past 5 days I think I may have consumed 800-1000 calories. That's it. I've lost 10lbs. I went to the clinic yesterday and the doctor said ride it out for another 48hrs and then come back?!?!

I haven't slept all week and I'm going insane. I can't walk upright for more than enough time to make it to the bathroom before I spin out and have to put my head against something.

Should I go to another doctor because this is ridiculous. I really hate going to any clinic or emerge here in Bowmanville because the wait times are hours upon hours. Our system is a fucking joke. I can't wait that long. It's way too uncomfortable.

Has anyone else had this disgusting virus this year? The lady at reception said there's been a ton of people displaying these symptoms. Lots of really sick people she said.

I'm very frustrated. I just want to get in a nap that's longer than 20 minutes.

03-11-2016, 09:37 AM
+1 on the above, elevated temp for that long = trip to Emerg.

03-11-2016, 10:03 PM
My daughter had a high fever all last week, then she started complaining that her ears hurt....took her to the doc, double ear infection with a bulging ear drum...got some meds, she just finished last dose today and she is almost back to normal....she is not even 3. I was joking with her last week to just suck it up....today I came home from work with some neo citron and she asked me what it was for and I said daddy is getting sick....stern face and all she says to me "Suck it up daddy, I have no time for this". Well I think that cured me right there, I was laughing so hard i think i blew all the snot build up right out of my nose.

03-12-2016, 07:26 PM
Popped my cherry today boys, first speeding ticket.

135 on the QEW.

OPP officer was kinda a dick... ah well I'll pay it and move on.

03-13-2016, 08:00 AM
Ricers ricing at 3am, sounded like a civic with open headers on westney. Why do people still think these FWD Briggs & Straton 3.5HP turds are worth "fixing up"? If this happens again, I'm going to crush their shit boxes with my Ranger. Which is funny, I was able to easily beat a newer civic SI at a red light with my lifted 33" tire V6 truck LOL

True Blue
03-13-2016, 08:50 AM
I haven't been on the site for the last week or so... My mother passed away unexpectedly last weekend, 2 days shy of her 62nd birthday. Everything happened so fast... Just in a matter of 12hrs from rushing her to the hospital it was all over. Simply put, doctors say it was the flesh eating virus. Don't know where she got it from? She didn't travel anywhere. Doctors at the time of testing thought it was just in the leg, prepping to remove it. But further tests showed that it spread to 50% of the body, with no hopes of survival... 6hrs later she passed away. It was like something you see in a sci-fi movie, you can't understand how and why this was happening. We are all still in shock!

2 days prior to the passing of my mom, was lost the family dog (13yrs old) due to a massive tumor...

Enjoy the time and spend more time with your family and friends because you never know what the future may hold!

03-13-2016, 09:20 AM
Very sorry for your loss. Unfortunately know first hand about flesh eating disease, had it in my rt leg from foot to almost my hip.

03-13-2016, 09:38 AM
So, so sorry to hear about that Tony.

03-13-2016, 09:51 AM
very sorry for your loss

03-13-2016, 09:57 AM
My condolences to you and your family.

Old Fart
03-13-2016, 10:14 AM
Sorry for your loss.

03-13-2016, 10:32 AM
My condolences, very sorry for your Loss.

03-13-2016, 10:45 AM
My condolences to you and your family. Sorry to hear of your loss.

03-13-2016, 10:50 AM
Anthony my condolences to you and your family .

03-13-2016, 11:06 AM
That's terrible news, my condolences to you and your family.

True Blue
03-13-2016, 11:07 AM
Thanks guys, very much appreciated!

03-13-2016, 12:27 PM
That's very scary, my condolences to you and you family.

03-13-2016, 12:49 PM
Very sorry to hear True Blue. My condolences to you and yours.

03-13-2016, 02:11 PM
Very sorry for your loss.

03-13-2016, 08:28 PM
So sorry to hear.

03-14-2016, 06:42 AM
Omg Tony I'm so sorry to hear that. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

03-14-2016, 08:44 AM
Tssa inspection this week. Useless waste of time so they can try and justify their existence.

03-14-2016, 11:09 AM
Terribly sorry to hear, True Blue. That's a really tough deal. My sincerest condolences.

03-14-2016, 02:11 PM
Got hit with a ban stick this morning haha..guess after 8yrs it was bound to happen :)

03-14-2016, 02:19 PM
Got hit with a ban stick this morning haha..guess after 8yrs it was bound to happen :)


03-14-2016, 02:21 PM
Got hit with a ban stick this morning haha..guess after 8yrs it was bound to happen :)

what did you do?

03-14-2016, 02:21 PM
what did you do?

This too.

03-14-2016, 02:31 PM


what did you do?

I don't like condescending bullies Tim, ive been watching the posts from this 1 mod over the last while and if you happen to say something that he doesn't agree with he turns on you and is so ignorant or mention this site...wow! , so today someone asked Heinz how much he paid for his new fox (a little crude to ask I agree) but Minaccia decided to tell this guy not to worry about it because he can't afford it anyways...

I just said what a pleasant person he must be in the real world and then he Pm's me about my comments haha..

Just nonsense in his PM, not to question his posts or something..

I told him he was acting like a complete douche, then he told me to update my user profile with my full first in last name, told I wasn't going to do that, and I'll just delete my acct no biggy as I come here more..

So he banned me before I could and the message said "learn some respect" what a clown..just don't like people belittling people, it rubs me the wrong way, so damn right I'll speak up..

I Pm'd Chrome here this morning to just delete my acct I'll never go back.

03-14-2016, 02:45 PM

I don't like condescending bullies Tim, ive been watching the posts from this 1 mod over the last while and if you happen to say something that he doesn't agree with he turns on you and is so ignorant or mention this site...wow! , so today someone asked Heinz how much he paid for his new fox (a little crude to ask I agree) but Minaccia decided to tell this guy not to worry about it because he can't afford it anyways...

I just said what a pleasant person he must be in the real world and then he Pm's me about my comments haha..

Just nonsense in his PM, not to question his posts or something..

I told him he was acting like a complete douche, then he told me to update my user profile with my full first in last name, told I wasn't going to do that, and I'll just delete my acct no biggy as I come here more..

So he banned me before I could and the message said "learn some respect" what a clown..just don't like people belittling people, it rubs me the wrong way, so damn right I'll speak up..

I Pm'd Chrome here this morning to just delete my acct I'll never go back.

Whoa. I have a feeling my time there will may be over soon knowing this, have noticed similar pattern of events.

03-14-2016, 02:52 PM

I don't like condescending bullies Tim, ive been watching the posts from this 1 mod over the last while and if you happen to say something that he doesn't agree with he turns on you and is so ignorant or mention this site...wow! , so today someone asked Heinz how much he paid for his new fox (a little crude to ask I agree) but Minaccia decided to tell this guy not to worry about it because he can't afford it anyways...

I just said what a pleasant person he must be in the real world and then he Pm's me about my comments haha..

Just nonsense in his PM, not to question his posts or something..

I told him he was acting like a complete douche, then he told me to update my user profile with my full first in last name, told I wasn't going to do that, and I'll just delete my acct no biggy as I come here more..

So he banned me before I could and the message said "learn some respect" what a clown..just don't like people belittling people, it rubs me the wrong way, so damn right I'll speak up..

I Pm'd Chrome here this morning to just delete my acct I'll never go back.

sorry to hear that

03-14-2016, 02:58 PM
Whoa. I have a feeling my time there will may be over soon knowing this, have noticed similar pattern of events.

it was actually comical, i can almost see the wheels in his head turning, how can i fuck this guy(me) for calling him out, almost like a crooked cop busting balls for a tail light being out or something, banned because my user profile didnt have my full name hahaha..amazing!

sorry to hear that

oh dont be, i only mentioned because its somewhat funny.. the day my life is affected by getting booted from a forum i need to give my head a shake haha

03-14-2016, 03:45 PM
Tasteful, know anyone that can handle that kinda project Jib?

I think we know someone who did that particular one ;)

03-14-2016, 03:46 PM
Well the inevitable happened I guess. Too bad.

03-14-2016, 04:00 PM
Damn that sucks, my profile's been the same (initials only) for 11 yrs, should I be worried? Lol

it was actually comical, i can almost see the wheels in his head turning, how can i fuck this guy(me) for calling him out, almost like a crooked cop busting balls for a tail light being out or something, banned because my user profile didnt have my full name hahaha..amazing

03-14-2016, 04:02 PM
just delete my acct no biggy as I come here more..

I did the same 2 weeks ago. Nothing there anymore for me.

03-14-2016, 04:07 PM
Well that's too bad, man. I'm sure it's a tough job to be a mod. I'd think one would have to have a very good temperament and be able to think things thru before pulling the trigger.

Lou can come across rather brashy at times as he takes things to heart - not always great qualities to being a mod. But in the same breath, he has put his heart into this new position and really tried to perk up the site.

My bet is he'll think things thru and reach out to you in short order. It's a learning process and I'm sure he knows that.

03-14-2016, 05:39 PM
Well that's too bad, man. I'm sure it's a tough job to be a mod. I'd think one would have to have a very good temperament and be able to think things thru before pulling the trigger.

Lou can come across rather brashy at times as he takes things to heart - not always great qualities to being a mod. But in the same breath, he has put his heart into this new position and really tried to perk up the site.

My bet is he'll think things thru and reach out to you in short order. It's a learning process and I'm sure he knows that.

I totally get what your saying Armen, I wasn't speaking out for no reason, the guy is being an arrogant jerk to another member of a club he is a mod on..forget all that though, just don't know how you can be that rude to someone, "don't worry about it, you can't afford it"

But that attitude of his is an on going theme over the last few months... I just finally read enough of his shitting on people.

Not cool..anyways it's all over with, don't want this to turn into a gtamc bashing..just thought it was amusing haha

Make sure to edit your profiles people :)

- - - Updated - - -

Damn that sucks, my profile's been the same (initials only) for 11 yrs, should I be worried? Lol

03-14-2016, 05:40 PM
He's not banned anymore.

I'm not sure how to put this but I'll try, it's a lot harder being a mod then people think, you get judged right away as a authoritie figure. I for one have never liked authoritie lol so don't like that feeling or persona.

Really all this should be fun ie the hobby and I think sometimes people just don't jive or like one another, and things get heated, really for not much of a reason in the first place.
I'm here and there and everywhere really just to have fun and socialize, frankly don't see any logical reason in it being here or there forum wise, if that makes sense.

So here's what on my mind now

2013 Shelby gt500 I just got :0
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v124/Dr-toronto/1%20shelby/IMG_1494_zpsepvjcicc.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Dr-toronto/media/1%20shelby/IMG_1494_zpsepvjcicc.jpg.html)

03-14-2016, 06:18 PM
All good guys, appreciate the "un" ban, I'll take this to pm, don't want this to be like us back in the cmoc days haha..but I'll get them to delete my acct..can't read peeps getting treated like that..kinda get annoyed reading it..

Anyways back to mustangs

That's it

Sorry for the drama TMC

03-14-2016, 06:50 PM
^^^ It's all good brother.
Yes moderating can be a tricky at times, does take practice.

03-14-2016, 07:36 PM
^^^ It's all good brother.
Yes moderating can be a tricky at times, does take practice.

you couldn't pay me enough ..

03-14-2016, 10:59 PM
Enjoy the time and spend more time with your family and friends because you never know what the future may hold!

My condolences - so sorry for your loss.

03-14-2016, 11:56 PM
I think we know someone who did that particular one ;)

whoa k...lemme guess

03-15-2016, 08:36 AM

I don't like condescending bullies Tim, ive been watching the posts from this 1 mod over the last while and if you happen to say something that he doesn't agree with he turns on you and is so ignorant or mention this site...wow! , so today someone asked Heinz how much he paid for his new fox (a little crude to ask I agree) but Minaccia decided to tell this guy not to worry about it because he can't afford it anyways...

I just said what a pleasant person he must be in the real world and then he Pm's me about my comments haha..

Just nonsense in his PM, not to question his posts or something..

I told him he was acting like a complete douche, then he told me to update my user profile with my full first in last name, told I wasn't going to do that, and I'll just delete my acct no biggy as I come here more..

So he banned me before I could and the message said "learn some respect" what a clown..just don't like people belittling people, it rubs me the wrong way, so damn right I'll speak up..

I Pm'd Chrome here this morning to just delete my acct I'll never go back.

This place is better anyways IMO.. I haven't been back there in almost a year and I plan on keeping it that way.. They can suck it!!!
Better atmosphere here anyways!!! And I can say fuck!! LOL And post a video on my Audi spanking a Mustang without all the hastle. (well amybe a little but that's ok) .lol :D

I'm not sure if they can delete your account "if I remember correctly" But my memory isn't what it used to be..lol..

03-15-2016, 08:38 AM
That DD of yours will spank a whole lotta Mustangs, fawk it's a nice car. In the same breath, big number of Mustangs that will make it look tame, all part of the game.

03-15-2016, 08:39 AM
......................oh, and fuck. ;)

03-15-2016, 08:44 AM
That DD of yours will spank a whole lotta Mustangs, fawk it's a nice car. In the same breath, big number of Mustangs that will make it look tame, all part of the game.

Oh you got that right Rick!! There are some I'll take on and some (like your epic Cobra) I wouldn't even think about running against..lol.. I try not to bring a knife to a gun fight!! LOL :D
But at the end of the day we all love our cars and enjoy them as much as we can. I still enjoy my Audi, but I'm year 2 with no stang and this year I'm missing it more than last..lol.. AND the good woman has asked me to hang onto it for at least another year till I trade it in. SO, for now I'll just love the car I have! :D She's still purdy for a DD..lol..

03-15-2016, 08:48 AM
Sounds like me and sledding. Was fine last year, not even a twinge but this past fall got the fever hard. Looked n looked for a used ride but 1-2 yr olds are way too close to new. Ending up with the end of season deal I got last week on a new '16, really like it.
If only the budget was bigger.

03-15-2016, 08:52 AM
Damn that's one nice lookin sled you got!!!! I just need to win the damn lotto so I can have all the Mustangs I want!!! :D LOL And then some!! :D

03-15-2016, 08:55 AM
You and me both.
Kath bought if for me so I'll get the hell outta the house on the weekends next winter. Apparently I'm infringing on her do what she wants time. She originally thought it would be nice to have me home, guess my smile wasn't enough.

03-15-2016, 08:59 AM
But at the end of the day we all love our cars and enjoy them as much as we can. I still enjoy my Audi,
I'll be doing a timing chain on my ride this weekend. Should be enjoyable.

I would not envy a timing chain job on your Audi.

03-15-2016, 09:00 AM
That set up makes my head hurt.

03-15-2016, 09:00 AM
PS..........missing a chain.

03-15-2016, 09:03 AM
It reminds me of the belt setup on my father's old Massey combine...


03-15-2016, 09:03 AM
With a chain tossed in for good measure.

03-15-2016, 09:04 AM
PS..........missing a chain.
LOL, that's the one that broke

03-15-2016, 09:05 AM
Thought maybe you pinched it for the 5.0.

03-15-2016, 09:06 AM
The chain on my mountain bike is more HD than that one. No thanks.

03-15-2016, 09:06 AM
I hope that if the chain ever goes the cars still under warranty!! LOL

03-15-2016, 09:06 AM

03-15-2016, 09:46 AM
Holy hell. What is that? A chain link fence? HAHAHA That is nuts. Technology nowadays. Even the Coyote motor has a mess going on there. Not as bad but still.

03-15-2016, 09:53 AM
PS..........missing a chain.

That must be the VW version....

03-15-2016, 09:57 AM
More like a switch blade lol. In my case it will be a butter knife! I am forcing myself to not think about not having a muscle car in my garage. REALLY TRYING NOT TO!!!!!!

Oh you got that right Rick!! There are some I'll take on and some (like your epic Cobra) I wouldn't even think about running against..lol.. I try not to bring a knife to a gun fight!! LOL :D
But at the end of the day we all love our cars and enjoy them as much as we can. I still enjoy my Audi, but I'm year 2 with no stang and this year I'm missing it more than last..lol.. AND the good woman has asked me to hang onto it for at least another year till I trade it in. SO, for now I'll just love the car I have! :D She's still purdy for a DD..lol..

03-15-2016, 11:29 AM
More like a switch blade lol. In my case it will be a butter knife! I am forcing myself to not think about not having a muscle car in my garage. REALLY TRYING NOT TO!!!!!!

Ah! You're knife be plenty sharp my friend!!! :)
I've been thinking about a second car but right now just isn't the right time so I wait.... And wait.. and wait...lol.. The right car will come along and Joanna will finally say ok... (hopefully) lol

03-15-2016, 11:31 AM
It reminds me of the belt setup on my father's old Massey combine...


Looks like a zamboni.. lol :D

03-15-2016, 01:21 PM
whoa k...lemme guess

Did you figure it out?

03-16-2016, 12:06 AM
And post a video on my Audi spanking a Mustang without all the hastle. (well amybe a little but that's ok) .lol :D
How fast is this famed Audi I keep hearing about, I think i want to line up regardless of outcome

In other news
Whats on my mind was the great interview I had today, had a pre screen phone interview with HR feb 1st and my first in person on the 2nd with the national service manager and tech service supervisor, went pretty well I thought but then did not hear back until last fri. Had a 20min chat with the HR girl today and then toured the work area and lab with the service sup and gentleman I would be replacing (got to partially perform a cataract surgery) and had general discussion, I then hung out and chatted for a while after with the guy I would be replacing. Felt great leaving after 3 hours, great connections, excited about the role, I am one of 3 in contention now which is the closest I think Ive been so far.
Please pray for me.

03-16-2016, 12:59 AM
How fast is this famed Audi I keep hearing about


03-16-2016, 07:28 AM
Very cool runs by both.

03-16-2016, 07:44 AM
Who tuned that explorer and can they tune my MKT?

03-16-2016, 10:23 AM
Looks like I'm doing Deals Gap/Smokey Mountains this summer. This affects decision car things...

03-16-2016, 11:19 AM
Looks like I'm doing Deals Gap/Smokey Mountains this summer. This affects decision car things...

Further to this, must.....stop.....looking....at.....996's....

03-16-2016, 11:36 AM
Further to this, must.....stop.....looking....at.....996's....

I have the same issue Laffs! asked the wife if i can grab one until my resto project is on the road, i didnt get the response i was hoping for hahaha

03-16-2016, 11:44 AM
I have the same issue Laffs! asked the wife if i can grab one until my resto project is on the road, i didnt get the response i was hoping for hahaha

Wanna split on a Condo when each of our respective spouses kick us out when we buy one anyway?

03-16-2016, 12:05 PM
You guys are hillarious. Make sure you get enough parking spots. :)

03-16-2016, 12:22 PM
Wanna split on a Condo when each of our respective spouses kick us out when we buy one anyway?

Now your talking!

- - - Updated - - -

You guys are hillarious. Make sure you get enough parking spots. :)

And bedrooms..could get awkward

03-16-2016, 12:32 PM
Now your talking!

- - - Updated - - -

And bedrooms..could get awkward

Was thinking something like this, 2 bedroom 2 bath of course.


03-16-2016, 12:35 PM


03-16-2016, 12:39 PM
Nice car Laffs. They still go for quite a bit of money I see.

03-16-2016, 12:45 PM
Nice car Laffs. They still go for quite a bit of money I see.

I'm a fucking moron for not buying one 2 yeas ago ( when I didnt have the money but ignoring that). 30-35k got you a minty mid miles Turbo car. Now they're in the 40's again.

I've learned the proper time to buy any mildly desirable Porsche is always "right fucking now" since the values on these resemble the lifetime stock ticker for Berkshire Hathway or Buzz Lightyears catch phrase.

03-16-2016, 12:49 PM
Backup for the LOLFUCK pricing on these



03-16-2016, 01:08 PM
Yeah these damn Porsches really hold their value. And to top it off they still freaking leak oil even after an engine rebuild.

03-16-2016, 01:14 PM
I'm a fucking moron for not buying one 2 yeas ago ( when I didnt have the money but ignoring that). 30-35k got you a minty mid miles Turbo car. Now they're in the 40's again.

I've learned the proper time to buy any mildly desirable Porsche is always "right fucking now" since the values on these resemble the lifetime stock ticker for Berkshire Hathway or Buzz Lightyears catch phrase.

i hear ya laffs, when i bought the shelby it was a toss up between it and the 996T, i regret not going with the porshe...

im thinking a clean manual 928 will be going up and up in value soon..

03-16-2016, 01:18 PM
Yeah these damn Porsches really hold their value. And to top it off they still freaking leak oil even after an engine rebuild.

At least they don't leak coolant....

i hear ya laffs, when i bought the shelby it was a toss up between it and the 996T, i regret not going with the porshe...

im thinking a clean manual 928 will be going up and up in value soon..

Survey says you're correct most likely in your logic


03-16-2016, 01:27 PM
HAHAHA! True true. And agreed. 928's are indeed going up. The rarest of them all. V8 RWD Porsche.
At least they don't leak coolant....

Survey says you're correct most likely in your logic


03-16-2016, 01:30 PM
HAHAHA! True true. And agreed. 928's are indeed going up. The rarest of them all. V8 RWD Porsche.

Not exactly Weissach's pride, but ya, there's a market for them it seems. Nothing will touch the special production air cooled 911 stuff.

03-16-2016, 01:59 PM

I'll take this one please ...


03-16-2016, 02:05 PM

I'll take this one please ...


Guards Red on Tan is my dream, so 80's, would rock one the hardest while bumping the miami vice soundtrack.

03-16-2016, 02:26 PM
Was thinking I might like to pick up a bronco again. Lol nope.
96 with 350000 ish km. $7000!!!!!

94 with 84000 ish miles. $25 GrAND!!!

03-16-2016, 02:32 PM
Nice car. Must have it says...

03-16-2016, 02:34 PM
Was thinking I might like to pick up a bronco again. Lol nope.
96 with 350000 ish km. $7000!!!!!

94 with 84000 ish miles. $25 GrAND!!!

grab a clean one out of the states, 15-20k will get you a nice rust free truck

03-16-2016, 02:44 PM
So get this: remember that nut-job that shot all those kids in Norway 5 years ago?
8 people killed from a car bomb, then he mowed down 69 children at a day camp with an automatic assault rifle.

Apparently he is being "treated like an animal".

The 37-year-old right-wing extremist has sued the government, saying his prison conditions are “inhuman” and violate the European Convention on Human Rights.....“It would have been more humane to shoot me than to treat me like an animal,” Breivik told a court hearing...He accused the government of trying to drive him to suicide by keeping him isolated from other prisoners and stopping his mail correspondence with sympathizers.

I say turn up the heat.

03-16-2016, 06:10 PM

I've never seen this video before JT.. Thanks for posting it!! :) We had a couple great runs that day for sure!!! :)

03-16-2016, 07:56 PM
Lets line em up this year mark

03-16-2016, 08:06 PM
I've never seen this video before JT.. Thanks for posting it!! :) We had a couple great runs that day for sure!!! :)

Np...I think I posted it on the other site during your Banning or Exile. LOL

03-16-2016, 08:29 PM
Np...I think I posted it on the other site during your Banning or Exile. LOL

That's what happens to the cool guys

03-16-2016, 11:39 PM
Hey girl....


03-17-2016, 07:26 AM
Tenant from hell strikes again. Went through a similar situation a few years back, no payment and a ridiculous amount of time and effort to evict, we will never rent out our apartment again. Situation in Ontario breeds these vultures, no real recourse if they won't leave.


03-17-2016, 07:48 AM
As usual only the usual suspects show up to the meet. Thanks to those, you guys know who you are ;)

03-17-2016, 07:57 AM
Wing night north has been a tic quiet as well, bet the numbers grow as the weather settles Jib.

03-17-2016, 08:21 AM
Lets line em up this year mark

Sounds like a good plan Nick!! :)

03-17-2016, 09:14 AM
On opgi ordering 2 manuals for my cutlass, 55$ for the manuals, 140$ shipping! Wow! Just emailed asking if they can put it in an envelope with a few stamps haha

03-17-2016, 09:29 AM
Just slap a stamp on the manuals and drop em in...

03-17-2016, 09:32 AM
Just slap a stamp on the manuals and drop em in...

Thinking the same thing

03-17-2016, 09:33 AM
Thinking the same thing

I have literally saran wrapped books, put stamps on, dropped in mail.

03-17-2016, 09:34 AM
Tenant from hell strikes again. Went through a similar situation a few years back, no payment and a ridiculous amount of time and effort to evict, we will never rent out our apartment again. Situation in Ontario breeds these vultures, no real recourse if they won't leave.


just finished a situation recently k's lost in the end before the fkr left , he even got a k's payout to leave ...scums

03-17-2016, 09:48 AM
As usual only the usual suspects show up to the meet. Thanks to those, you guys know who you are ;)

Was hoping too but left work after 8pm so wouldn't have made it in decent time. See you next month!

- - - Updated - - -

Tenant from hell strikes again. Went through a similar situation a few years back, no payment and a ridiculous amount of time and effort to evict, we will never rent out our apartment again. Situation in Ontario breeds these vultures, no real recourse if they won't leave.


Absolutely disgusting. She's committing fraud and taking the system for a ride.

03-17-2016, 10:21 AM
Tenant from hell strikes again. Went through a similar situation a few years back, no payment and a ridiculous amount of time and effort to evict, we will never rent out our apartment again. Situation in Ontario breeds these vultures, no real recourse if they won't leave.


What ever happened to hired goons?

03-17-2016, 02:26 PM
My dad grabbed me this, (grabbed himself a Ferrari kit)f1 starting on Sunday I can build while I watch haha..

http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u263/mikebones_photos/473433B1-E40C-43BA-892C-1738174E54A1.jpg (http://s170.photobucket.com/user/mikebones_photos/media/473433B1-E40C-43BA-892C-1738174E54A1.jpg.html)

Nothing wrong with a 32yr old man getting presents from his dad haha..apparently it's my Easter gift :)

The Newmare
03-17-2016, 02:37 PM
https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/1476116_1344757532218079_2558420861372997682_n.jpg ?oh=d9d60fe10f070e3df8a69ed9054aa961&oe=5795D9AA

https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/1476116_1344757532218079_2558420861372997682_n.jpg ?oh=d9d60fe10f070e3df8a69ed9054aa961&oe=5795D9AA

03-17-2016, 03:00 PM
https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/1476116_1344757532218079_2558420861372997682_n.jpg ?oh=d9d60fe10f070e3df8a69ed9054aa961&oe=5795D9AA

Ok your picture is better than mine haha

03-17-2016, 06:43 PM
https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/1476116_1344757532218079_2558420861372997682_n.jpg ?oh=d9d60fe10f070e3df8a69ed9054aa961&oe=5795D9AA

NICE!!!! :D

03-17-2016, 06:50 PM
My dad grabbed me this, (grabbed himself a Ferrari kit)f1 starting on Sunday I can build while I watch haha..
I've got a few kits sitting on the shelf, including a '95 Mustang.
It's hard to find time to build the 1:25 when the 1:1 model takes so much of my free time.

55 HD
03-17-2016, 08:57 PM
Just completed the 1955 F-100 and brought it home after getting the interior work done @ Trim Tech Interiors in Oshawa. She is tucked away in the garage waiting for the sun to shine or a serious buyer to show up. I have a tire kicker on his way to see it Saturday who says he knows my truck and is serious.

Stay tuned

03-17-2016, 10:02 PM
I've got a few kits sitting on the shelf, including a '95 Mustang.
It's hard to find time to build the 1:25 when the 1:1 model takes so much of my free time.

I hear ya, it'll prob take me a year to build it haha

03-17-2016, 10:11 PM
Just completed the 1955 F-100 and brought it home after getting the interior work done @ Trim Tech Interiors in Oshawa. She is tucked away in the garage waiting for the sun to shine or a serious buyer to show up. I have a tire kicker on his way to see it Saturday who says he knows my truck and is serious.

Stay tuned

how about a few pics mr.

03-17-2016, 10:12 PM
What ever happened to hired goons?

He decided to move after "we had a chat". If it was up to the tribunal, he'd still be here.

03-17-2016, 10:20 PM

03-17-2016, 10:26 PM
I'd finally had enough. Tried the proper channels, system is broken bad.

03-17-2016, 10:28 PM
Initial trip to the tribunal for mediation, first thing out of the mediators mouth, how much was I willing to pay him to leave, suggested a ridiculous amount of money to start, was not gonna happen.

03-17-2016, 11:17 PM
the next time you have issues...my boys Vinny & Alfonzo can have a little "chat" with em

03-18-2016, 07:04 AM
Thanks Tail.

03-18-2016, 07:44 AM
Irish car bombs caught up to me pretty quickly last night...

03-18-2016, 12:54 PM

03-18-2016, 12:59 PM

I'll x2 that!!!! :D

03-19-2016, 12:15 PM
OK Formula 1....you had your fun fucking up Qually for Australia

now go back to the old format and stop trying to fix shit that isn't broken

03-19-2016, 01:22 PM
OK Formula 1....you had your fun fucking up Qually for Australia

now go back to the old format and stop trying to fix shit that isn't broken

Add Nascar to that list.

03-19-2016, 01:51 PM
Add Nascar to that list.

did you watch the F1 qually this morning?

utter horseshit

they decided to "spice" up the qually show by adding a count-down clock to each of the 3 qually segments

eg - after the first 7 minutes of qually 1 the slowest time gets punted every 90 seconds

you had cars getting punted on their flying laps because the clock ran out on their 90 second countdown....regardless of the qually segment having 5-6 minutes left still

you had cars in Q2 who didn't even bother to leave the pits because they knew they wouldn't beat the countdown clock

and in the final segment....there was 3 fucking minutes left on the clock and everyone was parked with the grid set

it was just retarded shit.....

the upside is it was so bad that it's probably been scrapped already and they'll go back to the old format next race

03-19-2016, 02:28 PM
it was just retarded shit.....

the upside is it was so bad that it's probably been scrapped already and they'll go back to the old format next race

for truth

03-19-2016, 02:54 PM
at least they only fucked up the qually and haven't added a caution clock to the race.

03-19-2016, 09:15 PM
Just started watching Daredevil on netflix...I skipped a bit to season 2. So freaking stoked The Punisher is featured in the second season. I love Jon Bernthal's portrayal of Frank Castle aka The Punisher: they chose the right actor !

03-19-2016, 09:58 PM
On the 6th episode right now of season 2, Shane (from WD) does a pretty convincing Punisher...

Just started watching Daredevil on netflix...I skipped a bit to season 2. So freaking stoked The Punisher is featured in the second season. I love Jon Bernthal's portrayal of Frank Castle aka The Punisher: they chose the right actor !

03-19-2016, 09:59 PM
Just started watching Daredevil on netflix...I skipped a bit to season 2. So freaking stoked The Punisher is featured in the second season. I love Jon Bernthal's portrayal of Frank Castle aka The Punisher: they chose the right actor !

It's so good! I'm on episode 5 or 6 already.

03-19-2016, 09:59 PM
On the 6th episode right now of season 2, Shane (from WD) makes a convincing Punisher...
Indeed! I'm on ep 6 coincidentally too. Watching it as we speak!

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk

03-19-2016, 10:12 PM
Indeed! I'm on ep 6 coincidentally too. Watching it as we speak!

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk
I just pressed play as well. Turns out I'm on episode 5. It's back 10 yrs prior.

03-19-2016, 10:27 PM
give it time I'm just waiting for the Punisher to start fucking shit up again. I want to see him wear the skull. My fav marvel character with wolverine being second and captain america being 3rd after that awesome Winter Soldier movie.

03-19-2016, 10:44 PM


I can't believe this was done!!!

03-19-2016, 11:16 PM
^Awesome swap! Very clean install.

03-20-2016, 12:44 AM
where was the walk around? shot under hood and interior start up. Still a cool swap but I wanted to hear it from behind the exhaust too! ;-P

03-20-2016, 09:06 AM
Damn the reboot of Robocop is awesome.

03-20-2016, 10:27 AM
Aussie GP was a cracker

and they've officially ditched the qually shit-show and reverting back to last year's format going forward

bring on Bahrain

03-21-2016, 12:30 AM
did you watch the F1 qually this morning?

utter horseshit

they decided to "spice" up the qually show by adding a count-down clock to each of the 3 qually segments

eg - after the first 7 minutes of qually 1 the slowest time gets punted every 90 seconds

you had cars getting punted on their flying laps because the clock ran out on their 90 second countdown....regardless of the qually segment having 5-6 minutes left still

you had cars in Q2 who didn't even bother to leave the pits because they knew they wouldn't beat the countdown clock

and in the final segment....there was 3 fucking minutes left on the clock and everyone was parked with the grid set

it was just retarded shit.....

the upside is it was so bad that it's probably been scrapped already and they'll go back to the old format next race

Naw day in the shop working on the new trailer then off to road test it and the sled to Hali Forest today.
Epic day of riding, guess it's over till next winter.

Amsoil Guy
03-21-2016, 11:50 AM
Was super impressed by bell and the weather network this weekend. Shitty situation but was amazed bell did it, this popped up on the TV


The wifes phone has the Weather Network app and every city she has saved popped up with an alert about it as well. Thought that was very awesome of them.

03-21-2016, 12:54 PM

The car was taken from a flea market parking lot. Police said the father got out of his vehicle to go inside the market and left the infant in the back seat. As he came out of the market, his vehicle was being driven away, police said.

Seriously who leaves a 3 y/o in a car? Folks: we have a new "father-of-the-year" award winner :clap2:

03-22-2016, 08:33 AM
Something seriously fucked up with this world... Atleast 26 dead, more than 130 injured in Brussels attacks

03-22-2016, 08:42 AM
Sickened when I heard.

03-22-2016, 10:23 PM
Day 3 cleaning/organizing the garage.. Installed the last light fixture tonight, so nice to have lighting in there! I'm off till Tuesday so I'll have time to get it done.

True Blue
03-22-2016, 10:54 PM
^^^ Post a fucking pic of the new lighting Mike! :)

03-23-2016, 08:55 AM
^^^ Post a fucking pic of the new lighting Mike! :)

Haha, once I've got it cleaned up and organized I'll post pics..couple more days..

03-23-2016, 09:22 AM
^^^if I waited for that, I would never post pics.

the brief 2 minutes after the job is done, is the cleanest it's ever going to get.

03-23-2016, 06:58 PM
Neighbor sells in less than 24Hrs 80k over list , looks like Newmarket is a bargain for Richmond Hill/Markham peeps ...nutz

True Blue
03-23-2016, 08:39 PM
^^^ A co-worker of mine listed her semi last weekend located in Richmond Hill. Had 17 registered offers, that semi sold for 155K over list!!! This is retarded!

03-24-2016, 06:18 AM
My sister and her boyfriend were house shopping for the past couple months. They only had a small realistic budget. $250K.

They were looking in Oshawa and everything they bid on, they were out bid. Everything was selling for tens of thousands over asking.

They finally came across one they liked listed at $229,000 and offered $251,000 right off the hop. They beat the other offer by $3000 and got the house.

The market has gone full retard. We bought our place 5 years ago in Bowmanville for $257,000 and their house is narrower than my master bedroom. Our house is more than twice the size and it was only $6000 more 5 years ago.

Today it's worth over $400,000 in this years market. A house just down the street from me went for $480,000. Roughly the same size house but it had a finished basement.

Insanity! How can you justify that much inflation.

03-24-2016, 08:03 AM
Looks like laughable F! Qualifying is sticking around for now. At least part of it. Seems they are going back to the old format for Q3. What's next? Timed cautions?

03-24-2016, 08:30 AM
My sister and her boyfriend were house shopping for the past couple months. They only had a small realistic budget. $250K.

They were looking in Oshawa and everything they bid on, they were out bid. Everything was selling for tens of thousands over asking.

They finally came across one they liked listed at $229,000 and offered $251,000 right off the hop. They beat the other offer by $3000 and got the house.

The market has gone full retard. We bought our place 5 years ago in Bowmanville for $257,000 and their house is narrower than my master bedroom. Our house is more than twice the size and it was only $6000 more 5 years ago.

Today it's worth over $400,000 in this years market. A house just down the street from me went for $480,000. Roughly the same size house but it had a finished basement.

Insanity! How can you justify that much inflation.

03-24-2016, 09:12 AM
I think I'll trade xtine for an old Dart.

I'd love to have two darts in the same driveway.

03-24-2016, 09:45 AM
I think I'll trade xtine for an old Dart.

I'd love to have two darts in the same driveway.

Paint a bullseye on the garage door, and occasionally nose up to dead centre with one.

03-24-2016, 10:13 AM

instead of a wing, he should have some flights


03-24-2016, 10:17 AM
I've always want to get a Dodge Dart and just park it on my lawn and see who gets the subtle irony.

03-24-2016, 10:19 AM
too subtle. ....unless you park it in a big yellow hula-hoop.

03-24-2016, 11:04 AM
Paint a bullseye on the garage door, and occasionally nose up to dead centre with one.

It'll end up costing a lot in siding repairs given the aim I have with a Dart.

03-24-2016, 11:06 AM
I wonder how many guys would be frothing at the mouth at a Mopar meet if I pulled up in a 4 door 72 Dart with an LS motor in it...

03-24-2016, 12:50 PM
Another middle finger to small businesses thanks to Trudeau's liberals. Fuck you very much trust fund.

Amsoil Guy
03-24-2016, 01:06 PM
Another broken campaign promise that will effect all small businesses.

03-24-2016, 03:56 PM
Parking Dick can go fuck himself. I went to pick Abbey up from school. Had my 3yr old with me. Drove since the sidewalks are about an inch think with ice and it is raining hard right now. there are about 100 cars by the school since everyone else drove to pick up their kids. I parked with the no parking sign even with the rear bumper, about a foot beyond the sign. Come back after meeting her by the school doors and he is leaving a slip under my wiper. He was just a young guy. I asked him if he had any kids. He said he didnt. If he did I bet he wouldnt have been sticking it to the parents in these fucking conditions.

03-24-2016, 06:43 PM
Another $300 million pissed away/lie about a contract that was supposed to be "neutral" - Liz Sandals says it not compensation it's "benefits" - not sure what that definition is with the Liberals...plus this:

Ontario releases expense report for high-school teachers’ union


The Globe and Mail

Published Wednesday, Mar. 23, 2016 6:00AM EDT

After months of probing, Ontario’s Liberal government has released the audited expenses of a secret payment made to the public high-school teachers’ union.

The Globe and Mail revealed last fall that the province paid three teachers’ unions $2.5-million to support them with bargaining costs and get them to sign labour deals. The government handed $1-million each to the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association, plus $500,000 to the smaller Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens.

The payments to the teachers union have been controversial. After initially saying it did not see the unions’ receipts to verify bargaining expenses, the Liberals said they would seek an accounting.

The audited expenses of the OSSTF’s payment, released by the Ministry of Education, included $391,110 for hotels, $141,075 for meals and $271,168 for travel. There were also expenses filed for meeting rooms and telephone, video and Internet services for the period from August, 2014, to the end of September, 2015.

Education Minister Liz Sandals has justified the payments by saying they were necessary to compensate the unions for the increased costs of bargaining, which became longer and more complicated after the Liberals put a two-step system in place. Larger matters such as salaries were negotiated between the government and central unions, while smaller issues were settled between individual school boards and union locals.

The government reached central deals with all the education unions in the fall, but not before a tough round of negotiations during which the public high-school teachers’ union held strikes in the Toronto area and Northern Ontario, and the government legislated the teachers back to work.

There are still 240 local unions out of 473 that have not yet reached deals. The current contracts are for a three-year period, and are set to expire at the end of the August, 2017.

The government said it will release audited expenses of the payments to OECTA and the AEFO after the two unions complete local bargaining. It said the four associations representing school boards, which includes the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association, received $11.6-million over three years for bargaining and to manage activities as a result of negotiations.

The union representing public elementary school teachers did not accept a payment.

The $1-million payment to the OSSTF was made despite the union’s internal financial statements, obtained by The Globe, showed that it had substantial reserves for bargaining costs, political action and grievances. The member protection account’s total balance at the end of the 2014 fiscal year – when the union began negotiating a new collective agreement with the province – was more than $65-million.

OSSTF president Paul Elliott did not respond to an e-mail on Tuesday requesting comment.

03-24-2016, 06:57 PM
Ontario's teachers' contracts not 'net zero' after all
$300-million extra dedicated to merging benefits
9 0
Posted on 3/23/2016 7:09 AM by Canadian Press
- See more at: http://www.newstalk1010.com/news/2016/03/23/ontarios-teachers-contracts-not-net-zero-after-all#sthash.CuB8u5E9.dpuf

Contract agreements with teachers and education workers that the Ontario Liberal government were boasted were "net zero" actually come with an additional 300-million dollars cost to set up benefit trusts.

The five health, life and dental trusts will consolidate more than one-thousand current benefit plans.

The government believes it will eventually recover the set-up costs due to "long-term efficiencies" and "improved purchasing power."

The central deals with nine education unions are being made public today, months after revelations that the government promised in the contracts to spend 2.5-million dollars covering some unions' bargaining costs.

Of that money, one-million has now been issued to the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation after it provided details of its expenses to an independent auditor.

Those details, however, are still not being made public, beyond a summary of spending by category such as nearly 400-thousand dollars for accommodation and more than 270-thousand dollars on travel.
- See more at: http://www.newstalk1010.com/news/2016/03/23/ontarios-teachers-contracts-not-net-zero-after-all#sthash.CuB8u5E9.dpuf

03-25-2016, 07:26 PM
Went back to Rogers (Ignite 100/10Unlimited) today after 2 years with Tekksavvy(I knew they were throttling me), I'm considering HF now...

http://www.speedtest.net/result/5198371077.png (http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5198371077)

on wireless...gotto check my in house cabling lol

<a href="http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/1827138180"><img src="http://www.speedtest.net/android/1827138180.png"></a>

03-25-2016, 11:02 PM
If I showed you what I'm getting you'd think it was from the 90's [emoji20]

Still managed to go 43-3 in HC TDM a couple minutes ago on BO3. If I had a good connection I'd be MLG lmao!! [emoji23]

03-26-2016, 10:19 AM
Went back to Rogers (Ignite 100/10Unlimited) today after 2 years with Tekksavvy(I knew they were throttling me), I'm considering HF now...

http://www.speedtest.net/result/5198371077.png (http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5198371077)
on wireless...gotto check my in house cabling lol

<a href="http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/1827138180"><img src="http://www.speedtest.net/android/1827138180.png"></a>

I'm throttled big time by my local companies.
I pay for 10mb/s and I'm lick to see 3

Any time I call them to complain they blame it on Netflix eating up my bandwidth. And offer to sell me over priced cable. I threaten to cancel my account and I instantly get between 8 and 10 Mb/s for a couple days then it drops back down to 3 again.

03-26-2016, 01:58 PM
I have bell fibe, always get what we pay for and a little extra, its had some flaky days the last little while but otherwise has been solid for many years

03-26-2016, 02:12 PM
I wonder how many guys would be frothing at the mouth at a Mopar meet if I pulled up in a 4 door 72 Dart with an LS motor in it...

Lol, any I know would kick you out of the meet.......

03-27-2016, 01:44 PM
If I showed you what I'm getting you'd think it was from the 90's [emoji20]

Still managed to go 43-3 in HC TDM a couple minutes ago on BO3. If I had a good connection I'd be MLG lmao!! [emoji23]

My son is the MLG'er in the household, he's tickled about the change...

I'm throttled big time by my local companies.
I pay for 10mb/s and I'm lick to see 3

Any time I call them to complain they blame it on Netflix eating up my bandwidth. And offer to sell me over priced cable. I threaten to cancel my account and I instantly get between 8 and 10 Mb/s for a couple days then it drops back down to 3 again.

It was a constant cycle of excuses from TS, I just had enough when it affected me from doing work (employer pays a % of my internet)...

I have bell fibe, always get what we pay for and a little extra, its had some flaky days the last little while but otherwise has been solid for many years

I've learned to stick to major ISP's now, don't have the patience for the flaky days...

03-27-2016, 03:35 PM
15* out, outdoor clean up has begun!

http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u263/mikebones_photos/12EF8CB7-1440-448B-875A-1E443F22D3CA.jpg (http://s170.photobucket.com/user/mikebones_photos/media/12EF8CB7-1440-448B-875A-1E443F22D3CA.jpg.html)

Even had my first brew out on the front patio after working on the lawn for 1.5hr trying to rake up the thatch...

03-29-2016, 08:37 PM
^^Beautiful 03svt....on my mind is my Lightning! Looking forward to taking her for a rip in April when I head down south :ford:


Amsoil Guy
03-30-2016, 11:41 AM
^ VERY Jealous!

03-30-2016, 12:52 PM
Won't be long Ryan and you'll be out cruising in yours :cheers:

03-30-2016, 04:58 PM
Took the Mach 1 for a drive along the Niagara Parkway today. Nice afternoon for a cruise[emoji1].


Sent from my super duper iPhone 6 using Tapatalk in [emoji1063]

03-30-2016, 05:44 PM
People like this should do jail time for misrepresentation and fraud.

'Sham' cancer charities agree to $76M judgment, dissolution
By Travis Loller, The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – 21 minutes ago

By Travis Loller, The Associated Press

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Two Tennessee-based cancer charities labeled "shams" by the Federal Trade Commission have settled a massive fraud case, along with their president, by agreeing to a $75.8 million judgment and the dissolution of the businesses.

The complaint filed last year accused James T. Reynolds Sr. and others of spending donations meant for cancer patients on six-figure salaries and luxury vacations. The FTC said it is the largest joint action ever undertaken by the FTC and state charity regulators.

Cancer Fund of America and Cancer Support Services spent less than 3 per cent of contributions from individual donors on cash and goods sent to cancer patients and nonprofits in the United States, according to the FTC.

Much of what was sent to patients was virtually worthless. It consisted of boxes of "seemingly random items" that typically included Carnation Instant Breakfast drink, adult briefs and bed pads, sample-sized soaps, Little Debbie snack cakes and blank seasonal greeting cards, according to court documents. The items were mostly purchased from procurement agents, who sell overstocked, out-of-season and discontinued products to nonprofits at a small fraction of their retail value.

Cancer Support Services also claimed to provide services to cancer patients, including hospice care, but actually existed solely to raise money for Cancer Fund of America, according to court documents.

The settlement with Reynolds and the two businesses was filed Wednesday in federal court in Arizona and must be signed by the judge before it takes effect.

FTC attorney Tracy Thorleifson said the agency does not yet know how much money the government will recover, but she said it "won't even be close" to the $75.8 million judgment, which reflects the amount of money the public donated to the two "sham charities" between 2008 and 2012.

Reynolds' assets to be sold include 50 collector beer steins, two 9 mm pistols, 15 framed art prints, five Remington statues and a pontoon boat. After Reynolds complies, the judgment against him will be suspended, provided his sworn financial statements are accurate.

As part of the settlement, Reynolds is banned from profiting from any charity fundraising in the future.

Reynolds' attorney did not return a phone call or email seeking comment.

Reynolds' son and ex-wife previously agreed to settlements involving two related charities. The former president of Cancer Support Services also settled earlier.

Together, the four charities raised more than $187 million between 2008 and 2012. Donor contributions financed personal loans; paid for trips to Las Vegas, New York and Disney World; and purchased cars, college tuition, gym memberships, Jet Ski outings, dating website subscriptions and luxury cruises.

03-31-2016, 08:16 PM
Wishing I hadn't cheaped out when I bought the welder. Got the powerfist for like 250 on sale figured it would be fine for what I needed.
Tried to talk my dad in going halves so we could get a Lincoln. But he said "I have the sick welder I don't need a mig"

Well I bought the cheap one before I even plugged it in my dear old dad says hey that should be easier for this thing I'm working on can I use that. Lol. I said sure I don't need it quite yet. Well two months and a roll and a half of wire later I got it back with a trigger that won't shut off the gas fully when you let go.

Now I got both floors welded in the TBird. And halfway threw the inner torque box patch today and it started to sound funny and now won't lay a decent weld. Burning the wire off too soon. If I turn the wire speed up it just goes pop pop pop and won't heat up unless I crank the amps up.

Still have the battery box and both quarters to weld in.

Fuck me.

04-01-2016, 08:37 AM
But he said "I have the sick welder I don't need a mig"
LOL, sounds like my father when I got my Lincoln. Expensive, especially with the bottle, but totally worth it. I've had it 10 (?) years now.

04-01-2016, 09:08 AM
Wishing I hadn't cheaped out when I bought the welder. Got the powerfist for like 250 on sale figured it would be fine for what I needed.
Tried to talk my dad in going halves so we could get a Lincoln. But he said "I have the sick welder I don't need a mig"

Well I bought the cheap one before I even plugged it in my dear old dad says hey that should be easier for this thing I'm working on can I use that. Lol. I said sure I don't need it quite yet. Well two months and a roll and a half of wire later I got it back with a trigger that won't shut off the gas fully when you let go.

Now I got both floors welded in the TBird. And halfway threw the inner torque box patch today and it started to sound funny and now won't lay a decent weld. Burning the wire off too soon. If I turn the wire speed up it just goes pop pop pop and won't heat up unless I crank the amps up.

Still have the battery box and both quarters to weld in.

Fuck me.

Clean your wire feed rollers. Slot down the center of them can become clogged / partially clogged with dirt n debris which will result in inconsistent wire feed. Also make sure your tip and inside of the cone are both clean n free of spatter. Once clean, spray or dip in non stick tip coating.

04-02-2016, 04:28 PM
Time for a celebration!
I got a job offer yesterday morning!, Its been a long search (and long process with this company)

Old Fart
04-02-2016, 04:42 PM

04-02-2016, 05:20 PM
Time for a celebration!
I got a job offer yesterday morning!, Its been a long search (and long process with this company)

Congrats Nick.

04-02-2016, 08:14 PM
Time for a celebration!
I got a job offer yesterday morning!, Its been a long search (and long process with this company)


04-05-2016, 12:47 PM
Gem of a thread on the Ram Forums today


04-05-2016, 12:53 PM
Gem of a thread on the Ram Forums today



04-05-2016, 01:01 PM
Oops. Consider this thread closed. Cars are not my forte obviously.
I wonder what he thought the tach was?

04-05-2016, 01:03 PM
Obviously not a "guy". And if it is he is a few pennies short of a dollar.

04-05-2016, 02:12 PM
Gem of a thread on the Ram Forums today



04-06-2016, 09:21 AM
Snowing like crazy in my area....sick of this weather!

04-06-2016, 10:09 AM


I feel like making a terrible decision...

04-06-2016, 10:45 AM
Nice Bimmer!!!! I say go for it!!!

04-06-2016, 10:49 AM
I dunno about bimmers, but any 14 y/o european car scares me

04-06-2016, 11:33 AM
I dunno about bimmers, but any 14 y/o european car scares me

Oh it would be absolutely awful. That will easily need a clutch, brakes, replacements to a bunch of bushings and it probably leaks. But I feel like with BMW saying no more manuals in M5/6 cars, they will probably be a hold/increase in value.

04-06-2016, 01:45 PM
Better own a bank to service or repair that BMW.

04-06-2016, 01:49 PM
Better own a bank to service or repair that BMW.

I worked in one?

04-06-2016, 02:44 PM
Laffs I've been having bad ideas again too Sir....thinking I may give up my cutlass resto project and getting into an 80's air cooled...going to check out something tmmw morning I think.

If I don't grab it, I may just get rid of Merc and cutlass and grab 997 To drive all year and give up on this toy in the garage thing, I just don't drive them enough to enjoy, so might as well make a DD out of it.

04-06-2016, 02:50 PM
Laffs I've been having bad ideas again too Sir....thinking I may give up my cutlass resto project and getting into an 80's air cooled...going to check out something tmmw morning I think.

If I don't grab it, I may just get rid of Merc and cutlass and grab 997 To drive all year and give up on this toy in the garage thing, I just don't drive them enough to enjoy, so might as well make a DD out of it.

Don't destroy a piece of Stuttgart Art with Canadian Winters.

04-06-2016, 02:50 PM
Laffs I've been having bad ideas again too Sir....thinking I may give up my cutlass resto project and getting into an 80's air cooled...going to check out something tmmw morning I think.

If I don't grab it, I may just get rid of Merc and cutlass and grab 997 To drive all year and give up on this toy in the garage thing, I just don't drive them enough to enjoy, so might as well make a DD out of it.

Respect man, 80s aircooled you say? Me likes the sound of that. Can't miss with an aircooled, better than most investments. Also more fun.

If I didn't hold out a small plan on making a go of this house reno stuff and needed a truck, I'd DD a 997 C4S or CLS63 AWD year round. The garage toy thing has worn thin on me as well.

04-06-2016, 02:51 PM
Don't destroy a piece of Stuttgart Art with Canadian Winters.

Fun fact, Porsche wants you to winter their shit. Couple friends have done the Euro delivery thing and guys at the factory kinda went "WTF is wrong with you" when they spoke about winter storing.

Unless its an Aircooled or a rare model Turbo S/GT car, fuck it. I'd rock a watercooled C4S or Turbo 365 24/7.

04-06-2016, 02:57 PM
Don't destroy a piece of Stuttgart Art with Canadian Winters.

I saw a late model pulling out of the helicopter company parking lot in Bolton last week and then again heading there during rush hour on Monday this week (during the snowfall).

04-06-2016, 02:59 PM
Fun fact, Porsche wants you to winter their shit. Couple friends have done the Euro delivery thing and guys at the factory kinda went "WTF is wrong with you" when they spoke about winter storing.

Unless its an Aircooled or a rare model Turbo S/GT car, fuck it. I'd rock a watercooled C4S or Turbo 365 24/7.

I brought my first born home from St. Mikes in my Porsche and then reality set in and it was traded in on a 300E shortly after. LOL

Thankfully, this 964 GEM was spared winters...Behold the 3.6T, the big air cooled motor and blown = Dream Car



04-06-2016, 03:02 PM
I brought my first born home from St. Mikes in my Porsche and then reality set in and it was traded in on a 300E shortly after. LOL

Thankfully, this 964 GEM was spared winters...Behold the 3.6T, the big air cooled motor and blown = Dream Car



I would give up pretty much anything for a 3.6 964 T. They are my #1 dream car. Prices have gone full ridiculous though.

04-06-2016, 03:42 PM
air cooled ...i thought he meant

04-06-2016, 03:42 PM
Don't destroy a piece of Stuttgart Art with Canadian Winters.

it wouldn't get driven much during winter, our Ex does the job well, and we are fortunate enough that one of us, (or both of us) is always at home. Truthfully we would do just fine with 1 car.

The Merc I bought in January has moved about 400k and 100k of that was driving it home haha, it to has turned into a garage queen.

04-06-2016, 03:43 PM
Respect man, 80s aircooled you say? Me likes the sound of that. Can't miss with an aircooled, better than most investments. Also more fun.

If I didn't hold out a small plan on making a go of this house reno stuff and needed a truck, I'd DD a 997 C4S or CLS63 AWD year round. The garage toy thing has worn thin on me as well.

85 cabriolet Laffs

Ghost Rider
04-06-2016, 03:52 PM
new slide rule is Fucking Bullshit!!

If they are going to have it fine...but they need to use better fucking judgment...bunch of fucking retards with too much power and piss pour decision making skills

04-06-2016, 03:56 PM
new slide rule is Fucking Bullshit!!

I never understood the old one.


04-06-2016, 04:00 PM
85 cabriolet Laffs

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh saucy.

04-06-2016, 04:02 PM
I never understood the old one.


The greatest engineering burn I may have ever seen.

04-06-2016, 05:43 PM
Get an AWD Porsche and you're set to rock and roll IMO.. If I could afford it I'd totally rock one as a DD!!!! bye Bye S4, Hello 911 :D lol

04-06-2016, 08:49 PM
don't buy the bimmer.....oil changes are nuts$$$.. need specialty tools to work on them...money pit...JMO

04-06-2016, 09:19 PM
^^ most drive-through lubes now have the tools. The computer reset doesn't always work though. Just don't buy one.

04-06-2016, 10:03 PM
Mercedes basic service cost is not for the faint of heart either.

04-06-2016, 10:22 PM
Mercedes basic service cost is not for the faint of heart either.

I have to book a service for the Merc nxt week, think it's a trans flush/reg oil change..ill have to figure out what needs to be done...it's going to suck I know that.

04-06-2016, 10:23 PM
Cool car though.

04-06-2016, 10:25 PM
MB offers a 3-4 year prepaid maintanence package. Basically saves you 50% when you crunch the numbers.

04-06-2016, 10:27 PM
Absolutely the way to go then.
How is your Fox coming?

04-06-2016, 10:29 PM
You know the recent snows my fault, bought this last month. Sporting ye olde trusty Arctic Cat jacket on my new Poo.

04-06-2016, 10:49 PM
Absolutely the way to go then.
How is your Fox coming?

I have four projects planned for this season and am eager to get started. Wish this damn snow would f-off already. Where's that damn rodent now?

04-07-2016, 07:54 AM
Mercedes basic service cost is not for the faint of heart either.

Same can be said for Audi service!!!! LOL.. Everytime I get a service my heart drops when I get the bill..lol..

04-07-2016, 01:57 PM

Toronto Licensing Warthog, Tracy Cook, announced today that Toronto Cab drivers will no longer be required to speak any English and Cabs will no longer be required to have snow tires during Winter. #FAIL

Relaxed rules for Toronto taxis

City council asked that Cook draft the regulations in September amid growing unrest from taxi drivers who said that Uber was threatening their livelihood.
In addition to introducing a new regulatory framework for services like Uber, the guidelines also remove many of the rules and regulations that were previously in effect for the taxi industry.
Notably, taxi drivers will no longer have to complete initial and refresher training programs to obtain and maintain a licence. Drivers will also no longer have to have a “command of the English language as a condition of licensing” or undergo CPR and First Aid training.
Several rules governing the types of vehicles that can be used as taxis have also been scrapped.
No longer will taxis have to be “low emission/hybrid vehicles” or be outfitted with winter tires. Instead, the city will only require that vehicles used as taxis have four doors and are no more than seven model years old, which is the same regulation that would apply to PTC’s.
The guidelines also give brokerages more flexibility when it comes to pricing, permitting taxi companies to offer rates that are discounted from the city-regulated fares to passengers who book their trip directly with them.
“These recommendations are enabling operation flexibility beyond what the taxi industry has had in the past,” Cook told reporters at city hall on Thursday. “Our goal here is to make it easier to operate and not be the regulatory burden that the taxi industry has had.”

Full debacle is here: http://www.cp24.com/news/city-proposing-new-licensing-class-for-services-like-uber-relaxed-rules-for-taxis-1.2849014

04-07-2016, 02:14 PM

Wart Hog... Cook? Too easy.

But seriously no... no English (or even trying)... F-you I'm out, probably actually become an Uber customer.

I think we are seeing the "nah Netflix is dumb and never will work" ~ Blockbuster moment.

04-07-2016, 02:49 PM
You've got to be shitting me?
Let me get this straight: taxi drivers are upset that uber drivers have an unfair advantage because they don't have to follow the same rules and regulations as they do. So the solution is remove the rules and regulations from the taxis?

04-07-2016, 03:11 PM
You've got to be shitting me?
Let me get this straight: taxi drivers are upset that uber drivers have an unfair advantage because they don't have to follow the same rules and regulations as they do. So the solution is remove the rules and regulations from the taxis?

Anarchy for everyone!!!!

04-07-2016, 07:04 PM
I'm really getting sick of these videos that are spreading all over social media, that create the illusion that these great meals are so easy and wonderful. just because it is a 60 second video doesnt mean its simple. Someone shared one that involved 15 separate ingredients, 4 separate preparation stages, 3 separate cooking stages, 4 bowls/pans and 4 utensils. so yeah, go try that shit and see if you can make it in 60 seconds. dipshits.

04-07-2016, 10:49 PM
Uh oh, someone Pinterest failed [emoji23]

04-08-2016, 10:37 AM
A good bagel and lox and a nice cuppa coffee make mornings suck a lot less.

04-08-2016, 10:41 PM
Got Guns n Roses tickets for the show in July. Added bonus is that it is on my birthday. Pretty pumped.

04-09-2016, 01:27 PM
the real estate madness on my street continues

new build that was just finished and listed about 2 weeks ago

sold....$2.3 million.....on a 40'x135' lot

seems like maybe 2 years ago the top price was $1.8 million....now it's $500k higher already

absolute lunacy

04-09-2016, 01:41 PM
Holy shit im excited just over 3 weeks away till im back DEEP in Algonquin park camping! WOOHOO!!!!!

04-09-2016, 01:44 PM
the real estate madness on my street continues

new build that was just finished and listed about 2 weeks ago

sold....$2.3 million.....on a 40'x135' lot

seems like maybe 2 years ago the top price was $1.8 million....now it's $500k higher already

absolute lunacy

LOL hearing this im loving my aprox 200 X 700 ft no Neibour property!

04-09-2016, 03:09 PM
Blackstock Ford does these packages for trucks. Usually it's big wheels and lifts. This one they went in a more sporty direction. I think it looks pretty good. No, not mine, lol.

http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff276/armenk2000/Misc/12936779_10154184429537526_7934358889148712569_n_z psczflexpf.jpg

http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff276/armenk2000/Misc/12994575_10154184429587526_4743188909707241106_n_z psrblxbz9w.jpg

04-09-2016, 03:48 PM
Way cool looking.

04-09-2016, 04:17 PM
LOL hearing this im loving my aprox 200 X 700 ft no Neibour property!

Hey Dave , take it your enjoying it , how about commute & amenities and stuff ,has the family taken to it ? I can't seem to get my foot over the fence :/

04-09-2016, 05:18 PM
LOL hearing this im loving my aprox 200 X 700 ft no Neibour property!

200'x700' in my area would cost about $25 million for the property....and would end up as a highend townhouse complex with 50 units asking $1.5 million each

it's nuts

04-10-2016, 12:07 PM
Hey Dave , take it your enjoying it , how about commute & amenities and stuff ,has the family taken to it ? I can't seem to get my foot over the fence :/

Yes we LOVE IT! It adds aprox half hr to my commute and as far as amenities Bowmanville is 20 min east and port hope 15 min west .The house may not be worth millions but the peace n quite and no shoe box neibourz every 10 ft is worth it oh and having the gannaraska river running through the propperty is a bonus OH did i mention the trout are running through here now�

55 HD
04-10-2016, 01:16 PM
^^^ going to turn you around a little Dave.

I think you are now living 20 min EAST of Bowmanville & 15 min WEST of Port Hope

But from the clouds as your are flying (hi) (high) & (higher) does it really matter, you now live in what we call Gods country. NICE enjoy and have a long stay there.

Old Fart
04-10-2016, 02:23 PM
Watching Barrett-Jackson...seems a bit dull.

04-10-2016, 07:37 PM
Yes we LOVE IT! It adds aprox half hr to my commute and as far as amenities Bowmanville is 20 min east and port hope 15 min west .The house may not be worth millions but the peace n quite and no shoe box neibourz every 10 ft is worth it oh and having the gannaraska river running through the propperty is a bonus OH did i mention the trout are running through here now�

^^^ going to turn you around a little Dave.

I think you are now living 20 min EAST of Bowmanville & 15 min WEST of Port Hope

But from the clouds as your are flying (hi) (high) & (higher) does it really matter, you now live in what we call Gods country. NICE enjoy and have a long stay there.

:thumbsup: awesome man

04-10-2016, 09:34 PM
