View Full Version : The new norm for the GTA and many other cities n towns around Ontario.

01-10-2019, 08:00 AM
Rarely a morning I log onto CP 24 or another local news source without reading about a person having been shot, stabbed or beaten within an inch of their lives or worse. How has it come to be occurrences like that have seemingly overnight gone from somewhat rare to happens multiple times pretty much each and every day. Not so long ago we talked down about the US and it's violence but here we are today with no end in sight.

01-10-2019, 08:09 AM
Out of curiosity, is this focused on a specific race or demographic? A terrible trend regardless.

01-10-2019, 08:33 AM
It is everyday I see someone is shot or stabbed in the news now.

01-10-2019, 08:44 AM
I don't see it as a green, white or purple guy shooting a similar or dissimilar colored person, people shooting people and it's happening at an alarming rate.

01-10-2019, 08:46 AM
I try and refrain from having cp24 running in the background when there’s nothing on . Our office has it on all day must be depressing for the office staff . I’m not saying ignore it & it will go away...just a sad state

I know there’s peeps from all over Ontario here , are you guys experiencing the same ?

01-10-2019, 08:56 AM

regardless of what Desmond Cole and his cult of Victim Industry Executives say....when the politicians got rid of carding....the gangsters armed up

here's the way it works.....the cops know who the dirtbags are...but if they don't arrest these bastards to the letter of the law, then some shitball lawyer gets to throw down gobs of race-based bullshit to get these assholes back on the street

when carding was legal...the gangsters left the guns hidden while they were out on the street because they knew the coppers would get them.....so when these rhode scholars got into beefs on the street they had to handle themselves somewhat like normal humans.....or at least leave the scene to go and get their gun and by the time they return there's nobody left to shoot

with carding gone...they carry 24/7...and they apparently don't think shooting people is a big fucking deal

like I said....the cops know who these guys are...they just need a system that allows them to properly arrest, convict and lock the bastards up for a long fucking time.....and if we had that....then the likes of Desmond Cole etc would be looking for different job

01-10-2019, 09:00 AM
+1 on the above.

01-10-2019, 09:07 AM
more severe punishment for carrying instead of probation lol

no water off my back most if not all involve street dealers killing for turf or payback

only downside being innocent people may get caught in the crossfire

01-10-2019, 09:50 AM
I grew up in the area of the latest killing. It had pockets of not so good areas that stretch out to areas along Finch over to Weston and parts of Jane and back across towards Hwy 27. This latest killing was in what use to be a quiet area just down from the High School I attended. When I grew up in this area it was tough neighbourhood full of punks but never had to worry about knives or guns. Demographics changed with each passing decade. I won't comment too much on that but in 1962 it was lower income residents and that didn't change over time. What changed was the attitudes of people, especially when it came to improving one's self. Every influx had the same opportunity I had to better themselves but some took the easy route and blamed society for their misfortune and eluded to crime. I saw the first guns come into the area when I was 19 years old. They came from the usa thru street gangs and was about the time New York gangs began to move into the area (best of my knowledge). I left there when I was 25 and never had any desire to even drive thru the area. When my oldest Daughter went to Guelph/Humber up on Hwy 27 - I took the time to introduce her to all the areas to avoid and worried the whole time she attended school there.

01-10-2019, 10:12 AM
I worked on Kipling north of 401. Hold ups and guns were a problem then (10years ago)>

01-10-2019, 10:26 AM
^^^^ yep it goes back quite a ways - tons of other crimes we never hear about - lots of good people came out of the area though eg. Robert H. of Dragons Den & Shark Tank (don't want to butcher his last name) was my neighbour in the next building - I did not know him he is about 10yrs younger...

01-10-2019, 10:34 AM
It's going to get worse unless something changes. These guys are cold, hardened killers - and many are only in their late teens or early 20's. They don't care about anything, including going to jail. It's a completely different way of life than anyone on here could relate to. Some don't even have a specific beef. They just see a guy from another territory in their area and that's all it takes. They don't know him or his name. They just know he's in the wrong area and needs to be punished. And if he's not punished and someone else finds out that there was chance to do something and it didn't get done, then that guy is going to get punished. It's completely insane. And when these guys do go to jail, the insanity doesn't just come to a pause. It continues.

01-10-2019, 10:36 AM
Unfortunately, you'd have a better idea of no pause once incarcerated vs any of us. Be safe Chris.

01-10-2019, 11:20 AM
It's going to get worse unless something changes. These guys are cold, hardened killers - and many are only in their late teens or early 20's. They don't care about anything, including going to jail. It's a completely different way of life than anyone on here could relate to. Some don't even have a specific beef. They just see a guy from another territory in their area and that's all it takes. They don't know him or his name. They just know he's in the wrong area and needs to be punished. And if he's not punished and someone else finds out that there was chance to do something and it didn't get done, then that guy is going to get punished. It's completely insane. And when these guys do go to jail, the insanity doesn't just come to a pause. It continues.

yes - the gang mentality has really set in since the early '80's and it's not just the GTA anymore- I've heard some strange stories come out towns outside the GTA - even had some recent city like happenings in Shelburne that up until a few years ago was unheard of there.

01-10-2019, 11:30 AM
Some don't even have a specific beef. They just see a guy from another territory in their area and that's all it takes. They don't know him or his name. They just know he's in the wrong area and needs to be punished.
Zone defense.

01-10-2019, 12:27 PM
It's going to get worse unless something changes. These guys are cold, hardened killers - and many are only in their late teens or early 20's. They don't care about anything, including going to jail. It's a completely different way of life than anyone on here could relate to. Some don't even have a specific beef. They just see a guy from another territory in their area and that's all it takes. They don't know him or his name. They just know he's in the wrong area and needs to be punished. And if he's not punished and someone else finds out that there was chance to do something and it didn't get done, then that guy is going to get punished. It's completely insane. And when these guys do go to jail, the insanity doesn't just come to a pause. It continues.

Here's maybe a stupid questions, would the idea of capital punishment be a detriment at all or would not even the thought of death phase some of these individuals?

01-10-2019, 01:26 PM
Certainly makes me more leery about travelling into/around T.O. And though it seems that most of the killing is gang on gang related, the fact that bullets don't know who's who, innocent people and their families are becoming victims.

Seems like no one really has a solution other then throwing more police ($$) at it. The root cause of this behaviour, don't really know, but guessing that young people with no future, guidance, opportunity/direction are being led and/or forced into these gangs by peer pressure or maybe threats?

01-10-2019, 02:22 PM
...but load Mustangs, gotta put a stop to that....lol

01-10-2019, 03:14 PM

regardless of what Desmond Cole and his cult of Victim Industry Executives say....when the politicians got rid of carding....the gangsters armed up

here's the way it works.....the cops know who the dirtbags are...but if they don't arrest these bastards to the letter of the law, then some shitball lawyer gets to throw down gobs of race-based bullshit to get these assholes back on the street

when carding was legal...the gangsters left the guns hidden while they were out on the street because they knew the coppers would get them.....so when these rhode scholars got into beefs on the street they had to handle themselves somewhat like normal humans.....or at least leave the scene to go and get their gun and by the time they return there's nobody left to shoot

with carding gone...they carry 24/7...and they apparently don't think shooting people is a big fucking deal

like I said....the cops know who these guys are...they just need a system that allows them to properly arrest, convict and lock the bastards up for a long fucking time.....and if we had that....then the likes of Desmond Cole etc would be looking for different job

This is exactly right. Carding also allowed Police forces to keep tabs on the criminal element by linking these people together through the collection of intelligence. So and so would be stopped say in Scarborough and then again in Etobicoke and other places allowing Police to see the criminal "web". Sadly even returning the practice of carding will not deter these shitheads and will serve only to delay the inevitable. We all know what needs to be done but I bet not one politician or judge has the stomach to do it. There are also the dirtbag lawyers and SJW's that petition for light sentences and stays at the "Hilton" for all offenders. We are being too hard on criminals you know:facepalm:

In the interim all criminal elements should be provided with "free" shooting lessons so they can improve their aim so as not to injure, maim or kill any innocent persons nearby.

Below is some truth on how our "legal" system "worked" for this shithead Leigh Ming who stabbed another man to death on January 5th in a MTHC building. His victim was most likely also a POS. DO NOT open the link if you are having a good day as it will only piss you off...

A preview of some his work prior to opening the link.
*Sentenced to two years less a day on top of 256 days of pre-trial custody for robbery and failing to comply convictions in Newmarket in 2013.
*Two years ago, he was convicted of possession of a firearm and received time served — 45 days pre-sentence custody — and a $10 fine. Yes a phucking TEN DOLLAR fine.
*January 2014, he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit an indictable offence (an armoured truck robbery) and received a suspended sentence, 18 months probation on top of time served.
*Also has convictions for assaulting his girlfriend and then breaching conditions to stay away from her.


01-10-2019, 03:18 PM
Armen that’s a tough gig you got man

01-10-2019, 03:45 PM
It's going to get worse unless something changes. These guys are cold, hardened killers - and many are only in their late teens or early 20's. They don't care about anything, including going to jail. It's a completely different way of life than anyone on here could relate to. Some don't even have a specific beef. They just see a guy from another territory in their area and that's all it takes. They don't know him or his name. They just know he's in the wrong area and needs to be punished. And if he's not punished and someone else finds out that there was chance to do something and it didn't get done, then that guy is going to get punished. It's completely insane. And when these guys do go to jail, the insanity doesn't just come to a pause. It continues.

I think a big part is that the jails are like a holiday in/resort. You should be scared to go there because it should be super shitty.

01-10-2019, 06:14 PM
Here you go. Completely random, 74 yrs old Broad daylight ( 9a.m.) busy street and no robbery or anything. At least they caught two guys. Now the courts will let them go with a stern talking to.


01-10-2019, 06:21 PM
Damn even there ^^

01-11-2019, 09:51 AM
No words, fucking cowards.

83 5.0
01-11-2019, 03:59 PM
Here's maybe a stupid questions, would the idea of capital punishment be a detriment at all or would not even the thought of death phase some of these individuals?

I suspect not, even the chance of street justice retaliation on them doesn't seem to be a factor.

01-12-2019, 10:37 AM
Coming out of Wal Mart the other day when the swat team shows up, , cops everywhere, seems someone got shot in the parking lot at Tim's , Like WTF I was within seconds of being part of it ! another drive by shooting just up the street from me, then last night Kennedy & 401 not too far from where I used to live ! time to buy a howitzer !

01-12-2019, 12:42 PM
...time to buy a howitzer !
? You planning on taking these guys out from 10km away?
Can you tow a howitzer with the 300?

01-12-2019, 01:21 PM
Coming out of Wal Mart the other day when the swat team shows up, , cops everywhere, seems someone got shot in the parking lot at Tim's , Like WTF I was within seconds of being part of it ! another drive by shooting just up the street from me, then last night Kennedy & 401 not too far from where I used to live ! time to buy a howitzer !

More of a reason to gtfo of the GTA ...for me that is

01-12-2019, 02:04 PM
Yes & Yes !

? You planning on taking these guys out from 10km away?
Can you tow a howitzer with the 300?

01-12-2019, 02:34 PM
I can & will protect what is mine ! :fight1:

01-12-2019, 05:35 PM
More of a reason to gtfo of the GTA ...for me that is

Couldn't agree more ! soon for me , I hope !

01-13-2019, 04:35 PM
https://scontent.fybz2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/49831819_10156992299066913_766344765447864320_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&_nc_ht=scontent.fybz2-1.fna&oh=70da212aff8c8797d16d9e928d757cf3&oe=5CB2CAD4

01-13-2019, 05:48 PM
Coming out of Wal Mart the other day when the swat team shows up, , cops everywhere, seems someone got shot in the parking lot at Tim's , Like WTF I was within seconds of being part of it ! another drive by shooting just up the street from me, then last night Kennedy & 401 not too far from where I used to live ! time to buy a howitzer !

Thankfully the guy killed at Kennedy/401 was a P.O.S anyway. He had previously been convicted of manslaughter in the beating death of a man with a mental disability and served an entire 5 years. Think it was some payback? Maybe just some karma...good riddance.

83 5.0
01-13-2019, 07:10 PM
Thankfully the guy killed at Kennedy/401 was a P.O.S anyway. He had previously been convicted of manslaughter in the beating death of a man with a mental disability and served an entire 5 years. Think it was some payback? Maybe just some karma...good riddance.

Funny how today in the SUN, they lay out what a POS he was, even talking to relatives, the Star just called him a shooting victim.

11-01-2019, 03:56 PM
It's Freakin' Scary! Just heard on news that 3 schools near my house (Hwy 401 & Winston Churchill Blvd.) are on lock down because there were some guys in the area with guns! WTF?

11-01-2019, 04:40 PM
It's all the bleeding heart liberals who have this crazy idea that we are all equal. Yes, we are, but when you become a fdriminal I think you should be prepared to give up you human "rights". Carding, police in schools, harsh sentences, have all gone by the wayside becuase the liberals want to be "fair".
Did you know that as of October first, the Attorney General of Minnesota)I might have that wrong but it was one ofv the eastern states) has outlawed police AND court action against petty theft, b&e's and shoplifting? In other words, you can walk into a store and take what you like with no legal ramifications.

11-01-2019, 05:34 PM
It's all the bleeding heart liberals who have this crazy idea that we are all equal. Yes, we are, but when you become a fdriminal I think you should be prepared to give up you human "rights". Carding, police in schools, harsh sentences, have all gone by the wayside becuase the liberals want to be "fair".
Did you know that as of October first, the Attorney General of Minnesota)I might have that wrong but it was one ofv the eastern states) has outlawed police AND court action against petty theft, b&e's and shoplifting? In other words, you can walk into a store and take what you like with no legal ramifications.

Couldn't find anything on that. But Minnesota is a Blue State, and Ellison is a swamp creature.

Also this piece of garbage is in the House of Representatives.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a1/Ilhan_Omar%2C_official_portrait%2C_116th_Congress_ %28cropped%29.jpg/620px-Ilhan_Omar%2C_official_portrait%2C_116th_Congress_ %28cropped%29.jpg

11-02-2019, 06:54 AM
People need hobbies like playing an instrument or getting into classic cars.

11-02-2019, 07:59 AM
Halloween stats.
Five people were injured in the Annex stabbing. One dead, three injured in three separate shootings in Toronto and Brampton.

11-19-2019, 02:48 PM
First thing that's got to go is the young offenders act. Kids know they can kill someone and get a slap on the wrist. And, give the powers back to the police, with the notion that if those powers are abused by them, they will face stiff penalties. 3rd, NO bail for gun offences. Tired of them getting out on bail and re-offending. Most of the time if they had denied bail, a life would have been saved. JMO

83 5.0
11-20-2019, 08:32 AM
This problem seems to be Canada wide.
I am working in Calgary this week and the local news was reporting that the rate of shootings, stabbings has been higher than at any other time.
I was in Regina a couple of weeks ago, same situation, there are neighborhoods you don't want to end up in, as they are gang controlled, shootings etc. Are common.

11-20-2019, 09:02 AM
Had no idea.