View Full Version : Having your winter ride sprayed.

11-27-2018, 08:00 AM
Debate over to spray or not to spray is an easy one, spray and it's gonna last a whole bunch longer, don't and suffer the consequences of body rust plus brake and fuel lines failing long before their time. So you drove down to the local "guy" that everyone goes to because everyone "knows" he does a fantastic job, well based on the rides we get in that have just been done, that "guy" doesn't give a rats behind about you or your car. We are seeing freshly done car after car again this fall where they've done only the areas you can see kneeling down and looking under your car. Yup, looks fresh and oily and makes you feel good about having it done but in reality they've done next to nothing to prevent the damage your trying to prevent. Tell them up front, before you leave you wish to see it on the rack and check it out for yourself, might get a drip or two on you if your using Krown or Rustcheck, with Corrosion Free once they stop spraying you won't get dripped on. Be sure they pulled the body / rocker panel plugs, be sure they sprayed inside the hood and fenders. Shitty deal we have to check but unless you do far too many just aren't doing a proper job.

11-27-2018, 08:22 AM
Small details definitely make a huge difference. Here are some areas commonly overlooked. Corrosion Free Spray done on my car on the weekend.

Whether you drive your car or not over the winter makes a huge difference in the overall results.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/9Cyy1kYsd9RUyMFPZ02jr8XHQT3qqPYxInIPG68AZ17xrawEuv DcHbmsAqqvQdYF3TBwdCAmFsb3L4of3ByXV5KNaz_g4B7_nNQB bQLT4HnafZ6oJKSTI1TsKYK-ajRMnlPswDOisa7tSfAy9Q4Jxbm58YlyFy4y3RMIi5iahB7CIu ZbhtymT5ZGPRMCZ6KhW14TfIHbiezc4cMxKF6pPfsQq_nblsZx lDmtGd5NTg2FupVv1dc-BbsWM4LLH_hRBjIgOljP5_t1fX4eDC3rGV-YReRvOoXquB4CXeO2LG6J_clXaRy1aIvpW70b_te2B4bOndxTy qJYeZcasCkIl3pN2VdP6LOvuvvdt6eJx-9RLFN7ckCn3VpprbpBCYKamRdsHyt7AY4XYuI3OGn8J-UYEcZlABNVbrc7sh84Py6DQstSK-aCB_JuuvY3N7A04nvrqi8wzS1rTwbThqAFGiUrCuBcDMA1-cqt0hppXEk0H_xB58qzhRsK8ZJTI7gATf9jtBcdPpM6SMJXOgV t5U-zNusx9wZmpsmGQjtxsdi-znh8nt1cnbLOm4ELkPOAqR_RpNMUX8Oj4mjcXreEw8e7sH9zDG 10WJKEz2-tV8CrPx5CRlCFlvzsBuq8vJSoqK5Bga4KQbXmsH5lyiotEfBQh 4s4GP8nokqUOU4a3dQQIwhnJg6WP9xDC5pfQmrxM2qNAwb05xn skOpyeQ=w716-h954-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/cU2kZU08SgTTikjh37rVbWxeltkfa6xBbkMSWxeqYHq4j05jwe 1x8flsCbhy1El1w5Ri1bB7wcxHqKW62BBOLrC2nNBpPBOdyMBU 7EjGDYGPNzw0vLxjLoWPE7s-P2U2hQi0bA4k9QgGR-8u81iuT62jt0RTNFh6817mWEbu1LcCDuGarfjjUTOZBLkRq8Jw snpwpECS2JMxlupkBLdX-UYMFChtd2O52IXytdS2dOBWkyEgqvBgbOaEKwbLi7cCfLQcweI CmgYJHh3YbXFBgzmCxsz0U-UJ773u54yud8Rguwfiu3TdCuKTfgSandKvT0UVCCFIgdP_6paD x1CYK5CqThmafyYQuZX72WqiWd2_EVt9vNmOQWDUYianC3XLmk Pp4VCG6kSVdb_EvX1LxOfiGsUCfcB_ifPfGuWP2kyqXaCHmNLd fXmtTCMe2-DKmf-ANrZzkNae6gWz6I0I9TltjSivztTIPziVaNMtVn2EwTlFygLUf wAJO_4lhgA6nTtYJwKan2YEOvhkDcY5EZFG2EaJPHKpQugqVSv f15EjVaJp_Ff51VFWm_ACIfOqKT-4E1kM0pIGjXwz2dUK7z2PuKKpqvWJKY3Dt-iqLKJ7fYZQYgwZF3CNE9-woOJTLrdVMqXG8mEXA0dMhC1BGXx9=w716-h954-no

11-27-2018, 09:23 AM
Is this just undercoating? Do they drill holes? Maybe its lack of sleep but Laurence I have no idea where that is by the pic ;)

oh is that the hood?

11-27-2018, 10:09 AM
On many vehicles, can get everywhere required through existing plugs or access holes.

11-27-2018, 10:24 AM
No holes drilled Ron. The first picture is under the hood and the second picture is the door stiker on the drivers side.

11-27-2018, 04:22 PM
Have been happy with the Krown location I’ve been using up until this year.. they caked it on in previous years but not this time. I always try to book during the week to avoid that weekend rush but even then, a lazy job this time around. I’ll be looking for a new location next year.

11-27-2018, 07:34 PM
my beater gets sprayed with salt and industrial grime. I consider it to be a $1300 set of tires with a car in between.

Ram too pretty to be out and about in the snow? Where’s the fun in that?

11-27-2018, 08:00 PM
Do peeps own their cars/trucks long enough until it rusts? Most upgrade/trade in after a few years...no?

11-27-2018, 08:02 PM
Do peeps own their cars/trucks long enough until it rusts? Most upgrade/trade in after a few years...no?

Few years? I wish. This ones paid for and planning on driving it till it doesn’t make sense to repair it.

11-27-2018, 08:21 PM
Some here trade within a few weeks.

11-27-2018, 09:17 PM
Do peeps own their cars/trucks long enough until it rusts? Most upgrade/trade in after a few years...no?

Does this answer your question


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11-27-2018, 10:48 PM
buying 2 years old is the sweet spot in depreciation. Drive it till it drops is the lowest cost of ownership.

Bought my ‘12 in 2015 for $25k.. sticker price was $46k. Can’t bring myself to buy new... It had 11xxx km’s