05-01-2018, 02:36 PM,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/cnduw92ne2wypdsxhnrs.jpg
This is why I get annoyed when people hide behind the "haters" defense when someone questions their build. Seriously, perhaps if instead of saying "dont want to hear from the haterzzzzz" when people said this wasnt done right this person listened the car may have been built strong enough to survive. Shitty way to go out and completely saddening to leave behind a family, a reminder whenever we modify or alter our cars to try and keep safety in mind.
This is why I get annoyed when people hide behind the "haters" defense when someone questions their build. Seriously, perhaps if instead of saying "dont want to hear from the haterzzzzz" when people said this wasnt done right this person listened the car may have been built strong enough to survive. Shitty way to go out and completely saddening to leave behind a family, a reminder whenever we modify or alter our cars to try and keep safety in mind.