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03-31-2018, 05:01 PM
A New Organ That Could Explain The Mysteries Of The Human Body

Audio at the link below:


Scientists have discovered a new piece of human anatomy we never knew we had—a layer of connective tissue that exists all over the body. It sits below the skin’s surface, lining the digestive tract, the lungs, and even our blood vessels. Researchers say it could be the missing link the medical community needs to move forward in a number of areas of research, including cancer and autoimmune disease.

But it could also explain so much more, including why our skin sags when we’re old, and how acupuncture could work. Neil Theise, professor of pathology at NYU School of Medicine, and Rebecca Wells, professor of medicine and bioengineering at University of Pennsylvania, join Ira to discuss their discovery—and their theories about the the interstitium.

03-31-2018, 05:54 PM
Is it anything like midi-chlorians?

03-31-2018, 06:00 PM
^^^ the Farce is strong with this one...