View Full Version : Motor Trend, Head to Head, Roadkill: So long Youtube...

03-22-2018, 12:15 PM
Interesting watching print media still try to navigate through the murky waters of the internet.



Motor Trend has a big announcement for you guys, as evidenced by the video below. From this point forward, their content will be hosted exclusively off YouTube’s platform. By and large, YouTube commenters’ responses to the move have been negative. Why? The reason could be that the company’s spinning off its video content into a paid subscription service. For the next ten days (from March 19, 2018) – the service is 50% off, or $2.99/month. However, when that promotional period ends, it stands to reason the price will go up to around $6.00/month, or $48.00/year.

Now, they still stand as one of the titans in automotive journalism. In print form, they’ve been around since 1949. They’ve been around for the lion’s share of the 20th century, and continue to produce print content today. However, as media has moved online, so too has the business model surrounding its production. Rather than focusing on print content, publishers are moving to video content instead. That’s the driving premise behind YouTube, and the motivation behind Motor Trend’s move off the platform as well.

03-22-2018, 12:53 PM
Youtube is killing creators on revenue since the whole Pewdie Pie crap last year.
Advertisers pulled their adds and YouTube felt it hard.
The new structure doesn't pay as well as it use to.
This is the calm before the storm.
Platforms like Twitch will reap the benefits from this.

As far as Roadkill though
YouTube was 2-3 episodes behind anyways.
I DL them when they release.
Just watched the Ugly Truckling last night.
Side note still owe props to Darkhorse for putting me on to it :D

03-22-2018, 12:59 PM
I hope youtube goes the way of the dodo.

I have alot of channels that i sub to that have videos pulled almost daily. If you dont live in the PC left wing youtube world your gonna pay.

03-22-2018, 01:02 PM
Gonna see more of this as people get fed up with YouTube selective governing.

They are labeling it as the addpocolyps but there is more to it than that.
See the cancelation of Tim Allen’s show to get the idea of whats going on

03-22-2018, 01:36 PM
Youtube is the only way I get my fix of old school music......I can't hate them.

I've fallen so far behind in watching car videos.

03-22-2018, 01:40 PM
Let me first state I love YouTube and the majority of the video I watch is YouTube content rather then cable tv.

That said YouTube is a mess from the sounds of it, they push the content of TV shows over independent creators based on the fact that it's A safer bet for advertising. The new structure for monitizing accounts has resulted in users waiting 3+months after they fulfill all criteria before being monitzed. Existing channels have randomly started getting videos demonotized right after going up based on titles etc that don't make sense, each one needs to be challenged individually and they often miss the initial rush of views.

So it makes sense that motor trend with the overhead they have is likely not making what they need to to keep creating content, motortrend on demand and YouTube red have been failures.

It's disappointing though I used to watch their shows and now I wont be able to

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

True Blue
03-22-2018, 02:03 PM
Youtube is the only way I get my fix of old school music......I can't hate them.

Same here... Only thing, I convert the videos to mp3 files so I can add them to my collection.

03-22-2018, 03:34 PM
Same here... Only thing, I convert the videos to mp3 files so I can add them to my collection.
Just make sure they are 480 or higher. Anything lower and you will really hear it on a decent system.

03-22-2018, 04:26 PM

Your contribution to the site today has been inspiring!

03-22-2018, 08:18 PM
The reason youtube is so popular is Google Chrome will pick any "YouTube" videos first on a search.
If you use any other browser a new world opens up!

True Blue
03-22-2018, 11:34 PM
Just make sure they are 480 or higher. Anything lower and you will really hear it on a decent system.

Thanks, I'm having no issues at 320.

Clutt gt
03-23-2018, 07:20 AM
Well i guess it was good while it lasted.
I pay for enough tv I'm not paying for motortrend on demand. They can find revenue from advertising, I will sit through the commercials but I'm not paying a subscription for 1 channel so I can watch an episode a month.
Some may say it's worth it I say most forms of tv are not worth the cost these days.
As for you tube
Most of the time I can't even watch the entire video I click on. Click to see a hot girl or car and that is only 3 seconds of the video the rest is some shit head talking dribble about his beef with some one else's content. Or a food blog in the middle of a car channel. Too much click baiting.

It's only worth FREE and barley that

03-23-2018, 09:05 AM
There's plenty of great Youtube content creators still, the issue is Youtubes pay structure no longer rewards better/longer content or high views on a single video. So in turn it rewards the "vlogging" (I FUCKING HATE THIS WORD) daily video style in which you pump out daily 10 minute videos which get moderate views but are still monetized. So there's no impetus on creating high quality longer content as that takes more capital to produce with less ROI. It also results in the goddamn clickbait images, stupid titles with RANDOM CAPITALIZED WORDS, and nonsensical content that comes along with trying to make something interesting happen each day. I have unfollowed more channels in the last year than followed I would think.

At the end of the day YouTube with the exception of YouTube Red is still free. I currently pay for two memberships to creators I found via Youtube one of which is MTOD which between Roadkill, Roadkill Garage, Hot Rod Garage, Diesel Power Challenge, Roadkill extra, and other misc specials gives me enough connect per month to warrant the cost of entry. Also at least with something subscription based you get a more polished product and don't have to wade through the proverbial cesspool of human garbage out there trying to be "automotive vloggers". It's also like, five fucking dollars a month, which is like generally our spilled coffee budget.

03-24-2018, 06:20 AM
Making videos is hard work, I can’t imagine how long it takes for some of the professional looking clips out there. It can take me 5 hours to make my crappy 5 minute video... lol At least I get drunk in the process.

03-25-2018, 04:40 PM
Your contribution to the site today has been inspiring!

Lmao wth fur real