View Full Version : Boy if only somone had seen this as a possibility.

01-05-2018, 08:42 AM

Of course the government and many others continue to vilify the business owners.

Funny thing is I have not heard one person who is critisizing business owners over this offering to take a wage cut themselves to help people making minimum.

01-05-2018, 08:56 AM
The move by the two prompted a sharp response from Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.
"To be blunt, I think it's the act of a bully," said Wynne in an interview with CBC News. (http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/wynne-minimum-wage-1.4473156)
"And if Mr. Joyce wants to pick a fight, pick that fight with me and not the people who are working at the service window of the stores."
"Tim Hortons is a really important part of daily life of millions of Canadian families. But so is having a decent living wage," she said.

01-05-2018, 08:59 AM
From the foul mouth of our premier who knew damm well up front this was bound to happen. All too many business models were built around a wage level of X, you can not expect them to just swallow an increase this large. Wait till you see what it does to food costs. I call bullshit on increase was about doing whats right, buying more votes.

01-05-2018, 09:05 AM
I think that this is just the tip of iceberg, more will follow like this and I do believe that jobs will be lost which is the really sad part

01-05-2018, 09:08 AM
You can guarantee we will only hear about a fraction of the jobs this is going to cost. In some cases, will mean entire business is gone.

01-05-2018, 09:29 AM
How is it that she can say something like that, yet she is suing Patrick Brown for a slip of the tonge comment he made when she was testifying in Sudbury. I hope she gets turfed next election.

01-05-2018, 09:31 AM
How is it that she can say something like that....

^^^Wynne______________ ^^^Ontario Voters

01-05-2018, 09:44 AM
How is it that she can say something like that, yet she is suing Patrick Brown for a slip of the tonge comment he made when she was testifying in Sudbury. I hope she gets turfed next election.

Simply can not happen soon enough.
School teacher needs to go at the same time.

01-05-2018, 11:10 AM
There's been a lot of coverage on these increases and product/service price increases over the past couple weeks but haven't seen much discussion on it (like the Trudeau/Boyle thing, Sajjak and his government flights, and now Liberal MP Geng Tan).

Here's one (Canada-wide impact) from the past weekend:


01-05-2018, 12:14 PM
I wouldn't shed a tear if the owner of that timmies punched her right in the throat

she's asking for a fight and all that

I wish very bad things for her

01-05-2018, 02:40 PM
Sad thing is the number of sheep following along.

Already seen calls to boycotts Tim’s all over social media.

And one news station taking calls on the subject. All were condemning small business owners.

One direct quote “I’m tired of these crooks trying to make us feel sorry for them while they live in there three million dollar home and drive hundred thousand dollar cars.”

In one fowle swoop the liberal machine has purchased a large number of votes and grown the political devide even more.

Just waiting for them to find the racial/sexist/homophobic angle. Cuz you know it’s coming.

01-05-2018, 04:45 PM

01-05-2018, 05:19 PM
Sad so many in power who have spent there entire careers feed at the trough have no idea what it’s like in the real world.

01-05-2018, 07:30 PM
So latest news people are boycotting Tim Hortons and cheering Starbucks
After Starbucks announced they are not cutting and will be hiring more people.

So Tim’s 1.99 coffee=crooked jerks
Starbucks $4 coffee= hero of the people????

Yeah the general population is just stupid.

Black Sheep
01-05-2018, 09:44 PM
Reply to post #17

01-05-2018, 11:09 PM
Naw man not stupid for liking Starbucks. The one discussion I was following was talking about boycotting Tim’s for cutting costs and praising Starbucks. I thought it was dumb because Starbucks costs more for the same thing. And people were happy they were not gonna cut benefits.

Clutt gt
01-05-2018, 11:45 PM
I know I've posted this story but here goes again.
I hired a helper last year. A HELPER job description show up, clean up, hold stuff up, generally help the Carpenters do there job faster. When your done that, try to learn something.
Starting wage $12hr. He is 22years old. I have let go at least 6 in the last four years because they did not do these requirements. This helper in 1.5 years is now earning $15hr. Not a bad increase for 1.5years experience in a new career.
He has earned every penny. The others could not earn more because they didn't give a fuck.
I'm ready to hire and train another helper.
Here lies the dilemma how do I start a helper that has no experience at the same wage as a slightly skilled worker.
How do I hold my current helper at a higher standard than a Walmart greater or the half baked kid that picks up the carts in the home depot parking lot.
I have started and trained Carpenters that went on to get licensed, buy houses at the age of 25, raise families on one income. Guess what $12 was a starting point.

Kathleen whynbag better realize that I'm not hiring until this bull shit settles and things level out.
I need to make sure I can turn a profit under her new guidelines. This will be the attitude of many small businesses.
Its going to cost jobs until the dust settles.
I'm not against the raise but it's to much to fast and it's going to cause major imbalance.
A hike this much should have taken 5 years or more.
But that wouldn't buy any fuckin votes now would it.

01-06-2018, 07:42 AM
Worth while read here as well.


01-06-2018, 07:46 AM
I know I've posted this story but here goes again.
I hired a helper last year. A HELPER job description show up, clean up, hold stuff up, generally help the Carpenters do there job faster. When your done that, try to learn something.
Starting wage $12hr. He is 22years old. I have let go at least 6 in the last four years because they did not do these requirements. This helper in 1.5 years is now earning $15hr. Not a bad increase for 1.5years experience in a new career.
He has earned every penny. The others could not earn more because they didn't give a fuck.
I'm ready to hire and train another helper.
Here lies the dilemma how do I start a helper that has no experience at the same wage as a slightly skilled worker.
How do I hold my current helper at a higher standard than a Walmart greater or the half baked kid that picks up the carts in the home depot parking lot.
I have started and trained Carpenters that went on to get licensed, buy houses at the age of 25, raise families on one income. Guess what $12 was a starting point.

Kathleen whynbag better realize that I'm not hiring until this bull shit settles and things level out.
I need to make sure I can turn a profit under her new guidelines. This will be the attitude of many small businesses.
Its going to cost jobs until the dust settles.
I'm not against the raise but it's to much to fast and it's going to cause major imbalance.
A hike this much should have taken 5 years or more.
But that wouldn't buy any fuckin votes now would it.

Fact, small business equals the backbone of Ontario, difficult enough to stay in business these days but now have to deal with under attack by our own govt who is using our money to buy votes.
Fawk me.

01-06-2018, 09:20 AM
Here is the worse thing

The support for “screw the evil business man” is bigger than I ever dreamed it would be.
I’m floored by the number of people online condeming business. Calling them crooks and cheats and even comparing them to slave owners. Hilarious seeing the union Members and teachers saying business owners deserve to take a pay cut and shouldn’t be so greedy.

The liberals have masterfully set the stage for June.
They will call out Brown and if he sides with small business owners. He will loose the election.

01-06-2018, 09:43 AM
I wonder how many of the people calling business owners slave owners have stocks? Doesn't that make them owners of a business and therefore "slave owners" as well, lol.

Clutt gt
01-06-2018, 12:12 PM
[QUOTE=5.4MarkVIII;224439]Here is the worse thing

The support for “screw the evil business man” is bigger than I ever dreamed it would be.
I’m floored by the number of people online condeming business. Calling them crooks and cheats and even comparing them to slave owners. Hilarious seeing the union Members and teachers saying business owners deserve to take a pay cut and shouldn’t be so greedy.

The liberals have masterfully set the stage for June.

Ya slave owners sounds about right.
As a small business owner
I have no sick days per year.
I have no pension for retirement
I have no dental plan
I have no medical plan
I have no stat days
I have no job therefore lousy credit

A unionized Carpenter with my skills and experience would earn around $37 per hour plus benefits plus pension plus sick days

So when your ( not directed at anyone) at home over the holidays enjoying 3 stat days in a mater of weeks, I was paying two guys to sit at home with there families.
This is what small business owners do. Sounds like crooks and slave owners to me eh.
In fact I paid out paycheque size bonuses on top of that this year.
Because I respect my guys.

But I'd be lying if I said I don't consider packing it in and trying to get a "JOB"

So please people when a self employed / small business owner gives you a quote that looks like a lot of money per hour or for two days work. Think about where that money needs to go.

01-06-2018, 12:15 PM
Here is the worse thing

The support for “screw the evil business man” is bigger than I ever dreamed it would be.
I’m floored by the number of people online condeming business. Calling them crooks and cheats and even comparing them to slave owners. Hilarious seeing the union Members and teachers saying business owners deserve to take a pay cut and shouldn’t be so greedy.

The liberals have masterfully set the stage for June.
They will call out Brown and if he sides with small business owners. He will loose the election.

A lot of them do deserve to take a pay cut, but the vast majority don’t I’m sure.

This will all very quickly trickle down to us, it’s an inevitable truth that simply won’t go away.

I’m gonna have lots of fun in negotiations this year trying to get a new contract for our shop with all this happening. I wonder if they will want us to take concessions? Lol, not funny.

01-06-2018, 12:50 PM
The liberals have masterfully set the stage for June.
They will call out Brown and if he sides with small business owners. He will loose the election.

Brown already said he supports a $15 min wage....he just disagrees with the pace it went up by

all he has to say is if he was in charge he woulda done it in a responsible fashion that didn't start a fucking class war....done at a pace where businesses wouldn't be put in a position to actually fire someone or not hire anyone

he can easily ripp apart Wynne and her bullshit claims of being fair....if she was being fair there wouldnt have been any shitshow

we have nearly 6 months until the election....lots of time for the angry anti-business crowd to wonder why their kids don't have part time jobs

True Blue
01-06-2018, 01:20 PM
Ya slave owners sounds about right.
As a small business owner
I have no sick days per year.
I have no pension for retirement
I have no dental plan
I have no medical plan
I have no stat days
I have no job therefore lousy credit

But I'd be lying if I said I don't consider packing it in and trying to get a "JOB"

As an ex small business owner these are the exact reasons why I shut down my tiling business almost 5 yrs ago and got me a government job in a maintenance field.
Sure I was making more money with my business... But with this job all the perks and hardly any stress far out-weighed the money I was making and the quality of life I was living.

01-06-2018, 01:40 PM
The liberals have masterfully set the stage for June.
They will call out Brown and if he sides with small business owners. He will loose the election.

and another route Brown could go

simply raise the Provincial non-taxable range on minimum wage earners

easy way for the Gov't to increase wages is to lower taxes

businesses wouldn't see any blip whatsoever and low wage workers would see an increase in take-home

oh yeah....the Gov't would have to be a tad more efficient with the loss of taxes

and I'm sure Patrick Brown would envy the task of making the Gov't run more efficiently in order to help the folks who need it most

01-06-2018, 09:32 PM
This will all very quickly trickle down to us, it’s an inevitable truth that simply won’t go away.
When everybody is done bitching, this is exactly what we will be left with. Slightly higher prices for goods and services.

Black Sheep
01-06-2018, 09:50 PM
What’s often overlooked is lower tax rates can bring in more tax revenue from increased prosperity. More people working more, earning more can pay more taxes. Jack tax rates to the moon and no one works

increasing min wage may also put more into a higher tax bracket and/or place more into paying the min health tax amount that was not reached prior.
reduce small business tax rate to keep more dollars in small business hands then increase min wage and tax grab it right back. IDK.....sounds like its just a big game/card trick

01-08-2018, 06:22 PM
More Ontario government employees in the pipeline....


01-08-2018, 06:48 PM
boy if only someone had seen this coming, more government employees, more taxes to pay for them, more government obstruction of the free market.

They are creating union jobs.....

01-08-2018, 07:15 PM
I almost wanna see a couple of well off small business owners who just stay in the game to give back to the community so long as the venture makes a profit.....just shut their fucking doors and tell Wynne and her fucking lackys that they can deal with the newly unemployed

01-08-2018, 07:25 PM
Got this notice (I redacted the name) from a small take out restaurant/caterer in Brampton I shop at, while another small restaurant/caterer closer to home said they are struggling with their supplies going up in price (they raised their prices Jan 1st also....the higher prices may impact their sales negatively since restaurants have a hard time surviving in Bolton anyway so this makes it even harder for them to stay in business).


01-08-2018, 07:30 PM
the operation was a success (minimum wage increased) but the patient died.

Should be a bonanza come election time, but then again.....

They are already positioning the new, bigger team of enforcers Wynne is hiring to paint business as the bad guys in an effort to win votes.

01-12-2018, 08:52 PM
The OLP are masters of deception and sadly the Ontario majority is rather stupid and easily lied to. I bet the liberals get voted in again...

Mellow Yellow
01-13-2018, 11:26 AM
What’s often overlooked is lower tax rates can bring in more tax revenue from increased prosperity. More people working more, earning more can pay more taxes. Jack tax rates to the moon and no one works

Lower taxes will also make the underground economy come to the surface, If your not saving a bunch, its not worth the effort to hide your income.