View Full Version : Idiot biycylist

10-20-2017, 09:17 AM
Stephen06GT's new post inspired me to mention another vehicular idiot..
Yesterday I was coming out of an intersection at Lytton Blvd and Avenue Road. I was traveling east and planned on making a left turn to go north.
I was stopped at a red light. Admittedly, I was a bit into the intersection, with the nose of my car perhaps 2 feet over the white line. However, there was still plenty of room for several people to cross without having to deviate from their line from curb to curb.

Suddenly a bicyclist (middle aged male, full regalia: helmet, spandex, water bottles, racing bike) comes barreling down the sidewalk heading south, speeds past the 3 people walking south in front of my car, then stops and SCREAMS at me that I'm too far into the intersection and making it unsafe for him.
Then, he starts up again, finishes crossing the road, hops the sidewalk, then, looking both ways, rolls right across the street going east(at that moment there was no north/south traffic) and then hops the sidewalk again, going south, but now against traffic.
Pardon me. I am not really familiar with bike laws, but are they allowed to ride on the sidewalk and use intersections like a pedestrian? Are they allowed to go across traffic when there is a break in the flow of cars? Are they allowed to be such hypocrites? Who's being unsafe here? Me or him?

There have been several calls in the last couple of years that cyclists should have a license and insurance just like us, and should be subject to the same laws. I've seen so many yahoos like this, I have to agree with that call!

10-21-2017, 07:44 AM
Cyclists are among the lowest forms of life.

And they'll never be held to account for their actions, especially not with Liberals in office. To this government, cyclists are a protected species.

10-21-2017, 08:12 AM
So doc told me to get out n ride my bike more, wouldn't you know it, first intersection some "dude" in a Mustang vert partially blocks the intersection then gives me stink eye. Fucking drivers!!!!

10-21-2017, 09:49 AM
My thoughts exactly, ones in verty's are da worst of em I tellz ya.

10-21-2017, 03:04 PM
My laff for the day!
Just picturing Rick on a bicycle!

10-21-2017, 11:05 PM
WTF Steve............combo of bikin suit n sock really accentuate the package.

10-22-2017, 06:33 PM
It doesn’t surprise me that your front was across the line. The front end of 2015+ Mustangs is super long with a long overhang. I’m particularly careful when parking in the garage or when pulling into a spot with a curb.

10-23-2017, 03:53 PM
I was only over by perhaps a foot. There was room for two women to walk side by side pushing strollers and holding todlers by the hand, but no room for a single cyclist.