View Full Version : RIGGED political system engineered to NOT pay for out-of-country health care,”

10-11-2017, 06:57 AM
He gave them Hec.
When it came to life-saving surgery for pancreatic cancer patients that was available in other parts of the world but not in Ontario, Mayor Hector Macmillan of Trent Hills didn’t care whose toes he stepped on.
“I’ve been ‘sentenced to die’ by @DrEricHoskins using a corrupt, RIGGED political system engineered to NOT pay for out-of-country health care,” Macmillan said in a now famous tweet in August 2016.
His point: There was new technology and equipment available in Toronto hospitals called the IRE Nano knife, but Ontario’s health ministry had not given it the green light and was also not funding patients to go out of country for such treatment.
“Are you really just going to let me die?” he asked.
Macmillan didn’t wait to find out — and with the help of social media — $30,000 was raised to allow the popular politician to go to Germany for the operation.
And it worked — for a little while, at least.
Sadly, it was like a punch to the gut when I got word 59-year-old Hector died at home Tuesday morning surrounded by his wife Sandy and his four loving children: Leeann, Adam, Mindy and Peter.
It was just a year removed from his trip to Germany, a surgery that perhaps should have been done months before in Ontario. And thanks to Hector’s efforts, it can now be done here as part of a three-year clinical trial.
That will be one of his many legacies.
“He took a turn for the worse 72 hours ago,” said daughter Mindy. “He fought to the end, but when it was time, he went peacefully.”
I will have more to say about Hector in a column later this week and will run tributes as they come in. I suspect some will come from politicians, some from cancer patients he tried to help and some from his constituents.
Postmedia’s Pete Fisher and I reached out to Health Minister Eric Hoskins for a tribute but a spokesman told us that while the senior politician’s office learned of the sad news, he was out of the country and would not provide a comment.
Pete and I agree Hec would have got a kick out of the irony of the health minister being out of the country and once again ignoring him — hence, why he never changed his Twitter handle: “Betrayed, abandoned, and SENTENCED TO DIE by OHIP, the outdated, rigged, and corrupt Ontario health-care system.”
Hoskins and Premier Kathleen Wynne still have time to pay their respects.
Hec’s visitation is set for Friday, from 4 p.m.-8 p.m. at Weavers Funeral Home in Campbellford. His funeral is scheduled for 1 p.m. Saturday at St. Andrews Presbyterian church in Campbellford.
For me, Hector was a hero. He wanted to live. But mostly he wanted other people to live.
In the end, he moved the ball — perhaps too late to save himself but not for others.
“If we have the machine to save lives and doctors wanting to use it, I don’t understand why a government would get in the way,” he told me.
In the end, he won the political battle but not the fight against his cancer.
R.I.P. Mayor Macmillan. You were one Hec of a guy.

10-11-2017, 08:25 AM
Seems like a scary slippery slope.

I bust my ass at work runnin a business.
When I’m not bending over backwards for un grateful clients and poor employees. I’m spending what little free time I have with my family.
My “health” takes a back seat technically I’m over weight and I don’t eat the best.
I don’t have hours a week to spend running or in the gym.
Sometimes while relaxing I enjoy a whisky and cigar.

Because of this I don’t deserve the treatment?

Seems a little discriminatory to me but I get what your saying.

How about if you smoke a pack a day and get cancer you still get treatment. But if after treatment you choose to still smoke a pack a day there is consequences

10-11-2017, 08:26 AM
Everyone gets a physical every three years.
Does this physical involve running on the rollers? Or do they just plug into the OBD port?

10-11-2017, 09:51 AM
you're making a choice to sacrifice healthy habits for money. The trade off, you can afford supplemental health care.

I'd say you also get some sort of bonus point if you are creating jobs

But let’s be realistic. Business is in Ontario. So unfortunatly No I can’t afford supplemental health care.
I’m taxed to the brink and in debt up to my eyeballs.
Yet I get to be told by people on a daily basis how I’m a rich evil business owner who only cares about profits and can affford all the extra taxes and fees the government feels I deserve.

Anyway it’s a good thought but I don’t trust any government to have the ability to decide who gets what kind of health care

What i think would be best. Is first off start sending people a bill. Not one they have to pay but start to make people aware of what their trip to the dr cost taxpayers.

Second bill for non essential trips. If you go the the er and tie up resources because you have a cough. You get a bill. If your actually sick or have an issue then it’s covered.

Then move to a two year system. Everything requiring treatment is covered but you have the choose to avoid lines and pay it if pocket by going to a private dr.

Like any other business don’t let one group or organization drive up costs via a monopoly Let the earnings be dictated by supply and demand like any other business.

Then align the public sector costs to match that of the private.

Put an end to dr kick backs from pharmaceutical companies. And revoke the licenses of pill pushers

I think these steps would go along way to saving costs and improving our health care

10-11-2017, 09:58 AM
....your tier of treatment options goes up based on your tax bracket. Contribute to society and the economy, and you're worth fixing.
You're really going down that road? Healthcare based on wealth?

10-11-2017, 10:09 AM
You're really going down that road? Healthcare based on wealth?

It's the Republican way....

10-11-2017, 11:42 AM
The fix for our healthcare isn’t to subsidize the flawed over charging system we have.

Healthcare system is full of fat cats sucking off the taxpayers teet in the name of helping people. Like many other things the Government should be holding people accountable and reining in the overspending. Fat chance that will ever happen though.

10-11-2017, 11:53 AM
It's the Republican way....


10-11-2017, 12:58 PM


Fishing in a barrel??

10-11-2017, 06:12 PM
2-tier needs to come for all facets of health care IMO. There are already certain things you can pay for instead of waiting on a list, just expand it to everything else.