View Full Version : Must read changes to the law coming via the Liberals.

09-21-2017, 07:22 AM
TORONTO - Drivers will soon face stinging penalties for careless and distracted driving.
Under legislation to be introduced by Premier Kathleen Wynne’s government, a motorist convicted of the proposed new offence of careless driving causing death or bodily harm faces a fine of $2,000 to $50,000, imprisonment of up to two years, a licence suspension of up to five years and the loss of six demerit points.
Using a hand-held cellphone while at the wheel or committing some other form of distracted driving comes with fines ranging from $500 to $3,000, depending on whether it’s a first, second or third offence.
Distracted driving would also bring the loss of demerit points and licence suspension

Ok so nice they put more teeth into the law but how about just enforcing the law we already have. Also nice how "distracted" does not have any firm explanation attached to it, will we be making it up the the side or the road? Do however agree drivers are clearly not getting the message on texting and using phones will driving. Seems ridiculous when you see a driver on a hand held phone when you know it's one that has factory blue tooth etc factory installed. Perhaps some are too difficult to safely use?

Commercial drivers would be required to maintain a zero level of alcohol or drugs in their blood while on the road or face fines and licence suspension

Zero is a great number and makes perfect sense so long as those enforcing it use common sense. We don't want to see the person who works crazy hours have a been after work and still have trace amounts in their system when the slide back behind the wheel get pinched.

Regular motorists who are caught in the “warn range” of drunk driving — a 0.05 to 0.08 blood alcohol level — would see the current fine of $198 rise to $250 on a first offence, $350 on a second offence and $450 on a third offence.

The ever so popular "warning range". So your not drunk under the law but we are going to penalize you anyways. Ok so I was pissed off at my neighbor n wanted to knock his teeth out, is there a fine for that to?

Drivers found to be impaired will pay a $550 fine, up from $198.

Impaired and it's only that?

Transportation Minister Steven Del Duca said the government had previously ushered in stronger sanctions against distracted driving.
“But we still see, both anecdotally and with the statistics we’re hearing from the OPP, that still far too many people are driving while distracted,” Del Duca said Wednesday. “It’s causing an undue number of collisions on roads and, of course, injuries and, unfortunately, fatalities as well.”
The new careless driving causing death or bodily harm charge is in response to concerns raised by the families of victims, he said.
The offence, with its maximum fine of $50,000 on conviction, will help provide closure to families and serve as a deterrent to other drivers, he said.
“It will be the stiffest penalty within the Highway Traffic Act,” Del Duca said.
Careless driving in Ontario law is defined as operating a motor vehicle without due care or attention.
While dangerous driving in the Criminal Code also carries a severe penalty, it is a more difficult charge to prove in court than careless driving, he said.
“This is providing the system and law enforcement in particular with another tool,” he said.

Nice, so under due process the charge that fits is hard to prove so let's make a wide sweeping charge (let's all say stunt driving together now) and create one thats a ton easier to prove and likely just that much harder to defend against.

09-21-2017, 07:36 AM
I just wish they would start enforcing all off the laws on the road. Failing to stop, failing to yeald, failing to signal ect ect
As well as imposing the road laws on bicyclists who pretty much ignore them all

Though it does seem odd to me that distracted driving (which if I understand the way the law was explained to me by a cop) they can charge somone with for drinking a coffee behind the wheel. Can potentially get you a $50,000 fine and two years in jail. But drunk driving gets you a fine of $550

09-21-2017, 07:39 AM
My shock, they did not create a corrupt thieving bastage politician law. You know, one where the powers to be stand on the steps at Queens Park and arrest those that either have or are thinking of bilking the public outta billions on something like a fawked up gas plant or two. If such a law was enacted, can guarantee it would take a barrage of buses to cart all of the accused away on just day one.

09-21-2017, 07:40 AM
^ Exactly that, how about laying out what distracted driving includes?

09-21-2017, 07:53 AM
As well as imposing the road laws on bicyclists who pretty much ignore them all

That won't happen. They're a protected species under this government. I'm to the point where I call the idiots out every time they run a stop light or stop sign. And if they're on the sidewalk, I get awfully wide and block them.

09-21-2017, 07:58 AM
While dangerous driving in the Criminal Code also carries a severe penalty, it is a more difficult charge to prove in court than careless driving, he said.

that's pretty fucking disingenuous.....Del Duca has no fucking power at the provincial level to change or alter anything to do with the criminal code....that's up to the feds....pretty sure a dangerous driving charge has serious fucking teeth

but it sure looks like he's made a careless driving charge more harsh than a dangerous driving charge now

I don't like when this inept Provincial Gov't tries to set up a simple fucking lemonade stand....so having them further fucking with the HTA doesn't making me feel warm and fuzzy

at the end of the day I don't even own a cell phone and have no plans of owning one.....so I'm feeling pretty confident that I won't get fuct by this round

09-21-2017, 08:34 AM
....they can charge somone with for drinking a coffee behind the wheel. Can potentially get you a $50,000 fine and two years in jail.
You are NOT going to jail for drinking a coffee.

Upping the maximum penalties is simply a political tool to make it look like the government is doing something about it. Nothing has changed except judges now have a few other different options to choose from during sentencing.

I'm to the point where I call the idiots out every time they run a stop light or stop sign.
As you should.

I'm getting old an crusty too. I call out the idiot smokers that toss their butts out the window.

09-21-2017, 08:42 AM
I'm getting old an crusty too. I call out the idiot smokers that toss their butts out the window.

My five year old does that and it's amazing.

Lady throws cig but on sidewalk.

My five year old at the top of his voice cuz he is five and has no volume control

"DID YOU SEE THAT! That lady littered! MY teachers says littering is bad. THAT LADY must not like Mother Earth. "

09-21-2017, 10:15 AM
This is about the ALT-LEFT bolstering revenue streams, has zero to do with road safety.
Police are running around using Phones and Laptops, they cannot be distracted?
Just part of the Liberal Agenda to monitor, record and control every component of the lives of Citizens.

There are also more Municipal Fines and Traffic Wardens coming from the Car Hating, once Conservative, now Liberal Pussy, Mayor Tory.

09-21-2017, 10:49 AM
Police are running around using Phones and Laptops, they cannot be distracted?
They are trained professionals, skilled in the art of multi-tasking. They can use phones and laptops.


09-21-2017, 02:02 PM
There are also more Municipal Fines and Traffic Wardens coming from the Car Hating, once Conservative, now Liberal Pussy, Mayor Tory.

This begs the question. Why the fuck would anyone drive in Toronto? I've only ever done it at night, but I couldn't imagine dealing with rush hour.

09-21-2017, 06:22 PM
Yeah, driving in Toronto during the day is not for the meek.

09-26-2017, 07:59 AM
Well i guess radio delete kits will be the new norm lol

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09-26-2017, 05:12 PM
This is about the ALT-LEFT bolstering revenue streams, has zero to do with road safety.
Police are running around using Phones and Laptops, they cannot be distracted?
Just part of the Liberal Agenda to monitor, record and control every component of the lives of Citizens.

There are also more Municipal Fines and Traffic Wardens coming from the Car Hating, once Conservative, now Liberal Pussy, Mayor Tory.

If the GOV is really serious about distracted driving and impaired driving, instead of creating a cottage industry from the issue and using it as an excuse to EXPAND Government, they could enact the following:

Distracted Driving 1st Offence: $5000 fine and 1 year DL Suspension
Distracted Driving 2nd Offence: 1 year in Jail and 10 year DL Suspension

Impaired Driving over .08: 1st Offence $25000 fine 6 Months in Jail 5 year DL Suspension
Impaired Driving over .08 2nd Offence $50000 fine and 3 years in Jail and 10 year DL Suspension
Impaired Driving causing Bodily Harm : 10 Years in Jail and 10 year DL Suspension
Impaired Driving Causing Death: Death Penalty

With the aforementioned, the infractions would almost completely disappear.
So increasing penalties by a little bit is about increased revenue, but increasing penalties by a lot is about safety?