View Full Version : Psssssssst, we funded part of this mess.

09-03-2017, 07:03 AM
Faced today with the staggering impact of the opioid addictions crisis, Ontario’s Liberal government is urging the federal government to take legal action against a company that allegedly played a role in triggering the epidemic.
But a decade ago, knowledge of lawsuits, criminal charges against executives and the increasing abuse of OxyContin wasn’t enough to dissuade the province from awarding that same company a $4.9-million taxpayer-funded grant.
According to documents obtained by the Toronto Sun in a lengthy battle at Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commission, the Liberal government doled out the money in 2007 to the manufacturer of OxyContin — Purdue Pharma. The documents reveal it did so even though it was well aware of legal issues piling up against the company because of the addictive pills which some experts say are at the root of the country’s wave of opioid addiction.
“Purdue Pharma Canada has been named in three class action lawsuits across Canada over the last year of so, in connection with the OxyContin line of painkillers,” says a briefing note written by government staffers dated November 2008.
It goes on to mention that in 2007, months before the province announced the grant deal, the company settled a $600 million lawsuit settlement in the United States connected to OxyContin. It also says three of the company’s top executives pleaded guilty to misdemeanour fraud charges as part of that settlement.
“The Canadian lawsuits are in very early stages, will take some years to play out, and the outcomes are entirely uncertain,” the note says.
In fact, those lawsuits settled in April 2017 but must still be approved by courts in Quebec and Saskatchewan before they can be finalized. A $20-million settlement would be split amongst as many as 2,000 Canadians who got hooked on OxyContin.
It would also pay $2 million to provincial governments, including Ontario.
The class action suits alleged Purdue knew anyone who took OxyContin risked becoming addicted to the painkiller. The suit further alleged that at no time did the company disclose that risk.
The settlement is not an admission of any liability by Purdue Pharma.
But in 2007, the government knew there was a risk to giving the company the grant under its $150 Biopharmaceutical Investment Program. So, it built provisions into the deal to “protect the taxpayer,” according to the briefing note.
A 50-page contract, also obtained by the Sun, shows the agreement built in “OxyContin Related Provisions” and expressly prohibited Purdue Pharma from using the millions in grant money “directly or indirectly (to) enable or subsidize the manufacture or marketing of OxyContin or...in connection with OxyContin including but not limited to litigation, payment of fines, damages, settlements or legal fees.”
The agreement gave Ontario the right to cancel the deal if anything arising from the OxyContin lawsuits, in the province’s opinion, could affect the company’s ability to fulfil the terms.
Asked about the deal this week, the Ontario government defended awarding the grant.

09-03-2017, 06:51 PM
Big Pharma and Liberals share the Globalist Agenda, an unarmed society, dependent on Government and Drugs, is part of the Left Wing Manifesto.

83 5.0
09-03-2017, 09:33 PM
I have some sympathy for people suffering from addiction to opiods, but after watching W5 last night, and a documentary on CBC news a few months ago, the resources needed to administer Naloxone with emergency services personnel is staggering. Especially when they sometimes respond to the same individual several times in a day and over the weeks.
Trying to not sound insensitive to this, but more the devils advocate.

09-03-2017, 11:02 PM
All left wing globalist liberal agenda manifesto shit aside......
How is it that doctors sworn by oath to do no harm still continue to write prescriptions for this poison? And how does anybody not living under a rock not understand the repercussions of taking oxy?

09-04-2017, 01:07 AM
All left wing globalist liberal agenda manifesto shit aside......
How is it that doctors sworn by oath to do no harm still continue to write prescriptions for this poison? And how does anybody not living under a rock not understand the repercussions of taking oxy?

This is what I don't get - why blame the bogeyman in the corner (ie. "left wing globalist liberal agenda") when it is individuals (patients and doctors) who are responsible for their own situation in many cases? Not saying they should have gotten any money from taxpayers (they shouldn't but the money trail probably links back to lobbyists and the Liberal Party) but does personal accountability/responsibility for one's own actions count anymore? No one forces anyone to do anything or take anything in the western world, and we all have free access to information on what big pharma does, drug side effects, so we know (or should) what happens when we take certain personal actions. On the one hand we can't say that government is too big/far reaching and people need to look after their own shit and then on the other hand say some bogeyman is forcing us to engage in addictive behaviour.

09-04-2017, 08:17 AM
I wonder what the odds are from those who get addicted versus those who don't....is it like 1% get addicted so they simply play the odds?

the medical system is far from perfect....all those fantastic machines that can xray and pinpoint problems can also cause problems because of all the radiation

I always chuckle when I'm at the dentist and they cover you with a big lead vest and then they bail from the room while they zap you for a pick of your mouth

it's up to you....you gotta be accountable for yourself

when they released my wife from the hospital in 2015 after major life-saving surgery...they handed her a big bottle of oxy (40 pills if I remember)....2 per day for up to 20 days if memory serves

I looked at the nurse and said "seriously....you've giving her oxy??".......all she said was "yes and she can't drive a car while taking those"......I told her straight out that I did not like the thought of my wife taking that shit and was told the alternative was Tylenol

had a good chat wife my wife about it....she was in serious fucking pain....but just said you gotta try and not take this shit

she took 2 on day 1, and 2 on day 2....said it did squat and went right to Tylenol and we tossed that poison

imo...aside from personal accountability....the doctors who continually write prescriptions for oxy to the same person need to be held accountable

there should be strict rules for that shit if it's that potentially harmful

I mean....doesn't the system restrict how many cortisone shots you can get per year/per lifetime?

the Gov't looks like complete fucktards here but that's far from shocking