View Full Version : Liberals fudging with the housing market.

08-24-2017, 08:11 AM
Nice to see the one plan I wanted to see fall flat on it's face has actually worked, housing prices have fallen and the market has seemingly cooled off big time. No I'm not looking to sell right now but nice to know the fucktards at Queens Park have effectively picked my pocket for 100g's or more. Day to day living costs are insane, don't see them introducing anything to knock 10 - 15% off my bills (ok besides screwing us long term on hydro), same with insurance or anything else that continues to climb at a ridiculous rate all the while co's are posting record profits. While on the subject of insurance, will continue to be a crime they cant' control insurance rates all the while it's mandatory we have it to drive. Sure let's continue to fuck the little guy that dug in and worked his or her balls off to pay for a home.
If it's a free market, leave it the hell alone!!!!

08-24-2017, 08:13 AM
The sooner we get rid of them, the better.

08-24-2017, 08:16 AM
These fucking idiots could not run a pay toilet without fucking it up.

08-24-2017, 08:27 AM
So which of the 16 measures exactly are you upset about?

15-per-cent Non-Resident Speculation Tax (NRST)
rent control to all private rental units in Ontario, including those built after 1991
tightening provisions for “landlord’s own use” evictions
develop a mix of market housing and new, permanent, sustainable and affordable housing supply
vacant homes property tax to encourage property owners to sell unoccupied units or rent them out
tax for new multi-residential apartment buildings is charged at a similar rate as other residential properties
encourage the construction of new rental apartment buildings by rebating a portion of development charges
higher tax on vacant land that has been approved for new housing
new Housing Supply Team to identify barriers to specific housing development projects and work with developers and municipalities
eliminate “paper flipping,”
eliminate "double ending"
Establishing a housing advisory group
Educating consumers on their rights
comprehensive reporting requirements so that correct federal and provincial taxes,
Making elevators in Ontario buildings more reliable
consider the appropriate range of unit sizes in higher density residential buildings to accommodate a diverse range of household sizes and incomes.


Or you're just mad that the price of your house has leveled off instead of climbing higher and higher just so that MPAC can assess your house higher and you pay more property taxes?
There is no upside to higher house values ....unless you are planning on selling and moving to New Liskeard.

08-24-2017, 08:59 AM
Unfortunately it's the one thing I agreed with. The rate prices were rising was not sustainable. I live in Bowmanville and paid 367k for my house and moved in Dec 2014. A house the same as mine at the end of the street sold this spring for 715k. 1400 sq ft townhouses across the street from me sold in the low 600's. Keep in mind these are all new builds that were built end of 2014 or beginning of 2015.

At the same time I feel the same way about the government picking my pocket for 100's of thousands so fuck them lol.

08-24-2017, 10:45 AM
the market has stalled...and really, it's about time....there was a point where my house was literally going up $100k per MONTH

although I wish it was a combination of sanity and interest rates that caused the stall instead of more fucking Gov't sticking their noses where they don't belong

imo....house prices were full retard when you needed $800k to buy my place.....and if I was forced to sell now and can only get $1.8 million instead of $2 million......I don't think anyone is gonna offer me a tissue to wipe my tears since I paid $244 for the place 20 years ago

the way I look at it....if the market goes full tits up....then I'm going cottage shopping about a decade earlier than planned

and if you're selling to move elsewhere it's a bit of a wash cause you'll be paying less for the next place

think about what it's been like over the last few years for buyers in the GTA......you're one of 32 bids on the property that was listed 1 week ago, and your agent is asking how much higher than the asking price you're gonna offer....oh yeah....and zero conditions....you want a building inspection?....too fucking bad.....conditional on selling your place?....go fuck yourself

a little bit of sanity in the housing market is not a bad thing

08-24-2017, 10:56 AM
although I wish it was a combination of sanity and interest rates that caused the stall instead of more fucking Gov't sticking their noses where they don't belong
it's likely a combination of both, but I'm sure the Libs will claim the win.

And house prices have not come down. They just stopped going up at an unsustainable rate.
Nobody has "picked" any money out of anyone's pocket. ....except for the additional NRST tax.

08-24-2017, 12:55 PM
They've gone down & not selling , new home sales centres are empty too ....

New Liskeard sounds ok to me

08-24-2017, 06:42 PM
They've gone down & not selling

not selling in my area = nobody is listing their house for sale

for the first time in years there is not one for sale sign on my street

I like it......it means we might have a breather from the constant construction of McMansions

everyone seems in a hold pattern.......and I'm fine with it

83 5.0
08-25-2017, 08:20 AM
Even though I benefited from the crazy increases, I still have a daughter who graduated from University last year thinking other than a cement cocoon condo, she wasn't going to be able to ever afford even out in the burbs.
New Liskeards nice ( my grandparents homestead farm was there) if you enjoy the outdoors.

08-25-2017, 02:32 PM
I don't disagree in principle with the market stalling. Just bad timing for me. In March a neighbor 2 doors down(he has 7 acres, I have 6 and a bit) put his very similar property to mine up for sale for $1.9 million. Insane I thought. Crazy my wife thought. We had absolutely no intentions of selling until he sold his in SIX days for 2.4 million!!!
Unbelievable, we both agreed.
Then we decided maybe we should sell or at least test the market. We didn't have to, but I guess I'm just as greedy as the next guy. I had to spend a month cleaning up the property (we run our deck building business here, and the land needed some tidying up). Two weeks later we got it listed, just in time for Wynne to perform her magic. I listed at 1.5 million, expecting around 1.8. We had one offer of $1 million. I turned it down.
I'm 66 years old, and this would have been a way for me to retire. I would not have bought another property, just taken the money and invested it. Maybe a trailer up north, a condo in Florida, a rented apartment here.
It's not like I have to sell, or that I have to retire. I still enjoy my business, and I couldn't imagine having nothing to do. But I am getting tired.
Unlike Wynne, I don't get a fat pension. My combined old age pension and CPP (for working my whole like) is $1200 monthly, net. I had hoped my farm would be my retirement. So many thanks, Premier Wynne.
Ah well. Next time!