View Full Version : A minor miracle

07-31-2017, 12:16 PM
This was expedited by Matt and Joe DaSliva, CAA and Mars Tire in Aurora, helped along by my wife.
I went out the door on Saturday about 8:30 AM, got in the car and then onto the 404. I live in Newmarket). Along about Stouffville Rd, the tire pressure gauge came on and told me my right front was low. I pulled off and went to the nearest gas station and pumped up the tire. It wouldn't keep the air pressure, so I cancelled my appointment in Etobicoke, and drove home.
There I tried to pump up the tire with the on board compressor, to no avail. I started calling around to a dozen tire stores but as you can imagine, no one had a 265/35/20 in any make in stock. I called Da Silva Racing , and Joe was most apologetic, but he had nothing either. 5 minutes later, Mat (Joe's son) called back.
Amazingly he had a pair of lightly used 255/35/20 Trellis hidden away under a pile of stuff, and I could have them. On loan, even, so I could make it to Stampede. The crutch was that I had to get the car or the wheels out there in time for his tire guy to mount them, but he closed at 1 PM.
OK., we'll take the wheels off ourselves. My Mustang came from the factory without a jack or even a wheel wrench. So, we tried to use the jack from Adam's 2017 F-150. What a flimsy piece of crap. The rod bent as soon as we started using it.
I called Ford Roadside, but they were absolutely useless. I wanted them to come take off the wheels and then I would drive them out to Joe's. First it would be 2-3 hours and it was already 10:30. They would only do one wheel, nor would they prop the car up. They would have to take their jack back. Okay. My wife then got on the phone. She called CAA, (I thought they wouldn't come because I couldn't find my membership card, but they apparently didn't care) and then Mars tire in Aurora. CAA came in 40 minutes, took the car and brought it to Mars tire, where they put it on a hoist and waited.
Then Rhonda (my wife) picked me up and we raced out to Joe's in Pickering. (I must say, when you have it "on the boil" her Turbo Fusion got me there rather quickly: it handles very well at speed on the 401) I bought the tires from Joe(He gave me a jaw dropping deal)and then we practically flew back to Aurora. Mars Tire mounted and balanced them, and got me out the door by 10 to 2 (they closed at 2). The car drove fine, and I made it to Stampede.

What really surprised me is the condition of the old tires. The inside edge of both tires were BADLY worn. One was showing the cord, and the other was showing the steel belts. Yet, the rest of the tires were not too bad, looking as you would expect for 65000 km. IF I hadn't had the flat, I'm sure one would have blown up within days.
I never felt any problem through the steering, and I've had the car serviced every 8000 km at Shanahan. In fact, this happened on Saturday, and on Friday, less than 24 hours earlier, I had it at Shanahan for service and an oil change. I even got a report back on tire pressure and wear, so why they didn't see this I cannot imagine. Later today I will "discuss" it with their service manager.

Anyway, Mat DaSilva found the tires when no one else had anything remotely possible, CAA Came through fast, Mars Tire helped incredibly and my wife put her phone skills to work!
A big shout out to all!

Parkway Ford Lincoln SVT
07-31-2017, 12:34 PM
Great work by Matt and Mars Tire to get you rolling again.

In case anyone else with a 15-up Mustang on the factory 20" finds themselves in a similar predicament, we usually keep one of the OEM Pirellis in stock here at Parkway.

07-31-2017, 12:58 PM
I think we are being a wee bit liberal with the word "miracle" here, even a minor one.

Glad you made it to the show. Props to Matt for going the extra mile.

07-31-2017, 02:00 PM
I think we are being a wee bit liberal with the word "miracle" here, even a minor one.

Glad you made it to the show. Props to Matt for going the extra mile.

OK. What else would you call it? Happenstance? Occurance? happening?

- - - Updated - - -

Great work by Matt and Mars Tire to get you rolling again.

In case anyone else with a 15-up Mustang on the factory 20" finds themselves in a similar predicament, we usually keep one of the OEM Pirellis in stock here at Parkway.

Good to know.

07-31-2017, 04:47 PM
I think we are being a wee bit liberal with the word "miracle" here, even a minor one.

https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FZtnTsS1.j pg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2Fgallery%2FZtnTs S1&docid=cQm7NOlYJ_YFkM&tbnid=fIxMa_GwwO8AuM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwid2-X7sbTVAhUlxoMKHa8QCPoQMwhUKAMwAw..i&w=512&h=512&bih=928&biw=768&q=buzz%20killington&ved=0ahUKEwid2-X7sbTVAhUlxoMKHa8QCPoQMwhUKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8

07-31-2017, 05:58 PM
A miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws. Such an event may be attributed to a supernatural being (a deity), magic, a saint or a religious leader.

The fact that Matt had, found, and went the extra mile to find the right tire is a testament to his good nature. He's not a saint, yet....
The fact that you didn't have a jack or any kind of tools at home to change a wheel.... :facepalm:

07-31-2017, 06:50 PM
The fact that Matt had, found, and went the extra mile to find the right tire is a testament to his good nature. He's not a saint, yet....
The fact that you didn't have a jack or any kind of tools at home to change a wheel.... :facepalm:

Add to that the fact that the car was JUST in for service and nobody noticed badly worn tires. Glad you got it sorted.

08-01-2017, 07:52 AM
Glad you made it in the end Steve and props to Joe and Matt and the rest involved to pull it all together.

08-01-2017, 10:09 AM
The fact that Matt had, found, and went the extra mile to find the right tire is a testament to his good nature. He's not a saint, yet....
The fact that you didn't have a jack or any kind of tools at home to change a wheel.... :facepalm:

I consider it a miracle, especially since these tires are so scarce. Please reread my story. We had, and tried, the jack out of the 2017 F-150. It bent. I have 2 other scissors jacks. Neither fit under the car.
The car was delivered from the factory without a jack, wrench or spare tire. Just a compressor.

Shanahan was upset when I went in to show them the bill (which clearly shows tire pressure and tread depth of all 4 tires). They have offered me some compensation.