View Full Version : The $15 buck minimum wage

06-14-2017, 06:47 PM
This was in yesterdays paper......


06-14-2017, 07:07 PM
Lots of these rolling out now - I recently enabled a client in this space to sell/lease these to restaurants and event/festivals. Liberals are shooting themselves in the foot but people seem to be sucking it up as Wynne's ratings just got a slight bump after the minimum wage announcement.

06-14-2017, 07:17 PM
only Gov't cant seem to grasp that a 30+% increase in costs can't be sustained

the rest of us schmucks can't just borrow and tax

we need to stop this insanity

06-14-2017, 08:10 PM
I love it....gives me a reason to charge that much more for jobs now.

Plus no one can do a damn thing about it so smile and take it

Clutt gt
06-14-2017, 08:10 PM
As an employer I have always believed in paying someone what ever they want/ need to make.
But it's up to them to make the company money if they can't produce. Bye bye.
That said I've had a few helpers that the government has priced out of a job.
My current helper makes above the current min wage and earns it.
But when I hire the next rookie with no experience they are going to have to learn real fast and work real hard.
I'm ok with the increase but my expectations are going up by 31%.

06-15-2017, 12:20 AM
After the initial up front cost of the Solo Series Self Serve Order Taking Kiosk, why does it cost $2.50/hr?

Bank machines, self check out, solo series self order....
You gotta be sweating if your job can be so easily replaced by a screen.

06-15-2017, 05:55 AM
After the initial up front cost of the Solo Series Self Serve Order Taking Kiosk, why does it cost $2.50/hr?

Bank machines, self check out, solo series self order....
You gotta be sweating if your job can be so easily replaced by a screen.'

The banks are already starting this. A CIBC branch in Bolton is being renovated to have nothing but bank machines, no more bank tellers.

06-15-2017, 09:53 AM
It took them 10 plus years to raise minimum from approx 8 bucks to 11.

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk

06-15-2017, 12:19 PM
It's no Solo Series Self Serve Kiosk, but kiss minimum wage stock-boy job goodbye.

Back in 2009, Sobeys found itself at a crossroads. Labour costs were rising, employee productivity was waning and the grocer knew that it had to keep building bigger distribution centres to accommodate the growing number of items being sold in its supermarkets. So instead of building out and hiring more workers, the national grocery chain built up and replaced many employees with robots.

06-15-2017, 01:38 PM
I visit a vast number of automation equipment manufacturers as well as facilities such as Don has shown above as part of my job, there is no doubt that the trend is moving very quickly to automating these types of tasks as quickly as possible.

If anyone is in the west end (Winston Churchill and the 407) and has seen the large expansion that is happening at Conestoga Cold Storage, all of that racking they are erecting is for fully automated pallet racking systems, with additional capacity in the thousands of pallets and maybe a few extra forklift driver jobs required.

06-15-2017, 02:07 PM
I'm already paying $15 plus even for beginners. Does that mean I have to give them a 31% raise to $20 and hour?

06-15-2017, 02:20 PM
No, it doesn't.

Clutt gt
06-15-2017, 02:54 PM
It doesn't mean you have too but let's face it.
A helpers position has always been just above min wage.
Why would I go dig holes and haul lumber for $15 with Steve or myself when I can go hide in the back of Home Depot and make $15 for less effort.
There you go starting wage for a helper now goes up. Maybe not 31% but it goes up.
And then your mid level guys want to make more.
So why shouldn't the lead hand make more.

Which I'm ok with as long as the jobs can pay for it.
But if everything goes up what have we changed.

Why wasn't the answer to help the lessor paid, maybe a tax break for lower incomes.
Nope the answer is to raise min wage and therefore collect more taxes. It's genius

Clutt gt
06-15-2017, 02:58 PM
It's like the she devil lays in bed looking for another way to generate income to make up for the over spending.

06-15-2017, 04:17 PM
Which I'm ok with as long as the jobs can pay for it.
But if everything goes up what have we changed.

Fack all...but, Wynne gets elected ....again...:mad-new:

06-29-2017, 10:14 PM
good win for the little guy.....glad its going up, the low income job worker is just as important to society as anyone else.

06-29-2017, 11:00 PM
good win for the little guy.....glad its going up, the low income job worker is just as important to society as anyone else.

Yup those fast food kids who fuck up your order every other time deserve a huge raise. Lol

06-30-2017, 08:01 AM
Yup those fast food kids who fuck up your order every other time deserve a huge raise. Lol

Might be good for us as consumers, I mean how long until those front line workers are replaced by self serve terminals?

06-30-2017, 08:07 AM
Already happening.

Don't eat out much but been to a couple McDonald's in the last month.
Both had between 4 and 6 new electronic order terminals and each only had one cashier working.

Stopped by Tims couple weeks ago and ordered a small coffee black with two sugar. It took her three tries to get the black with two sugar and I still ended up with a medium.

06-30-2017, 12:24 PM
You can't even live in this city at that wage. People need to realize that.Lot of my friends employ workers and are dreading the increase.They live in big houses and drive fancy cars,while there workers bus to work and rent apartment basements.Now I might be exaggerating a bit ,but I think greed is the only thing that companies think about.Big and small.If a robot was invented tomorrow,that could do most labor jobs,how many of us would be out of a job.How many of you would work for $15/H. Not many. If I have to pay 50cents more for my Tims ,I have no problem with that,even a Dollar more as long as I know the worker is better off,and a fellow human being isn't as bad off as before. Just my opinion.

Jack Raccoon!
06-30-2017, 12:33 PM
I'm already paying $15 plus even for beginners. Does that mean I have to give them a 31% raise to $20 and hour?Fuck me even I'll work for you for $20/hr...

06-30-2017, 03:22 PM
Really hate this topic.

Anyone remember reading a article last year about a single father with 3 kids workin minimum wage? Big sob story about how he needs help etc...

Motherfucker.. go to Home Depot, buy yourself a pouch and some tools and get to work. There is TONS of construction work in the GTA year round paying $32+ a hour.

If you think you deserve more than $12 a hour flipping burgers then your freakin delusional.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-30-2017, 04:06 PM
You can't even live in this city at that wage. People need to realize that.Lot of my friends employ workers and are dreading the increase.They live in big houses and drive fancy cars,while there workers bus to work and rent apartment basements.Now I might be exaggerating a bit ,but I think greed is the only thing that companies think about.Big and small.If a robot was invented tomorrow,that could do most labor jobs,how many of us would be out of a job.How many of you would work for $15/H. Not many. If I have to pay 50cents more for my Tims ,I have no problem with that,even a Dollar more as long as I know the worker is better off,and a fellow human being isn't as bad off as before. Just my opinion.

Yes you might be right you can't live in Toronto on 15 per hour. But here's the thing. Toronto is only part of the province. And wages change drastically once you leave the big cities.

I could move to Toronto and do the exact same work and make three times what I do in the rural area that I live in problem is the I would have to pay 5 times as much for my house and 3 times as much for property tax ect ect ect

Truth is 15 per hour is a decent wage In lot of areas of the province. As well as a currently very common wage
And it goes all the way up and business in a rural town is not going to make as much money as the same business in a pig city. So the small town guys have to charge less which means they can afoot to pay less

Sorry but your comment about business big and small being only about greed is closeminded and ignorant
Some of the ppl in small communities that do the most for their towns and neighbours is the small business owners.

Now they get screwed (again) because people CHOOSE to live in a place that they can't get a job to support them.

I know multiple business that are right. Ow hiring on the spot becasienthey can't find ppl to fill positions.

That is about to get harder.

Why do so many ppl thing they should get the same money for grunt work as the people who have put their lovelyhoods on the line to run a business?

So many people,without a clue on how the real world works. Thing they can just stop their feet and make demeans and everything will be handed to them.

06-30-2017, 04:59 PM

Clutt gt
06-30-2017, 05:48 PM
My helper received a raise today of $1 per hour. That is the second raise in the year that he has worked for me.
He received the raise because he earned it not because the government thinks he needs more money.
He received this raise by showing up on time every day (less one late and two sick days)
He had no previous experience and isn't the fastest learner but he gives it a good effort daily.
My previous 4 helpers could not pull this amazing feet off and managed to get replaced.

06-30-2017, 09:41 PM
My helper received a raise today of $1 per hour. That is the second raise in the year that he has worked for me.
He received the raise because he earned it not because the government thinks he needs more money.
He received this raise by showing up on time every day (less one late and two sick days)
He had no previous experience and isn't the fastest learner but he gives it a good effort daily.
My previous 4 helpers could not pull this amazing feet off and managed to get replaced.

Well said.

06-30-2017, 11:51 PM
Well said.


07-01-2017, 11:16 AM
Hard to live on your own with 15 per hour.
Especially in city.

07-01-2017, 02:50 PM
Yes you might be right you can't live in Toronto on 15 per hour. But here's the thing. Toronto is only part of the province. And wages change drastically once you leave the big cities.

I could move to Toronto and do the exact same work and make three times what I do in the rural area that I live in problem is the I would have to pay 5 times as much for my house and 3 times as much for property tax ect ect ect

Truth is 15 per hour is a decent wage In lot of areas of the province. As well as a currently very common wage
And it goes all the way up and business in a rural town is not going to make as much money as the same business in a pig city. So the small town guys have to charge less which means they can afoot to pay less

Sorry but your comment about business big and small being only about greed is closeminded and ignorant
Some of the ppl in small communities that do the most for their towns and neighbours is the small business owners.

Now they get screwed (again) because people CHOOSE to live in a place that they can't get a job to support them.

I know multiple business that are right. Ow hiring on the spot becasienthey can't find ppl to fill positions.

That is about to get harder.

Why do so many ppl thing they should get the same money for grunt work as the people who have put their lovelyhoods on the line to run a business?

So many people,without a clue on how the real world works. Thing they can just stop their feet and make demeans and everything will be handed to them.

I was talking in general,and about T.O.Your ignorant for assuming.This world has become all about greed. If its your kid or sister/brother working for under 15/h I'm sure you wouldn't want that,but if it's some one else,who cares.We need to be better human beings ,to all other human beings. IMO . The Human race could be much better off,if it wasn't for the "Monetary System",and no I'm not a" communist",just a dreamer.

07-01-2017, 07:45 PM
My brother does make less than 15 per hour. I run a business and only make about 20.
Nothing to go rant about it on my part.
People seem to want the world but the reality is that money has to come from somewhere.
Yes there are big companies who make millions that can afford to pay more. But there are far more little companies that can't

These little companies. Hire employees. Support charities and little leauge teens pay more in taxes than the average person comprehends. But yes let's force them to pay more again. Not like they are not a huge part of the economy

07-02-2017, 12:02 PM
My brother does make less than 15 per hour. I run a business and only make about 20.
Nothing to go rant about it on my part.
People seem to want the world but the reality is that money has to come from somewhere.
Yes there are big companies who make millions that can afford to pay more. But there are far more little companies that can't

These little companies. Hire employees. Support charities and little leauge teens pay more in taxes than the average person comprehends. But yes let's force them to pay more again. Not like they are not a huge part of the economy

Meh... isn't it something like only 5% of the worlds money is actual cash? Yeah...

07-02-2017, 12:36 PM
Meh... isn't it something like only 5% of the worlds money is actual cash? Yeah...

People still need to be payed cash.

Think I could look at my employees and say "hey only 5% of the worlds money is actual cash so today I'm gonna pay you in buttons"

Point is To pay more alot of business's would have to charge more. Charging more means they are less competitive with the big stores that everyone claimed to hate but everyone still shops at. Which means a small business now being forced to pay more has two choices. They pay more and cut cost some we're else ormthe raise rates and hope that can remain competitive.

I'll use my self as an example. Small business in a small town. 6 employees two of those being my wife and I
In the least 4 years we have made a whopping 5 grand in profits. That over all costs and wages.
Some people's first reaction is why are you in business

Well we are new. Still paying a lot of dept off that comes with starting your own business. In another ten years when that debt is payed off there will be More profit. For now things are tight and we make a lot of sacrifices. To be able to work for ourselves and see this dream a reality.

My wife an I make about 100000 before tax combined. That's it. Seems like a small number to a lot of big city people.
Keep in mind I payed $100000 for my house. 2 story brick on about a 1/4 of an acre. Property taxes are lower ext ext so we make sacrifices and do okay on $100000 per year

My other employees make 16 per hour, two at 15 and one at 14.

So what's a 15 dollar an hour raise mean for my business?
Already a lot of people saying that if minimum goes up 3 bucks per hour then they would expect the same otherwise get an easier job that payed the same amount so I'm looking at 3 per hour raise for each employees to stay inline with the minimum jump. That's an extra 20k per year in need to com up with to cover the increased wages

So since I average a little more than $1000 profit per year for the last 4 years. How am I suppose to come up with an extra 20k per Year?
I can raise rates. But I know that will cost me because people already drive an hour to the city to save $10 on a 1500 dollar fridge.

Do I take it out of my wife and my wage?

So now my family has to take a pay cut of 20grand a year even though I'm the one with all the risk in the business
Or do I shut the doors and put everyone out of work?

This is the unfortunate reality of a lot of small business across the province.

But we get told time and time again that we are greedy. Yeah that feels really good.

07-17-2017, 07:50 AM
I’ve always taught my kids to think critically and do their homework.
In a world where news is being spouted as gospel truth, you have to do your own research to separate fact from spin. That is exactly what I did when I saw a group of 53 so-called economic experts were backing the Government of Ontario’s proposed 31% increase to the province’s minimum wage.
Premier Kathleen Wynne’s plan to dramatically boost Ontario’s base wage from $11.40 an hour to $15 by 2019 came as a shock to many in my coalition. I have been inundated with calls and emails from desperate business owners who are beside themselves that the Premier could announce this policy without a proper study on the devastating effects it will have on business in this province.
Apparently we business owners are simply out of the loop. It seems that encouraging the Wynne Liberals to press ahead with this policy are 53 academics, unions and pressure groups.
Their letter, which they all signed and the Toronto Star reported last week, says opposition from business owners — like me — is nothing but “fear mongering” and the increase makes “good economic sense.” It doesn’t matter that a sudden jump in labour costs will make Ontario businesses, already struggling with rising energy prices, even less competitive.
But who are these experts? And have any of them ever met a business payroll?
The Star didn’t say. Instead, it called the 53 people that signed the letter “economic experts.”
That’s one way of putting it.
I did my own research and a quick review of the gang of 53 reveals 30 of them don’t even live in Ontario. And it would be more accurate to describe those who do live here as political advocates, not experts.
Here is what I found out. If you look at the list of signatories not one is from the private sector. That’s right, of the list of 53 economist 39 are from academia, 6 are from the Centre for Policy Alternatives, 6 are from big unions and one is a public economist.
Of the 23 in Ontario, four represent unions — two with Unifor, and one each from the Canadian Labour Congress and Canadian Union of Public Employees. One more represents Ontario’s Confederation of University Faculty Associations — a bureaucratic organization if there ever was one.
Another four work for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives — a union-backed organization that favours higher taxes, bigger deficits and more union control. This organization has a long history of being antagonistic to business concerns and indifferent to Ontario’s competitiveness with its trading partners.
In all, nine of the 23 in Ontario are in bed with unions that want higher minimum wages — hardly independent experts on economic issues.
That leaves 14 Ontario academics, which would be a respectable number except only five of them appear to be non-political. A deeper dive of the bios of these academic shows fields of specialization like “Marxian economics.” Others specialize in inequality and social exclusions.
I wondered if the average citizen would accept their belief as gospel if they understood the lens through which the majority of this group views the world.
At least six endorsed NDP candidate and far-left activist Linda McQuaig when she ran for a seat in Parliament. One of these, works for the Broadbent Institute, which is the NDP’s unofficial research group. Another long-time activist is a senior policy advisor at the Broadbent Institute and, until 2012, an employee at the Canadian Labour Congress, the country’s largest union.
Yup, that’s fair and balanced. And there’s more bias.
What is most revealing by the union–McQuaig support is that Wynne’s minimum wage proposal is so far outside the economic mainstream that her government’s loudest supporters are traditional left-wing New Democrat activists. Premier Wynne is abandoning the economic middle-ground.
The average business owner in Ontario who puts their blood, sweat and tears into their business, and who is invested in this province, is sick of out of touch policy makers telling them how to run their business.
There is a valuable lesson to be learned from all of this and Kathleen Wynne and her academic cronies should take notes. Unless they do, there will be few manufacturers and businesses left open in this province.
Jocelyn Bamford, Founder, Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Ontario