View Full Version : Ya we can trust she won't screw it up...................NOT!!!

05-02-2017, 07:22 AM
Premier Kathleen Wynne guarantees a new bill before the legislature on photo radar will not be used anywhere but in school zones.
Wynne made the promise to Toronto Sun editor emeritus Lorrie Goldstein on Newstalk 1010 Monday morning.
Goldstein, holding a copy of Monday’s Toronto Sun, was a panellist on a show hosted by John Moore when he challenged the premier on PC MPP Michael Harris’s assertion in a story by Antonella Artuso (http://www.torontosun.com/2017/04/30/conservative-mpp-wants-proposed-bill-allowing-potential-photo-radar-on-highways-altered) that this bill could lead to digital speed traps everywhere.
The premier insisted the new measure is for school zones only.
“That’s not going to happen and you and I know it,” Wynne said. “It’s about keeping kids safe.”
But Harris said he’s still skeptical it will be restricted to school areas.
“Through Bill 65, Kathleen Wynne is allowing photo radar to be placed on expressways, parkways, roads and highways right across the province,” he said Monday. “This will happen when municipalities pass a simply bylaw following the royal assent of this bill here.”
Transportation Minister Steven Del Duca dismissed the concern about photo radar creep.
“I think that the Conservative Party putting forward the notion that somehow municipalities would embark on a very bizarre approach to expanding community safety zones, that they can use photo radar sort of at will is conflating the issue,” he said.
Municipalities have told the city that they want this to protect vulnerable pedestrians, he said.
Harris has said the law does not define a community safety zone, essentially leaving it up to municipalities to decide where to put photo radar.

05-02-2017, 07:41 AM

05-02-2017, 07:45 AM
You know full well it'll end up everyone yet again.
I do however applaud it's use in school zones, should be zero zero zero tolerance. In the same breath, if radar was enforced in school zones vs most of the chicken shit places we find them (speed transition zones etc) we'd not need photo radar in the first place. Guess it's just too politically incorrect to have mom or dad receiving a ticket while dropping off lil Jimmy n Joan.

05-02-2017, 08:30 AM
It'll be just like old times. Massive brake checks leading to multi car pile ups on the 401 again (remember that huge one out Cambridge way when a driver turned the brake pedal inside when he thought he was coming up on a photo radar van at the side of the road??).

05-02-2017, 08:37 AM
yup......she should give up on this....didn't work before......don't waste time and $$$$ again. Oh....our money!!!

05-02-2017, 08:57 AM
“It’s about keeping kids safe.”-Wynne


Usually something like this is a knee-jerk reaction to an event or event, i.e. kids getting run over in school zones by speeding cars.
Since I can't recall any recent incidents, I can only assume this is nothing more than a money grab.

05-02-2017, 09:25 AM
She is trying to sway/buy votes as usual. JMO

05-02-2017, 09:30 AM
I work for the school boards....i know how many schools there are....there is no way she can do this.....to many schools.....to much $$$$